marketing automation software

Top Key Benefits of Marketing Automation vs. Email Marketing

It is a common misconception that marketing automation and email marketing are essentially the same thing. In email marketing, you build an email list and then start sending out emails to market your business. You get statistics back showing how many people opened the email and which ones clicked through to your offer. While the information that email marketing is important, it pales in comparison to the features and benefits of marketing automation.

Marketing Automation vs. Email Marketing

How Marketing Automation Benefits Your Business

Email marketing systems have a very limited scope when compared to marketing automation systems. The email systems allow you to send mass emails out to your marketing list. Then, you get reports on how well the emails worked. But, that’s really all there is to it.

A marketing automation system gives you those same features and so much more.

With an email marketing system, you have to build your landing pages and web forms in a completely different system. In contrast, you can build both within a marketing automation system. This built-in integration makes building your marketing campaign much simpler. Plus, it gives you automatic reporting that is not available with an email marketing system.

Automatic marketing systems allow you to directly integrate your email marketing with other types of marketing for your business such as direct mail and social media. This streamlines your marketing efforts and allows you to do much more without the need to replicate efforts in multiple systems.

Also Read: Interactive Email Marketing Trends

A powerful benefit of marketing automation is the power it gives you over your lead information. The software helps you avoid duplication of leads. It also helps normalize the data, making your marketing even easier. The software allows you to score leads based on any number of criteria. You can also recycle and nurture leads throughout the sales process.

The marketing automation software provides reporting on the impact of each marketing effort on your company’s revenue. It allows you to monitor website activity and even tracks IP addresses from anonymous website traffic. It can integrate various data directories to help fill in contact information.

With the data gathered and synthesized in the marketing automation system, you can provide your sales team with qualified leads who are ready to make the purchase decision. This will drastically reduce the amount of time spent talking to leads who are not at that critical point. It will also simultaneously focus your sales team’s efforts and improve your sales numbers.

Using the information provided by the marketing automation system, you can build multi-stage marketing campaigns across any number of channels with ease, You no longer need multiple tools to get the job done. This means you can get things done faster and make adjustments as needed.

These are not benefits you can get with limited email marketing software.

How Your Business Can Benefit from Marketing Automation

If you are ready to bring your business to the next level of marketing, you need to bring the benefits of marketing automation into your company. Give us a call here at the Stevens-Tate team.

Free Marketing Consultation

website redesign process

Do You Need to Redesign Your Website?

If your website has sat untouched for more than a few years, then there’s a good chance that it might be in need of an overhaul. Your website should be continually bringing in new leads, increasing your brand awareness and establishing your brand authority. If your website isn’t currently doing these things, then you’re not only limiting your ability to grow; you’re also helping your competitors as a direct result.

When To Redesign Website

If you’re wondering if you need a website redesign, then you’ll want to look for specific reasons that show your website needs improvements. The following are some major reasons to know when to redesign your website:

Your brand has undergone change

It’s not uncommon for a company to undergo a change in branding. This can happen if the company changes ownership or has changed direction; for example, to concentrate on a more niche market or to target a different audience. If your brand has changed, your website needs to reflect this. Keep in mind that your brand identity consists of much more than just your offerings or your logo. It’s your company’s narrative. Brand storytelling is how you get your audience to connect with you and to relate to you. Because of this, it needs to be prevalent throughout your site.

Your website ranks poorly

Every website receives rankings from Google. These rankings determine your site’s exposure on Google’s search engine results pages (SERP). Google uses its rankings to ensure that its users are provided with search results that are relevant and of high quality. The higher your ranking is, the more exposure you’ll have to people searching for topics relevant to your site. If your site ranks poorly, it means that you’re getting little exposure. This will also limit how much traffic your website will receive. Your redesign needs to implement the best practices of search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure a strong ranking.

