
Hubspot vs Mailchimp

There are hundreds of different tools available for every aspect of online marketing. Such tools can be used to automate basic tasks, provide aesthetic options, analyze performance, and much more. However, choosing the right tool can be difficult, especially when it comes to email marketing. For instance, two of the main email marketing tools currently on the market include HubSpot and Mailchimp. Both have a stellar reputation for user-friendly interfaces, customization options, and automation features. But how do you choose between HubSpot vs. Mailchimp? The following is a breakdown between HubSpot vs. Mailchimp:

What Is HubSpot?


HubSpot is essentially an all-in-one marketing platform. As such, email marketing is just one of its components. The HubSpot ecosystem also includes inbound marketing, analytics, CRM, and sales tools. Using their email marketing service, you will be able to segment your email lists and use a variety of automation features to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your email campaigns. Although HubSpot’s most basic plan starts at $45/month, they do offer free tools, including email marketing tools.

What Is Mailchimp?

Unlike HubSpot, Mailchimp’s primary focus is on email marketing. They have built a reputation as one of the premier email marketing services on the market. Like HubSpot, MailChimp does have a free service that includes their marketing CRM, form and landing pages, website builder, and creative assistant. However, access to additional email marketing features, such as custom branding, A/B testing, and more, requires a paid plan (plans start at $9.99/month).

What Are The Differences Between HubSpot vs. Mailchimp?

As email marketing tools with a large set of customization capabilities and automation features, HubSpot and Mailchimp may seem very similar. The following is a closer look at some of the differences between the two, which should help guide you in making your decision:

  • Price – Although both HubSpot and Mailchimp offer free plans, you’ll likely want to pay for access to more email marketing features. Mailchimp is going to be cheaper at every tier. HubSpot’s plans range from $45 to $3,200/month, while Mailchimp’s plans range from $9.99 to $299/month. Of course, you’ll be getting a more comprehensive marketing suite for the price if you go with HubSpot.
  • CRM – Both HubSpot and Mailchimp offer list segmentation tools, as well as pop-up and embedded forms. However, HubSpot also offers standalone and collected forms. On the other hand, HubSpot only allows up to 60,000 contacts compared to Mailchimp’s 100,000 contact limit (although 60,000 is arguably more than enough).
  • Email Building Features – Both tools offer drag-and-drop features along with customizable templates and A/B testing. HubSpot does have a design manager that makes its tool particularly user-friendly for building your emails.
  • Automation Capabilities – Automation is essential to any successful email marketing campaign. Mailchimp’s automation features include data-based and behavior-based automation, welcome messages, product recommendation, and retargeting emails, as well as in-depth multi-step automation (such as pre-built journeys). HubSpot offers most of these features in addition to complex branching logic, follow-up campaigns, multi-channel automation, score leading, workflow templates, and more. However, access to these features on HubSpot requires their professional plan.
  • Analytics – Mailchimp includes a dashboard with real-time performance and analytics. Additional features include ROI tracking, a click map, advanced audience insights, and more. HubSpot has arguably more comprehensive email analytics capabilities, including up to ten reporting dashboards and custom reports for their starter plan. Higher tiered plans include more dashboards and report options. HubSpot’s data analytics are more detailed as well.
  • Landing pagesLanding pages are essential to building your email list. Not to mention that they are also needed for your emails to convert. HubSpot has an easy-to-use landing page builder that allows you to choose from various customizable templates. However, this feature is not available in their free plan. On the other hand, Mailchimp doesn’t have a landing page builder at all. Instead, it offers integrations with other third-party tools that you can use to build your email landing pages.

Also Read: 5 Ways to Revamp Your Email Marketing Strategy and Increase ROI

Both HubSpot and Mailchimp are excellent options when it comes to email marketing tools. However, when taking into account the differences between HubSpot vs. Mailchimp, we believe that HubSpot does edge Mailchimp in terms of its quality and capabilities. On top of that, HubSpot has an entire ecosystem of marketing tools and platforms, making it easier to integrate all of your marketing capabilities and to run your efforts from a single hub. As such, you should strongly consider HubSpot for your email marketing needs.

