Digital Communication Tools to Help Build a Human Brand

The success of your brand depends on much more than just convincing a potential customer to try your product. While in the past the customer experience has been based around the product being offered, these days, you need to look at the big picture. It’s not just about the customer experience in regards to your product. It’s about the emotional connection that they are able to form with your brand.

Customers don’t just want a product, they want a relationship with the brand that is selling them that product.  You need to focus on fostering an emotional connection instead of just trying to build awareness for a certain product. Fortunately, building an emotional connection with your audience is easier than ever before with the number of digital communication tools that are at your disposal.

The Importance Of An Emotional Connection

Customers are human beings. They have hopes, dreams, and feelings. In a world where their product choices are practically limitless, they will want much more out of a brand. They do not want to engage with a corporation. Customers want to engage with a brand that’s relatable on a personal level. Their desire for connection in such a world is not surprising. A brand that is able to touch them emotionally is going to make them more engaged.

There are many ways that you can do this; reinforcing the beliefs or perspective of your audience, supporting the goals or perspective of your audience, or challenging your audience to do greater things.

5 Marketing Tactics You Should Be Using in 2019

How Digital Communication Tools Can Help Foster An Emotional Connection

Engaging on an emotional level with your audience is easier than it’s ever been, as long as you make the effort to do so. The following are just a few ways that digital communication tools can help you to connect with your audience emotionally and to build meaningful relationships with them:

  • Video content – When it comes to content, few other forms are able to engage audiences on an emotional level like video content. There are numerous reasons for this. First of all, people consume visual content much more easily than written content. Secondly, you can use actors or even real figures that audiences can relate to on a personal level. Thirdly, you can emphasize certain emotions much more effectively through the production of video, from the look of how it was filmed to the type of music that’s used to how the video is edited.
  • SegmentationSegmenting your leads and customers based on the data you’ve collected (via opt-in forms, surveys, and more) will provide you with valuable insight into who your audience is and how you can connect with them. It also allows you to personalize your content much more effectively, which will make it easier to drive engagement.
  • Social interaction – The use of social channels makes it easy to engage with your audience directly. Direct interaction makes it easier to build meaningful relationships. You’ll have a bigger emotional impact on those who witness the interactions on social media as well.

Building a human brand will help you build long-term relationships with your audience based on real emotional connections. Use the digital communication tools available to you to emphasize emotion in your marketing efforts. Doing so will help your audience relate to you on a more personal level, thereby driving engagement with your brand.

Free Marketing Consultation

Inbox Influence: Mastering Email Marketing for Brand Success

Getting your email marketing strategy right can be a game-changer for your business and your brand. Email stands as the cornerstone of direct marketing tactics, offering a personal touch that many other platforms struggle to emulate. The key to success lies in understanding the intricacies of email marketing and leveraging them to your advantage.

The Foundation of a Strong Email Marketing Strategy

Before diving into the nuances, it’s crucial to establish a strong foundation for your email marketing strategy. This involves several pivotal steps:

  • Understanding Your Audience: Knowing who your emails are targeting is the first step. This involves segmenting your audience based on their preferences, behaviors, and past interactions with your brand.
  • Crafting a Compelling Subject Line: It’s their first impression. So make your subject line count by being clear, engaging, and intriguing without resorting to clickbait.
  • Personalization is Key: Tailoring the content of your emails to fit the interests and needs of your recipients can significantly increase engagement rates.

Content That Captivates

Once the foundation is set, the content of your emails is where you can truly shine and make an impact. Here’s how to ensure your content is captivating:

  • Value-Driven Content: Ensure every email you send packs a punch of value for your audience. This could be in the form of expert insights, exclusive discounts, or compelling narratives that resonate with their interests and needs. Aim to enrich their day or offer solutions to their problems with every interaction.
  • A Clear and Concise Message: Clarity is king in the realm of email communication. Your email should serve a distinct purpose, whether to enlighten, convince, or amuse your recipients. Craft your content to be straightforward and accessible, eliminating any potential confusion and making the key takeaway immediately apparent.
  • Interactive Elements: Elevate your emails from static messages to dynamic conversations by embedding interactive features. Polls, surveys, and clickable links not only make your emails more engaging but also serve as tools to gather insightful feedback and preferences directly from your audience, enhancing the personalization of future communications.