Here are ten ways to use Google Trends to increase your SEO

Your website user-experience needs improvement 

Some of the factors that influence your website’s user-experience include how long it takes your webpages to load and how easy your site is to navigate. If your pages take too long to load or your visitors don’t know how to find what they are looking for, they’re likely to leave. Additionally, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, it’s going to affect the way that your site is displayed on mobile devices. A lack of mobile optimization makes it difficult for mobile users to browse through your site.

Also Read: The Importance of Having a Mobile Optimized Website

Your website could improve its conversion rate 

If the ratio of purchases and opt-ins to your number of visitors is lower than you would like it to be, then there’s likely an issue with how your site is addressing each stage of the sales funnel. Your website should nurture visitors at every stage, whether they are looking for information about your company or product or whether they are ready to make a purchase. You should also have calls-to-action that are relevant to each page and that help drive your leads to convert.

Your website could use an updated look 

Aesthetics matter. The look of your website is going to leave a big first impression on your visitors. Consider the look of some of the websites you use on a regular basis. Today’s websites have generally moved to a cleaner and more elegant look.

You don’t regularly update your website

Your website generates all kinds of useful data you can leverage to improve your website’s design and adjust your marketing strategies. By implementing a growth-driven design model, you can continually update your website based on your website data, which you can gather using analytics. This will also allow you to focus your resources on areas where it will benefit your brand the most and to adjust strategies that aren’t working.

Want more resources on how to redesign your website? Click here!

  25 Website Must Haves For Driving Traffic, Leads & Sales

Mobile Market

Ten Ways to Use Google Trends to Increase SEO

Most people love free SEO tools. Google Trends is one of the most underused free tools; it is a place marketers can use to get their finger on the global pulse. Increase SEO using Google Trends in the following ten ways.

1.    Start Big and Narrow Down

The latest Google Trends dashboard is much simpler and allows you to explore various topics before narrowing down. Therefore, begin by entering a broad or all-encompassing keyword and then drill down. For example, the Worldwide feature allows you to focus on a certain market geographically. The word umbrella will peak at different times depending on the location. You can also filter your search by time selection and category, enabling you to increase SEO by targeting a wider region.

2.    Use Specific Search Options

Get advanced insights using options like image search, Google Shopping or news search. Digging deeper into your queries can increase your chances of identifying a new trend. You can also click Rising to see the top keywords.

3.    Context is Key

Google Trends operates in a relativistic manner. Today’s results are not compared with popular trends; rather, with the prior keywords you entered, meaning results vary according to various factors like timeframe. Therefore, never overlook the context and avoid personal blind spots when trying to increase SEO.

4.    Target by Location

A cursory use of the tool usually focuses exclusively on keywords. To get the most relevant results, incorporate location into your mix. Focus on specific and relevant regions and sub-regions.

How Your SEO Benefits From A Long Term Strategy

5.    Trend Predictions

It is easy to identify trends that leave a trail, but that is not very helpful as most marketers are using that data. Predict trends to gain additional insights. Identify potential trends by filtering according to specific countries or categories. Today’s  health story may not be a headline on Google Trends; however, it may help you spot topics to watch out for.

6.    Use Long-Tail Phrases

It may be difficult to rank high on the SERPs for a phrase like “Caribbean Cruise”, but you can make it to the top of the search results using a long-tail variation of this phrase.

7.    Use Top Chartsincrease SEO

Click on the Top Charts icon on the upper left to view Google’s version of Billboard Top 100. Do not confuse it with the trends most individuals are seeing. You can sort between Most Searched and Trending to glean more relevant information.

8.    Video Optimization Data

For example, if you posted a video on YouTube about how to avail discounts on Caribbean cruises, you can switch from web to YouTube search to explore related topics and queries. You can also sort by Rising or Top to capture more YouTube traffic.

If you are optimizing your wedding boutique, even a simple search will reveal that most weddings do not compete with holidays. With some aforementioned strategies, you can determine a few additional keywords to carefully direct your future posts to better handle each cyclical trend.

