Why You Should Consider Using YouTube Videos For Senior Living Marketing

When it comes to choosing what platforms to leverage in order to reach senior living audiences, you may have skipped over YouTube assuming that this particular platform is aimed at younger audiences. However, this is actually not true. You may want to give YouTube another look as it turns out YouTube videos are an excellent way to reach older audiences. The following are just a few of the reasons why you should incorporate YouTube videos into your senior living content marketing strategy:

1. Seniors Use YouTube Frequentlydigital marketing tactics

The idea that YouTube is for younger generations is a misconception that simply isn’t true. In fact, YouTube is the number one video platform of choice for the Baby Boomer generation. According to YouTube’s Trends Dashboard, more than 60 million Baby Boomers over the age of 55 view content on YouTube every month. In fact, four times as many Baby Boomers visit YouTube than people under the age of 18. This means that creating YouTube videos is actually an excellent way to reach your target demographics.

2. Seniors Are Social

By 2013, there were already 39 million people 65 and older that were using Facebook, Twitter, and Skype. At the time, this made them the fastest growing age demographic for these social channels. Considering the fact that there are more senior citizens than ever, incorporating social into your content marketing strategy is a must–and YouTube is a social platform. When you create YouTube videos, you can post them to Facebook, after all. Seniors can then comment, like, and share your YouTube videos, helping to increase brand awareness amongst their social circles, which are likely to be filled with family members as well as friends in the senior citizen age range.

marketing senior living

3. Seniors Prefer Visual Storytelling

The best way to reach senior citizens is through the use of visual storytelling (according to multiple studies on the subject). There’s no more effective way to tell a story in a visual manner than through video. For example, you could use video to tell the story of a resident and their journey to find a home at your senior living facility. By making a resident the main character in your video, you would make your content more relatable to your audience.

4. YouTube Videos Allow Pre-Roll Ads

Pre-roll ads have become quite common on YouTube videos. They are the 5 to 30-second spots that run before the video and that usually can’t be skipped until 5 seconds in. While they can be a real annoyance for a lot of viewers, they can actually be very effective if they are relevant to your video content. This is especially true if you already have video content available on your site.

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You can create effective pre-roll ads by cutting short 15 or 30-second spots out of existing video testimonials or video tours of your senior living facility. This way, when someone watches one of your YouTube videos (especially those that are instructional or informative and not promotional), your pre-roll ads will showcase your senior living facility so that they know who you are.

5. YouTube Videos Can Drive Traffic

YouTube isn’t just a platform to host videos. It can be used to help drive viewers to your website for more information. Curate your YouTube page so that you have a lot of YouTube videos audiences can go through, but make sure that it’s obvious that it’s your senior living facility’s page and include a link from your YouTube channel to your website. You should also add links to your video descriptions and clickable links embedded within the videos themselves towards the end. Doing so can help drive a significant amount of traffic to your website.

YouTube videos can be extremely effective at reaching a senior living audience, which is why you should incorporate YouTube into your content marketing strategy. It’s also worth mentioning that YouTube is owned by Google, which means that properly optimized YouTube videos can help to boost your SEO as well, thereby increasing your page rankings and helping to drive more organic traffic to your YouTube channel as well as your main website.


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How To Strike A Perfect Balance When Writing For Search & Writing For Brand

Writing content can be tricky. Implementing the best SEO practices is important in order to help attract organic traffic to your site in order to read your content, but you should also make sure that your SEO efforts don’t detract from the quality of your writing–it needs to be of a high quality in order to engage those visitors, after all. Finding that perfect balance between writing for your brand and writing for SEO is no easy task. The following are a few tips on how to maintain that perfect balance:

1. Do Your Keyword Research

If you do the proper amount of keyword research, then you shouldn’t have to worry about trying to include the keywords you’ve chosen into the content you’ve written. If the keywords you chose were relevant to the content you wrote and vice versa, then odds are those keywords will be naturally used as you are writing your content and you won’t have to worry about going back and adding in keywords in potentially unnatural or repetitive ways that could lower the quality of your content.

