B2B website

Three Videos Every B2B Website Should Have

Research shows that relevant, compelling content is a key ingredient for making your website stand out. While some websites may have great landing pages, they may lack other types of content. If you want your B2B website to beat the competition and increase sales with an effective video marketing strategy then you should include these 3 video types.

Visual is rapidly becoming the most effective technique in the web marketing mix. Video content can increase your online traffic by more than 40%, as it adds personality, digestibility, and context to your website. Here are three types of video you should include in your website in order to increase search engine visibility.

Three Types of Video for B2b Website

1. Customer case studies

A great way to market your business is through word-of-mouth from satisfied customers or business associates. Referrals enhance the element of trust that potential clients are looking for in a business. To create a case study video, request some of your satisfied customers to create a case study video, where they can describe the services or products that you offer and express their satisfaction. A case study video could convince your undecided leads that your business is the right fit for them.

[Read about Integrating Story Branding With Your B2B Marketing Strategy]

2. Your team in action

You can increase your prospects by visually portraying how your company performs a service. Potential clients want to know if you have the resources and the expertise to meet their expectations, and you can prove this via video. If you provide manufacturing services, for example, you can capture how specific machinery works. If you’re a marketing agency, you can post a video demonstrating how your team goes from brainstorming ideas to producing your final product. For potential clients, the sight of your employees in action offers a glimpse inside your business.

3. Instructional videos or tutorials

One way to demonstrate your expertise to potential customers is to produce instructional content. Create visual cues on how to carry out a certain service related to what your business does for other businesses. For example, if your company provides home decoration services, you can produce a video explaining the remodeling process. You can demonstrate how your crew handles equipment for the job, as well as “before and after” images of a remodeled house.

Read Also:Types Of Marketing Videos You Should Use

Every B2B website should include compelling video content to capture the interest of prospective business partners. These days, the majority of online users would rather watch videos than read about a product or service. Capitalize on this powerful but affordable medium in order to drive leads and increase sales.

Download Our White Paper Guide To Learn How To Perfect Buyer Personas For Your Business

Mobile Market

Ten Ways to Use Google Trends to Increase SEO

Most people love free SEO tools. Google Trends is one of the most underused free tools; it is a place marketers can use to get their finger on the global pulse. Increase SEO using Google Trends in the following ten ways.

1.    Start Big and Narrow Down

The latest Google Trends dashboard is much simpler and allows you to explore various topics before narrowing down. Therefore, begin by entering a broad or all-encompassing keyword and then drill down. For example, the Worldwide feature allows you to focus on a certain market geographically. The word umbrella will peak at different times depending on the location. You can also filter your search by time selection and category, enabling you to increase SEO by targeting a wider region.

2.    Use Specific Search Options

Get advanced insights using options like image search, Google Shopping or news search. Digging deeper into your queries can increase your chances of identifying a new trend. You can also click Rising to see the top keywords.

3.    Context is Key

Google Trends operates in a relativistic manner. Today’s results are not compared with popular trends; rather, with the prior keywords you entered, meaning results vary according to various factors like timeframe. Therefore, never overlook the context and avoid personal blind spots when trying to increase SEO.

4.    Target by Location

A cursory use of the tool usually focuses exclusively on keywords. To get the most relevant results, incorporate location into your mix. Focus on specific and relevant regions and sub-regions.

How Your SEO Benefits From A Long Term Strategy

5.    Trend Predictions

It is easy to identify trends that leave a trail, but that is not very helpful as most marketers are using that data. Predict trends to gain additional insights. Identify potential trends by filtering according to specific countries or categories. Today’s  health story may not be a headline on Google Trends; however, it may help you spot topics to watch out for.

6.    Use Long-Tail Phrases

It may be difficult to rank high on the SERPs for a phrase like “Caribbean Cruise”, but you can make it to the top of the search results using a long-tail variation of this phrase.

7.    Use Top Chartsincrease SEO

Click on the Top Charts icon on the upper left to view Google’s version of Billboard Top 100. Do not confuse it with the trends most individuals are seeing. You can sort between Most Searched and Trending to glean more relevant information.