Design That Delivers

The design of your email is just as important as the content. A well-designed email can enhance your message and encourage readers to engage with your content.

  • Responsive Design: In today’s mobile-centric world, it’s crucial that your emails look flawless across all devices, especially smartphones. A significant number of your audience will be reading your messages on the go, so optimizing for mobile ensures a seamless and engaging experience. Responsive design adapts your email’s layout and content to fit various screen sizes, preventing formatting issues that could detract from your message’s impact.
  • Use of Images and Videos: Integrating images and videos can transform your emails from plain text to captivating narratives, but balance is key. High-quality visuals should complement and enhance your message, not distract or detract from it. Be mindful of file sizes to ensure your emails load quickly, maintaining a smooth user experience and keeping engagement high.
  • Whitespace and Layout: The strategic use of whitespace and a thoughtful layout can significantly improve the readability and overall appeal of your emails. Whitespace helps to break up text, making your content more digestible and less intimidating, while a well-organized layout guides the reader’s eye through your message, ensuring they focus on the most important elements. This thoughtful design approach can turn a potentially overwhelming email into an enjoyable read.

Testing and Optimization

An effective email marketing strategy is not static; it evolves. Regular testing and optimization are crucial for continued success.

  • A/B Testing: A/B testing, or split testing, is a critical tool in refining your email marketing strategy. By creating two versions of your email, each differing in one key aspect like the subject line, call-to-action (CTA), or layout, you can send these variants to a small segment of your audience and measure which performs better. This data-driven approach removes guesswork, allowing you to understand your audience’s preferences and optimize future communications for better engagement and results.
  • Analyze and Adapt: The power of email marketing lies in its measurability. Utilizing analytics tools to monitor the performance of your emails gives you insight into what captures your audience’s attention and prompts action. By examining metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, you can identify strengths and areas for improvement in your content and CTAs. This continuous cycle of analysis and adaptation ensures your email marketing strategy remains dynamic, responsive to audience needs, and aligned with your overall business goals.

Leveraging Automation

Automation can take your email marketing strategy to the next level. It allows for timely and relevant engagement with your audience without requiring constant manual effort.

  • Welcome Emails: Crafting an automated series of welcome emails for new subscribers is a pivotal first step in nurturing a lasting relationship with your audience. These initial communications should warmly introduce your brand, highlight the value of your offerings, and set the tone for future interactions. Tailoring this series to gradually educate and engage your new subscribers can significantly enhance their connection with your brand and encourage continued engagement.
  • Behavior-triggered Emails: Leveraging behavior-triggered emails allows you to send highly relevant and timely messages based on specific actions your users take. For instance, if a user abandons their shopping cart, an automated email can remind them of their incomplete purchase, possibly offering a discount or answering potential questions related to the transaction. Similarly, showing interest in a particular product could trigger an email providing more detailed information or related items, thereby personalizing the user experience and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

The Art of Engagement

In the end, the goal of your email marketing strategy is to build and maintain a relationship with your audience. Engage them with stories, involve them with interactive content, and always provide value. Your emails should feel like a conversation, not a sales pitch.

Beyond the Inbox

To wrap up, perfecting your email marketing strategy is about much more than just sending out emails. It’s about creating a comprehensive experience that starts with a compelling subject line and ends with a satisfied customer. By focusing on your audience, crafting captivating content, designing for impact, testing and optimizing, leveraging automation, and prioritizing engagement, you can turn your email marketing efforts into a significant asset for your brand. Remember, in the vast sea of digital communication, your emails are your ambassadors. Make them count!


Factors That Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions

What Are Marketing Qualified Leads And Why Do They Matter?

How are you handling your marketing qualified leads? Once you have a lead at the top of the sales funnel, you can’t just stop marketing and hope that initial lead turns into a sales-qualified lead (SQL). You need to keep your eye on your marketing qualified leads (MQLs) as well.

What is Marketing Qualified Leads?

A Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) is a type of lead in which potential customer will engage with your brand which you have provided to them through your marketing efforts.

Don’t Forget the Lead in the Middle

Prospects, also known as contacts and leads, are the consumers at the top of your sales funnel. They have an initial interest in your product or service and might provide an email address or first name, in exchange for a report or other premium offer. However, they are only at the browsing stage and are definitely not ready to make a purchase yet.