2. Using Keywords In Your Headers

You don’t need to add keywords to each header you use. Your headers don’t just tell readers what the following content is going to be about–they also need to help incite reader interest. A lot of the time, adding keywords to your headers can make the header seem bland. Use keywords in your headers when the following paragraph is the meat and potatoes of your content. When it comes to the concluding header, worry more about creating a header that leaves a lasting impact than about finding a way to include your keyword.

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3. Know Where To Use Keywords

While you should use your keywords in the body of your content in a natural way, you should also make sure to include it in your title, meta title, meta description, and image alt text. This will make your content more easily identifiable for Google without potentially affecting the quality of your actual content.

Keywords aren’t the only way to write for search. Add relevant backlinks throughout your content. However, if the links don’t add value to the experience of your readers, then don’t add them–you’ll just frustrate your readers and clutter up your content with anchor text.

5. Don’t Overdo It

First of all, keyword stuffing is going to be penalized by Google, which is why you should try to keep your keyword density below two percent. Secondly, you should read through your content to get a feel for how it sounds. If any of your keywords sound out of place, then they’re affecting the quality of what you’ve written. Additionally, if it feels like the keyword is being repeated too often within a short span of space, it’s probably dragging the quality down.

The content you write serves many purposes as far as your inbound marketing strategy goes. It can help increase your search rankings, thereby boosting organic traffic and bringing in more potential leads. It can also help your readers to engage with your brand. However, this requires you to both write with your audience in mind as well as with SEO in mind. These are just a few tips that will help you maintain that perfect balance between writing for your brand and writing for search.

Still want to increase your SEO? Here’s how to do so using Google trends.

25 Website Must Haves

Understanding Consumer Expectations Around Omnichannel Approach

There are many ways to engage with potential customers these days, from social media to mobile and more. While it’s important that you establish a presence on different channels so that you can reach your target audience, it’s also important that you create a seamless experience. This is known as an omnichannel approach. An omnichannel approach allows customers to engage with a brand no matter what platform they’re on or what device they’re using, whether online or in-store.

What Is An Omnichannel Approach?

The idea of the omnichannel approach is that consumers are no longer on a buyer’s journey that is strictly linear. For example, they may begin their journey by searching for a product and reading up on it by checking out your blog. But then they may check out some customer reviews by taking a look at your social media pages. Then, they may sign up to your email newsletter, where you may continue to nurture them. They may read these newsletters on their smartphone even though they had been engaging with your brand on their computer.

Finally, they may choose to go to your physical location in order to make a purchase instead of buying online. This is an example of how a customer can make use of multiple platforms and devices to go through their buyer’s journey.

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Omnichannel Vs Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel refers to the ability to engage with customers on various channels. For example, if customers can reach you on social media, a live chat feature, a phone number, or an email address, then that’s multichannel marketing. The omnichannel experience allows customers to do the same thing — but there’s one big difference. With omnichannel marketing, all of those channels are connected to create a singular experience.

For example, say a customer emails you with a question and you answer it. The customer does some more research, then engages again on your website’s live chat. The person they’re engaging with will have access to the information that was exchanged via email. As a result, the customer won’t have to repeat questions or information that they already gave.

Essentially, omnichannel marketing ensures a seamless experience across all channels.

What Does It Mean To Take An Omnichannel Approach? Omni channel

You’re no longer in charge of laying out the journey for your buyers. Consumers demand control over their own buyer’s journey, which means that you have to take an omnichannel approach in order to give them this freedom. There are several ways to do this:

Know your audience

Develop buyer personas so that you understand your customer’s needs and pain points. By doing so, you’ll be able to address those pain points across all channels. It will also make it easier to identify your customers’ buying patterns, which you can leverage throughout your marketing efforts.

Have an omnichannel presence

Don’t just focus on one marketing channel. Set up a website with a regularly updated blog. Establish a presence on several social media platforms that you know your target audience uses. Engage in email marketing. Ensure your online efforts are mobile-friendly. Use pay-per-click advertising. Don’t ignore traditional marketing methods, such as TV or newspaper ads. Make it easy to be found no matter what channel your audience is using.