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The Impact of Digital Marketing Automation on Senior Living Communities

In the ever-evolving landscape of senior living, employing robust marketing strategies, including the use of marketing automation, is vital for standing out in a crowded marketplace. Therefore, it is crucial for operators to understand and integrate these technologies. This article will explore how automation and specific digital marketing strategies can optimize outreach and resident acquisition efforts.

two elderly women talking and smiling

The Role of Automation in Senior Living Marketing

Modern marketing automation provides a variety of tools designed to enhance efficiency and efficacy in reaching potential clients. Below are key areas where automation is proving indispensable in marketing for senior living:

  • Email Marketing Campaigns: Automated email campaigns are a cornerstone of effective marketing for senior living. By using automation tools, facilities can send timely, relevant information tailored to the interests and needs of potential residents and their families. This could include updates about facility amenities, testimonials from current residents, or invitations to virtual tours and events. These campaigns help build a rapport by providing consistent, valuable content that assists families in making informed decisions about senior care options.
  • Lead Management: The use of automation software in lead management allows senior living communities to capture and store detailed information about each prospect, from initial inquiry through to move-in. Automated systems can trigger follow-up tasks and send personalized emails based on prospect interactions. They can also score leads based on engagement, greatly increasing the efficiency of the sales process. This ensures that the community responds promptly and appropriately to each prospect, which is crucial for converting inquiries into residencies.
  • Social Media Management: Social media is an invaluable tool for building community and engaging with potential residents and their families. Automation tools can schedule consistent content postings across various platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This ensures a steady stream of engaging material that highlights community events, resident stories, and useful information about living options. Additionally, these tools provide analytics that measure engagement rates. This enables communities to adjust their content strategy to better meet the needs and interests of their audience.

Integrating Advanced Digital Marketing Tactics

To further refine your marketing strategy, incorporating advanced digital marketing tactics for senior living communities can be a game-changer. These include:

  • Targeted Ads: Targeted advertising employs sophisticated algorithms to display ads to specific demographics by analyzing their online behaviors and preferences. This approach ensures that marketing for senior living reaches those most likely to be interested in such services. For example, ads can be shown to adults searching for comfortable retirement options or those seeking amenities such as on-site medical care, thereby increasing the likelihood of capturing relevant leads.
  • Content Marketing: Content marketing involves creating and disseminating articles, blogs, and videos that directly address the queries and challenges potential residents or their families may face when considering senior living options. This strategy not only informs them but also establishes the facility’s authority in the senior living sector. Effective content marketing can boost engagement by providing valuable insights and solutions, fostering trust between the community and prospective residents.
  • SEO Strategies: Implementing SEO strategies enhances a website’s visibility on search engines like Google. This makes it easier for potential clients to find the website when they search for senior living options. This involves optimizing site structure, improving meta descriptions, and using relevant keywords throughout web content. An effectively optimized website attracts more organic traffic, which can lead to increased inquiries and higher occupancy rates for senior living facilities.

digital marketing globe surrounded by icons

Crafting a Comprehensive Senior Living Marketing Plan

An effective senior living marketing plan is well-rounded and adaptive. Key components should include:

  • Market Research: Market research is critical in grasping the dynamics of the local market and identifying the specific preferences and needs of your target audience. This research can include demographic studies to understand age distributions and economic factors. It can also include surveys to gauge service expectations. Additionally, research can include focus groups to test market reactions to potential new services or facilities.
  • Competitive Analysis: Competitive analysis involves examining the strengths and weaknesses of competitors within the market to discover what they excel at and what gaps they leave open. This analysis helps your community identify unique selling propositions (USPs) that can differentiate your services from others. Whether it’s superior medical care, better amenities, or more inclusive community activities, understanding these elements can strategically position your facility in the market.
  • Budgeting: Effective budgeting entails the strategic allocation of financial resources across various marketing channels to ensure the highest return on investment (ROI). This process involves prioritizing spending on high-impact marketing efforts, such as digital advertising and event marketing, and scaling back on less effective initiatives. Proper budget management ensures that every dollar spent contributes to achieving broader marketing objectives and financial stability.