At the bottom of your sales funnel are your sales qualified leads, also known as SQLs. These leads are ready to make a purchase. This is when your sales people need to be in contact, ready to provide additional information and incentives to finalize the sale.

Now there is plenty of room between the prospect and the SQL. This is where the marketing qualified lead (MQL) sits.

An MQL has moved beyond the browsing stage and is seriously evaluating whether your product or service meets certain criteria. They are looking at your competition as well. This is when your marketing needs to shift. An MQL needs more detailed information on your products and services, and needs to know how you differ from the competition. This information will help the MQL move towards the decision-making point.

Read More: How to nurture leads with email marketing

How Can You Tell if a Lead is Marketing Qualified?

To tell when a lead is moving towards the MQL stage, you need to gather pertinent data from the lead and monitor his/her activity on your website. Then, compare this information to past sales opportunities to determine what direction the prospect is moving towards.

  • Demographic data from the lead, like location, industry, and business size makes a difference. Also, how much do they want to spend? Is your product within their budget needs?
  • What types of actions are they taking on your website? Frequent visits added with downloading whitepapers or other detailed information is a good sign they are in this stage.
  • How similar are they to your past sales opportunities? If your typical customers are established companies with a large budget, a start-up with a limited budget may not be a good fit. That doesn’t mean that start-up won’t make a purchase, it is just less likely to happen.

The exact definition of what an MQL means to your company is something only you can define. But, no matter how you define MQLs, you cannot forget them in your marketing process. Forgetting them means less SQLs which means less final sales. And that defeats the purpose of marketing in the first place. The next step is learning how to engage marketing qualified leads until they move to being an SQL.

Inbound marketing will help you grow your business by attracting website visitors, converting them into leads and closing leads into customers

Empowering and Transforming Digital Marketing with AI

Introduction to AI in Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just a buzzword but a pivotal game-changer. AI and digital marketing are increasingly intertwined, revolutionizing how marketers approach their strategies. Embracing AI can significantly enhance your marketing efforts, from personalized customer interactions to streamlined operations.

Personalization at Its Best

AI excels in creating personalized experiences for users. By analyzing vast amounts of data, it enables:

  • Tailored Content: The ability to understand and act on user preferences changes the game. This smart system crafts content that feels tailor-made, from recommendations akin to Netflix’s model to targeted advertising, enhancing user engagement significantly. Stevens & Tate offers insights on leveraging such capabilities in Creating Content That Resonates.
  • Predictive Analysis: This technique is reshaping how strategies are formed. By analyzing user interactions, this technology forecasts future needs, allowing businesses to stay a step ahead. The result? Campaigns that not only meet but anticipate customer desires, as discussed in Predictive Analysis in Marketing.

Cost-Effective Marketing Solutions:

The deployment of this technology has been transformative across sectors:

  • Automated Customer Service: Virtual assistants and chatbots, working round the clock, have redefined customer service in retail, banking, and healthcare, significantly cutting costs. Retailers use this technology for real-time recommendations, while banks offer instant account assistance. Healthcare and telecommunications benefit similarly, enhancing efficiency without sacrificing quality. The impact of AI in customer service is further explored in AI and Customer Service: A New Frontier.

These systems constantly evolve, learning from past interactions to improve future engagements, thus becoming an indispensable tool in customer service.

  • Efficient Resource Allocation: This smart technology dives deep into the outcomes of various campaigns to pinpoint the most effective marketing channels. By doing so, it ensures that every dollar spent is used in the most efficient way possible, leading to a more impactful marketing strategy and improved financial outcomes. This precision in resource allocation not only saves money but also amplifies the reach and effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Streamlining Marketing Efforts:

  • Enhanced Lead Generation: By leveraging advanced data analytics, this technology sifts through data to identify high-potential leads with remarkable accuracy. This process not only streamlines the targeting process but also enriches the sales funnel with quality prospects. The result is a more efficient marketing strategy that not only captures interest but also fosters lasting engagement, leading to better retention and conversion rates.
  • Optimized Ad Campaigns: With the ability to make real-time adjustments, this technology ensures that advertising campaigns are always performing at their best. By continuously analyzing engagement and conversion data, it keeps campaigns aligned with audience preferences and behaviors, leading to more effective engagement and a higher return on investment. This adaptability means that marketing messages remain fresh and relevant, deepening the connection between brand and audience.