Make sure your branding is consistent

It’s extremely important that your branding is consistent on all channels. This means that you need to have the same message, the same tone, and even the same style. Otherwise, your audience may get confused about who you are and what you represent.

Be easy to contact

Present several options for contacting you where ever your audience is. For example, respond to comments left on your social media pages, provide an email address and phone number on your website, allow mobile users to just click on your phone number on your site, and submit your NAP (name, address, and phone number) to local online inventories, and more. You might even want to implement a live chat into your website.

Meet consumers at every stage of their journey

Make sure that consumers can advance through their buyer’s journey no matter what platform they’re on. This means having content that’s suitable for every stage of the buyer’s journey on all of your channels so that you can meet their needs and nurture them through their current stage in no matter where they are.

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The Benefits Of Omnichannel Marketing

Implementing an omnichannel marketing strategy may take some extra work, initially, but it’s well worth the effort. With that in mind, the following are some of the primary benefits of omnichannel marketing:

Create a seamless customer journey omnichannel

Arguably the biggest advantage of omnichannel marketing is the fact that it results in a seamless customer journey. Customers will be able to pick up where they left off on any channel, making it easy to nurture them through the sales funnel. Additionally, there will be fewer roadblocks to conversion, resulting in fewer lost customers.

Increase your brand loyalty

Using omnichannel marketing improves the customer experience. It does this by providing a seamless and consistent experience across all channels. As a result, the needs of your customers are met at every stage of their journey. The better their experience is, the more loyalty they’ll have for your brand.

Better insights into customer behaviour

Because all of your channels will be unified under an omnichannel strategy, it will be easier to collect and organize customer data. For example, you’ll have no problem measuring how each channel contributes to certain marketing goals. As a result, you’ll be able to make better adjustments to improve your marketing efforts.

Improve your brand recall

A major component of successful omnichannel marketing is consistency. By ensuring that your branding efforts are consistent across all channels, you’ll strengthen your brand identity. As a result, customers will have a stronger sense of brand recall. This means customers will think of your brand when they have needs or challenges that your products or services address.

Generate more long-term revenue

All of the previous benefits, from the improved customer experience and customer insight to the increase in brand recall and loyalty, will result in more revenue. Essentially, omnichannel marketing can help you improve your long-term profits.

Consumers have more options than ever before, which means that they have much higher expectations when it comes to their buying experiences. As a result, you should take an omnichannel approach in order to establish a seamless experience over multiple channels, making it easy for them to engage with your brand no matter where they are on their buyer’s journey.

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Growth-Driven Web Design – Is It Right For Your Company?

Most marketers have been through a website redesign in their careers. If so then they know that it takes considerable time and resources to build a website from the ground up. There are constant meetings and decisions to make at every stage of traditional website design. You work so hard to launch a website, only to repeat the process every few years to ensure your website maintains it’s quality. Sounds redundant, doesn’t it? In order to avoid most of the major obstacles that come with traditional web design renovations, I present you with an alternative choice: Growth-Driven Web Design.

What is Growth-Driven Web Design?

To explain Growth-Driven Web Design, we will simply look at its objective. Instead of undertaking the whole website design process at once, GDD’s aim is to launch and run your website in the shortest amount of time possible. Once the website is launched, any developments will be attended to as the website is running. The feedback gathered as the website is running can provide additional insight to your marketing team. Your marketing team then uses this live data to make informed marketing decisions in order to help you achieve your enterprise goals.

Read Our Article about: Growth Driven Web Design: A Website As Active As You

How does it work?

Properly implementing GDD into your design process depends on three important phases. These phases play a crucial role in running and maintaining your website:


To come up with a brilliant strategy, you need to note the following: your client personas, assumptions, buyer’s process, wish lists, website audit information, etc. This information will help you decide what kind of content is most relevant to your clients and how well to maximize off of this content.


Once you have formulated a solid strategy, it’s time to launch your website. You will use a Launchpad website that includes all the information your customer needs about your company. Remember that the content you put on your Launchpad will determine the conversion rates your website will receive. The aesthetic and function of your Launchpad will attract the customers, while the information provided will give them a reason to stay.


As I previously stated, once your Launchpad website is running successfully, you will make improvements as you go. This way, you get to provide tailor-made solutions for any issues that come up.