Prioritizing Website Effectiveness

Your website serves as the central hub for your marketing efforts. Implementing essential website updates for senior living communities is critical for maintaining an edge. Updates to consider include:

  • User Experience: Ensuring the site is easy to navigate and accessible, particularly for older adults or their caretakers who are not as tech-savvy.
  • Mobile Optimization: With an increasing number of users accessing information via smartphones, a mobile-friendly design is indispensable.
  • Content Refresh: Regular updates to blog posts, FAQs, and other resources to keep content relevant and engaging.

Taking the Next Step in Marketing for Senior Living

By integrating marketing automation tools, senior living facilities can not only streamline their marketing operations. They can also create more personalized, meaningful interactions with potential residents. These strategies ensure that your community remains competitive and appealing to those seeking a new home for themselves or their loved ones.

To explore how these strategies can be tailored to benefit your community, Contact Us for a free consultation.

10 AI Marketing Tools for Optimizing Your Marketing Strategy

In the current digital era, the revolutionary impact of AI technology on marketing strategies cannot be underestimated. Utilizing artificial intelligence, you can now automate various marketing tasks, obtain valuable insights, and enhance your strategy to achieve remarkable outcomes. And the good news is that a wide array of AI marketing tools exist, empowering businesses to streamline their endeavors and attain resounding success. In this piece, we shall delve into 10 exceptional AI marketing tools for optimizing your marketing strategy:

1. Jasper Jasper Ai Logo PNG vector in SVG, PDF, AI, CDR format

Jasper is an innovative AI marketing tool that revolutionizes the way marketers analyze customer data and optimize their marketing campaigns. Equipped with advanced machine learning algorithms, Jasper empowers you to better understand your target audience and deploy personalized recommendations that elevate your marketing strategies.

A notable advantage of Jasper lies in its ability to examine extensive customer data and discern valuable patterns and trends. Harnessing the power of AI, Jasper seamlessly processes data from diverse origins, encompassing customer behavior, demographics, purchase history, and engagement metrics. This comprehensive evaluation empowers you to delve into the intricacies of your audience, unveiling hidden insights and identifying pivotal drivers that shape customer behavior.

2. Anyword↬ Anyword: AI Copy Software for +30% Conversions

Crafting compelling and effective ad copy can be a challenging task. This is where Anyword comes in. Anyword utilizes natural language processing (NLP) and AI to generate high-performing ad copy. By analyzing vast amounts of data, including successful ads and user behavior, Anyword can suggest the most effective words, phrases, and even emojis to include in your ad copy. This tool helps you save time and improve your ad campaign performance.

Moreover, Anyword goes beyond mere word suggestions and offers comprehensive optimization capabilities. The AI algorithms of Anyword analyze the structure, tone, and style of your ad copy, providing actionable feedback to enhance its effectiveness. Whether it’s improving the clarity of the message, enhancing the call-to-action, or adjusting the emotional appeal, Anyword guides you in optimizing your ad copy for maximum impact.

Company News - Semrush Newsroom3. SEMrush

SEMrush is a popular AI-driven marketing tool that offers a wide range of features to enhance your digital marketing efforts. From keyword research and competitor analysis to content optimization and tracking campaign performance, SEMrush provides valuable insights and actionable recommendations. By leveraging AI algorithms, SEMrush helps you identify new opportunities, optimize your content for search engines, and stay ahead of the competition.

Another notable feature of SEMrush is its social media management capabilities. With AI-powered social media tools, SEMrush allows you to schedule posts, analyze engagement metrics, and monitor social media performance. Moreover, it provides invaluable information regarding expanding your follower base, engagement rates, and social media outreach. This aids in understanding the influence of your social media endeavors and enables informed decision-making based on data to refine your social media strategies.

