email marketing metrics

Interactive Email Marketing Trends

With increasing competition in the online marketing world, it is becoming essential for businesses to innovate creative ways to appeal to customers via email. Learn some of the newest interactive email marketing trends to take advantage of.

As opposed to traditional emails that would only contain plain text and occasional attachments, interactive emails are packed with exciting add-ons to appeal to their customers. Below are characteristics as well as advantages of using interactive email marketing trends for your business.

Interactive Email Marketing Trends

Let’s have a look at how we should create interactive email which is in trend:

Increased Compatibility with Google

Google announced compatibility with the media query for their email clients across all devices. This compatibility now allows email developers to include complex email designs without having to sacrifice certain components in order to ensure compatibility.

With the all-new support for media query, developers are now unlimited in their ability to incorporate complex media into emails. Google has also optimized email layouts for viewing between mobile devices and desktop computers.

Animated GIFs

An animated GIF is a combination of static images, containing multiple frames in succession, to create an animated image. It achieves video effect while occupying only slightly more space than a regular image.

These interesting animations can be designed to convey information such as sales discounts, the launch of a new product, important information about your business, among others.

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Providing a framework for menu options within emails can allow your customers to quickly navigate through various products or service categories right within the email. This allows you to present your customers with several options to choose from before they can begin to load new web pages to get to your site.

If you are providing news, customers can quickly scroll through various news categories and see what interests them before they can read further. Travel companies can also offer various packages right within the email for their customers to sieve through.

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Integrated Forms

Integrated forms are perfect for companies that seek to collect information from their customers (in the form of surveys, questionnaires, etc). Rather than having the reader link to a new page, the form can simply be embedded within the email.

Customers can, therefore, answer questions or make their selections right within the body of the email. There are templates that integrate check-boxes, text boxes for open-ended questions and radio buttons for closed-ended questions.

6 Email Marketing Tips

Rotational Banners

Emails that contain a lot of information can present it in a clean and catchy manner by using rotational banners. These interactive elements allow consumers to flip through multiple images, each with a separate message embedded within.

Rotating banners are perfect for tour and travel companies that are showcasing various packages. Financial institutions like banks that are advertising credit card options or different types of bank accounts can also use this feature. News snippets of various trending stories can also be laid out in rotating banners by news and media outlets.

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Sliders can be used to display multiple products within the email at the same time. This allows for customers to make comparisons and to access information on multiple products without having to click on their inbox.

Sliders are perfect for companies that launch different variations of the same product and would like information on the various versions to be readily available to the customer. They are also helpful for those sellers who would wish to include a combination of pictures, product specifications and product reviews right within the email.

There are also brand new interactive email designs that are slowly growing in popularity but still pretty new to most email users. These include key frame animation (smoother animations and frame changes than GIFS, with effects such as linear and parallel movement, and hover effects), cinemagraph (using GIFS to create cinematic video-like effects), and compatibility with 2k and 4k resolutions (which includes lack of width limitation and a resolution of higher than 600 pixels).

In conclusion, interactive emails are the future of email marketing, and it is important for businesses to stay up to speed with new email marketing trends that they can incorporate into their future marketing strategies. The numerous advantages of interactive emails, as discussed here, continue to make them an online marketing necessity.

email marketing program

How to Conduct a Thorough Website Audit for Improved Performance

Conducting a website audit is an essential task if you’re looking to enhance your online presence. A comprehensive audit helps you understand key areas of improvement and optimization across various aspects of your website. From user experience (UX) and search engine optimization (SEO) to conversion rate optimization (CRO), each element plays a significant role in how effective your website is in achieving your business goals. In this article, we’ll explore how to audit a website effectively by focusing on these major components.

UX: Enhancing User Friendliness

User experience (UX) is critical because it determines how easily visitors can interact with your site. A positive UX increases engagement, reduces bounce rates, and improves overall satisfaction. Here are key metrics to evaluate:

  • Navigation Ease: How quickly can users find what they need? Assessing navigation involves examining site structure and menu layouts to ensure information is logical and easily accessible, which helps in reducing user frustration and increasing retention.
  • Page Load Time: Faster pages provide a better experience. Quick loading times are essential for keeping user interest. Optimize images, streamline code, and leverage browser caching to enhance speed and prevent potential visitors from leaving in annoyance.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Is your site easy to use on all devices? A mobile-responsive website automatically adjusts to the screen size and orientation of the device it is being viewed on, providing a seamless experience for smartphone and tablet users.
  • Visual Appeal: Does your design attract and keep attention? Effective visual design not only draws visitors in but also plays a crucial role in creating a positive first impression. Ensure your site uses compelling layouts, appropriate colors, and readable fonts to enhance user engagement.

Assessing these areas will help you understand how user-friendly your site is, which is the first step in learning how to audit a website.