8.    Video Optimization Data

For example, if you posted a video on YouTube about how to avail discounts on Caribbean cruises, you can switch from web to YouTube search to explore related topics and queries. You can also sort by Rising or Top to capture more YouTube traffic.

If you are optimizing your wedding boutique, even a simple search will reveal that most weddings do not compete with holidays. With some aforementioned strategies, you can determine a few additional keywords to carefully direct your future posts to better handle each cyclical trend.

10.    Avoid Misreading the Trends

Advanced and sophisticated use of Google Trends allows you to move a step or two beyond your current insight to determine if there are any blind spots. For example, never trust one snapshot to tell you the whole story; instead, get a broad view of different timelines to figure out what else is happening.


B2B Email Marketing

How to Incorporate Email Marketing into B2B Campaigns

Email marketing has been a popular strategy for decades, and there’s no sign of it slowing down as an effective marketing tactic. However, as a B2B business, successful B2B email marketing can be challenging. When it comes to B2C email marketing, many companies simply use it to promote new products or to advertise special promotions. This won’t work with B2B marketing. Additionally, because most companies do embrace email marketing, you’re going to have to work a little harder to stand out from the competition and engage your leads. With that in mind, the following are a few B2B email marketing tips:

Email Marking Strategies for B2B

1. Focus On Educational Content

Long-term relationships are much more important for B2B businesses than B2C businesses (although you can’t discount their importance to B2C companies either). As such, the bulk of your email content should focus on providing your leads with information that is useful to them. The more informed they are about the problems you solve or about the industry you’re in, the more comfortable they will be making a buying decision down the line. Not to mention that you’ll position yourself as a brand authority that they can trust.

B2B Email Marketing2. Personalize Your Emails

Don’t make the mistake of assuming email personalization starts and stops with addressing the lead by name. Personalization goes way beyond that. Use the information you have on your subscribers (gained from opt-in forms, questionnaires, purchase history, and more) to segment them into different lists. You can then target specific subscribers using content that is relevant to each list. Doing so will increase the chances of engagement and will make it easier to nurture your leads.

3. Use Automation

As mentioned, automation can be used to segment your email list to ensure that your email content is personalized. However, automation can be used in a variety of ways to further boost engagement. For instance, you can set up email triggers based on actions your subscribers take. When they download something from your site, make a purchase, or sign up for a webinar via one of your emails, it will trigger a relevant email to be sent right after the action was taken.

You can schedule emails using automation to be sent at specific times and on specific days. This allows you to reach your users based on when they are most active on their email accounts.

Find Out How Marketing Automation Can Help You

4. Embrace Drip Email Campaigns

Email drip campaigns consist of a chain of emails designed to follow one another in a specific order and on a scheduled timeline. Usually, a drip campaign will consist of around five emails sent at 3 to 5-day intervals. They are effective because they build on one another, thereby ensuring relevance and generating more engagement. Drip campaigns are designed to welcome new leads, educate them, and finally to encourage a purchase.

5. Don’t Spam Your Subscribers

Even if you’re not sending overly promotional emails, you don’t want to overdo it. Your emails may be chock-full of useful and informative content, but if your recipients are receiving it on a daily basis, they’re going to start ignoring you. When that happens, it will be more difficult to reach them with content that they would actually find helpful. Some subscribers may even unsubscribe, resulting in lost leads.

6. Re-Engage Inactive Subscribers

Every once in a while, take the time to identify subscribers who haven’t engaged with your emails for some time. Don’t just assume that they are a lost cause. While some may have lost interest, others may simply have forgotten about your brand. Send out re-engagement emails that give these subscribers a reason to re-engage with you. Such emails can include polls and surveys, which can help you identify why they became unengaged in the first place. You can also use special offers based on their purchase history to generate interest in your business again.

7. Market Your Email Subscriptions

For your B2B email marketing campaign to be successful, you need to have leads to actually email content to. Besides having email subscription forms on your website, you should actively promote your email subscriptions on your blog and on social media. You can even gate some of your long-form content (such as ebooks and whitepapers), requiring leads to sign up to your email list in return for access to your content.