10.    Avoid Misreading the Trends

Advanced and sophisticated use of Google Trends allows you to move a step or two beyond your current insight to determine if there are any blind spots. For example, never trust one snapshot to tell you the whole story; instead, get a broad view of different timelines to figure out what else is happening.


marketing dashboard

The Importance of Implementing a Marketing Dashboard

At this point in time, most businesses realize how important data is and how analyzing the data that they collect can provide valuable insight into the performance of their marketing tactics as well as into how their audience behaves. The challenge lies in making those metrics easy to access and easy to read for everyone in your company. Fortunately, tracking data is easier than ever with the use of dashboards.

What Is Marketing Dashboard?

Marketing Dashboard is an app or platform that collect all of your KPIs (key performance indicators) and critical metrics onto one easy-to-read display. The information is pulled from multiple data sources, often both internal and external. The data displayed on a dashboard can be viewed at any time and in real time. Essentially, they act as real-time reports, eliminating the need to wait until the end of the month to receive an analytics report from your marketing department.


marketing dashboard for social media

There are tons of different tactics dashboards out there that you can integrate into your system. This can range from email dashboards and website dashboards to search dashboards and social media metric dashboards. While these types of dashboards are often effective in displaying certain metrics, they don’t typically paint a whole picture. They may show you how your tactics are performing individually, but they don’t show you how they are impacting your company’s revenue cycle. It’s why you should implement a marketing dashboard.

The Benefits Of Implementing Marketing Dashboard

Tactics dashboards can be useful in that they showcase soft metrics (engagement, awareness, interactions, etc.). However, you’ll want a dashboard that can also display hard metrics (such as the internal rate of return and the net present value of your current campaigns) along with online marketing metrics (such as bounce rate, total visits, click-through rates, etc.). It’s why you’ll want to use a marketing dashboard. The following are just a few more reasons why integrating a marketing dashboard will be hugely beneficial for your business:

The Power of an Influencer Marketing Strategy: How and Why It Works

Customize your dashboard to your needs

Instead of being limited by tactics dashboards, a marketing dashboard allows you to customize which metrics are displayed. You can then pull what you deem to be the most important of your social media, email, and search metrics so that they are visually represented on one single display.

Track the performance of your marketing efforts

A properly optimized marketing dashboard will make it easy to see how your marketing efforts are performing in real time. This can be from engagement on social media to lead generation on your website. Not only can you identify how individual tactics are faring based on your KPIs and metrics, but you’ll get an idea of how well your overall strategies are performing as well.

Keep your team on the same page

One of the challenges of running a business is that many of your employees aren’t always on the same page. If everyone has access to your marketing dashboard, everyone can see what’s working and what isn’t. This makes it easy for company-wide communication to take place. This can result in more effective adjustments to marketing and sales strategies to improve performance.

Allow for more informed decision making

Being able to see how your marketing campaign is performing in real time allows you to make adjustments to your strategies and tactics on the fly. In theMarketing Dashboardpast, simple reporting would only tell you how you’ve done. The use of marketing dashboards gives you the chance to make more informed decisions on a daily basis. In turn, this can reduce the cost of your marketing efforts and improve their impact on your revenue cycle.

While a marketing dashboard can be considered a real-time report of your marketing activities, it’s much more than that–it’s a decision-making tool. The potential success of future marketing campaigns depends heavily on your ability to collect and analyze your company’s most important metrics and KPIs and determine how your marketing efforts are affecting your revenue cycle. The best way to do this is by integrating, customizing, and optimizing a marketing dashboard.

Integrating Social Media & SEO Efforts For Enhanced Search Engine Results

How Your Web Page Speed Effects Your SEO and Google Ads Performance

For companies that already advertise to prospective customers on mobile devices, or who have organic search presence, there are numerous elements of their online presence that need to be checked, tested, and, where appropriate, changed. Implementing a robust SEO strategy is crucial to ensure visibility and competitiveness in the digital landscape. Knowing how to optimize your mobile site for speed will make all the difference to your search engine rankings.

