Innovative Video Strategies to Transform Your Senior Living Marketing

When determining how to market senior living communities, you should be aware that the advent of digital technology has offered unprecedented opportunities to connect with potential residents and their families in meaningful ways. Video content is a particularly potent tool. It offers a dynamic and engaging way to showcase your community’s amenities, lifestyle, and values. With seniors increasingly embracing digital platforms, using video strategies to market senior living communities effectively is more crucial than ever.

three people talking video strategies

The Power of Video in Senior Living Marketing

Video content has the unique ability to convey messages in a more engaging and memorable manner than text alone. For senior living communities, this means the opportunity to truly showcase what makes your community stand out. Creating video content is just the beginning. To truly optimize these efforts and ensure they reach your target audience, strategic planning and execution are essential.

Engagement Through Authentic Stories

Leveraging the power of storytelling, videos that capture real-life experiences and testimonials from current residents can significantly impact potential residents and their families. By showcasing these authentic stories, your community can forge a deeper emotional connection, making it feel more inviting and relatable. These stories can highlight the day-to-day joys, sense of belonging, and supportive environment your community offers, providing a genuine glimpse into the quality of life that awaits future residents. This kind of content engages viewers. It also builds trust and confidence in your community as a place where their loved ones can thrive.

Educational Content

In the decision-making process for senior living options, seniors and their families often have numerous questions and concerns. These can range from financial planning and health care services to lifestyle and activity offerings. By creating and providing educational video content that addresses these topics, your community can position itself as a knowledgeable and trusted resource. This approach not only informs viewers but also alleviates concerns, making the transition to senior living seem less daunting. Informative videos can cover a wide range of subjects, including the benefits of senior living, how to prepare for the move, and what new residents can expect. This empowers families with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

Virtual Tours

In today’s digital age, the initial exploration of senior living options often takes place online. This makes virtual tours a critical component of your marketing strategy. Virtual tours offer potential residents and their families the ability to explore your facilities, amenities, and living spaces from the comfort of their homes. They provide a convenient and comprehensive view of what your community has to offer. These tours can highlight the unique features of your community, such as dining options, fitness centers, outdoor spaces, and social areas. This allows viewers to visualize themselves or their loved ones living there. By providing a virtual walkthrough, you can engage interested individuals early in their search process. This will make your community a frontrunner in their selection process.

man watching video

Leveraging Key Digital Strategies in Video Marketing

To ensure your video content reaches and resonates with your intended audience, consider incorporating the following digital strategies:

  • Optimize for SEO: Including relevant keywords, such as “how to market senior living communities,” in your video titles and descriptions can enhance your content’s visibility on search engines and platforms like YouTube.
  • Utilize Platforms like YouTube: YouTube for senior marketing is an invaluable channel for reaching potential residents and their families. It has a vast audience and offers a platform for your videos to be easily found and shared.
  • Update Your Website: Integrating video content into your website not only makes it more engaging but also helps with SEO. Ensuring your site incorporates essential website updates for senior living can improve user experience and support your marketing efforts.

Five Video Ideas to Enhance Your Senior Living Marketing

To help you get started, here are five video ideas that can effectively communicate your community’s unique offerings and values:

  • Virtual Tours: Virtual tours offer an immersive experience, allowing potential residents and their families to explore your community from anywhere. These tours showcase your facilities and highlight amenities. They also give viewers a taste of the daily social activities, making your community an attractive option.
  • Resident Testimonials: Videos featuring resident testimonials provide a personal look at the quality of life within your community. Hearing directly from residents about their experiences fosters trust and showcases the strong sense of community you offer.
  • Staff Introductions: Introducing your staff through video humanizes your community. Highlighting their expertise, dedication, and compassionate approach to care reassures families that their loved ones will be in good hands.
  • FAQs Answered: A video series that answers frequently asked questions helps demystify the process of moving to and living in a senior community. It addresses common concerns about senior living options, financial planning, and lifestyle changes.
  • Lifestyle Highlights: Share videos of social events, hobbies, and activities available within your community. They will demonstrate the vibrant, engaging lifestyle that residents enjoy. It invites potential residents to imagine being part of your active community.

For more inspiration and guidance on creating engaging video content, exploring video marketing ideas can offer valuable insights and strategies tailored to the senior living market.