SEO: Boosting Visibility

Search engine optimization (SEO) is about increasing your site’s visibility and driving the right kind of traffic to your website. Key aspects to focus on include:

  • Keyword Optimization: Are you using the right keywords that your target audience is searching for? Proper keyword optimization ensures your content appears in relevant searches, boosting visibility and driving targeted traffic to your website.
  • Content Quality: Is your content relevant, useful, and well-written? High-quality content is crucial for engaging readers and encouraging them to interact with your site. It should be informative, easy to read, and directly address the needs of your visitors.
  • Meta Tags and Descriptions: Do they effectively describe and promote your content? Meta tags and descriptions play a key role in search engine ranking and user click-through rates. They should be concise, include targeted keywords, and accurately summarize the page content.
  • Link Health: Are your links functional and do they contribute to your authority? Maintaining healthy links is essential for SEO. Ensure all internal and external links are functional, relevant, and use proper anchor text to boost your site’s credibility and authority.

Improving these areas will help ensure that the right users find your site, a crucial component of how to audit a website.

CRO: Converting Visitors into Customers

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) focuses on what users do once they visit your site. The goal here is to maximize the percentage of visitors who complete desired actions, whether it’s subscribing to a newsletter or making a purchase. Evaluate these elements:

  • Call to Action (CTA): Are your CTAs clear and compelling? Effective CTAs guide users towards desired actions with clear, urgent language. Ensure they stand out visually and are placed strategically across your site to maximize engagement and conversion rates.
  • User Pathways: Is it easy for users to convert? Simplify the user journey to enhance conversions. Analyze the flow from initial contact to final action to identify and remove obstacles, ensuring a smooth, straightforward path that facilitates user progression and increases conversion likelihood.
  • A/B Testing: Are you continually testing and optimizing user pathways? Implement regular A/B testing to compare different versions of your site elements, from headlines to CTAs, to determine which variations perform the best, thereby continuously refining user experience and increasing conversion efficiency.
  • Checkout Process: Is it streamlined and secure for users? A streamlined checkout process reduces cart abandonment and enhances user trust. Ensure the process is quick, requires minimal steps, and employs robust security measures like SSL encryption to protect user data.

By focusing on these points, you can ensure that your site not only attracts visitors but also encourages them to take action.

Integrating Advanced Tools and Strategies

To effectively audit and enhance your website, employing advanced tools and strategies is pivotal. Utilizing a website redesign analytics tool can provide insights into how changes to your site can influence user behavior and SEO performance. Additionally, understanding why a content audit is important will guide you in refining your content strategy to meet the expectations of your audience. Moreover, implementing essential website updates for senior living communities can significantly enhance user engagement and satisfaction in targeted demographics such as seniors.

Steps to a Successful Audit

Here are some practical steps to follow when auditing your website:

  • Initial Review: Start with an overall review to understand the site’s current state.
  • Detailed Analysis: Dive deep into UX, SEO, and CRO elements.
  • Tool Integration: Utilize specialized tools to gather data and insights.
  • Action Plan Development: Based on your findings, develop a strategy to address weaknesses and capitalize on strengths.
  • Implementation and Monitoring: Apply changes and closely monitor impacts to ensure desired improvements are achieved.

Enhancing Your Website’s Effectiveness

Understanding how to audit a website involves a detailed examination of its UX, SEO, and CRO elements. By assessing these areas thoroughly and integrating strategic tools, you can significantly enhance your site’s effectiveness, ultimately leading to better user engagement, improved search engine rankings, and increased conversions. Remember, a successful website audit is not a one-time activity but a continuous improvement process to keep your site performing at its best.


The Impact of Digital Marketing Automation on Senior Living Communities

In the ever-evolving landscape of senior living, employing robust marketing strategies is vital for standing out in a crowded marketplace. Automation is transforming how marketing for senior living facilities is executed, making it crucial for operators to understand and integrate these technologies. This article will explore how automation and specific digital marketing strategies can optimize outreach and resident acquisition efforts.

The Role of Automation in Senior Living Marketing

Modern marketing automation provides a variety of tools designed to enhance efficiency and efficacy in reaching potential clients. Below are key areas where automation is proving indispensable in marketing for senior living:

  • Email Marketing Campaigns: Automated email campaigns are a cornerstone of effective marketing for senior living. By using automation tools, facilities can send timely, relevant information tailored to the interests and needs of potential residents and their families. This could include updates about facility amenities, testimonials from current residents, or invitations to virtual tours and events. These campaigns help build a rapport by providing consistent, valuable content that assists families in making informed decisions about senior care options.
  • Lead Management: The use of automation software in lead management allows senior living communities to capture and store detailed information about each prospect, from initial inquiry through to move-in. Automated systems can trigger follow-up tasks, send personalized emails based on prospect interactions, and score leads based on engagement, greatly increasing the efficiency of the sales process. This ensures that the community responds promptly and appropriately to each prospect, which is crucial for converting inquiries into residencies.
  • Social Media Management: Social media is an invaluable tool for building community and engaging with potential residents and their families. Automation tools can schedule consistent content postings across various platforms like Facebook and Instagram, ensuring a steady stream of engaging material that highlights community events, resident stories, and useful information about living options. Additionally, these tools provide analytics that measure engagement rates, helping communities adjust their content strategy to better meet the needs and interests of their audience.

