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email unsubscribers

Why People Unsubscribe From Your Emails, And What To Do About It

Emails are an important part of any b2b marketing program, and are still one of the best ways to get your content in front of prospects and leads. In fact, according to HubSpot’s State of Inbound 2016 report, 29 percent of salespeople said that email is their most effective channel for connecting with prospects. One….

food packaging design

FDA Nutrition Label Changes Impact Food Packaging Design

On May 20th, 2016 the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued new rules for nutrition labels and packaged foods. So how does this affect private label packaging or food packaging design in general? It’s been 20 years since any major revision has been made and to my assessment, a much needed one. The purpose of….

Delight Your Customers

How Can You Delight Your Customers?

How do big-name brands like Coca-Cola and Disney retain their customers after their first sales interaction? They continuously delight their customers with their products and services, and aa a result, develop a strong relationship with those customers. So what does it mean to “delight” consumers? The “delight” phase of the Inbound Marketing Methodology is all….

thank you pages

A Thank You Page Isn’t An End, But A Continuation

A thank you page is where a website visitor is directed after downloading a content offer. The function of a thank you page (of course) is to thank that visitor for downloading the content from your landing page, but also to help them move through the Buyer’s Journey. A thank you page shouldn’t just say….

Speaking Event


WHO: Suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and professionals in the metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing industries—more than 1,500 vendors and 40,000 attendees from around the country. WHERE: Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada WHEN: November 16-18th, 2016 DETAILS: FABTECH is North America’s largest Metal Forming, Fabricating, Welding and Finishing event. Stevens and Tate Marketing has two….

Speaking Event

RECAP: PMA Manufacturing Sales Summit

WHO: Sales and marketing professionals from around the world WHERE: The Conrad Indianapolis Hotel in Indianapolis, IN WHEN: September 27-28th, 2016 DETAILS: Stevens & Tate will join hundreds of sales and marketing professionals in the manufacturing industry for a featured speaking session.

Speaking Event

RECAP: 2016 LeadingAge Missouri Annual Conference for Senior Living Professionals

WHO: Healthcare and senior living professionals from around the world WHO: LeadingAge Missouri members and affiliates—part of a national association of 6,000 not-for-profit organizations dedicated to expanding the world of possibilities for aging care  WHERE: Chase Park Plaza Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri WHEN: September 12-14, 2016 DETAILS: Stevens & Tate will join thousands of senior….

Speaking Event

COMING UP: 2016 LeadingAge Tennessee Annual Conference for Senior Living Professionals

WHO: Healthcare and senior living professionals from around the world WHO: LeadingAge Tennessee members and affiliates—part of a national association of 6,000 not-for-profit organizations dedicated to expanding the world of possibilities for aging care  WHERE: Franklin Marriot Cool Springs in Franklin, TN WHEN: August 8-10, 2016 DETAILS: Stevens & Tate will join thousands of senior living….

website redesign checklist

Website Redesign Checklist For 2016

Your website is not just an accessory, it is an extension of your brand. For the best results, websites constantly need to be adjusted, added to, and improved upon, based on trends, consumer behavior, and website performance. Here is a six-step website redesign checklist to help you make sure your website is ready to be….

McDonald’s Revolution in Retail Marketing

As I was traveling recently through St. Joseph, Mo last week, I stopped to get some gas and near the station was a McDonalds. I haven’t been in a McDonalds for about a year and decided to order my lunch. I wanted to stretch my legs, so I walked into, what I would consider to be the….