Customization of Products and Services:

  • Predictive Product Development: By staying one step ahead of market trends, this technology empowers businesses to develop products that are ready for the future. It uses predictive analytics to forecast upcoming market demands, enabling companies to innovate proactively. This forward-thinking approach is essential for staying competitive and relevant in rapidly changing markets.
  • Service Personalization: This technology takes personalization to the next level by analyzing individual customer data to tailor services and products. By understanding the unique preferences and needs of each user, it enables businesses to offer highly personalized experiences that resonate on a personal level. This customization not only enhances customer satisfaction but also fosters loyalty, making users feel truly valued and understood.

For further exploration of AI’s impact on digital marketing, resources such as Marketing AI Institute and Forbes Insights on AI provide comprehensive information and case studies.


Click Here to Read More About WPBakery AI

Overcoming the Cons of AI in Marketing

While AI offers numerous benefits, it’s crucial to address its limitations:

  • Human Touch in Chatbots: While AI-powered chatbots provide efficiency, integrating human customer service ensures a balanced approach. This combination offers the quick resolution of simpler queries through AI, while more complex issues are handled by humans. This hybrid model ensures that while technology streamlines the process, the human element preserves empathy and understanding, crucial in customer relations.
  • Balance Between AI and Human Creativity: While it is true that AI offers valuable data-driven insights, it cannot replace human creativity and intuition. The most effective marketing strategies combine AI’s analytical strengths with human creativity and emotional intelligence. This synergy ensures that marketing campaigns are not only data-efficient but also creatively appealing, resonating with the human aspect of the target audience.
  • Accuracy of Algorithms: The effectiveness of AI is contingent on the quality of data it processes. Inaccurate or biased data can lead to flawed outcomes. Therefore, continuous monitoring, updating, and refining of AI algorithms are essential. This vigilance ensures that AI remains an accurate and reliable tool in marketing, adapting to new data and evolving market trends.

The use of AI in digital marketing offers a wide variety of useful benefits. From personalized customer experiences to cost-effective strategies and streamlined operations, AI is reshaping the marketing landscape. However, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between automated AI processes and the irreplaceable human touch. By thoughtfully integrating AI into your marketing strategies, you can stay ahead in the competitive digital arena, turning leads into loyal customers more efficiently.


content marketing agencies 1

The Importance of Lead Generation and Content Marketing Agencies

Your company is struggling to generate leads, and you’re looking for a quick and relatively simple solution. I have the solution, but you’ll probably groan because you’ve heard it before. “Content is king” might be an overused term, but that’s only because it’s proven to be true. A foolproof solution to your lack of leads as well as website foot traffic is lead generation content marketing.

The Importance of Lead Generation and Content Marketing Agencies

Nowadays, the quality of your company’s content is more important than ever before. Granted, there is more space to generate content and share it on the Internet, but with increased space comes tougher competition. We as marketing agencies feel pressure to stand out from the pack with remarkable content that converts our website’s visitors into potential leads. Consistent, quality content will attract the attention of readers, as well as encourage them to trust your company. Content marketing agencies can also help you create effective content marketing strategies and manage your content channels.


So what exactly is “quality” content?

Quality content has a specific purpose, format, and topic. The purpose should help the users find an answer to their questions or interests. The format you choose should fit your content well. In order to attract more leads, the content in the conversion stage should consist mainly of content offers.

Choose an appropriate formatContent_Marketing_Agencies 2

The format of the content offers can be a multitude of things; such as case studies, white papers, forms, calls-to-action, visuals, eBooks, emails, and landing pages. For example, if you want to demonstrate to users how a product works, you might use the template of a visual, such as a video or an image, rather than an eBook. On the other hand, if you wish to show your readers a how-to process that is also aesthetically pleasing, an eBook format would work better than a visual one.

In terms of topics, your content should be educational as well as specific. You should conduct market research and create content with your buyer personas in mind. Imagine you are your buyer persona: what problems do you need solutions for? How far are you in the buyer’s journey? What language would you use when typing keywords into the search engine? This can help you cater your content towards your target audience.

Similar Article: A Brief Guide to Sales Lead Generation

Be consistent

Another factor that makes content “quality” is frequent and consistent publication. If your readers know they can count on you to publish a semi-weekly blog in a specific time window, they are much more likely to see you as reliable. Webdam’s statistics show that blogging consistently has led to B2B marketers generating about 67% more leads marketers who do not, which is a huge advantage. After you’ve earned their trust, a number of your visitors will subscribe to you and convert to leads.