Surfer SEO Review 2023: Features, Pricing, and Alternatives4. SurferSEO

Enhancing your site’s visibility through organic traffic is paramount, making search engine optimization (SEO) indispensable. SurferSEO, an advanced AI marketing tool, conducts a meticulous analysis of your website’s content, offering valuable suggestions to optimize it for improved rankings in search engine results. Taking into account crucial elements like keyword usage, content length, and readability, SurferSEO assists you in crafting SEO-optimized content that effectively resonates with search engines as well as users.

Furthermore, SurferSEO’s AI capabilities extend to analyzing backlink profiles and providing recommendations for link building. Backlinks play a crucial role in search engine rankings, and SurferSEO helps you identify high-quality backlinkopportunities based on AI-driven analysis. This enables you to develop effective link-building strategies and improve your website’s authority and visibility in search results.

Hemingway Editor – RoaringApps5. Hemingway App

Clear and concise writing is essential for effective communication. Hemingway App is an AI writing assistant that helps marketers improve the readability and clarity of their content. By analyzing text and highlighting complex sentences, passive voice, and excessive adverbs, Hemingway App enables you to create engaging and easily understandable content. This tool is particularly useful for optimizing blog posts, articles, and social media copy.

Additionally, Hemingway App offers a distraction-free writing environment, allowing you to focus solely on your content without unnecessary distractions. The clean and minimalist interface promotes concentration and productivity, enabling you to produce high-quality content efficiently. With Hemingway App, you can enhance your communication efforts, effectively connect with your target audience, and drive better engagement and conversion rates.

Media Assets | Grammarly6. Grammarly

Maintaining the credibility of your marketing materials necessitates meticulous attention to grammar and spelling accuracy. Enter Grammarly, a writing tool fueled by AI, which promptly identifies and rectifies grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors in real time. With its browser extension and web editor, Grammarly assists you in creating error-free content across various platforms. Whether you’re writing emails, social media posts, or blog articles, Grammarly ensures your content is polished and professional.

Another noteworthy feature of Grammarly is its plagiarism checker. Plagiarism is a serious concern in the marketing industry, and Grammarly helps you ensure the originality of your content. The tool scans the text against a vast database of web pages and other sources to detect any instances of copied or duplicated content. This feature allows you to maintain credibility, avoid legal issues, and produce unique and authentic content.

Algolia Reviews, Ratings & Features 2023 | Gartner Peer Insights7. Algolia

User experience plays a crucial role in retaining customers and driving conversions. Algolia is an AI-powered search and discovery tool that enhances the search functionality of your website or application. By leveraging machine learning, Algolia delivers fast and relevant search results, personalized recommendations, and advanced filtering options. This helps marketers provide a seamless and intuitive user experience, increasing customer engagement and satisfaction.

Brand24 - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees, Headquarters Locations8. Brand 24

In the era of social media, monitoring your brand’s reputation and tracking relevant conversations is vital. Brand 24 is an AI-based social listening tool designed for marketers. It enables the monitoring of mentions, tracking of sentiment, and analysis of brand reach across social media platforms. Leveraging AI algorithms, Brand 24 provides valuable insights into customer opinions and helps identify influencers. Additionally, it facilitates effective online reputation management for your brand.

Influencity (@influencity) / Twitter9. Influencity

In recent times, influencer marketing has emerged as a pivotal component within numerous marketing strategies. Enter Influencity, an AI-driven platform offering marketers invaluable assistance in identifying and establishing connections with relevant influencers. Influencity empowers you to discover the ideal influencers for your brand, guaranteeing maximum impact and return on investment (ROI) for your influencer marketing endeavors.

By streamlining influencer discovery, providing insightful analytics, automating campaign management, and prioritizing authenticity, Influencity optimizes the influencer marketing journey while enhancing the efficacy of your campaigns.

