Homebuilder Marketing: Target Your Homebuyers With A New Media Mix

When pursuing new homebuyers, it’s important to think about their mindset and the tools available for marketing to them during various stages of the buying cycle. Consumers act—and react—differently depending on where they are in the buying process. Radio, TV, magazines, and billboards all can be effective ways to deliver your brand to the masses. But no matter how creative or compelling, your message may be lost if it doesn’t reach those who are ready to receive it. That’s why today, your outreach marketing should concentrate on home shoppers—those defined as actively looking for a home, and prospects—those who have made contact with you either by visiting your sales center or registering online.

Get On The List

Once you grab their attention, turn home shoppers into prospects by “getting on the list” of builders they learn about and visit. When shoppers engage in research online, it’s a very powerful moment…you have their interest. This makes online marketing an effective way to reach your core audience. A mix of search, listings and display ads work best, since each serves a different purpose. Your message in each medium is crucial and impacts click-through rates and cost per visit. Targeted print, billboards and social media programs can entice interaction, too. With consumers busier than ever, make sure your website is mobile friendly so home shoppers can receive information on the go. And develop new ways to encourage shoppers to register online to convert them into prospects.

Want to learn more about real estate marketing? Check out this article here.

Stay On The List

Once you’re on the list, make sure you “stay on the list.” Communicate to prospects in your database via phone, direct mail and email. Establish a structured program to correspond with them beyond the salesperson keeping in touch…like a series of emails that educate on your company, its strengths and its values. And make it easy for your customers to stay connected with a text message option for your mobile opt-ins.

Referrals absolutely should be a part of your marketing program, as well. With social media, it’s easier than ever to stay in contact with your homeowners and create an online community where your owners can share their positive experiences. Newsletters and educational emails are other ways to stay in touch with past and present owners.

If you want to convert home shoppers into prospects—and ultimately into homeowners—find an agency partner that knows how to build your message through online and email.

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