The Importance of Testing Site Speed

The changes are going to make knowing the speed of a mobile site essential. Many tools permit site owners to determine their page speed to see whether enhancements are needed. Most of the tools that are available to test speeds are free and do not require administrator access to the website in question. That means that companies can check their competitors’ sites as well as their own.

Adjusting Mobile SEO Strategy for Google’s Speed Update

One such change that companies should consider is switching to Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). An AMP works by altering the source code of the website, thus directing the standard HTML page to a minimalist version of itself, the hosted AMP page. As AMPs are still so rare, they load exceptionally quickly. In initial Google testing, AMPs reduced load time up to 85%.
Local search should not be ignored, either. A Google Mobile Moments Study revealed that 40% of mobile searches have local intent. Companies also need to be aware that mobile search engine users enter queries differently than desktop search engine users; mobile queries tend to be much shorter.

Leveraging Search Console is a fantastic way to check in on a site’s usability. Using the following options under “Crawl Errors” can make a significant difference to usability:

  • Smartphone tab – It allows users to recognize any crawl errors that might be burdening their mobile pages
  • Fetch on Google – It allows users to to see how crawlers view the site and adjust accordingly for better indexing and ranking in search results.
  • Mobile Usability report –  It precisely informs users about pages with mobile usability issues, along with detailing the nature of these issues.

How Will Google’s Speed Update Impact Your Google Ads Account?

The Quality Score algorithm, the algorithm that determines how much users pay per click to serve an ad on the Search Network, is heavily influenced by landing page experience. If a company’s site does not load quickly and does not convey beneficial information, the company will either end up paying a premium or realize that they are unable to serve an ad at all.

The Google Ads documentation recommends five ways to affect positive change regarding a site’s landing page experience:

  • Include relevant, compelling content
  • Be recognized as trustworthy
  • Make navigation simple and effective
  • Reduce load time
  • Make the website faster

In Conclusion

Google Ad users need to ensure they optimize for load time and landing page speed, and not just in terms of relevance. Companies should also contemplate making a move to AMP, ensure that their intent is on point, and make the most of the power of Search Console and page speed insights.

30 Greatest Lead Generation Tips

visual storytelling

Visual Storytelling Techniques That Will Take You To The Next Level

Not only has video content become incredibly easy to consume due to the quality of smartphones and tablets, but it’s become much easier — and affordable — to produce as well. Considering the fact that 72 percent of consumers would prefer to learn about products or services via video and that the average consumer watches around 1.5 hours of video a day, your marketing campaign needs to have a video content marketing strategy.

However, your video content will only be effective if it’s of high quality. The following are ten visual storytelling techniques and promotion tips that you should keep in mind:

Top 10 Visual Storytelling Techniques

5 Storytelling Techniques You Should Use For Your Marketing Efforts.

  1. Maintain a single POV

    Make sure that your video focuses on a single idea or message and that you don’t stray off topic or else you’ll lose the attention of your viewers.

  2. Be human

    Use emotion to connect with your audience. A video full of dry facts with no personal point of view isn’t going to be very engaging. Additionally, showcase actual people in your videos so that your viewers have someone to relate to.

  3. Be memorable

    If there’s nothing memorable about your video, then it will fail to impress. Viewers are less likely to share video content that hasn’t made much of an impact on them as well, so strive to make content that is memorable in some way.

  4. Be more visual than verbal

    Video is a visual medium, so instead of just showing a talking head explaining your message, tell your message in a visual manner. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words.

  5. Start with what’s real

    It can be easy to get wrapped up in the visual style of your content, but substance will always trump style. Begin with what’s real and use that as the foundation for your video. The video’s style should be the unique way in which you convey that message to your viewers.

  6. Make it compelling

    Remember who your target audience is in order to create video content that they will find relevant and interesting. If you aren’t targeting the right audience, your video content won’t end up being compelling, no matter how well produced it is.

  7. Optimize your videos

    Don’t forget to optimize your videos by using strong keywords and links in your titles and descriptions.

  8. Use strong CTAs

    Just like written content, video content should have calls-to-action at the end to encourage your viewers to do what you want them to do.