Integrating Advanced Digital Marketing Tactics

To further refine your marketing strategy, incorporating advanced digital marketing tactics for senior living communities can be a game-changer. These include:

  • Targeted Ads: Targeted advertising employs sophisticated algorithms to display ads to specific demographics by analyzing their online behaviors and preferences. This approach ensures that marketing for senior living reaches those most likely to be interested in such services. For example, ads can be shown to adults searching for comfortable retirement options or those seeking amenities such as on-site medical care, thereby increasing the likelihood of capturing relevant leads.
  • Content Marketing: Content marketing involves creating and disseminating articles, blogs, and videos that directly address the queries and challenges potential residents or their families may face when considering senior living options. This strategy not only informs them but also establishes the facility’s authority in the senior living sector. Effective content marketing can boost engagement by providing valuable insights and solutions, fostering trust between the community and prospective residents.
  • SEO Strategies: Implementing SEO strategies enhances a website’s visibility on search engines like Google, making it easier for potential clients to find when they search for senior living options. This involves optimizing site structure, improving meta descriptions, and using relevant keywords throughout web content. An effectively optimized website attracts more organic traffic, which can lead to increased inquiries and higher occupancy rates for senior living facilities.

Crafting a Comprehensive Senior Living Marketing Plan

An effective senior living marketing plan is well-rounded and adaptive. Key components should include:

  • Market Research: Market research is critical in grasping the dynamics of the local market and identifying the specific preferences and needs of your target audience. This research can include demographic studies to understand age distributions and economic factors, surveys to gauge service expectations, and focus groups to test market reactions to potential new services or facilities.
  • Competitive Analysis: Competitive analysis involves examining the strengths and weaknesses of competitors within the market to discover what they excel at and what gaps they leave open. This analysis helps your community identify unique selling propositions (USPs) that can differentiate your services from others. Whether it’s superior medical care, better amenities, or more inclusive community activities, understanding these elements can strategically position your facility in the market.
  • Budgeting: Effective budgeting entails the strategic allocation of financial resources across various marketing channels to ensure the highest return on investment (ROI). This process involves prioritizing spending on high-impact marketing efforts, such as digital advertising and event marketing, and scaling back on less effective initiatives. Proper budget management ensures that every dollar spent contributes to achieving broader marketing objectives and financial stability.

Prioritizing Website Effectiveness

Your website serves as the central hub for your marketing efforts. Implementing essential website updates for senior living communities is critical for maintaining an edge. Updates to consider include:

  • User Experience: Ensuring the site is easy to navigate and accessible, particularly for older adults or their caretakers who are not as tech-savvy.
  • Mobile Optimization: With an increasing number of users accessing information via smartphones, a mobile-friendly design is indispensable.
  • Content Refresh: Regular updates to blog posts, FAQs, and other resources to keep content relevant and engaging.

Taking the Next Step in Marketing for Senior Living

By integrating marketing automation tools, senior living facilities can not only streamline their marketing operations but also create more personalized, meaningful interactions with potential residents. These strategies ensure that your community remains competitive and appealing to those seeking a new home for themselves or their loved ones.

To explore how these strategies can be tailored to benefit your community, Contact Us for a free consultation.

Innovative Video Strategies to Transform Your Senior Living Marketing

When determining how to market senior living communities, you should be aware that the advent of digital technology has offered unprecedented opportunities to connect with potential residents and their families in meaningful ways. Among the various digital marketing strategies, video content emerges as a particularly potent tool, offering a dynamic and engaging way to showcase your community’s amenities, lifestyle, and values. With seniors increasingly embracing digital platforms, understanding how to market senior living communities effectively through video is more crucial than ever.

The Power of Video in Senior Living Marketing

Video content has the unique ability to convey messages in a more engaging and memorable manner than text alone. For senior living communities, this means the opportunity to truly showcase what makes your community stand out. However, creating video content is just the beginning. To truly optimize these efforts and ensure they reach your target audience, strategic planning and execution are essential.