Embracing the Digital Age in Senior Living Marketing

Digital platforms are becoming increasingly integral to our daily lives. Therefore, senior living communities must adapt and innovate to meet their audiences where they are. You should effectively utilize video content, optimized for both search engines and user engagement. This will allow you to significantly enhance your marketing efforts, reaching potential residents and their families in a way that is both informative and touching.

Ready to take your senior living marketing to the next level with optimized video content? Contact Us for a free consultation. Let’s explore how we can help you connect with your audience and showcase the best of what your community has to offer.

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Essential Website Updates for Senior Living Communities

Having an effective online presence is crucial for businesses across all industries, including senior living communities. With the internet as the go-to resource for information, potential residents and their families increasingly rely on websites. They use websites to research and choose the right community for their loved ones. This article will explore key website updates that senior living communities should consider. The goal is to stay relevant and provide the best possible experience for their audience.

According to a study by the Pew Research Center, as of 2021, 73% of adults over the age of 65 in the United States use the internet. This number has been steadily increasing over the years, highlighting the importance of a strong online presence for senior-focused businesses. 

A report from the National Institute on Aging reveals that more than 40 million Americans are currently aged 65 and older, and this number is expected to double by 2050. As this demographic continues to grow, catering to their online needs becomes increasingly important. 

The AARP reports that 96% of seniors have a desire to age in place, meaning they prefer to stay in their own homes or communities as they grow older. An informative website is crucial. It’s user-friendly and powerful. It convinces potential residents and helps them see your community as the right fit.

Interested in more ideas for your Senior Living Community? Visit our Senior Living Marketing Tools. 

Key Website Updates for Senior Living Communities: 

Mobile Optimization: With the majority of internet users accessing websites through mobile devices, it’s essential that senior living communities ensure their websites are mobile-friendly. This includes responsive design, easy navigation, and fast-loading pages. 

Clear and Accessible Information: Provide easily accessible information about your community’s amenities, services, pricing, and contact details. Use clear and legible fonts, and ensure that text is large enough for seniors to read comfortably. Consider accessibility features that include the ability to view the site in high-contrast. Also, consider the option to enlarge the type and ensure support for auditory tools.

High-Quality Imagery and Videos: Visual content plays a crucial role in conveying the atmosphere and lifestyle of a senior living community. Use high-resolution images and videos to showcase the facilities, common areas, resident activities, and living spaces. 

Testimonials and Resident Stories: Feature authentic testimonials and stories from current residents and their families. This provides prospective residents with valuable insights into the quality of life and care they can expect in your community. 

Virtual Tours and Interactive Maps: Offer virtual tours or 360-degree views of the community to give potential residents a comprehensive look at the facilities. Additionally, an interactive map can help them navigate the layout of the community. 

Blog and Resource Center: Maintain a blog that covers relevant topics such as healthy aging, caregiving tips, considerations and advantages of moving to a community, helpful tips and community events. This not only positions your community as a trusted resource but also improves your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) rankings. 

Online Inquiry Forms and Live Chat Support: Streamline the inquiry process by providing easy-to-use online forms for prospective residents and their families to reach out. Consider implementing a live chat feature for immediate assistance and support. 

Final Thoughts

These essential website updates can significantly enhance the online presence of senior living communities. Catering to the digital needs of potential residents and their families is essential. It helps communities establish trust, provide valuable information, and create a positive first impression. To conclude, this positive impression encourages further exploration and engagement. Embracing modern website practices is crucial for the continued success and growth of senior living communities in the digital age.

Website Redesign Checklist
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digital marketing tactics

5 Digital Marketing Tactics For Senior Living Communities

More and more seniors are becoming tech savvy, using smart phones and tablets to communicate with family and friends. They also use their smart devices to do their own research on where they want to live and how they want to do it. This is one reason why digital marketing tactics are critical for senior living marketing.

Digital Marketing Tactics for Senior Living Communities

Your website is one of your most important assets. It’s where consumers are going to find out more about your company. The place where you build trust. Where you show your leadership in the senior living industry. It’s where they can get more information about your community.

With your website in place, what digital marketing tactics should you employ?

  1. Blogging

Blogging offers you the opportunity to provide your audience with useful information while positioning you as a trusted expert. You can use your blog to provide useful information like how to downsize, how to stay healthy as you age, how to find the right senior community and how to find work as a senior. High-quality content keeps people coming back.

