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Tailoring The B2B Sales Funnel To Meet Your Needs

When it comes to the B2B sales funnel, there are three main stages: awareness, consideration and the decision stage. The funnel represents the journey that the customer takes from start to end. However, the B2B sales funnel isn’t necessarily set in stone. It can be modified to fit your business’s needs as long as it….

The Modern Logo Design Trends of 2024

In branding, a compelling logo is essential, serving as the face of your identity and setting you apart in a crowded market. Embrace modern design trends while maintaining brand values to ensure your logo remains impactful and relevant.

Revitalizing Your Digital Front Door: Key Strategies for a Winning Website Redesign in 2024

Ensure your website redesign success by learning from your current site, focusing on customer-centric design, integrating copy research, and more. By following these best practices, you can elevate your website’s effectiveness and meet the evolving needs of your audience.

Hashtags on LinkedIn

10 Tips for Using Hashtags on LinkedIn

Using hashtags on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook helps users reach an audience beyond their group of followers or friends. Hashtags mark content with keywords that are relevant to the message of the post. When users search those keywords, your content becomes visible to people who may not have known about your business previously. Hashtags are….

lasting impressions

4 Tips on How to Leave Lasting Impressions on Customers

If you want to leave lasting impressions on your customers, you have to do more than sell them a service. Making their experience with your brand comfortable and enjoyable keeps them coming back over and over again. Giving customers individual attention and making them feel like you truly care about their needs will help them….

what is an ad exchange

Types Of Advertisement Opportunities For Popular Streaming Services

For years, the only way to reach audiences was through traditional types of advertisement such as print, TV, and radio. While these types of advertisement methods are still available, new methods of reaching your audience have opened up online; for example, streaming platforms. If you haven’t looked into advertising on a streaming services/platform, then you….

Mastering the Art of Integrated Digital and Social Media Marketing

In today’s digital era, mastering both digital and social media marketing is a must for brand success. By blending targeted advertising, real-time engagement, and a cohesive brand story, businesses can harness the power of this dynamic duo to achieve impactful results.

Factors That Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions

What Are Marketing Qualified Leads And Why Do They Matter?

How are you handling your marketing qualified leads? Once you have a lead at the top of the sales funnel, you can’t just stop marketing and hope that initial lead turns into a sales-qualified lead (SQL). You need to keep your eye on your marketing qualified leads (MQLs) as well. What is Marketing Qualified Leads?….

Harmonizing the Old and New: The Dynamics of Radio Advertising in the Digital Era

With traditional and internet radio ads, we’ve got the best of both worlds. Blend them, tell your story, and let’s make your brand stronger than ever!

The Top 10 Strategies for Mastering Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is like throwing a digital party for your brand. Come with us to learn more about the top 10 ways you need to know when it comes to mastering inbound marketing.