Lead generation content marketing is a proven way to get the word out about your company and have potential customers become interested in your business. Without good, consistent content, people will have little reason to visit your website or truly believe that you’re a leader in your field. Don’t let this happen to you.

Digital Marketing for Manufacturers

7 Reasons Why Digital Marketing for Manufacturers is Critical to Success

Manufacturers often use traditional marketing to advertise their services and find new customers. Whether it’s TV commercials, direct mail, or even cold calls, traditional marketing can still be effective. However, it’s crucial that you also adopt a digital marketing for Manufacturers Company.

7 Reasons Why Digital Marketing for Manufacturers is Important

The following are seven reasons why digital marketing for manufacturers is so essential:

1. Generate New Leads Over The Long-Term

Digital marketing allows manufacturers to generate new leads over the long term. While traditional marketing efforts help you garner immediate attention, they won’t generate new leads consistently over time. For example, TV commercials won’t have a lasting impact on lead generation. Once they stop running, they’ll stop reaching an audience.

Digital marketing strategies, such as content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), can help put your business in the position to be found online for years to come.

2. Reach Your Target Audience With Greater Success

One of the limitations of traditional marketing is that you don’t have much control over who your audience is. With digital marketing, you can specifically target your audience in various ways. For example, you can segment your target audience to reach specific types of leads. You can also optimize your content for SEO or using targeted advertising (such as Google AdWords or Facebook Ads).

3. Digital Marketing Is Cost-Effective digital marketing

The marketing landscape is constantly changing, making it difficult to know how to budget effectively. While traditional marketing efforts like TV ads or billboards can reach many people at one time, they are also expensive. Digital marketing is more cost-effective because you can target a specific audience and spend less on each impression.

Additionally, digital marketing tactics, such as blogging or SEO optimization, will continue to have a long-term impact. As a result, they will provide a greater return on investment (ROI) over the long run. For example, email marketing has an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent.

4. It’s Easier To Track And Adjust Digital Marketing Efforts

One of the biggest marketing challenges is knowing if your strategies are working. You can use various analytics tools to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) with digital marketing. This makes it easier to track the performance of your marketing efforts to determine what channels work and what tactics need to be adjusted.

5. Establish Your Business As A Brand Authority

Digital marketing for manufacturers is beneficial for increasing brand authority. One of the best ways to establish yourself as an authority is by regularly publishing content on subjects related to manufacturing services. Such content can include everything from blog posts to white papers.

As you build up your library of content, Google may recognize you as an authority on the subject.  As a result, people searching for manufacturers online will be more likely to find your company. The reputation you build due to that brand authority will increase brand trust, making it easier to close sales. It will also help you stand out from your competition.

6. Nurture Your Leads In A Pressure-Free Environment

When you create compelling content and invest in SEO, you’ll generate leads without putting pressure on potential customers. Outbound marketing (which includes a lot of traditional marketing strategies) is considered “interruption” marketing. This is because you’re forcing your message on an audience without their permission.

Inbound marketing (including many digital marketing efforts) allows you to attract leads and nurture them without engaging with them right away. Inbound is known as “permission” marketing because your leads are viewing your marketing materials on their own accord. They will engage with you when they are ready.

By not having to pressure your leads into sales, you can spend time building trust, which is more likely to result in a long-term relationship.

Also Read: Inbound VS Outbound Marketing: What’s Better for You?

7. Build Relationships With Existing Customers build relationships

Digital marketing is more effective in building relationships with existing customers. For example, you can use email marketing to keep in touch, whether by sending your customers personalized email content or sending them cross-selling or up-selling opportunities. The ability to stay in touch and continue nurturing existing customers helps build long-term relationships, resulting in steady sales.

If you’re running a manufacturing business, you should strongly consider implementing digital marketing into your overall marketing strategy. Although traditional marketing may still suit you well, there are advantages to digital marketing that traditional marketing can’t offer. In this day and age, to be successful as a manufacturer, your marketing strategy should consist of a mix of traditional and digital marketing efforts.