Check out these tips on How to Have a Successful Blog

  1. SEO

SEO (search engine optimization) works to get your community’s website found by the search engines. It is done with keyword placement, quality content, and a dynamic website. The more you have of all three, the better your SEO results will be.

  1. Social Media

Social media allows you to engage your audience. You can share tips, post links to new content, or share testimonials. Facebook offers a place to share as well as a place where potential residents can make queries or learn more about your community.

  1. Email

Email lead nurturing allows you to make your community more attractive to people who have expressed interest. You can share community events, resident highlights and interesting tidbits to show how involved and engaged the residents of your community are. That makes it more attractive to those considering moving in.

  1. Online Advertising

Online advertising positions your brand in front of anyone seeking information on senior living communities. In fact, as they search for that kind of information, your name pops up. It can give you highly qualified leads almost instantaneously.

How Brands Use Feelings to Get People to Buy

These tactics will help you position your senior living community. You can grab the attention of seniors as well as their loved ones and care providers.

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Why You Should Consider Using YouTube Videos For Senior Living Marketing

When it comes to choosing what platforms to leverage in order to reach senior living audiences, you may have skipped over YouTube assuming that this particular platform is aimed at younger audiences. However, this is actually not true. You may want to give YouTube another look as it turns out YouTube videos are an excellent way to reach older audiences. The following are just a few of the reasons why you should incorporate YouTube videos into your senior living content marketing strategy:

1. Seniors Use YouTube Frequentlydigital marketing tactics

The idea that YouTube is for younger generations is a misconception that simply isn’t true. In fact, YouTube is the number one video platform of choice for the Baby Boomer generation. According to YouTube’s Trends Dashboard, more than 60 million Baby Boomers over the age of 55 view content on YouTube every month. In fact, four times as many Baby Boomers visit YouTube than people under the age of 18. This means that creating YouTube videos is actually an excellent way to reach your target demographics.

2. Seniors Are Social

By 2013, there were already 39 million people 65 and older that were using Facebook, Twitter, and Skype. At the time, this made them the fastest growing age demographic for these social channels. Considering the fact that there are more senior citizens than ever, incorporating social into your content marketing strategy is a must–and YouTube is a social platform. When you create YouTube videos, you can post them to Facebook, after all. Seniors can then comment, like, and share your YouTube videos, helping to increase brand awareness amongst their social circles, which are likely to be filled with family members as well as friends in the senior citizen age range.

marketing senior living

3. Seniors Prefer Visual Storytelling

The best way to reach senior citizens is through the use of visual storytelling (according to multiple studies on the subject). There’s no more effective way to tell a story in a visual manner than through video. For example, you could use video to tell the story of a resident and their journey to find a home at your senior living facility. By making a resident the main character in your video, you would make your content more relatable to your audience.

4. YouTube Videos Allow Pre-Roll Ads

Pre-roll ads have become quite common on YouTube videos. They are the 5 to 30-second spots that run before the video and that usually can’t be skipped until 5 seconds in. While they can be a real annoyance for a lot of viewers, they can actually be very effective if they are relevant to your video content. This is especially true if you already have video content available on your site.

Read More Related Article: 4 Senior Living Video Marketing Ideas That Will Improve Engagement

You can create effective pre-roll ads by cutting short 15 or 30-second spots out of existing video testimonials or video tours of your senior living facility. This way, when someone watches one of your YouTube videos (especially those that are instructional or informative and not promotional), your pre-roll ads will showcase your senior living facility so that they know who you are.

5. YouTube Videos Can Drive Traffic

YouTube isn’t just a platform to host videos. It can be used to help drive viewers to your website for more information. Curate your YouTube page so that you have a lot of YouTube videos audiences can go through, but make sure that it’s obvious that it’s your senior living facility’s page and include a link from your YouTube channel to your website. You should also add links to your video descriptions and clickable links embedded within the videos themselves towards the end. Doing so can help drive a significant amount of traffic to your website.

YouTube videos can be extremely effective at reaching a senior living audience, which is why you should incorporate YouTube into your content marketing strategy. It’s also worth mentioning that YouTube is owned by Google, which means that properly optimized YouTube videos can help to boost your SEO as well, thereby increasing your page rankings and helping to drive more organic traffic to your YouTube channel as well as your main website.