  1. Engagement Through Authentic Stories: Leveraging the power of storytelling, videos that capture real-life experiences and testimonials from current residents can significantly impact potential residents and their families. By showcasing these authentic stories, your community can forge a deeper emotional connection, making it feel more inviting and relatable. These stories can highlight the day-to-day joys, the sense of belonging, and the supportive environment your community offers, providing a genuine glimpse into the quality of life that awaits future residents. Such content not only engages viewers but also builds trust and confidence in your community as a place where their loved ones can thrive.
  2. Educational Content: In the decision-making process for senior living options, seniors and their families often have numerous questions and concerns, ranging from financial planning and health care services to lifestyle and activity offerings. By creating and providing educational video content that addresses these topics, your community can position itself as a knowledgeable and trusted resource. This approach not only informs viewers but also alleviates concerns, making the transition to senior living seem less daunting. Informative videos can cover a wide range of subjects, including the benefits of senior living, how to prepare for the move, and what new residents can expect, thereby empowering families with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.
  3. Virtual Tours: In today’s digital age, the initial exploration of senior living options often takes place online, making virtual tours a critical component of your marketing strategy. Offering potential residents and their families the ability to explore your facilities, amenities, and living spaces from the comfort of their homes, virtual tours provide a convenient and comprehensive view of what your community has to offer. These tours can highlight the unique features of your community, such as dining options, fitness centers, outdoor spaces, and social areas, allowing viewers to visualize themselves or their loved ones living there. By providing a virtual walkthrough, you can engage interested individuals early in their search process, making your community a frontrunner in their selection process.

Leveraging Key Digital Strategies

To ensure your video content reaches and resonates with your intended audience, consider incorporating the following digital strategies:

  • Optimize for SEO: Including relevant keywords, such as “how to market senior living communities,” in your video titles and descriptions can enhance your content’s visibility on search engines and platforms like YouTube.
  • Utilize Platforms like YouTube: With its vast audience, YouTube for senior marketing is an invaluable channel for reaching potential residents and their families, offering a platform for your videos to be easily found and shared.
  • Update Your Website: Integrating video content into your website not only makes it more engaging but also helps with SEO. Ensuring your site incorporates essential website updates for senior living can improve user experience and support your marketing efforts.

Five Video Ideas to Enhance Your Senior Living Marketing

To help you get started, here are five video ideas that can effectively communicate your community’s unique offerings and values:

  • Virtual Tours: Virtual tours offer an immersive experience, allowing potential residents and their families to explore your community from anywhere. These tours showcase your facilities, highlight amenities, and give a taste of the daily social activities, making your community an attractive option.
  • Resident Testimonials: Videos featuring resident testimonials provide a personal look at the quality of life within your community. Hearing directly from residents about their experiences fosters trust and showcases the strong sense of community you offer.
  • Staff Introductions: Introducing your staff through video humanizes your community. Highlighting their expertise, dedication, and compassionate approach to care reassures families that their loved ones will be in good hands.
  • FAQs Answered: A video series that answers frequently asked questions helps demystify the process of moving to and living in a senior community. It addresses common concerns about senior living options, financial planning, and lifestyle changes.
  • Lifestyle Highlights: Sharing videos of social events, hobbies, and activities available within your community demonstrates the vibrant, engaging lifestyle that residents enjoy. It invites potential residents to imagine being part of your active community.

For more inspiration and guidance on creating engaging video content, exploring video marketing ideas can offer valuable insights and strategies tailored to the senior living market.

Embracing the Digital Age in Senior Living Marketing

As digital platforms become increasingly integral to our daily lives, senior living communities must adapt and innovate to meet their audiences where they are. By effectively utilizing video content, optimized for both search engines and user engagement, you can significantly enhance your marketing efforts, reaching potential residents and their families in a way that is both informative and touching.

Ready to take your senior living marketing to the next level with optimized video content? Contact Us for a free consultation, and let’s explore how we can help you connect with your audience and showcase the best of what your community has to offer.

17 SEO Myths
New call-to-action


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6 Reasons You Should Leverage Long Form Video Marketing

Video marketing has long been accepted as one of the most effective forms of content marketing. Video content is easy for people to consume on any device. It’s also arguably the best way to deliver a message in an engaging way and to establish an emotional connection. However, there’s been a misconception that short-form video content is the best way to go. After all, people generally have shorter attention spans these days. Not to mention that many social platforms, such as Snapchat and Tik Tok, encourage shorter video content. Yet there should also be a place for long-form video content in your video marketing strategy.

Let’s understand first what is long for video content?

Long-form video content offers a deeper and more extensive exploration of the topic, providing a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

6 Reasons To Leverage Long Form Video Marketing

The following are six reasons why you should be using long-form video marketing:

1. Deliver More Value

There’s very little time to provide useful information to viewers in a 30-second to two-minute clip. You basically have just enough time to deliver a simple message. As such, there’s not a whole lot of value in short-form videos. The only thing you can really achieve is to generate brand awareness. Long-form videos are much more effective when it comes to trying to provide value to your audience. For example, it’s difficult to create a how-to video that’s less than a couple minutes long. However, you can create a detailed, step-by-step how-to video in the long-form format.

