How Having a Real Time Location System Can Benefit Campaign Performance
As you likely know, mobile marketing is an incredibly effective way to reach a significant part of your audience. Companies that aren’t leveraging mobile marketing at this point are at risk of falling behind their competition if they haven’t already. However, while most businesses understand that they should optimize their online content for mobile use, not everyone is taking full advantage of what mobile users can offer. For example, a real time location system can tell you where your audience is, which can be incredibly beneficial for improving campaign performance.
Using a Real Time Location System to Improve Campaign Performance
Smartphones have built-in GPS that pinpoints where the user is. This is data that you can access as long as you have permission from the user. You will need to offer an app that the user can download in order to access this data. Some users are going to disable the real time location system as a way to keep their privacy. However, a lot of people don’t mind if your app provides a helpful location-based feature.
The Benefits of a Real Time Location System
Being able to track the location of your users can come in use in numerous ways. Not only can you use this information to measure the effectiveness of your inbound marketing strategies, you can use it to better target your audience. The following are a few examples of how using a real time location system to improve your marketing efforts:
- Target users near your stores: You can automate certain push notifications to be sent out to users who are within a certain radius of your stores. This is a great way to target users who may not know that they are near one of your stores. Even with users who know about your store’s location, you can send out content that might convince them to drop in. Sending them a special discount code that they can use there is a good example. It’s an incredibly effective way to increase foot traffic to your physical locations.
- Target users near your competition: You can even use your real time location system to steal customers from your competitors. For example, your users might be headed to a competing store or are near a competing store. You can send them an offer to match any promotions they might be offering.
- Improve reach: You can figure out what areas the majority of your users tend to be in. This can give you a lot of helpful information that you can use to improve your reach. For example, if you’re based in Philadelphia but you notice that a lot of users are in the NYC area. You can then use that information to target those areas. You can do so
by creating more location-based content or even by opening a store in that location.
- Measure foot traffic. Measure how effective your mobile marketing efforts are by measuring foot traffic in your physical stores. For example, if you send out notifications of an in-store sale to your users, you can then identify how many users ended up going through the store on the day of the sale. You can use the foot traffic you measure at your stores to judge the performance of specific marketing tactics in many other ways as well.
As you can see, using a real time location system can be hugely beneficial to your cross channel marketing efforts. The trick is knowing how to implement it. These are just a few examples of how you can use the location data you have access to. This can help optimize your marketing campaign and improve sales.

The landscape of the Internet is ever changing and Nicole has the energy and aptitude to keep Stevens & Tate Marketing out in front of the pack. She leads an enthusiastic team in strategic planning, development, search engine marketing, online promotions and advertising for the web.