Also Read: Differences Between B2C and B2B Email Marketing

B2B email marketing can be an incredibly effective way to engage and nurture leads. Make sure to keep these 7 tips in mind for a successful email marketing camp

25 Website Must Haves

FABTECH North America 2024

WHO: Since its inception in 1981, FABTECH has grown into the premier metal fabricating event and North America’s largest industry showcase. The annual event features world-class exhibits and expert-led sessions on the latest technologies and new products. FABTECH’s mission is to bring industry executives together to conduct business, make connections, and share ideas. The event aims to showcase advanced technologies and provide a complete platform to push the boundaries of metal fabrication. The FABTECH conference attracts over 65,000 visitors annually from various industries worldwide, rotating annually among U.S. cities, Mexico, and Canada.

WHERE: Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL

WHEN: October 15-17, 2024

DETAILS: Making its first appearance in Orlando, FABTECH North America 2024 is set to host over 1,500 world-class suppliers, bringing together business and industry professionals in a comprehensive showcase of the latest innovations in metal forming, fabricating, welding, and finishing. The event offers attendees opportunities to network, attend live demonstrations, and learn how to advance their businesses. FABTECH 2024 is an essential gathering for executives to enhance their productivity and discover cutting-edge technology.


4 Strategies For Utilizing Marketing Automation To Achieve WOW Results;  Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Stevens & Tate Marketing President and CEO, Dan Gartlan, will be presenting 4 Strategies For Utilizing Marketing Automation To Achieve WOW Results. The session will explore how B2B companies face challenges in attracting prospects and staying engaged during long sales cycles. Dan emphasizes the importance of building an integrated online strategy through story branding, content creation, and lead nurturing. Furthermore, Dan will teach attendants a wide array of marketing practices to achieve success. By implementing and adjusting automated strategies, attendees will be able to leverage new practices for “WOW” results.


4 Strategies For Utilizing Marketing Automation To Achieve WOW Results will be presented on Tuesday, October 15th at 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Register for the event here.

Learn more about FABTECH here.

Read about Dan Gartlan, or book him for speaking here.

Book a free consultation with Stevens & Tate here.

JULIE 50th Anniversary

Stevens & Tate Marketing Wins Coveted Award Of Excellence 
For JULIE’s Long-Form Corporate Image Video

(LOMBARD, IL) – Stevens & Tate Marketing received The Communicator Award of Excellence in the category General—Corporate Image for the video titled “Protecting The People In The Land Of Lincoln” created for JULIE, Inc.

Crafted to celebrate JULIE’s 50th anniversary, the sweeping video captures various landscapes across Illinois: farms, rural communities, suburbs, and cities. Drone footage illustrates the places that JULIE helps safeguard; the places where Illinois residents live, work and play. Messaging emphasizes the organization’s legacy and how prioritizing safe digging minimizes interruptions to critical services like electricity, natural gas, water, communications, Internet, and fiber optics but more importantly how it helps keep the state’s most valued resources—it’s people—safe. 

“Our creative team concentrated on presenting the JULIE narrative in grand style to reflect the organization’s passion for the important work they do,” said Dan Gartlan, partner at Stevens & Tate.

The result is a dramatic, heartfelt video that entices and engages viewers. It combines panoramic scenes, aerial images, inspirational music, and a confident yet comforting voice over to tell the JULIE story…from its longstanding role as the foundation for safe digging to the organization’s evolution into a leader in utility line damage prevention and safety awareness. 

“We are extremely gratified with the response our 50th anniversary video has received from our members and utility companies across the state,” said Mark Frost, executive director at JULIE, Inc. “Our strategic partner, Stevens & Tate, transformed our ideas into what we feel is a very powerful video that speaks to our mission. It evokes strong emotions and a true sense of pride in our contributions to safe digging practices…and how that serves the residents of Illinois.”

JULIE has incorporated the long-form version of “Protecting The People In The Land Of Lincoln” into internal marketing and communications efforts including anniversary celebrations and using it to kick off meetings with contractors and other key partners. It’s also prominently displayed on the home page of the non-profit organization’s website, JULIEBeforeYouDig.com.

Stevens & Tate edited the nearly 3-minute video into two :30 versions for outreach advertising such as broadcast and cable television commercials, full-episode-player over-the-top streaming spots, digital display ad units, social media posts and advertisements, and public service announcements.