2. Create A More Engaging Experience

Although more short-form videos are consumed than long-form videos, long-form videos drive more engagement. A video marketing study published in 2017 revealed that although 80 percent of videos are under five minutes, those videos drove less than 33 percent of overall video engagement. On top of that, 8 percent of the videos that were over 15 minutes long drove half of all audience engagement.  As long as the quality of your video content is high, a long-form video is going to be more engaging. After all, it’s going to keep viewers on your site (or social channel) much longer than a 30-second video would. Not to mention that the actual content you’re delivering will be more engaging since you’re able to provide more information that’s useful to your audience.


3. Improve Your SEO

Short-form videos may get shares on social media, especially if they go viral due to their humor. However, short-form videos don’t tend to earn many backlinks. Websites are more likely to link back to your videos if they provide exceptional value, which they are more likely to do if they are on the longer side. By earning more backlinks, your long-form videos will help boost your SEO.

Similar Article: Six Types of Real Estate Video Marketing Ideas For Homebuilders

4. YouTube Favors Longer Videos

YouTube is the major video platform. Not only is it the top video hosting platform, but it’s also the second biggest search engine behind Google as well as a social media platform in itself. Long-form videos do much better on YouTube than short-form videos. There’s a reason for this: YouTube’s algorithm is built around favoring long-form content. The reason why they built their algorithm this way is that longer videos allow more room for ads. Videos have to be at least 10 minutes long before ads can be run in the middle of the video, which is why many YouTube creators do everything they can to reach that 10-minute mark.

5. Build Your Brand Authoritylong form video2

While shorter videos may get more views, they don’t generally help much in the way of building your brand authority. This is simply because shorter videos are limited in the amount of useful information they can convey. BY creating long-form videos, you can go into way more depth about a subject. The more in-depth your video subject matter is, the more you’ll be able to showcase your authority. This will help to boost your brand’s authority within your industry, which can help to build more brand trust as a direct result.

5 Types Of Marketing Videos You Should Think About Using

6. Convert More Leads

Building your brand authority is certainly going to play a part in converting leads. When viewers develop trust in your brand by watching your long-form videos, they’ll be more willing to convert. However, this isn’t the only reason why long-form videos convert more than short-form videos. The people who are watching long-form videos tend to be near the bottom of the sales funnel, while people who are watching short-form videos are probably still near the top of the funnel. As such, many long-form video viewers are already ready to convert.

Shorter videos are a good way to generate more brand awareness. However, long-form video content tends to be much more effective overall when it comes to nurturing leads and building brand authority and trust. As such, you should make sure to implement a long-form video content strategy if you haven’t done so already.

How To Nurture Your Leads With Email Marketing

How To Nurture Your Leads With Email Marketing

Despite some claims that email is dead, it is still a highly effective way for marketers to connect with consumers. It is an integral part of inbound marketing as well as attraction marketing, and is a great way to send nurture leads throughout the buying process.

Nurture Your Leads With Email Marketing

What is Lead Nurturing?

Lead nurturing is a strategic approach in marketing and sales that focuses on developing and maintaining meaningful relationships with potential customers throughout their buying journey.

Here are a few email best practices that will help nurture your leads.


The segmentation of your contacts database will help define your audience into categories. If you are unfamiliar with buyer personas, read about them here, as they will be extremely useful in segmenting your contacts. Segmenting be done in terms of geographic location, company type, role within that company, behavior, marketing intelligence, or any other category that could be valuable to your company. Use segmenting to your advantage by targeting those different groups with useful content based on their specific needs.

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drip email marketing

Email Opening Lines That Actually Work

In the digital age, emails have become a primary mode of communication, especially in professional settings. The opening line for email is crucial; it’s the first thing the recipient reads and sets the tone for the rest of your message. A well-crafted opening line can make the difference between your email being read or ignored. 

In this blog, we will explore the best opening lines for an email suitable for different contexts, including formal, polite, professional, business, and friendly scenarios.

Formal Email Opening Lines

Formal emails are often used in professional settings where a respectful and serious tone is required. They are ideal when communicating with someone you don’t know well or in situations demanding a high level of professionalism.

Formal Opening Line for Email Examples:

  1. “Dear [Recipient’s Name], I am writing to you regarding…”
  2. “To Whom It May Concern, I wish to express my interest in…”
  3. “Dear [Recipient’s Title and Name], I write to seek your guidance on…”
  4. “Esteemed [Recipient’s Title], I am contacting you in relation to…”
  5. “Respected [Recipient’s Name], I am reaching out regarding our upcoming collaboration…”
  6. “Dear Sir/Madam, I am formally requesting assistance with…”
  7. “To the [Department/Team Name], I wish to submit my proposal for…”

These lines establish a formal tone, showing respect and professionalism, which is crucial in official matters.