    Also Read: 3 Helpful Tips To Improve Your CTAs To Generate More Leads

  9. Use YouTube

    YouTube has over 1.8 billion monthly users. You can’t ignore an audience that big, so be sure to post your videos on YouTube.

  10. Share your videos

    Promote your videos by sharing them on all of your social channels to help attract more viewers.

Using visual storytelling techniques will help audiences connect with your video content and make them more likely to engage. Just remember that all the visual storytelling techniques in the world won’t work if your videos aren’t being watched, which is why promoting your video content is important as well.

30 Greatest Lead Generation Tips

Artificial Intelligence Pros and Cons

Considering The Pros and Cons of Using Artificial Intelligence In Marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more prominent across all industries. The uses of AI range from manufacturing incredibly complex microchips, to driving unmanned vehicles. However, it’s also used in a more behind-the-scenes capacity. For example, businesses use AI tools to help collect and analyze customer data as well as to engage with customers and prospects on their website and social media channels. It’s important to understand that there are artificial intelligence pros and cons. The following are a few of the artificial intelligence pros and cons that you should keep in mind:

AI lightbulb

The Pros Of Artificial Intelligence

These are just a few of the benefits of using AI:

  • Personalize interactions – AI tools can collect user information and behaviors of a customer or lead to execute specific actions. For example, if a customer buys a product, AI can automatically send them an email not only thanking them for their purchase but recommending a similar product. A good example of this is Netflix. Netflix uses a complex algorithm to personalize their user experience by recommending movies and shows based on their watch history. You can also use AI to send leads dynamic content that’s based on their specific behavior and information.
  • Improve marketing efficiency – The use of AI can help eliminate mundane and time-consuming tasks. Delegating repetitive tasks like data entry, basic customer inquiries, and preliminary lead qualification to AI frees up time for your marketing and sales teams. The teams can then use this time to focus on more important matters. Additionally, AI tools allow you to collect vast amounts of data that you would never be able to manually sort and analyze. This means that by using AI, you can make faster and better decisions based on accurate, real-time information.
  • Reduce costs – Not only does saving time help reduce costs, but it can also save money on staffing. For example, the use of chatbots means that you don’t need as many customer representatives on standby. The use of AI can also help eliminate errors. Humans are more likely to make mistakes that can be costly when performing repetitive tasks due to boredom. AI tools eliminate the risk of potentially expensive errors in tasks such as these.

Also Read: Empowering and Transforming Digital Marketing with AI

pros and cons word bubbles

The Cons Of Artificial Intelligence

The following are some of the current drawbacks of AI:

  • Many customers still prefer human interaction – Chatbots can help provide people with answers to basic questions. You can even personalize the interactions to some extent. No customer is going to mistake a chatbot for an actual human, though. Many customers will prefer to speak to an actual human instead of speaking to a chatbot.
  • Fewer jobs – Because you may not need as big of a staff due to the use of AI, it means you won’t be employing as many people as you would have otherwise. Just keep in mind that even though AI has cost people some jobs, in the long term, it has and will create more jobs as well.
  • AI can only make logic-based decisions – There have been cases where companies have performed actions that seemed callous as a result of AI. For example, Uber operates on an AI tool that determines how much rates will be based on supply and demand. When there’s a big demand, rates go up. When a shooting and hostage situation occurred in Sydney, Australia, a few years back, people in the area tried to leave via Ubers. Uber’s rates went up automatically, which made them seem cold-hearted. Uber received bad press because of the incident.

These are a few artificial intelligence pros and cons to keep in mind. As you can see, the use of AI can greatly benefit your marketing strategy; however, it’s important not to over-rely on your AI tools as there are still some limitations as well.


Website Redesign Checklist
New call-to-action

Digital Communication Tools to Help Build a Human Brand

The success of your brand depends on much more than just convincing a potential customer to try your product. In the past, the customer experience has been based solely around the product being offered. These days, you need to look at the big picture. It’s not just about the customer experience in regards to your product. Instead, it’s about the emotional connection that customers are able to form with your brand.

