Targeting The Target While They Are A Target
Here are the numbers just released: 86% of adult Americans who DO NOT want political ads tailored to their interest. The total number of display ads delivered to U.S. internet users in the first quarter of 2011-$1.11 Trillion.
Today the amount of display ads are $10.9 billion. That is a staggering number to understand for a media outlet that didn’t exist 15 years ago. That’s right on October 27th will be the 15th anniversary of the industry’s first banner display ads which appeared in Hotwired.com. The Interactive Marketing Forecast from Forrester Research states that number will be $28 billion in 2016. So, seriously, you still don’t believe it’s a powerful tool? What could be stopping your product, brand or company from diving in head first?
This can come in so many forms.
Behavioral Targeting is typically costly. However, look at Google Analytics and check out Barilliance, which allows you to determine website traffic based on pre-established visitor segments like search terms and traffic source. You can where or who your customers are. How powerful is that for your brand?
Social Media with behavioral targeting is another great source for growing your brand(s). If someone comes to your site using Facebook, you could have tons of valuable data such as sex, birthday, likes and interest. How valuable would that be to your brand?
Email Targeting has so many great uses. You need to be engaging,relevant,inviting, and an extension of your brand experience. Check out what Apple does with their emails. Keep expanding your audience and change up your emails on a regular basis to keep fresh content and the consumer engaged.
Other forms of targeting such as micro-sites, landing pages, mobile apps, QR codes, Pinterest, Facebook, Tweeter, and dozens of other sources I would highly recommend you hire an agency to put your program together because the juggling of targeting and not creeping on someone is an art for any marketing company. Typically once you lose a consumer, you lose them forever.
And if you’re still not convinced, by 2016 advertisers will spend 77 Billion on interactive marketing as they do on TV advertising today.

Mark Beebe oversees all current clients. His secondary focus is leading the creative with original thinkers who provide innovative processes and insightful answers for clients’ marketing needs. His 30+ years has garnered the team to over 50+ national and international awards. As a partner, Mark, looks for unusual solutions to bring smart results and metrics to your bottom line.