Starting 2019 Strong: A third award from Clutch
Over the course of 2018, our partnership with Clutch has been a close one. We’ve worked with this leading ratings and reviews firm to collect client feedback and gain insight on what we do best and, more importantly, what we could do better.
So far, this close partnership and our tight client relationships have helped us earn a place on two of Clutch’s awards lists. Now, we’re finishing 2018 with a final award as the Clutch team announces the top design and branding agencies across their platform. We couldn’t be more grateful to our clients who have taken the time to speak with Clutch about our work together, giving the platform the proof they needed to rank Stevens & Tate among the top.
Your Company’s Core Values Play a Role in Developing Your Brand Story
As we look to the next year, we’re confident that our client relationships will become more close-knit than ever, and we’ll maintain the same unique approach to every client challenge that has earned us a place as one of the top advertising agencies in Chicago and beyond.

The landscape of the Internet is ever changing and Nicole has the energy and aptitude to keep Stevens & Tate Marketing out in front of the pack. She leads an enthusiastic team in strategic planning, development, search engine marketing, online promotions and advertising for the web.