Polite Email Opening Lines

Politeness is important in any form of communication, especially in emails. Having polite opening lines help in fostering a positive relationship with the recipient.

Polite Opening Line for Email Examples:

  1. “I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to…”
  2. “Thank you for your attention. I would appreciate your input on…”
  3. “Good day, I hope this email finds you in good health. I wanted to discuss…”
  4. “Hello, I trust you are doing well. May I inquire about…”
  5. “Greetings, I hope you’re having a productive week. I’m writing to ask about…”
  6. “Hi there, I hope you had a great weekend. I’m reaching out because…”
  7. “Dear [Recipient’s Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am eager to hear your thoughts on…”

These lines demonstrate courtesy, enhancing the recipient’s receptiveness to your message.

Learn How to Use Targeted CTAs to Increase Lead Conversion

Professional Email Openings

Professionalism in emails is about being concise and to the point while maintaining a respectful tone. These openings are perfect for day-to-day business communications.

Professional Opening Line for Email Examples:

  1. “Greetings, I would like to discuss…”
  2. “Hello, thank you for your email regarding…”
  3. “Greetings [Recipient’s Name], I am writing to follow up on our last conversation regarding…”
  4. “Hello [Recipient’s Name], I wanted to touch base about quickly…”
  5. “Hi [Recipient’s Name], I’m reaching out to provide an update on…”
  6. “Dear [Recipient’s Name], I have some news regarding our ongoing project…”
  7. “Good morning/afternoon, I want to clarify a few points about our recent meeting…”

These lines are straightforward yet courteous, suitable for regular business interactions.

Opening Sentences for Business Emails

Business emails demand clarity and a direct approach. The opening sentence should immediately convey the email’s purpose.

Opening Sentence Business Email Examples:

  1. “Regarding our upcoming project, I wish to update you on…”
  2. “Following our recent conversation, here is the information you requested…”
  3. “As agreed in our previous discussion, I am sending over the details of…”
  4. “Following up on our recent meeting, I have compiled the report on…”
  5. “In response to your request, here are my recommendations for…”
  6. “I would like to draw your attention to the recent developments in…”
  7. “Pertaining to our last conversation, I have a few updates regarding…”

These lines are clear and direct, indicating the email’s purpose right from the start, which is appreciated in business communications.

Friendly Email Opening Lines

When writing to someone you have a good rapport with, a friendly opening can be engaging—these lines are ideal for less formal, more personal communications.

Friendly Opening Line for Email Examples:

  1. “Hi [Name], I was just thinking about our last meeting and wanted to ask…”
  2. “Hey [Name], hope you’re doing well. I have some ideas to share regarding…”
  3. “Hey [Name], just a quick check-in. How’s everything going with…”
  4. “Hi [Name], I was just reminiscing about our last meeting and thought to follow up on…”
  5. “Hello [Name], I came across something that reminded me of our project. Have you got a minute to discuss?”
  6. “Hi there [Name], hope you’re doing well. Just wanted to share a quick update on…”
  7. “Hey [Name], I was thinking about what you said last time and wanted to explore the idea of…”

Crafting Opening Lines for Different Scenarios

It’s essential to tailor your opening line to the context of your email. The tone and formality should match the purpose of your email and the relationship you have with the recipient.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Email Opening Lines

  1. Avoid overly casual or overly formal language in inappropriate contexts. 
  2. Starting an email with an apology can also weaken your position unless it’s necessary.

The Impact of a Well-Chosen Opening Line

The opening line of your email holds significant importance in determining its efficacy. A well-thought-out introduction sets the tone for your message, captures the recipient’s attention, and improves the likelihood of a positive response. The first line is an opportunity to establish a connection with the reader, convey the purpose of your email, and create a favorable impression. Hence, it is crucial to invest time and effort in crafting an opening line that is engaging, relevant, and tailored to your audience. By doing so, you can increase the chances of your email being read and responded to positively.

email marketing program

50 Most Powerful Call-to-Action Phrases

Are you looking to increase your conversion rate? Call-to-Actions are an essential part of the conversion process, but what kinds of Call-to-Actions should you put on your website? CTAs should be simple yet effective, and should catch the attention of your visitors. The formula for a successful CTA page title consists of combining such sales buzzwords as “free,” “discount,” “offer,” “gift,” “guarantee,” with action-oriented words like “click,” “download,” “request,” and “send.” Listed below are 50 powerful Call-to-Action phrases that visitors can’t resist clicking on.

