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Factors That Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions

What Are Marketing Qualified Leads And Why Do They Matter?

How are you handling your marketing qualified leads? Once you have a lead at the top of the sales funnel, you can’t just stop marketing and hope that initial lead turns into a sales-qualified lead (SQL). You need to keep your eye on your marketing qualified leads (MQLs) as well. What is Marketing Qualified Leads?….

Harmonizing the Old and New: The Dynamics of Radio Advertising in the Digital Era

With traditional and internet radio ads, we’ve got the best of both worlds. Blend them, tell your story, and let’s make your brand stronger than ever!

The Top 10 Strategies for Mastering Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is like throwing a digital party for your brand. Come with us to learn more about the top 10 ways you need to know when it comes to mastering inbound marketing.

What’s Trending in Marketing For February 2024

In our February 2024 edition, delve into AI’s impact on digital marketing, TikTok’s influence on influencers, and CarMax’s innovative ad approach. Discover cost-effective brand growth strategies and top marketing trends like virtual reality and successful TikTok brands.

advertising agency

4 Tips For Creating a Successful Visual Identity

Your visual identity is different than your brand identity. But your visual identity, however, does play a part in helping to create your overall brand identity. The visual branding elements help to create the specific feeling and experience you’re trying to invoke from your brand. This includes everything from your logo to the images you….

hiring a full service advertising agency

Five Reasons To Hire An Advertising Agency Versus Staffing In-House

Marketing and advertising are essential for the success of any business. As your company grows, you will eventually be faced with the difficult decision of whether to build your own marketing group or to outsource to an advertising agency. Here are five benefits to hiring a full-service advertising agency.

brand awareness

Six Cost Effective Marketing Strategies To Grow Your Brand

Most companies, from business start-ups to established brands, recognize the importance of marketing. However, some may stray away from marketing tactics because they view them as costly. In reality, many cost-effective marketing strategies require little investment. Here are six of them: Six Cost Effective Marketing Strategies 1. Blogging Blogging is among the simplest yet most….

Empowering and Transforming Digital Marketing with AI

Balancing smart systems with a human touch is key for success in the competitive digital marketing world. Join us in finding this perfect balance!

Optimizing Your Social Media Strategy: SEO Pitfalls to Avoid

Welcome to the exciting world of social media strategy! To ensure your brand shines online, navigating through key SEO tips to avoid is crucial. Let’s make your social media journey both effective and enjoyable.

The Importance of Package Design – How it Affects Your Brand Story

Creating a strong brand identity requires good storytelling in order to establish your brand as unique and relevant as well as to make it more engaging for your target audience. We’ve gone over the ins and outs of brand storytelling before, but what we haven’t touched on yet is how your package design affects your….