Scalenut | LinkedIn10. ScaleNut

Manually generating and distributing content often takes plenty of time and resources. ScaleNut helps streamline the process by automating the creation and distribution of content. Also, ScaleNut enables you to generate high-quality articles, blog posts, and social media content much faster. It also assists you in optimizing your content distribution strategy across multiple channels.

Bottom Line

AI marketing tools have revolutionized the way businesses approach marketing. These tools, from personalizing recommendations to optimizing content and automating tasks, empower marketers. They enable them to enhance their strategies and drive better results. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, you can streamline your marketing efforts, save time, and make data-driven decisions for maximum impact. Consider integrating these 10 AI marketing tools into your strategy to take your marketing efforts to new heights.

The Value of Marketing Automation in 2020

As your organization expands, so will your marketing needs. Trying to keep up with all of your marketing tasks can be challenging. Common tasks include emailing leads, posting content on a regular schedule, responding to questions, and more. Many of these tasks are time-consuming, which can make getting everything done in an efficient manner can be tricky. Because of this very reason, you should consider the value of marketing automation.

The Benefits of Using Marketing Automation

Marketing automation refers to a software solution that automatically completes certain tasks based on your instructions. One thing that’s important to understand is that the value of marketing automation goes beyond saving time. As such, the following are a few examples of why you should consider implementing marketing automation tools:

  • Improve productivity

The amount of time that automation can save will help increase productivity. For example, you can use automation tools to trigger emails based on a lead’s actions. Such actions can include downloading something from your site or filling out a form. Since your marketing team doesn’t have to do these tasks, they can use their time to address more important tasks.

  • Reduce human errors

Requiring individuals to perform repetitive tasks over and over again will increase the likelihood that they will make an error. Such errors are natural when the task is mundane and time-consuming.  Automating such tasks can help remove human error from the equation.

  • Improve scalability

If you’re using automation, then your ability to handle a larger workload won’t be affected. Without automation, your team would have trouble handling a bigger workload (which could require you to hire more personnel).

  • Nurture leads more successfully

Using automation, you can make sure that your customer profiles are kept up-to-date. Automation tools can also help you score leads, thereby improving your sales enablement. Finally, automation can help you personalize engagement more, resulting in more effective lead nurturing.

  • Measure success more effectively

Measuring success is important to ensuring that your marketing efforts result in a high ROI. Automation allows you to monitor important KPIs in real-time. As a result, you can make adjustments to your strategy whenever you need to.

Marketing Automation and Trigger Words

Marketing Automation Tools You Should Use

There are many types of marketing automation solutions that are available.  The best way to choose an automation tool is to identify what your automation needs are. With that in mind, the following are some of the most popular automation tools currently on the market:

  • HubSpot

HubSpot is a CRM platform that you can leverage for its content marketing automation tools. For example, HubSpot has a workflow tool that lets you create highly customizable conditional workflows. Using HubSpot, you can set up automated email drip campaigns, segment your contact lists, score leads, and more.

  • Marketo

Marketo uses a Lifecycle Modeler tool that lets you automatically source and organize your leads. If you integrate Marketo with your existing CRM, it will use all of your contact data to automatically move your leads through the sales funnel. Additional features include precision targeting with smart campaigns, streamlined lead nurturing, and email marketing automation capabilities.

  • is an email automation solution that you can use to create targeted messages based on how your customers interact with your business. The tool also lets you set up trigger actions using a set of predefined rules. Additional features include conversion tracking, customer profiles, in-context conversations, and A/B testing.

  • Userfox

Owned by AdRoll, Userfox is a SaaS automation solution focusing on email automation. The tool lets users set up triggers based on certain events to automatically send emails to their leads. It’s worth noting that the tool is primarily for tech companies.

  • Pardot

Pardot is a B2B marketing automation solution that belongs to the Salesforce ecosystem. Some of its many automation features include progressive profiling, email marketing, lead assignment, lead scoring, and more.