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senior living marketing strategy

How To Use Buyer Personas For Senior Living Marketing

The number of seniors continues to grow every year as the Baby Boomers are hitting their golden years. This demographic shift has put more emphasis on businesses serving older adults, including senior living facilities. Your business should know about senior living marketing to help present itself to potential clients.

Buyer personas can help you when it comes to senior living marketing.

What Buyer Personas Do You Need for Your Senior Living Business?

On the surface of it, the buyer persona for a senior living business seems obvious. The older adult. However, individual seniors have different needs. And senior living communities provide different levels of service depending on those needs.

Seniors who want to maintain their independence without the worry of home maintenance have different needs than seniors who have advanced medical needs which require 24-hour-nursing care. Facilities which offer different levels of care need to have personas for each level offered.

Another persona to consider is the spouse of an ailing senior. The spouse may no longer be able to handle the advancing medical needs of his or her partner. The healthy spouse’s concerns must be considered along with the needs of the ailing senior.

Adult children also play a significant role in many older adults’ lives. Seniors often need assistance with financial and living decisions. Effective marketing in the senior living industry must consider the needs and desires of these adult children.

Find Out: How to Create Detailed Buyer Personas for Your Business

How To Use Buyer Personas for Your Senior Living Business

Effective marketing to the senior living market means building trust. That is where you start leveraging your buyer personas. Here is how you do it:

  • Create content that addresses each persona’s needs or questions. For example, do a series of blog posts addressing common questions asked by adult children looking for information on senior living options.
  • Provide longer content which offers more detailed information. An eBook focused on helping adult children assist parents with housing decisions is an example of this. This is the point where you can gather their contact information.
  • Send personalized emails. Once you have a contact’s name, it is important to address them in a personal way. If you have more information, like what level of care the adult child’s parent needs, you can focus the marketing even more.
  • Use the persona’s personal communication preference to your advantage. One detail you should capture for each persona is the preferred method of communication. Many older adults know how to use email, but prefer phone calls.
  • Remember to track each of your marketing efforts closely. Some of your senior living marketing efforts will not be successful. When you see something is not working, stop and move to the next.

Senior living marketing is more effective if you have detailed buyer personas in place. It helps you be more conscientious of the needs your clients have. That helps you build trust and makes your marketing speak in ways it did not before.

lead generation tips
visual aids in senior living marketing

The Importance of Visual Aids in Senior Living Marketing

While senior citizens are not the only audience that senior living facilities market to, it can’t be denied that they make up a massive percentage of their audience. As such, to grow and succeed, you must market to this part of your audience. It’s also important to note that different parts of your audience will react differently to various marketing efforts. When it comes to senior living marketing, we can’t overstate how important it is to use visual aids. Visual aids can greatly improve your ability to communicate with senior citizens, especially when you consider how effective they are in their daily use.

Senior Citizens Understand Visual Cues Better Than Verbal Cues

Verbal communication tends to become more difficult as a person ages. Many healthcare providers understand that effective verbal communication requires the addition of visual cues. There are many reasons for this. Some senior citizens are simply hard of hearing, making verbal communication more difficult. Some have difficulty understanding the main message due to memory issues or other problems. Visual cues can be used to enforce a message or tone.

In real-world conversations, visual cues can include smiling, using eye contact, nodding, and using hand gestures. These visual cues also show that you’re engaged, which will make them more engaged.

Read more here to learn about how to market to senior citizens.

How To Use Visual Aids To Market To Senior Citizens

Reading long walls of text can bring up a lot of challenges for senior citizens. They may have some difficulty following along due to memory issues or simply because they aren’t familiar with some of the terminology or slang being used (which is why it’s so important to write with your audience in mind). Fortunately, you can make it a lot easier to get your message across through the use of visual aids. The following are a few examples of how visual aids can be effectively used:

  1. Photographs That Evoke Emotions – Photographs are a great way to relay the tone of an article to your audience. For instance, an article about senior living facilities can be informative, but a picture of actual residents enjoying those activities will have a much greater impact. Just remember to use real photographs. Stock photos often look fake and can end up hurting your trust.
  2. Infographics That Break Down The Numbers – If you’re trying to reinforce a message using statistics, your readers can quickly get lost in all of the numbers. Support content that relies on stats or numbers using infographics. Infographics help make it easy for readers to better understand the numbers and their context in a less overwhelming way. When creating infographics, make sure the numbers and words are big enough for people with eyesight issues to see.
    senior living marketing

