Entries by Nicole Wagner

How To Nurture Your Leads With Email Marketing

Despite some claims that email is dead, it is still a highly effective way for marketers to connect with consumers. It is an integral part of inbound marketing as well as attraction marketing, and is a great way to send nurture leads throughout the buying process. Nurture Your Leads With Email Marketing What is Lead Nurturing?….

The Importance of Lead Generation and Content Marketing Agencies

Your company is struggling to generate leads, and you’re looking for a quick and relatively simple solution. I have the solution, but you’ll probably groan because you’ve heard it before. “Content is king” might be an overused term, but that’s only because it’s proven to be true. A foolproof solution to your lack of leads….

The Benefits of Inbound & Outbound Marketing

There are two main types of marketing: inbound and outbound. Inbound marketing involves positioning yourself to be found by your target audience, providing them with the content they need for self-informed decision-making. Examples include SEO and content marketing. On the other hand, outbound marketing is more traditional, advertising directly to a broad audience through channels….

How Your SEO Benefits From A Long Term Strategy

When it comes to getting your website found online, SEO is essential. But, it is not something that you can do and expect immediate results. It requires a long-term vision and consistent application to achieve optimal results. It is an investment that will give you compounding returns in SEO benefits. Why SEO is Long-Term? If….

The Power of Social Media Influencers: Why it works

At this point in time, most businesses are well aware of the power of social media. According to Statista, roughly 79 percent of the American population has a social media profile, which accounts for almost 247 million people. However, simply having a social media presence isn’t enough. If you really want to take advantage of….