  • Ontraport

Ontraport is an all-in-one marketing and sales automation platform. The solution provides in-depth insight through its Campaign Performance Mode. Additional automation features include email automation, list segmentation, SMS messaging automation, appointment scheduling, trigger campaigns, and more.

  • InfusionSoft

InfusionSoft is a small business automation tool offered by Keap. It allows you to automatically capture and tag new leads, score leads, assign tasks, invoice clients, set up recurring payments, and schedule appointments.

Implement Marketing Automation Tools to Improve Your Marketing Success

Marketing automation tools not only help to improve the productivity of your marketing efforts, but they can also significantly improve their effectiveness. The value of marketing automation simply cannot be overstated. Because of this, you should strongly consider adopting one or more automation tools if you haven’t done so already.

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Professional Services Marketing Automation 2

Marketing Automation Benefits During Covid-19

COVID-19 has been a difficult time for everyone, including small to mid-sized businesses. However, just because your business may have slowed down doesn’t mean that you should stop marketing. In fact, you could argue that now is the best time to reach out to clients and prospects alike. Although you may not be closing deals, you can still nurture leads and build your brand authority. Of course, you will have to adapt your existing strategy to the current situation. One of the most effective ways to do this is to take advantage of marketing automation tools, such as HubSpot.

Ways Marketing Automation Can Benefit Your Business

Marketing automation is a process of using various tools to automate certain tasks. These tasks are repetitive and not difficult to perform. There are many different types of automation tools available that allow you to automate various tasks. You can use automation for email marketing, analytics, chatbots, blog posting, and social media posting. The following are a few of the main reasons you should lean more heavily on marketing automation during COVID-19:

  • Maximize your budget

Because business might be a little slower than usual, maximizing your marketing budget is critical. Marketing automation can help you do just that. By automating your budget, you can allocate money towards marketing efforts that are performing well. As a result, you won’t be wasting money on marketing efforts that are performing poorly. Additionally, you’ll avoid missing out on areas of your campaign that are thriving.

  • Maintain engagement

Many leads are going to have more time on their hands than normal. This means that they may try to engage with your brand at a rate you’re not used to. To ensure a quick response to your leads, you can implement chatbots. Chatbots are a form of marketing automation that allows you to respond to basic questions your leads may have. Without chatbots, you may not have the ability to engage with all of your leads in a timely manner.

  • Save time

Automation allows you to automate repetitive tasks that take a lot of time to complete manually. For example, publishing content at specific times of the day during the week. You can use automation to schedule your content to be published automatically weeks ahead of time. Another example is email automation, which lets you send emails automatically based on trigger actions. The time your team saves on these tasks can be focused on more important marketing efforts.

Tips For Leveraging Marketing Automation Successfully

As you now realize, there are major benefits to using marketing automation, especially during COVID-19. However, the success of your marketing automation efforts depends on how you use the tools at your disposal. The following are a few tips to keep in mind that will help you use marketing automation effectively:

  • Don’t overuse email automation

There’s a temptation to use automation to ramp up your email messaging. While you do want to engage leads during the pandemic, you have to remember that everyone is doing the same thing. Don’t try to take advantage of the pandemic as a marketing trend. If you’re constantly sending emails to your audience, they may grow tired of you. Perform an audit to determine how often your audience actually wants to hear from you. And segment your email list so that when you do send automated emails, they’ll be relevant.

Email Metrics You Should Keep in Mind & What They Mean

  • Use automation to encourage online shopping

In-store visits are down for obvious reasons. Many stores aren’t allowed to be open. Not to mention that customers aren’t visiting stores nearly as often even if they are open. Because of this, consider creating automated campaigns that encourage offline shoppers to shop online. For example, you can target offline customers with a special online shopping reward program.

  • Take advantage of real-time data

Because of how new the pandemic environment is, new search trends are bound to emerge every day. Use data analysis and reporting to keep track of what customers are searching for and what pages they’re visiting. Use your data to adjust your marketing efforts whenever appropriate to make the most of your budget.