How to Optimize Senior Living Marketing Using Visual Aids

  1. Use Colors That Aren’t Overwhelming – Many senior citizens can’t navigate websites and pages like younger generations. As such, use color in a way that helps guide their eyes to where you want them to look. Additionally, don’t overwhelm your pages with color, stick to one or two complementary colors that reflect your brand.
  2. Use Slideshows That Are Easy To Follow – Because longer articles can be more difficult for an older audience to follow, slideshows are a fantastic way to make your points easier to digest. Each slide can focus on one point and use its own visual aid. As such, a slideshow is also more engaging for senior audiences.
  3. Use Videos That Are EngagingVideo content is a much more effective way to deliver information to your senior audience. Not only will having a personality on screen be more engaging and relatable, but your audience will have an easier time understanding your message. Not to mention that they won’t have to strain to read anything. Eye contact and hand gestures within the video can help enhance the engagement of the senior citizen.

Use Visual Aids To Strengthen Your Senior Living Marketing Efforts

Visual aids can go a long way towards getting your message across to a senior audience as well as to help evoke emotions. However, having visual aids isn’t going to be enough to sell your message or convey certain emotions. You need to use visual aids smartly and in a way that’s impactful. Senior audiences may have some trouble with their eyesight or may have some memory limitations, but that doesn’t mean they’re not intelligent – don’t make the mistake of dumbing your senior living marketing efforts down. Senior citizens are nothing if not smart and won’t take kindly to marketing efforts that offend them.

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4 Senior Living Video Marketing Ideas That Will Improve Engagement

When it comes to engaging with your audience on social media, you’ll want to consider implementing a video content strategy. This is because video is an excellent storytelling medium — and if it’s one thing that audiences can connect with, it’s good storytelling. Not to mention that roughly 72 percent of people would rather learn about a product or service from a video than from text. The following are four video marketing ideas that are particularly effective for senior living communities:

4 Effective Video Marketing Ideas For Senior Living

1. Share The Stories Of Your Staff

Getting your audience to engage with a video about a place is difficult, but if you highlight the people at that place, it becomes much easier. Putting a face to your senior living community will make it easier for potential residents and decision makers to relate to your video content (and therefore, your community) on a personal level.

Showcase the stories of some of the people that work at your senior living community and the relationships that they have built with the residents. You could also highlight the people that are in charge by showing why they decided to establish or run your senior living community.

2. Share The Stories Of Your Residents

As good as your reputation might be, you still have to work hard to build trust amongst your audience. Instead of shooting videos about how amazing your community is, consider allowing some of your residents to tell their stories instead. Make the resident or the decision maker a main character, explain what their needs or problems were and allow them to tell the audience why your community was the perfect solution. Not only can such storytelling be extremely effective at engaging the audience, but it works as a customer testimonial of sorts as well.

5 More Tips for Marketing to Senior Living Communities

3. Shoot Documentary Videos And Behind-the-scenes Footage

Provide your audience with a peek into what it’s like to live at your senior living community by shooting documentary videos and behind-the-scenes footage. Video content like this makes audiences feel like they are getting an unstaged glimpse or even a tour of everyday life at your senior living community, which can make your community much more appealing to them.

4. Tell Fictional Stories

While using video to showcase your residents, staff, and management can help make it easier for audiences to connect to your community, don’t be afraid to tell fictional stories as well. Creating a fictional video, such as an animation, for example, allows you to get a little more creative with your video marketing ideas, which in turn can make your videos much more entertaining and engaging as a result.


Storytelling plays an important part in getting audiences to engage with your senior living community on a more personal level, and one of the most effective ways to tell your story is through the use of video content on social media. These are four video marketing ideas that will allow you to employ visual storytelling to engage your audience more successfully.

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healthcare marketing agency

Five Tips for Effective Inbound Marketing for Healthcare

Quality healthcare has always been important, but it’s even more important during the pandemic. More people are searching for health-related information than ever before. As such, it’s critical that your healthcare business is in a position to be found. To achieve this, you need to implement a strong, long-term inbound marketing strategy. A good inbound marketing strategy can help drive awareness of your business and help generate more leads. It’s why you should work with a reputable healthcare marketing agency. With that in mind, the following are five essential inbound marketing tips for healthcare businesses:

1. Add Educational Content To Your Website

One of the most important goals you should have is to build trust with your audience. Trust is essential to any healthcare business; after all, your customers are often putting their lives in your hands. With that in mind, you should add educational content to your website. This content shouldn’t promote your services or products. Instead, it should educate your audience. The more informed they are, the more confident they will be in making a purchasing decision. Not to mention that it helps build your brand authority, which directly increases trust.