30 Greatest Lead Generation Tips
professional web design1

The Importance Of Having A Professional Web Design Service For Your Business

It doesn’t matter how big or small your company is, you need a website. If you don’t have a website, you’re without a doubt going to lose out on a lot of potential customers. This is because simply having a website is one of the most effective ways to generate awareness of your business. However, just having a website isn’t enough. You will want to have a professionally designed website to ensure that it’s technically sound, visually appealing, and user-friendly. While you might consider building your website yourself in order to save money, the following are a few reasons why it’s worth investing in a professional web design:

Importance of Professional Website Design Service For Your Business

1. Build A Unique Website

Building a website from the ground up is something few companies have the resources to do, which means that they end up using basic website templates. A professional website design service will be able to customize your website by tailoring it to your specific needs. As a result, you will be able to provide a unique website experience to your visitors that will help your business stand out. Additionally, they will be able to create a consistent aesthetic that accurately reflects your brand, thereby helping to strengthen your branding efforts.

Website Redesign Checklist
New call-to-action

2. Prevent Technical Issues

Professional web design services know what they are doing. They have massive amounts of experience and technical expertise. As such, when they develop websites, they ensure that there are no technical issues that will cause your website to crash or to function poorly. Even minor technical issues, such as slow loading times, can hurt your marketing efforts significantly. A technically sound website reflects positively on your brand as well. Additionally, a professional service can monitor your website for potential issues and address them before they have a big effect on your visitors.

3. Ensure Site Securityprofessional web design 2

Website security is incredibly important. If you’re taking personal information from your visitors, such as their names and email addresses, then you have a responsibility to ensure that this data is secure. If you have an e-commerce page through which customers are providing their credit card information, then this is even more critical. A professional web design service will keep your website secure using all of the latest website security tools and practices, including HTTPS protocol.

4. Optimize Website For SEO

Optimizing your website for SEO (search engine optimization) involves a lot more than just throwing a few keywords in your content. A good website developer understands this and will build a site architecture that supports strong SEO. For example, they will build a site map that makes it easy for Google to crawl through your pages and to index them. Without an effective site map, search engines may miss pages when crawling through your website, which means that they won’t be ranked on their SERP (search engine results page). Additionally, proper keyword use in URLs, effective internal linking, and a lack of technical issues all contribute to good SEO.

Similar Article: 6 Web Design Principals to Increase Conversions

5. Update Your Website

New technology is continually emerging, especially when it comes to websites. A brand new website can become outdated within just a year. A professional web design service can keep your website updated and implement new features that can improve the website experience over time. For example, it wasn’t that long ago that chatbots were first developed and now it’s not uncommon for a website to have one. Trying to add new features to your website on your own can be quite difficult and can cause issues with other parts of your site, which is why it’s best to let a professional do it for you.

6. Save Time

The amount of time that it takes to create a website cannot be overstated. Whether you’re building a website to completion or implementing a growth-driven design, it’s going to require a significant amount of time to do. Not to mention that the website will need to be regularly monitored and updated as well. By letting a professional web design service take care of your website, you will be able to focus your time on growing your core business.

7. Save Money

Many companies attempt to build their websites on their own because they think that they can save money this way; however, they’re more likely to lose money in the long run. Website design requires a lot of different skillsets, which means that you would have to take on more employees. Since running a website is a long-term strategy, these employees would have to be permanent. It’s more affordable to outsource to a professional web design service.

Ultimately, your website is a reflection of your business. If it’s of poor quality or appears unprofessional, potential customers will second guess the quality of your products or services. With that in mind, it’s worth investing in a professional web design.

25 Website Must Haves
real estate marketing

Six Types Of Real Estate Video Marketing Ideas For Homebuilders

There is a good reason why YouTube has become the second biggest search engine – digital video is the new home of action for marketers. Through real estate video marketing tips, homebuilders and other real estate professionals have discovered an easy way to engage with the audience and increase conversion rates online. You can use videos for every marketing effort for your property, from neighborhood guides to virtual tours.

As a homebuilder, there are several types of videos you can use in your real estate video marketing strategy. Here are some few essential ones you should consider.

6 Real Estate Video Marketing Ideas For Homebuilders

Listing videos

Listing videos have become the go-to videos in real estate marketing. Showing off all the properties that you are selling in an engaging video is a great way to impress new leads that are just learning about your offers. Additionally, you will grab the attention of prospects in the middle of your sales funnel who are considering picking a unit from you. Fortunately, recent technology has enabled the creation of videos that showcase the units without embedding slideshows in the sidebar.

