optimize your social media

5 Ways To Optimize Your Social Media

Social media is constantly changing and evolving, so it is crucial for even the most successful brands to reevaluate their strategy from time to time to keep up. Social media helps with attraction marketing. Use these strategies to optimize your social media and to make sure that your brand is constantly staying on top.

Top 5 Ways for Social Media Optimization

1. Tailor to your audience

In order to reach your audience, your company needs to be where they are. That means finding out which social media platforms your target audience uses. If you’re wondering how to accomplish this, read about buyer personas here.

The goal is to fully understand your target before reaching out. Think about what their needs may be, questions they could have, and how you could help them with those concerns through social media. Social media can be used to address these needs and engage with your audience. This can be a beneficial relationship if you make it one!

2. Specialize your content

Your content should be personalized to each social media channel that you are using, because content performs differently on each network. For example, people go to Twitter for news information updated in real time, and people go to Instagram for images. Both can be beneficial, but you should tailor your posts to best engage with your audience on that platform. Be sure that your content is relevant, consistent, and shared often. No matter if you are sharing your own content, or someone else’s, it needs to be purposeful and interesting!

Your content should also be tailored to where your audience is in their Buyer’s Journey. To learn more about this, read  Using the Buyer’s Journey to Create Great Content. 

3. Utilize Video

Using video across all social media sites is becoming increasingly popular and successful for attracting attention. People are very attracted to visuals, which is one reason why videos are being shared so often on social media. In fact, 59% of executives would rather watch video than read text.

People have short attention spans as well, and 5% of viewers will stop watching a video after 1 minute, and 60% after 2 minutes. So it’s not only important to capture your audience’s attention immediately, but keep it for as long as the length of the video. Videos are increasing engagement rates, so incoporating video into your posts is a great way fro people to engage with your brand.

Also Read: Understanding The Importance of Social Media Engagement vs. Following

4. Watch competitors

Always be aware of what other brands are doing with their social media. Being focused on your own brand alone is not enough! Never copy other brands, but it is beneficial to have a general awareness of what else is out there.

By watching your competitors, you can generate new ideas, see what is working for them, and what isn’t working. Also, follow brands in a related field that are not strictly competitors. That way you have an understanding of what they are doing and can come up with ideas based off of what you see. It is important to look outside your brand bubble to make sure that you are keeping up with the companies around you.

5. Measure your results

The most crucial factor to make sure that you are getting the most out of your social media efforts is to measure your results. Examine the reach you are getting, reports, and audience growth to make sure that your plan is working overall. Ultimately, if your social media efforts are not helping your ROI, it may be important to modify what you are doing. For more about measuring your social media results, read our article on Creating Measurable Social Media Goals.

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