COVID-19 Content

An example of educational content might be a page dedicated to COVID-19. This page could explain what the symptoms are, what patients should do if they exhibit symptoms, and how they should seek help if needed. Not only are you providing valuable information that can save lives, but you’re also providing relevant information that can build trust.

2. Build A Compelling Website

Your website is the foundation of your inbound marketing efforts. It doesn’t matter how good your content is if your website is poor. The following are just a few important elements of a compelling website:

  • No technical issues – Broken links and slow loading pages can hinder the user experience. Few visitors will stay on your site for more than a few seconds if they’re encountering technical problems.
  • Visually pleasing layout – Your website should be visually pleasing. A poorly designed website that looks outdated will give visitors reservations about your healthcare company’s quality.
  • Easy navigation – Your site should be easy to navigate. Make it easy for your visitors to jump from one section to another and to find what they’re looking for.  Besides a solid navigation menu, you should also use internal links to help guide your visitors to related content and pages.
  • Ability to contact you – Whether visitors have questions or want to schedule appointments, it’s vital that you make it easy for them to contact you. Your contact information should be on every page. However, you should also have a page dedicated to your contact information where visitors can fill out a form. You should also think about incorporating a live chat or chatbot feature to provide basic information and guidance.

3. Maximize Your Email Marketing Strategy

Email marketing has been an incredibly cost-effective marketing strategy since the beginning of online marketing. Healthcare companies, in particular, can benefit from email marketing. For example, you can create an email newsletter that leads and customers alike can sign up for. You can use this newsletter to educate your audience and to build trust in your brand. You can achieve this by using your newsletter to provide new health information,  healthcare tips, and office updates. A good email marketing strategy can allow you to nurture more leads and encourage more appointments.

4. Use Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to engage directly with your target audience. Many people turn to social media in order to seek healthcare-related advice. In fact, it’s estimated that 40 percent of people say that they use information they found on social media to make health-related decisions. If you establish a regular presence on your social media channels, you’ll be able to offer professional advice to potential patients. As a result of such engagement, you can build trust. Not to mention that any interactions you have will be public, which will help to generate more brand awareness.

5. Create A Blog

While you should have educational content throughout your website, a blog can be particularly helpful. A blog allows you to publish new content on a regular basis. It also allows you to publish content that may be relevant to a specific time. For instance, a post on health-care-related laws passed during the pandemic would be a great blog post. However, you can use your blog to post about all kinds of general disease information.

An effective healthcare inbound marketing strategy is essential to your company’s success, especially at this point in time. Although these marketing tips are incredibly effective, they do require time, experience, and expertise to implement successfully. As such, you should strongly consider working with a professional healthcare marketing agency.

pinterest marketing

Utilize Marketing Audiences on Pinterest Today

pinterest marketingPinterest is a valuable marketing tool, as 88% of pinners purchase something they have pinned, and 49% purchase 5 or more products they have pinned. Despite its effectiveness as a marketing tool, only 28% of marketers are already using Pinterest, so get ahead of the competition and start using this visual platform today.

Who’s Using Pinterest?

Pinterest has over 335 million  worldwide users and 88 million users from the United States. With over 200 billion Pinterest pins and 4 billion boards, users save 2 million shopping pins on boards daily. 71% of Pinterest users are female. In the United states, 40% of dads use Pinterest, and 80% of moms. The median age of Pinterest users is 40, however most active “Pinners” are below 40 years old. Gen Z adults and millennials are the most dedicated users, however Gen X users increased daily use by 10% from 2018 to 2019.