Implement Marketing Automation Solutions Today

COVID-19 has everyone on edge. The pandemic is causing significant business disruptions as well. While it may not be business as normal, you can still have an impact if you can adjust your marketing efforts accordingly. As a result of social distancing and state-wide lockdown, now is the time to engage with leads and to nurture them. You’ll find that your ability to do so will dramatically improve through the use of marketing automation. By successfully leveraging marketing automation tools like HubSpot, you can save time, maximize your marketing budget, and continue to build your brand reputation.

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Marketing Automation1

Marketing Automation And Trigger Words

When it comes to content marketing, quality is obviously the most important element. You need to write content that is helpful and relevant to your audience. On top of that, your content needs to be well written. This means making sure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors, and that it is easy to read and understand. While the quality of your content is critical to its success, there are other tactics you should employ as well. For example, the use of marketing automation and trigger words can help to improve the impact of your content.

Ways to Use Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is the use of certain software tools to automate repetitive tasks. Content marketing involves a lot of repetitive tasks that can be very time-consuming. By effectively leveraging marketing automation tools, you can save a significant amount of time. You can also improve the effectiveness of your content marketing in a variety of ways as well. The following are a few examples of how you can successfully use automation to improve your content marketing:

1. Automate Publishing Times

It’s important that you publish your content (specifically, your blog content) on the same days every week. This helps ensure that regular readers know when to visit your website for new content. However, manually publishing new content at specific times on specific days can be time-consuming. Not to mention that keeping such deadlines adds unneeded stress. Automation allows you to schedule when content will be published ahead of time. Then, when its scheduled publishing date comes around, your content will automatically be posted to your blog.

Enjoy The Article: How Professional Service Marketers Use Marketing Automation Strategies To Succeed

2. Deliver Content Based On Trigger Events

The success of a lot of your content depends on timing. For example, if someone makes a purchase on your e-commerce page, you may want to send them a thank you email. However, that email isn’t going to have much of an impact if it comes a week after the purchase was made. You can automate certain content to be delivered based on specific actions that your leads and customers take. For instance, if someone finalizes a purchase online, that action can trigger an automated welcome email to be sent to that customer immediately. Automating content delivery using trigger events will help to improve your customer experience significantly.

3. Segment Email ListMarketing Automation2

Not all of your content will be relevant to your entire audience. For example, if you run a pet food company, then an article about dog food isn’t going to be relevant for cat owners. If you’re constantly emailing your audience content that’s not relevant to them, they will be more likely to unsubscribe. You can use automation to segment your email list. Use the information you have from your opt-in forms to segment your list effectively. You can then send different emails to different segments of your email list to ensure that the content you’re sending is relevant.

How To Use Trigger Words

Attracting your audience is one thing, getting them to read your content is another. One of the most effective methods for pulling an audience in is by using trigger words. Trigger words are words or phrases that immediately establish an emotional connection and that provide a sense of urgency. They are particularly effective when used in titles and calls-to-action (CTAs). The following are a few examples of trigger words you might want to use:

  • New – People are always looking for the most up-to-date solution or product. This is because we live in a forward-thinking society. As a result, the word “new” tends to attract a lot of attention.
  • Free – Free is an incredibly effective trigger word. This is because a consumer is more willing to give something a chance if it’s at no additional cost. They know that if they decide against the solution, it won’t cost them anything.
  • Discover – Prospects who are searching for specific solutions will be drawn to the word “discover” as it hints that the content or offer may contain the solution they are looking for.
  • Easy – If someone is searching for a solution, the last thing they want is one that will be difficult to implement. The word “easy” will draw their eye right away since they will be searching for a painless solution.

A good content marketing strategy consists of many different elements. Two important tactics that you should be sure to leverage include the use of marketing automation and trigger words. Using automation can help you to deliver relevant content to your audience at the right time. Trigger words can help improve the chances that your audience will take the time to read your content. If you aren’t using automation or trigger words yet, then you should make it a point to implement both.