Customers don’t just want a product, they want a relationship with the brand that is selling them that product. You need to focus on fostering an emotional connection with them instead of just trying to build awareness for a certain product. Fortunately, building an emotional connection with your audience is easier than ever before with the number of digital communication tools that are at your disposal.

relationship communication heart shape hands

The Importance Of An Emotional Connection

Customers are more than just transactions or data points. They are human beings with hopes, dreams, and feelings. In a world where their product choices are practically limitless, they will want much more out of a brand. They do not want to engage with a corporation. Customers want to engage with a brand that relates to them on a personal level. Their desire to have a connection with a brand in a world with product options that are virtually limitless is not surprising. A brand that is able to touch their customers emotionally is going to make their customers more engaged.

There are many ways that you can achieve this, like reinforcing the beliefs or perspective of your audience, supporting the goals or perspective of your audience, or challenging your audience to do greater things.

5 Marketing Tactics You Should Be Using in 2019

How Digital Communication Tools Can Help Foster An Emotional Connection

Engaging on an emotional level with your audience is easier than it’s ever been, as long as you make the effort to do so. The following are just a few ways that digital communication tools can help you to connect with your audience emotionally and to build meaningful relationships with them:

  • person looking at digital communication

    Video content

    When it comes to content, few other forms are able to engage audiences on an emotional level like video content. There are numerous reasons for this. Firstly, people consume visual content much more easily than written content. They also consume visual content much more quickly than written content. Secondly, you can use actors or even real figures that audiences can relate to on a personal level. This will create a sense of empathy and connection. Thirdly, you can emphasize certain emotions much more effectively through video. The color grading, visual style, and cinematography of the video all help set the emotional tone. The sound effects and music used in the video further enhance its emotional impact. They can also be used to create atmospheres that evoke certain feelings. YouTube is the most popular platform for sharing video content.

  • Segmentation

    Segmenting your leads and customers based on the data you’ve collected (via opt-in forms, surveys, and more) will provide you with valuable insight into who your audience is. This will tell you how you can connect with them. Once you have segmented your leads, you can create content that speaks to each group’s needs and interests. Effectively personalizing your content will allow you to catch your audience’s attention. It will also make it easier to drive engagement.

  • Social interaction

    The use of social channels makes it easy to engage with your audience in a personal and direct manner. You can promptly answer their questions, respond to their comments, and address their concerns. Customers appreciate brands that listen and respond to their needs. You’ll have a bigger emotional impact on those who witness the interactions on social media as well. Remember, personal and direct interactions make it easier to build meaningful relationships with your audience.

Building a human brand will help you build long-term relationships with your audience based on real emotional connections. Use digital communication tools available to you, like video content, segmentation, and social interaction, to emphasize emotion in your marketing efforts. Doing so will help your audience relate to you on a more personal level, thereby driving engagement with your brand.

Free Marketing Consultation

Mastering Marketing Effectiveness: Strategies for Highlighting Your USPs

Understanding and leveraging your unique selling points (USPs) is one of the most important ways you can make your business stand out from the crowd. Marketing effectiveness plays a pivotal role in this endeavor. It enables companies to highlight what makes them distinct and connect with their target audience more deeply and efficiently. But how does one go about uncovering these golden nuggets of marketing prowess? And once identified, how can they be used to drive business success? This article will guide you through the intricate landscape of marketing effectiveness. It highlights the steps to discover your USPs and the manifold benefits they bring to your business strategy.

What is Marketing Effectiveness?