Interview videos

Buyers who have purchased from you in the past, sales teams that have sold your units, and other professionals in the real estate arena can make suitable candidates for your interview videos. The key to making highly effective interview videos is to ensure that all your interviewees provide information that is relevant to your target audience.

Live question and answer sessions

You can hold periodic Q&A sessions with your followers on social media, as well as prospects from your email marketing lists. They can send their questions through online chats, and you can answer them through live sessions. You can also use past webinars as bait to attract more people to register for your live sessions.

Home buyer advice videos

You can also have short videos where you explain different ways that homebuyers can save when purchasing their next home. Some ideas for video topics include ways to determine a good mortgage provider, how to researching a neighborhood, and how to get the best deals. You can intertwine your message, or ways you offer solutions to buyers as a homebuilder, with your sales promotion

Special offer videos

Special offers are used as a means of getting people to take action, such as register for your email marketing or free consultation on a number of home buying issues. Incentives that special offer videos may include are a chance to buy a home at a discounted offer or an additional fixture for the winning home buyer. Also, be sure to include a call-to-action in your videos to generate leads.

Neighborhood videos

Every buyer is concerned with the neighborhood’s access to amenities, infrastructure, and security among, other things. As a result, neighborhood videos provide a preview of these factors by visually taking the audience around the neighborhood.

New construction model video tours

It is helpful to show your potential clients model video tours of the units being built. The model tours show the floor plans, expected roofing, and other fixtures that will be in the home. The potential client will not have to leave his or her desk to obtain detailed information about the house being constructed.

Virtual house tours

Virtual house tours are simulations of a house that showcase the features, spaces, and fittings of the house. It is much like having an open house on the Internet. Potential clients are able to go through every detail of the house like they are moving from room to room. Virtual tours makes it easy for you to reach as many people as possible and create a high engagement with prospects without requiring them to come view the house.

Real estate video marketing is the new medium through which to capture leads and engage customers. You should strongly consider having video marketing as part your marketing plan.

Ready to learn more about real estate marketing? Check out this article here.

Inbound marketing will help you grow your business by attracting website visitors, converting them into leads and closing leads into customers

mobile optimized website

The Importance of Having a Mobile Optimized Website

More and more people are using mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to surf the web. At this point in time, more people are using their mobile devices to perform searches than they’re using computers. Roughly 60 percent of organic search engine visits occur on mobile devices in the U.S., according to Statista. This means that if you have a website, then you should consider optimizing it for mobile use. In fact, not having a mobile could actually be detrimental to your marketing efforts.

What is a Mobile Optimized Website?

You need to understand the differences between a mobile friendly site and a mobile optimized site. A mobile friendly website accurately displays on smaller screens. It usually appears as a smaller version, although it may not always work perfectly on touchscreen tablets. It should, however, still be functional. Mobile friendly websites also have features such as text-based phone numbers or email addresses that can trigger direct calls or email messages via mobile devices or slideshows and image rotators that function without Flash support.

While a mobile friendly site helps ensure your site functions on mobile devices, mobile optimization goes a step further. A mobile optimized site reformats itself for mobile devices. It not only makes sure to properly display on smaller screens, but also makes the site much easier to navigate. It reformats content, displays larger navigation buttons and optimizes images according to screen size.

25 Website Must Haves

The Benefits of a Mobile Optimized Website

Responsive design helps ensure the mobile optimization of your website. This tends to cost more to develop, but it ensures the mobile optimization of every aspect of your website. This will provide significant benefits over the long run. The following benefits result from a mobile optimized website:

Improve your user experience

User experience is essential. If you don’t provide a good user experience, visitors will leave and they won’t return. The mobile experience is much different from the computer experience. Visitors need to be able to read your web pages with ease, click links without zooming in, and navigate your site on a smaller screen. Without mobile optimization, users often struggle to read or navigate websites on mobile devices.

Improve website speed

When you optimize your website to meet mobile standards, then your website should load quickly. Websites that aren’t properly optimized for mobile often take a while to load, especially when they use Flash elements. Mobile users simply aren’t going to spend time on your site if they can’t get your pages to load. By improving the speed of your site, you’re more likely to keep visitors on your site for longer periods.