Should you use GDD?

Below are some instances in which GDD can be of assistance to you:

  • Your business has the capacity to increase incoming website traffic.
  • You need a large rate of conversion. This can be improved by maximizing relevant pages and usable interface,
  • You need to know more about your website visitors’ activities
  • You have an outdated website that still receives a considerable amount of traffic. GDD will help maximize these basic interactions.

Benefits of Growth-Driven Web Design

If your company chooses to use GDD, here are some of the benefits you stand to gain:

Uncomplicated updates

Since you are optimizing the basic content in your Launchpad website, you skip the repetitive process of frequently taking down and rebuilding your website. Instead, you can easily update and improve your website while it continues running.

Pocket friendly

Building a website the traditional way costs a pretty penny. The upfront costs on the GDD are lower as well as flexible over periods of time, depending on the demand.

Shorter timelines

It can take months or even years for a traditional website to be designed and launched. With the GDD, you can easily have your website up and running in a few weeks.

Tailor-made solutions

Since the GDD is designed for on-the-go use, your sales and marketing teams will be able to adjust their strategies accordingly. If problems arise, the solutions can be made accordingly.

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Brand Marketing Strategy: Community and Advocacy

Most companies will have a brand marketing strategy. A great way to use a strategy is to work with the community and advocacy. Having advocates and engaging with community will help your brand grow. Advocates are customers, employees, fans, and influencers. Brand advocates are dedicated fans whom the company should build closer relationships with. The best way to advertise is through word of mouth and advocates in the community will do that.

Community and Social Media

When it comes to social media, it is important to engage, grow and leverage the audience. Some ways to grow your social media audience include providing an incentive (gift card), reaching out to the offline community, asking the right questions, and finding people who are advocating your brand already. Engaging your social media community can include having a welcoming environment, timely responses, and reciprocity. Make sure to monitor your community space.

How Brands Market To the Different Generations 

Engagement with Influencers and Advocates

Engaging with influencers and advocates can bring value. The influencers are bloggers, speakers, and authors. A good idea is to invite these people to an event. Influencers and advocates are the ones spreading information about your company through word of mouth. When building a brand advocacy program, it is important to have program goals, criteria for selection, a plan for onboarding and a continued engagement plan. With an advocacy program, it is important to remember the 3 R’s: relevance, reach and resonance. With an employee advocacy program, it is important that both employees and high up exec people post and share company content on social media.

Growing Community Across Social Media

Social media platforms include Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Snap Chat.

  • Twitter is for using hash tags, monitoring keywords, hosting events and having chats.
  • Facebook is for having interactions (comments), and using events to create buzz.
  • LinkedIn is for creating groups, and posting content related to business.
  • Instagram is for visuals, finding community, engagement, and boosting brand visibility.
  • YouTube is for collaboration, anonymous comments, healthy debates and connecting with viewers.
  • Snap Chat is for having a unique snap code, ghost codes and direct engagement (reaction snaps to followers).

Each social media platform is unique and has its own purpose.

Measuring ROI

Metrics for ROI are community growth, engagement and brand love. Quality over quantity. You can use the spot check method and randomly select a few followers and look at their profiles to see what kinds of people are following your company. Engagement can include the number of likes for a post. Brand love is positive testimonials from third party blog posts.

Paying attention to your community is important. By reaching out and engaging with advocates, will help your brand. Reaching out and engaging in all the social media platforms will help as well. The more you put into getting your brand out there, the more your brand will grow. You can have a very successful brand marketing strategy. Community and advocacy are two ways to help your strategy.

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Using the Buyer's Journey To Create Great Content

Using the Buyer’s Journey to Create Great Content

Today, great content is so important because it is the actual message you are delivering to potential customers. It should capture the attention of your target audience and stand out within the huge sea of content that surrounds us every day. This can be very difficult to do because marketing content is everywhere you look. But using the right techniques will help make sure the target is reached in the best way.

Inbound Marketing is about offering the right content to the right audience based on where they are within the Buyer’s Journey and developing buyer personas to help target the correct people in the most effective way possible. What makes good, even great content? Constantly thinking about the mind of your buyer and where they are at in their decision process. This way all of your choices center around their needs and you will create content of value.