At its core, marketing effectiveness measures how well a company’s marketing strategies achieve their intended outcomes. These intended outcomes can be increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or boosting sales. It’s an assessment of the return on investment (ROI) from marketing efforts, and it relies on several key components:

  • Strategic Alignment: Strategic alignment involves aligning marketing goals seamlessly with the overarching business objectives, ensuring that every marketing initiative contributes directly to the company’s success. This requires a deep understanding of the business’s long-term vision and the strategic steps necessary to achieve it, ensuring that marketing efforts propel the business closer to its goals, rather than operating in a silo.
  • Target Audience Understanding: Achieving a deep understanding of your target audience entails more than just knowing their demographic information. It also involves grasping their behaviors, preferences, pain points, and aspirations. This comprehensive insight allows businesses to tailor their marketing strategies in a way that speaks directly to the heart of the customer’s needs and desires, therefore enhancing engagement and loyalty.
  • Creative Execution: Creative execution is the art of designing marketing messages and campaigns that not only capture the attention of the target audience but also resonate on an emotional level. This involves leveraging insights into the audience’s values and preferences to craft compelling narratives, visuals, and experiences that align with the brand’s identity and values. Ultimately, this fosters a deeper connection with the audience.
  • Measurement and Optimization: Measurement and optimization are critical for assessing the effectiveness of marketing strategies and then making necessary adjustments. This continuous cycle involves setting clear, measurable objectives, collecting and analyzing data on marketing performance, and then using these insights to refine tactics, strategies, and campaigns. This iterative process ensures that marketing efforts are always aligned with business goals and are adjusted in real time to respond to changing market dynamics and consumer behaviors.

The Benefits of Effective Marketing

Effective marketing offers a plethora of advantages for businesses, big or small. Here are a few to consider:

  • Increased brand visibility: Elevate your brand’s presence and ensure it remains at the forefront of your target customers’ minds, enhancing recognition and recall.
  • Enhanced customer engagement: Strengthen the bond with your audience through meaningful interactions. Fostering a sense of loyalty and community around your brand.
  • Higher conversion rates: Boost the effectiveness of your marketing efforts to convert a higher percentage of prospects into actual customers by clearly articulating your value.
  • Improved ROI: Maximize the return on investment from your marketing initiatives, ensuring each dollar spent directly contributes to the financial health of your business.

However, achieving marketing effectiveness isn’t without its challenges. It requires a clear understanding of your market as well as creative and strategic prowess. Additionally, it requires an ongoing commitment to measuring and refining your efforts.

USP marketing blocks fitting together

Discovering Your Unique Selling Points

Your unique selling points are what set you apart from the competition. They are the reasons a customer should choose you over others. Discovering them involves several key steps:

  1. Market Research: Dive deep into the ecosystem of your industry to grasp fully the dynamics at play. This includes what drives your competitors and the evolving needs of your target audience. Additionally, it includes the latest trends that could impact consumer behavior and preferences.
  2. Internal Audit: Conduct a thorough examination of what your company does best by evaluating everything that makes your products or services stand out in the marketplace. This includes the quality, pricing, and technological edge, as well as customer support.
  3. Customer Feedback: Initiate open dialogues with your clientele to understand their perspectives on your offerings. This lets you uncover valuable insights and preferences that might not be immediately apparent from an internal viewpoint.
  4. Competitive Analysis: Take a close look at your competitors’ strategies and offerings. Pinpoint weaknesses or unmet needs in their approach, and identify opportunities for your business to capitalize on and differentiate itself.
  5. Synthesis and Definition: Carefully distill the essence of your competitive advantage by merging all collected insights. Define your unique selling propositions in a way that is not only clear and concise but also resonates strongly with your target market.

man walking up an arrow pointing toward the sky

Leveraging Your USPs for Business Success

Once your USPs are defined, integrating them into your marketing strategy is crucial for driving effectiveness. Here’s how:

  • Incorporate into Messaging: Make sure your USPs are front and center in all your marketing materials. This includes your website, advertising, and social media.
  • Train Your Team: Ensure everyone in your organization understands your USPs and can communicate them effectively, from sales to customer service.
  • Monitor and Adapt: Keep an eye on how well your USPs are resonating with your audience. Be ready to adjust your strategy as needed.