Increase user engagement

A mobile optimized website increases the likelihood of engaging your visitors. This is because visitors will spend more time on your site navigating through content. They will also be able to interact with your site, whether it be by liking content, clicking on CTAs, or even contributing to your comment sections.

Learn more about mobile with these Mobile Marketing Strategy

Increase average time on site

When you provide a good user experience to mobile users, they will end up spending more time on your website. The longer they spend on your site, the more likely they are to convert or return again later.

Improve your mobile SEO

A few years ago, your mobile SEO wouldn’t affect your regular SEO. However, due to how many mobile users there are now, Google has begun factoring a website’s mobile SEO into their regular SEO. This means that if you don’t have a website that’s optimized for mobile use, it will actually hurt your SEO.

Attract more local customers

Mobile SEO is extremely important to local SEO. Many people will perform search queries on the go when they are looking for a specific business. These people want to buy. If they are near your physical location and they find your website while doing a mobile search, they’re more likely to drop in and make a purchase. Poor mobile SEO will translate to poor local SEO, thereby potentially hurting your ability to attract local customers.

Grow Your Business With Mobile Optimization

Considering how many people use mobile devices to perform search queries and explore the web, the importance of a mobile optimized website can’t be overstated. If you do not optimize your website design for mobile use, you risk losing a significant part of your target audience.

Website Redesign Checklist
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video marketing

What We Can Learn from Viral Video Marketing & Examples of How It’s been Successful

Viral video marketing entails creating and disseminating video content with the goal of broad online sharing. It is a subset of viral marketing that uses videos to generate excitement and raise interest in a specific product or service. When it comes to creating content, going viral is the ultimate goal. Unfortunately, there’s no blueprint for viral video marketing. You could spend tens of thousands of dollars on a 30-second video jam-packed with visual effects, hilarious dialogue, and well-known actors, and it still might not go viral; yet, some random person might upload a ten-second video of their cat and somehow it gets seen by a billion people within a day.

Although there’s no perfect formula for viral video marketing, there are certain things that you learn from successful viral videos from the past. Copying these videos won’t help make you go viral, but learning what made them successful can help you improve your video marketing in general. The following are a few things worth learning from some of the most successful viral videos in the past:

1. Know Who Your Audience Is

One of the most popular ads in recent years is the Dollar Shave Club video. In this video, the owner introduces viewers to the concept of the Dollar Shave Club by walking through his factory. The video is notable for its humor and extreme directness. It goes so far as to use swear words in the dialogue, and even the title of the video has a censored swear word in it. They know exactly who their audience is or else they wouldn’t have been so bold. It might turn some people off — but those aren’t the people they were trying to reach.

2. Invest In The Production

It is possible to make video content on a small budget these days, especially when considering how affordable video equipment has gotten. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put money into the production of your content. High-quality production does not go unnoticed. Just look at the Old Spice Man video. On the surface, it’s relatively simple — a man talks to the audience in a humorous tone to sell Old Spice deodorant. However, the backgrounds are constantly changing all within one shot. He starts in a bathroom, transitions onto a boat, and ends up on a horse at the end. It’s the high-quality production of the video that sells it.

The Power of First-Person Experience Videos

3. Get Their Attention

If your video isn’t interesting off the bat, the viewer isn’t going to stick around to watch the rest of it. This means that you need to grab their attention within the first 10 to 15 seconds of your video. The Poo-Pourri video is a good example of this. For most, the idea of a Poo-Pourri ad sounds kind of boring, yet it starts off with a hilarious line of dialogue that captures your attention right away. It then transitions into a music video, at which point the viewer has likely committed to watching the video all the way through.

Types Of Marketing Videos You Should Use

4. Evoke Emotions

You want your video content to stick with someone after they’ve seen it. To make sure it’s not instantly forgettable, you need to evoke emotions from your audience. This can be in the form of humor or even in the form of empathy. Take Budweiser’s ad Someone Waits For You At Home. Within one minute, it establishes a loving relationship with a dog and its owner that everyone can relate to. At the end, the dog is waiting for its owner, who may or may not return — a message against drinking and driving. It’s a heart-tugging cliffhanger that leaves an emotional impact on the viewer.

These are a few things that some of the most successful viral video marketing examples of the past have in common. While using these tips won’t ensure that your videos go viral, they will help to greatly improve their quality as well as their effectiveness. At the very least, they’ll put your video content in a much better position to go viral.