50 Powerful Call-to-Action Phrases

  1. Download now
  2. Click here
  3. Join now
  4. Download here
  5. Start now
  6. Click here for details
  7. I urge you to…
  8. Get a free…
  9. Talk to an expert
  10. Immediate download
  11. While supplies last
  12. Money back guarantee
  13. Money back guarantee, no questions asked
  14. Get it now!
  15. Act quickly
  16. Free shipping
  17. Shipping discount
  18. Come in for a free consultation
  19. Come see us today
  20. Reserve your spot now
  21. Come in today
  22. Start your trial
  23. Start your free trial
  24. Offer expires…
  25. Satisfaction guaranteed
  26. We’d like to hear from you
  27. I can’t wait to hear from you
  28. Limited availability
  29. Limited time offer
  30. Best value
  31. For more details call…
  32. Please don’t hesitate to call
  33. We’re waiting for your call!
  34. Send for our free brochure
  35. Send for our free catalog
  36. Subscribe to our email list
  37. Subscribe to our newsletter
  38. Send in your application today!
  39. Apply here
  40. Order now and receive a free gift
  41. Tell us what you think
  42. Take our quiz!
  43. Sign up online at…
  44. Get started today
  45. Request your FREE quote today
  46. Just reach for your phone
  47. Members only/Subscribers only
  48. Contact us
  49. It’s important that you respond promptly
  50. Download our eBook for more information

Click here to learn more about powerful CTA phrases that increase clicks!

Now that you know what attention-grabbing Call-to-Actions look like, you can implement your own. Don’t just copy and paste the CTA phrases from the list above. Tweak the CTA phrases so that they apply specifically to your company and your products and/or services. For example, instead of just saying, “Start your free trial,” you can say “Start your free trial with (insert company name here) so your CTA is more personalized. Use these phrases/Quotes as a template for your website’s CTAs, sit back, and watch the clicks roll in!

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lead nurturing

Soft Sell Advertising: What it is, Why it works, and How to Execute

When it comes to advertising, businesses as a whole tend to be aggressive. They let you know exactly who they are, what they do, and why you should buy from them. Even in inbound marketing, companies will try to tie the topic of conversation in with their products or services in some way. However, this isn’t the only course of action. You can also reach your target audience and successfully engage them by advertising in a more subtle manner. Such a strategy is known as soft-sell advertising.

What Is Soft-Sell Advertising?

Soft-sell advertising is a more subtle form of advertising. The goal behind soft-sell advertising is to evoke a positive emotional response. The idea is that the customer will then subconsciously connect the response they had to the brand that invoked it. Businesses that implement soft-selling marketing will often create ads that are warm or humorous, as these tend to be the ads that invoke the most positive feelings.

The History of Soft-Selling

The idea of soft-selling first emerged in 1914, when Theodore MacManus published an ad that would become the model for the soft-sell. The ad was essentially an essay on the burden of being the best in one’s field. The ad was for Cadillac, yet Cadillac wasn’t mentioned a single time. Nor was there an illustration that ran with the ad. Yet the ad was incredibly successful.

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The Benefits Of Soft-Sell Advertising

The following are some of the reasons why you should incorporate soft-selling advertising into your marketing strategy:

  • Less pressure on customers – Because soft-sell ads don’t push products or services, customers will feel less pressure to buy. The pressure is apparent in hard-sell ads, and it’s often off-putting. Using soft-selling ads, you give your audience the ability to discover your brand and make a purchasing decision on their own time.
  • Increase brand awareness – Even though you’re not pushing your brand into their faces, audiences will be more likely to share your content. The reason? People don’t share ads, they share content. When you create a soft-sell ad, you have to focus on the quality of the content and not on the sale. If you are able to create high-quality content that invokes a positive emotion, your audience will share that content. People will share content that elicits a positive reaction to their friends, thereby increasing your brand awareness.
  • Build more trust – Another result of having to focus on content quality is that you’ll build more trust. You’re basically offering your audience something of quality without asking for something in return. This shows them that you care about more than just sales. As a result, they’ll be more likely to explore your brand further. Not to mention that building trust is essential to building long-lasting relationships.

Examples of Soft Sell Advertising

Soft sell advertising has grown in popularity, both in regards to inbound marketing and outbound marketing. The following are a few examples of effective soft-selling ads:

  • Yeti – Yeti is a company that sells coolers and outdoor accessories. They filmed an entire series of videos called Hungry Life showing a well-known chef spending time in nature, where he picks plants, goes fishing, and prepares his meals outdoors. Although Yeti’s coolers do make an appearance, they are never showcased or talked about. Yeti is obviously targeting a specific audience by showcasing a specific lifestyle. That audience will then make an emotional connection between that lifestyle and the Yeti brand.
  • Burt’s Bees – Burt’s Bees uses their founder as the spokesperson. This is perfect because he essentially represents their main buyer persona. The Nature of Burt video introduces Burt, who explains who he is. He’s likable and funny, and their target audience can relate to him. What makes the video so effective is that it builds an emotional connection between the viewer and Burt, all without ever promoting the brand or its products.

