How To Outshine Your Competition with Effective Ecommerce Marketing
While not all businesses have an e-commerce page, many do. If you’re selling products or services online, you’ll want to make sure that you have an effective ecommerce marketing strategies. If you don’t, it’s going to be difficult to stand out from all the other e-commerce sites out there. Through the use of digital marketing strategies, you can build awareness of your ecommerce page as well as generate more traffic. Thereby, you can improve your chances of closing sales. The following are a number of effective ecommerce marketing tips that will help you do just that:
Ecommerce Marketing Tips
Diversify Your Social Media Presence:
One of the big challenges of ecommerce marketing is figuring out what social media platforms work best for certain markets. You won’t want to pour all of your resources into one or two social media platforms, only to realize that they are ineffective for your e-commerce site. Instead, diversify. Establish a presence on several social channels and use analytics to determine which platforms are successful and which aren’t. Finally, ditch those that don’t work and focus on those that do.
Create Original Content:
Some companies will use existing content because they want to focus more on other business tasks. However, unique content is much more likely to have an impact on potential customers. Creating original content will help improve engagement with prospects, and bring more potential customers to your e-commerce page. Additionally, you can use the content you create to teach consumers about your products and services.
Personalize Your Content:
Personalizing content, such as the emails you send to your leads, can contribute to an increase in revenue. This is because content will be more engaging if you address the lead by name, and tailor content to meet their needs by using collected information. If it feels like you’re actually writing to your leads, and not just sending out advertisements to everyone on your email list, you’ll be more likely to capture their attention and improve your odds of conversion.
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Implement A Loyalty Program:
As focused as you may be on finding new customers, don’t forget about your existing customers. The majority of your revenue will come from regular customers. Regular customers are important because they are more likely to act as brand ambassadors that can help drive more potential customers to your site. Implement a loyalty program that rewards them for their business. This can include offering special promotions based on their purchase history, or offering some sort of reward point program.
Optimize For Mobile Use:
Many customers shop for products and services on their mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets. It’s also how they consume content and engage on social media. If your e-commerce site isn’t optimized for mobile use, you will miss out on a significant number of potential customers.
Automate Social Networks:
To successfully leverage social media and bring in more customers, you’ll need to have much more than just a social presence. You’ll also need to engage on a regular basis by posting content regularly. Otherwise, followers will forget about you and your social presence will become irrelevant. However, this can be quite time-consuming, which is why you should automate some of your social media tasks. For example, you can use automation tools to post content at specific times based on your schedule.
Digital marketing is a must for any business that maintains an e-commerce site if they want to stand out. These are six marketing tips for ecommerce you should follow to improve your ability to attract and retain customers.

Terry offers over 15 years experience providing web, video design/production and print, as well as marketing and advertising. Battle-tested with regard to client needs. Diversity and understanding in skill set, constant exploration of new technologies, and a passion for personal education. Proven competence and knowledge in the entertainment, healthcare, beauty, sports and real estate industries.