3 of 13 Key Marketing Initiatives

Debbie Szwast | November 06, 2013 | Stevens & Tate

In the past few years, the retail marketplace has changed significantly. New technologies are impacting consumers’ attitudes and purchasing decisions. To stay successful, businesses need to evaluate and update their marketing strategies, programs and processes on a consistent basis. As the new year approaches is an opportune time to do so.

Stevens & Tate released a white paper discussing 13 key marketing initiatives to improve success. Below are a few items you can start focusing on today to make an impact in the upcoming year.

1. Media Plans and Strategies

The media landscape is constantly changing—new technologies and trends are emerging rapidly and existing platforms continue to evolve. This is providing new opportunities to market to your target audience. To reach today’s consumers, create a strategy that not only reaches them where they are looking, but also addresses what stage they are in the buying cycle.

Remember that media planning is not one size fits all. Develop your media strategy around your core audience, focusing on mediums where they are most engaged. However, don’t overlook the value of creating integrated campaigns with related messages across multiple platforms. This allows you to significantly increase your reach and frequency to build awareness, interest and interaction among those who matter most.

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Did The Tivo Revolution Destroy The Metric System?

Remember the big THREE…CBS, NBC, and ABC?

These three companies were running the demographics back in the day and competing for shares. ABC Roots in 1977 was watched by 36 million viewers, still the third-most watched U.S. TV program ever. ABC made one smart move when in 1970 it aired Monday Night Football. 667 games later ESPN has managed to own this brand. But this is still a simple metric to watch.Right?

ESPN’s third season of Monday Night Football was the most watched series on cable television in 2008. It set an all-time cable viewership record for the third straight year and drew the year’s three biggest cable household audiences and 13 of the top 15. In three seasons on ESPN, Monday Night Football has registered seven of the top 10 all-time biggest household audiences in cable history, led by the Eagles-Cowboys telecast on 9/15/08, which attracted cable’s largest household audience ever (an average of 12,953,000 homes).

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Will Apple’s iTunes Radio Put a Lock on Pandora’s Box?

Apple recently announced an addition to its new iOS7 software, which will incorporate its own version of Pandora’s Internet Radio service titled, iTunes Radio. The service will function very similarly to Pandora, but will harness the data accumulated through the user’s iTunes account in order to see what music the listener currently likes, has liked in the past, and takes both into account when selecting new music for them.

Unlike Pandora, iTunes Radio will feature the ability to “tune” each station selection based on whether the listener wants more of the music to be familiar or new to the—a feature foreign to Pandora listeners.

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The New Media Mix Will Solve Planning Season Fears

This time of year can terrify even the most seasoned builder and new construction marketing teams…it’s the heart of the dreaded planning season! Don’t fear; there are ways to make the experience less frightful and more insightful. Here are some things to consider as you approach 2016.

Is your spending mix designed to optimize results for how media is consumed today or are you relying too much on what has worked in the past? There’s a new media mix—and it is far different than ever before, with more media channels, more devices, and even more opportunities to connect with home shoppers. How do you find the most effective balance within a budget that makes sense now?

Take social marketing, for example, which has completely redefined the digital media space. Many builders are still struggling to understand how to monetize social media. The key is to treat it like any other corporate initiative—establish a business and messaging strategy that elevates your brand and execute it. Read more

Death of Traditional Outlets Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

Mark Twain famously quipped that news of his death was exaggerated when the press mistook his cousin’s serious illness for his own. Today, much the same could be said about traditional media. It seems that its death is foretold by any number of pundits with every new release of data on social media and digital devices. (Facebook’s 500 million members would make it the third-largest country in the world! Ashton Kutcher has more than 7 million Twitter followers! IPad-mania sweeps through coffee shops around the world!)

There is no denying the rapidly growing and truly disruptive impact of new devices and social media. But at the same time, there is also no denying that traditional outlets are thriving in the lives of consumers today, and that they form the core of how most consumers interact with media. This is true for the general population, and it is even true among the affluent Americans that we study, even though they have the discretionary income to indulge in an array of devices, as well as the digital literacy to get the most out of them. Read more

Newspaper Advertising Still Primary Shopping Information Source

Newspaper advertising is the leading advertising medium cited by consumers in planning, shopping and making purchasing decisions, according to data from a Frank N. Magid Associates survey of 2,500 adults. The findings, announced today by the Newspaper Association of America, paint a strong picture of the unmatched value newspaper advertising continues to deliver in today’s media landscape. “This important new research reaffirms the power of newspaper advertising to engage consumers and drive them to take action,” said NAA President and CEO John Sturm. “More than all other media, adults continue to turn to newspapers to inform shopping decisions that lead to purchases. They are an opt-in media in an opt-out world, making newspaper advertising an ideal and effective choice for advertisers who want to reach consumers ready to shop and spend.” Read more

A Super “Bowl” Filled To The Rim With Doritos

This year Doritos again conducted their annual Super Bowl TV commercial contest, “Crash The Super Bowl” with the top winner receiving $1,000,000 for their efforts. They aired four winners, each were :30. The spots aired were chosen by the fans prior to the game from six finalist posted on CrashTheSuperBowl.com. The website has a Forum for fans to offer opinions, a Gallery to view the over 100 entries and even a “Herbert Brother How To” that explains the do’s and dont’s of making a commercial.

Doritos has done an excellent job at engaging their tribe by creating an online event that far outweighs the time value of four :30 spots. Some of the magic comes from repeating the event annually. This gives their following an opportunity to grow year after year.

All the spots poke a little fun at Doritos lovers and all seem to have someone getting hurt or put through some pain. This seems to be part of the formula. It’s Doritos meets America’s Funniest Videos. We still like to see others in pain, as long as we know it’s not real. My favorite Doritos spot was the “Funeral” were a man asks to be buried in a coffin filled with Doritos. It shows true love for the product and has more humor than pain, since the man is not actually dead. Visit CrashTheSuperBowl.com to view all four winners.

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Maintaining Sales Momentum In The New Media Landscape

Today’s consumers are more individualized than ever before and the media has responded to their demand for personalization.  There are thousands of newspapers across the country along with countless niche publications addressing individual areas of a person’s life. In addition to AM and FM radio, there now is satellite radio offering more stations and formats than ever before. With satellite TV and cable, hundreds of channels are competing for viewership.

These changes in consumer behavior directly impact how and where today’s new-home buyers look for information. This fragmentation of media outlets results in fewer and fewer people getting their information from traditional outlets and there simply isn’t ONE source for information anymore. Read more