The Connection Between Search Engine Marketing and Social Media: How They Go Hand-in-Hand to Enhance Results

It may not be surprising that search engine marketing is the greatest way to drive traffic to your website. In fact, take a look at your website analytics right now and I can almost guarantee that search engines are among the top five producers of website traffic. Now consider this: social media—overall content, interactions, and links about your brand—plays a significant part in the search engines’ algorithms to determine search ranking results. So, even if you have questioned using social media as part of your attraction marketing strategy before, I urge to you to look more closely at the impact you could make to your brand by getting involved in social to help your search engine results.

Obviously, the goal of search engine marketing is to help make your brand show up in top rankings within the search engines when people conduct queries. There are a few key actions that you can take to help make this happen. This includes:

  1. Making sure the backend code of your website is properly optimized
  2. Enhancing your website with current, relevant content—this is a significant factor in rankings
  3. Refreshing and updating your website content frequently
  4. Including more links from outside, reputable sources that link back to your website
  5. How often your website is shared in social media
  6. How often people visit your website from social media

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New 5 unique packaging

5 Unique Household Packaging Designs You’ll Never Expect

Mark Beebe | October 23, 2013 | Stevens & Tate

Have you ever heard the phrase “Don’t judge a book by its cover?” These days product packaging has become so intricate and unique that it can entice customers to purchase the product. The new wave of product packaging and design has a big impact on sales. You could put every piece of product in a brown box and call it a day; this is why product packaging takes much deliberation and creativity to get it perfect. Who knows, maybe the packaging alone could be the driving force of the sale. Read more