Using Your Audience

The content you create should help your reader solve their problems and help with whatever it is they are trying to accomplish. Be sure that the content you produce is something that your audience will want to read, share with their friends, and return to your company for further information. The ultimate goal is to be helpful to the consumer!

The best way to understand which format to use for your content is through your buyer personas. A buyer persona is a theoretical person within your target audience that is comprised of analyzed research. Buyer personas are the key to creating ideal content because through them you are able to understand what they want to see, and when they want to see it. Thinking in this way, in the mind of your buyer personas, is extremely helpful in reaching your target because now you have entirely put yourself in their shoes.

Why Are Buyer Persona’s So Important

Using The Buyer’s Journey To Create Great Content

Another aspect of your buyer persona is how they will be moving through the Buyer’s Journey. Not only do we need to understand how to help our audience with their goals and challenges, but also what the buyer persona is looking for in each stage of their journey. Creating content for each stage in the Buyer’s Journey will help your visitors find the resources they need in order to solve their problems. The Buyer’s Journey has 3 stages: awareness, consideration, and decision. 

The Buyers Journey Explained Stage By Stage

The content made for the awareness stage of the journey must help the buyer persona define their problem and learn about it. This means simply educating the consumer about the problem they have. When the buyer persona is in the consideration stage, the content should help them discover possible solutions to their problem. Hold off on discussing your own products and services be discussed, the focus is still on providing useful information regarding what steps they can take next. Finally, in the decision stage you help the buyer persona choose the best solution to their problem, and therefore offer your services.

Focus on tailoring content to your buyer personas and where they are within the Buyer’s Journey to ensure that it will capture your audience’s attention, help your target with what they are searching for, and fuel your campaign.

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senior living marketing strategy

How To Use Buyer Personas For Senior Living Marketing

The number of seniors continues to grow every year as the Baby Boomers are hitting their golden years. This demographic shift has put more emphasis on businesses serving older adults, including senior living facilities. Your business should know about senior living marketing to help present itself to potential clients.

Buyer personas can help you when it comes to senior living marketing.

What Buyer Personas Do You Need for Your Senior Living Business?

On the surface of it, the buyer persona for a senior living business seems obvious. The older adult. However, individual seniors have different needs. And senior living communities provide different levels of service depending on those needs.

Seniors who want to maintain their independence without the worry of home maintenance have different needs than seniors who have advanced medical needs which require 24-hour-nursing care. Facilities which offer different levels of care need to have personas for each level offered.

Another persona to consider is the spouse of an ailing senior. The spouse may no longer be able to handle the advancing medical needs of his or her partner. The healthy spouse’s concerns must be considered along with the needs of the ailing senior.

Adult children also play a significant role in many older adults’ lives. Seniors often need assistance with financial and living decisions. Effective marketing in the senior living industry must consider the needs and desires of these adult children.

Find Out: How to Create Detailed Buyer Personas for Your Business

How To Use Buyer Personas for Your Senior Living Business

Effective marketing to the senior living market means building trust. That is where you start leveraging your buyer personas. Here is how you do it:

  • Create content that addresses each persona’s needs or questions. For example, do a series of blog posts addressing common questions asked by adult children looking for information on senior living options.
  • Provide longer content which offers more detailed information. An eBook focused on helping adult children assist parents with housing decisions is an example of this. This is the point where you can gather their contact information.
  • Send personalized emails. Once you have a contact’s name, it is important to address them in a personal way. If you have more information, like what level of care the adult child’s parent needs, you can focus the marketing even more.
  • Use the persona’s personal communication preference to your advantage. One detail you should capture for each persona is the preferred method of communication. Many older adults know how to use email, but prefer phone calls.
  • Remember to track each of your marketing efforts closely. Some of your senior living marketing efforts will not be successful. When you see something is not working, stop and move to the next.

Senior living marketing is more effective if you have detailed buyer personas in place. It helps you be more conscientious of the needs your clients have. That helps you build trust and makes your marketing speak in ways it did not before.

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