30 Ways to Boost Instagram Engagement and Following

Marketing on Pinterest: Homebuilding, Crafts, Senior Living, Real Estate, CPG, and more

Two thirds of pins represent brands and products, and 50% of users have made a purchase after seeing a promoted pin.  According to Mintel’s February 2020 Arts and Crafts Consumer Report, Pinterest is largely used to spread creativity through DIY crafts, creating a valuable marketing opportunity for craft and home decorating companies. Pinterest is also a valuable tool for homebuilders to reach consumers through typing in keywords linked to related visual boards of ideas and products. Additionally, Pinterest is a marketing tool to promote services as well, such as Senior living facilities. A platform that provides a unique way to visually display information, Pinterest provides a way for your brand to share health and caregiver related articles, exercise routines for seniors, home health care products, images from your service’s website, and even healthy recipes. As nearly 30% of Pinterest users have a 6-figure income, Pinterest is a  sufficient platform for real estate companies to reach their target audiences. In a study of 9 million consumers, consumer packaged goods (CPG) marketing research shows that Pinterest households were 29% more likely to try a new product within the first 10 months of launch than non-Pinner households, and the Pinner “trial date” was 40% higher in the first 30 days of launch than non-Pinners. Experts say the study shows that people on Pinterest are more likely to try new CPG products. Overall, 75% of Pinners say they are “very interested” in new products compared to 55% with the same level of interest on other digital platforms.

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Senior Living Homes1

Communication Tips for Senior Living Homes

Millions of people have been stressed out and worried about their families every day during this COVID-19 pandemic. This is especially true for people with family members who are living in senior living homes. If you are running senior living homes, then odds are you’re doing everything you can to keep residents safe and comfortable. However, you should also be doing everything you can to alleviate the worries and fears of their families. To do this, you will need to be able to communicate clearly and regularly. The following are a few tips that will help you communicate more effectively during this time of crisis:

Know Your Audience

Not only do you need to know who you should get your message across to, but you need to know how you’ll get that message across. This requires that you know who your audience is. Your audience should include not just the family members of residents, but also employees, board members, and more. It’s because your audience is so varied that you should develop buyer personas. It will become much easier to meet the needs of your audience if you are able to target each one of your buyer personas. It also ensures that you don’t forget to address certain parts of your audience. For example, you might be so focused on alleviating the worries of the family members of your residents that you forget to address your employees. You need to keep communicating with your staff as well. Additionally, your staff will have family members who may be worried too.

Finally, the creation of buyer personas will help you determine which marketing channels to use for each part of your audience. For example, if your staff is on the younger side, it may be easier to communicate with them via Twitter. However, older residents are less likely to use Twitter. To deliver information to them and their families, Facebook might be a better option.

Use Your Marketing ChannelsSenior Living Homes 2

Businesses of all types tend to slash their marketing budgets first when times are tough. You should avoid doing this. Instead, refocus your marketing efforts to communicate with your audience. For example, you can create content for your blog to deliver information about what precautions you’re taking at your senior living home. Such content can help assure people that you’re taking good care of their family members. You can also provide information on how they can keep in touch with residents since in-person visits may no longer be possible. Consider creating content focusing on the caregivers of your senior living home. Such content allows you to spotlight your frontline workers while also inspiring confidence in your audience about your staff.

Besides continuing to create and publish content, you should also continue using social media. Social media is an excellent way to keep in touch with families. Use your social media channels to answer questions and concerns your audience has on a daily basis. Post updates to your social channels on a regular basis as well. The last thing you want to do is make your audience feel like they are being kept in the dark. The more often you provide updates, the less worried they will feel.

Use A Dedicated Spokesperson

Publishing new content on your blog and posting updates on your social channels is a good start. However, you should also have a dedicated spokesperson to deliver important messages to your audience. Posting videos or hosting webinars using this spokesperson can be very effective. With a spokesperson, your audience will have an easier time connecting with your message. It’s also easier to build trust when there’s an actual person delivering a message. The more trust you build, the less worried your audience will be.

You don’t necessarily have to create video content spotlighting your spokesperson either. For example, your spokesperson can deliver a message that’s posted on social media or in blog form as well. Simply having a name that people recognize attached to your message will help build trust. Your spokesperson will essentially represent your company’s leadership. This means that they should probably be an executive-level representative. Because we are living in uncertain times, it’s a good idea to name a dedicated spokesperson as well as a backup spokesperson.

These tips can help senior living homes communicate much more effectively. As a result, you can help to alleviate the worries and stress of your residents’ families. These communication tactics can be leveraged during any type of crisis, including this current COVID-19 pandemic. However, they are also essential to senior living marketing strategies even when there is no crisis to speak of.