Entries by Mark Beebe

Micro Influencer Marketing Benefits

Influencer marketing has been growing in popularity over the past few years. The idea is simple: connect with someone who has hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of followers on social media. By connecting with an influencer, you in effect obtain access to their audience. As a result, you can significantly boost brand awareness as….

7 Tips For Success When Working Remotely

More and more employees are working remotely these days, in part due to the major strides made in technology. Not only do most workers have access to a home computer, but they also have access to countless software solutions that allow them to communicate and collaborate with coworkers and managers from home. It’s estimated that….

5 Reasons Why You Need A Mobile Marketing Strategy

Has your marketing campaign lost its edge? Maybe it’s because you haven’t introduced mobile. Mobile Marketing is proving to be the fastest, easiest, and most accessible form of marketing today. Seniors, adults, and even teenagers have had experience dealing with mobile marketing in some shape or form. As a result, nearly every company can benefit….

5 Ways to Update Your Internet Marketing Strategy in 2020

The end of the year is quickly approaching. This means that you should take time to review the progress of your marketing efforts this year. You should also think about adjusting your internet marketing strategy and improving upon it. Even if your internet marketing strategy was successful this year, there are always ways you can improve. This is….