Entries by Mark Beebe

What Experiential Marketing Companies Can Gain By Blending Experiential Marketing With Digital Works

Experiential marketing is becoming a popular tactic among companies who realize that audiences connect with brands more successfully if they are able to participate or engage directly with the brand. A great example of experiential marketing is Samsung’s efforts at the 2012 Olympics to introduce consumers to their new Galaxy S3. They set up booths….

How Creativity and Data Driven Marketing Help Develop Marketing Campaigns

Not long ago, businesses simply didn’t have that much information to leverage when it came to crafting marketing campaigns. They could only draw conclusions about their audience from in-store information — as in, information on who bought what. Mostly, they just advertised to the audience that their products or services were initially intended for. A….

How Data Driven Creative Is Shifting The Advertising Industry

It wasn’t that long ago that businesses had limited data to use for their creative. Marketing campaigns were often built using subjective creative instinct and little else. However, now that advertisers have access to significant amounts of data, including personal customer information as well as audience behaviors, creative decisions are being informed by their data…..

Visual Storytelling Techniques That Will Take You To The Next Level

Not only has video content become incredibly easy to consume due to the quality of smartphones and tablets, but it’s become much easier — and affordable — to produce as well. Considering the fact that 72 percent of consumers would prefer to learn about products or services via video and that the average consumer watches around….