Inbound marketing will help you grow your business by attracting website visitors, converting them into leads and closing leads into customers
Professional Service Marketing Automation 1

How Professional Service Marketers use Marketing Automation Strategies to Succeed

A comprehensive professional service marketing strategy can be time-consuming to not just develop and implement, but to monitor and maintain as well. A successful strategy requires that many tasks be performed repeatedly over time. These tasks are often mundane. It’s why many professional services use automation tools. Automation tools help automate certain tasks, which can reduce the time that needs to be spent manually performing tasks, can help reduce human error, and can make your marketing efforts much more efficient (and therefore, effective) in general. Keeping that in mind, the following are a few examples of how you can use professional service marketing automation.

1. Qualifying New Leads

A lot of time is wasted trying to engage leads who aren’t qualified, whether it’s by your marketing team or by your sales team. Using lead scoring automation tools, you can assign points to every lead you capture based on the actions they take or the information that they provide. You can then determine thresholds for qualifying them as MQL (marketing qualified lead) or SQL (sales qualified lead). Using lead scoring automation helps ensure that you can identify leads that are ready to be engaged, thereby preventing qualified leads from falling through the cracks and avoiding wasting time on leads that aren’t qualified.

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2. Nurturing Leads 

Professional Services Marketing Automation 2

Captured leads can’t be engaged right away if they’re not MQL or SQL qualified. You’ll need to nurture your leads through the sales funnel. You can do this using automated email drip campaigns towards the middle of the funnel. Drip campaigns involve a series of emails sent at specific times after a conversion. Or when certain actions have taken place. They allow you to automate a significant part of your nurturing process.

3. Publishing New Content 

Content marketing requires that you create and publish new content on a regular basis. For example, many professional service firms publish three to four blog posts a week. However, it’s a little bit inefficient to create new content every day and then publishing it at a specific time each week. Using automation, you can create numerous pieces of content at once. As soon as you do, you can then schedule them to be automatically sent out at specific times and dates in the future.

4. Improving Targeting And Personalization 

Automation is a conceivable way to automatically segment your prospects and customers into separate lists based on customized criteria. This will make it easier to target your marketing efforts to more relevant prospects or customers. As a result, your engagement with them will seem much more personalized. Without segmentation, many of your prospects may end up being emailed content that has nothing to do with them, which will hurt your chances of being able to close a sale.

Similar Article: How Marketing Automation Can Improve Your Lead Nurturing Process

5. Reducing Customer Churn

One of the big challenges businesses face is that of customer churn, which refers to the number of customers that you lose over time. Existing customers are important to keep as they are who you will get the majority of your revenue from. Using automation, you can notify marketing or sales personnel if an existing customer in your system hasn’t been engaged with for a specific period of time. This will allow you to reach out to them in an effort to reduce customer churn. Using automation in such a way can help keep you from losing customers.

6. Monitoring  Analytics

Tracking the performance of your marketing efforts as well as of your marketing and sales teams is essential to being able to improve your marketing and sales strategies. Using automation, you can ensure that your teams have access to dashboards that display up-to-date metrics and KPIs. You can even automate the creation of and distribution of reports on specific dates for your stakeholders.

7. Improving Customer Service And Engagement

Both prospects and customers are constantly providing new data to your business, requiring you to update your customer profiles regularly. Unfortunately, doing so can be a challenge, which can lead to subpar customer service and engagement. For example, if a customer has an issue with a service and contacts customer support several times, a lack of an updated profile will require that customer to go over their issue over and over again, which will frustrate them greatly. Through CRM automation, you are able to unite the customer data from all your channels to one location. You can even automate the creation of new customer profiles the moment a new lead is available.

Professional service marketing automation isn’t just about improving productivity and efficiency, although automation tools do help in this manner. Automation can also help to improve your ability to engage and nurture your leads. As a result, it can help make your marketing strategy more cost-effective as well. These are seven examples of how you can use professional service marketing automation to enhance your marketing efforts.