Implement a Soft-Sell Advertising Strategy Today

Because many companies focus many of their marketing efforts on generating brand awareness, they tend to be overly aggressive. However, soft-sell marketing can be incredibly effective in terms of engaging your audience and building trust. As such, you should be sure to include soft-sell marketing tactics in your inbound marketing strategy.

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direct vs indirect marketing 1

Direct vs Indirect Marketing

You may not realize it, but all marketing efforts can be categorized in one of two ways — direct marketing or indirect marketing. On the surface, direct vs. indirect marketing is relatively easy to understand.

Difference Between Direct and Indirect Marketing

Direct marketing involves engaging with leads or customers directly. For example, sending a customer an email that contains a promotional offer. Indirect marketing is a strategy in which you put yourself in a position to be found by leads. Consequently, allowing them to engage with you instead of just directly engaging them. For example, writing a post on your website’s blog. Which leads can find through external links or through a search engine, is a form of indirect marketing.

Both direct marketing and indirect marketing can be effective strategies. However, to make sure that you implement them effectively, it’s important that you not only understand what the advantages of using each are, but also what the potential disadvantages are of direct vs indirect marketing.

Direct Marketingdirect vs indirect marketing 2

Direct marketing includes a number of traditional marketing strategies that everyone is familiar with. For example TV commercials are a form of direct marketing. So are billboards, magazine ads, radio ads, and telemarketing. That’s not to say that digital marketing can’t be direct. For example, email marketing and PPC advertising are also forms of direct marketing. You’re essentially trying to find and address a specific audience — and you’re trying to get them to take action right away. The following are some of the advantages to such a strategy:


  • You can identify specific audience segments, thereby allowing you to connect with people who are likely interested in your product or service already. For example, if you run a TV commercial, you can choose a time slot on a channel that you know your audience is watching.
  • If you know the audience you’re addressing, then you can personalize your messages, thereby allowing you to nurture leads and build stronger relationships. For example, using the data you have to segment your email list allows you to send more relevant content to your recipients.
  • The data you collect from your direct marketing efforts is more measurable. For example, you can track your email response rate to determine how effective your direct marketing strategy is and to make adjustments accordingly.

While there are plenty of advantages to implementing certain direct marketing techniques, there are some potential drawbacks as well. These can include the following:


  • If you’re too overzealous, your direct marketing efforts may cross privacy boundaries and may even come off as spam, which will hurt your brand reputation.
  • You have to have an understanding of who your audience is and where you can find them. Otherwise, you may be advertising to people who aren’t interested in your brand, which is a waste of time and money.
  • Your overall reach won’t be as widespread since direct marketing requires you to focus in on a specific audience to be effective.


Indirect Marketing

Indirect marketing is essentially marketing in which you’re not trying to sell a specific product or service. For example, content creation in the form of a blog of email newsletter are forms of indirect marketing. A lot of social media marketing is indirect as well. For example, if you’re simply engaging in discussions or posting links to informative articles. The idea behind indirect marketing is that you’re nurturing relationships, building brand authority, and generating brand awareness. The following are some of the advantages of indirect marketing:


  • You provide value to your customers without coming off as self-serving, which helps to build your brand reputation and increase brand trust.
  • Indirect marketing is typically much less expensive than direct marketing.
  • Indirect marketing is a long-term strategy, which means that your efforts will continue to have an impact throughout the future. For example, you might write a blog post that someone reads years later.

As beneficial as indirect marketing is, there are a couple of disadvantages when compared to direct marketing. These disadvantages include the following:


  • Tracking performance is more difficult. This is because you’re not honing in on specific customers — you’re casting a wider net.
  • Indirect marketing efforts may not have an instant impact — it may take some time before they begin drawing in new customers. As such, it can be frustrating not to see an immediate impact on sales.
  • Because it’s a long-term strategy, indirect marketing requires constant attention. Whereas direct marketing tactics can work on their own, indirect marketing functions as a whole. This means that you need to be constantly working at it. There’s basically no end in sight.

You are now well aware of the differences between direct and indirect marketing.

As you can see, when it comes to direct vs indirect marketing, both direct marketing and indirect marketing have their share of advantages and disadvantages. Instead of choosing one over the other, the best course of action is to use a combination of both direct and indirect marketing. This will allow you to see both short-term and long-term results, especially if you’re careful when it comes to avoiding the potential drawbacks that both strategies can present when used improperly.

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