While marketing effectiveness can propel your business to new heights, it’s important to be aware of potential downsides. Overemphasis on certain metrics can lead to short-term gains at the expense of long-term brand health, and an overly aggressive approach can sometimes alienate potential customers. Therefore, a balanced, customer-centric approach is key.

Crafting a Future of Distinction

Remember, in a sea of competitors, your USPs are your beacon of distinction. Use them wisely to illuminate your path forward, engage your audience, and drive your business objectives.

Looking to further explore the intricacies of marketing effectiveness and uncover the unique selling points that will set your business apart? We’re here to help. Contact Us for a free consultation.

lead generation tips

Tailoring The B2B Sales Funnel To Meet Your Needs

When it comes to the B2B sales funnel, there are three main stages: awareness, consideration and the decision stage. The funnel represents the journey that the customer takes from start to end. However, the B2B sales funnel isn’t necessarily set in stone. It can be modified to fit your business’s needs as long as it contains aspects of the three main stages. By customizing the sales funnel to meet your company’s specific needs, you’ll be able to identify what stage your customers are in more effectively, thereby making it easier to determine who they need to be in contact with and what actions need to take place.

With all this in mind, the following is an example of how the B2B sales funnel can be slightly modified. While still retaining aspects of the three main stages, the following B2B sales funnel consists of five stages.

Tailoring B2b Sales Funnel Stages

1. The Lead Generation Stagefunnel with levels

The lead generation stage is a part of the awareness stage. It’s during this stage that leads who may not know who you are or what you do are introduced to your company. They may not even know what their exact pain point is at this time. Presenting a solution during Lead Generation Stage stage of B2B Sales Funnel is premature. Instead, your goal should be to attract their attention and to establish your authority within your industry by producing high-quality content and establishing a presence online in the form of a website as well as social media pages.

2. The Lead Nurturing Stage

The lead nurturing stage is an extension of the awareness stage that ends up moving into the initial part of the consideration stage. It’s during this stage that you nurture your leads by continuing to educate them about your company and to inform them about the problem or pain point that they have. It’s during this stage that you will begin qualifying your leads.

Not all leads will be good prospects. Using lead scoring software, you can score leads based on actions they take during the lead generation and nurturing stages. For example, if they are spending a lot of time on your website, have returned multiple times, and have downloaded a free eBook and filled out a form, then you might want to qualify them as they have indicated a certain level of interest in your company.

When you qualify a lead, you need to make sure that they have expressed interest in one way or another, have a need for what you’re selling, have a budget to afford what you’re selling, and have the decision-making power within their company to actually make a purchase.

Read More: How Marketing Automation Can Improve Your Lead Nurturing Process

3. The Initial Meeting Stage

Once you have qualified a prospect, it’s time to engage directly with them. This is the initial meeting stage. Depending on how you structure your sales funnel, this initial meeting can come in a variety of different forms. For example, it could be a discovery call, a direct sales pitch, or a formal product or service demonstration. The idea is to establish the groundwork for a relationship and build trust with the prospect. They may not be ready to buy just yet. This B2B sales funnel stage is the second half of the consideration stage.

two people shaking hands

4. The Closing Stage

The closing stage is the stage in which you close the deal. It’s essentially the decision stage. At this point, the prospect should be making the decision to do business with your company. To ensure that you close, you want to align your priorities with theirs, secure their commitment, and continue to nurture the relationship with them until they make a decision.

5. The Retention Stage

Whereas standard sales funnels tend to end at the decision stage, your business with a new customer doesn’t end with the purchase. Remember, retaining the customer is of vital importance, which is why there should be a retention stage. Nurturing your relationship with your customers after the decision stage will help ensure that they continue doing business with them. Additionally, the stronger your relationship grows, the more likely they are to refer your company to other potential customers. This is a more cost-effective way to attract new leads since you’ll essentially be able to skip the first stage due to the referral.

This example shows how you can modify the standard sales funnel to create a funnel that better represents your B2B needs. As long as it retains some aspects of the standard three stages and the funnel is modified to help you better understand what part of the journey your customers are on and what their needs are, it should remain effective.

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