Now I Am Stuck On Band-Aid® 54 Ways
So I have a cut on my finger from yard work and I go to the local drugstore to get my adhesive bandage. Funny, but as I typed that, it doesn’t sound right. We call tissues- Kleenex®, just as we call mayonnaise- Miracle Whip® and even paper towels are Scot Towels®. It is only fitting to call adhesive bandages…Band-Aids®. The common statement from moms all around the country when their son/daughter has a boo-boo is, “lets go get a band-aid”. And my five year old daughter actually thinks it STOPS the pain.
Years and years of marketing has brought these brands into their own categories. But this is not what this blog is about. It’s about what Band-Aid has done with this outstanding brand. As I walked to the isle for my adhesives, I was overwhelmed at how many choices I have regarding the Band-Aid brand. Read more