About The Communicator Awards 

Held annually for the past three decades, the Communicator Awards is the premier international awards program dedicated to celebrating excellence, effectiveness and innovation in communication. Awards honor outstanding talent across a variety of industries and mediums…from informative projects to fantastical creations. They also recognize both groundbreaking newcomers and established practices, global brands to indie creators.

The Award of Excellence, the organization’s highest honor, is given to those whose communication skills place them at the top of their field and acknowledge them as industry leaders in a highly competitive arena.

The Communicator Awards are reviewed and sanctioned by the Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts (AIVA), an invitation-only group of leading professionals from renowned media, communications, advertising, creative, and marketing firms. AIVA members include executives from Amazon, Big Spaceship, Chelsea Pictures, Conde Nast, Critical Mass, Disney, ESPN, GE Digital, IBM, The Nation of Artists, Nextdoor, Spotify, Time Inc., The Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones, and Wired. 

About Stevens & Tate Marketing

Stevens & Tate Marketing is a full-service advertising agency offering on-strategy creative, integrated message development, and cost-effective media planning and execution. The team creates targeted solutions for clients within the not-for-profit, food/grocery, retail, homebuilding/real estate, travel/tourism, business-to-business, healthcare, and senior living industries. 

To learn more about Stevens & Tate’s award-winning capabilities, view the agency’s online portfolio at www.Stevens-Tate.com/work. For information on how Stevens & Tate can help Make Things Happen™ for your business, contact the business development team at (630) 627-5200.  

JULIE 50th Anniversary JULIE 50th Anniversary

LeadingAge Illinois Annual Meeting & Expo 2024

WHO: LeadingAge Illinois is a nonprofit organization and one of the largest and most respected associations of providers serving older adults in Illinois. LeadingAge strives to advocate for quality services, promote innovative practices, and foster collaboration. Additionally, LeadingAge aims to improve the lives of older citizens by maximizing the effectiveness of service providers. LeadingAge is a platform that enhances professional development and fosters community engagement. It’s an organization that constantly pushes the boundaries of health care.

WHERE: Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center

WHEN: July 30-31, 2024

DETAILS: The LeadingAge Illinois 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo offers everything attendees have come to expect over the years. Thousands of visitors will have opportunities to connect with hundreds of exhibitors, listen to presentations from industry and business development experts, and network with other professionals. The event provides an environment for senior living providers to come together and develop their businesses. It’s a can’t-miss event that pushes the entire industry forward.


Tried and True Marketing Practices and Ways to Break Through the Noise;  Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM

President of Stevens & Tate Marketing, Dan Gartlan, will be presenting Tried and True Marketing Practices and Ways to Break Through the NoiseBy focusing on how to maximize results with any size marketing budget, scale campaigns, and understand how to effectively utilize a media mix, Dan will teach attendees how to structure marketing strategies around an organization’s objectives, audience, and industry. Dan will teach attendees how to navigate the complicated and fragmented modern media landscape, “breaking through the noise.” Dan’s insights will teach senior living executives how to streamline their marketing processes and engage audiences. It’s an opportunity to learn how to achieve marketing success without any wasted resources.


Perfecting the Media Mix: Balancing Online and Traditional Media to Drive the Best ROI;  Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Dan Gartlan will also be presenting Perfecting the Media Mix: Balancing Online and Traditional Media to Drive the Best ROIThe session will teach attendees how to select and balance online and traditional media. This practice will help build trust within an organization’s target audience. Additionally, Dan will teach attendees how to focus and adjust marketing spending based on an organization’s needs. These strategies will help eliminate waste and create an effective balance that leads to high returns on spending. Lastly, attendees will learn how to create strategy documents that help organizations create properly managed and monitored media programs.


Digital Marketing Strategies to Build Traffic and Increase Lead Conversion; Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM

Internet Marketing Director, Nicole Wagner, will be presenting Digital Marketing Strategies to Build Traffic and Increase Lead ConversionNicole will discuss the importance of digital marketing alongside traditional methods. She will explore how to utilize digital methods to build a significant online presence. Moreover, the session emphasizes the importance of attracting the right audience and converting them into high quality leads. Attendees will have the opportunity to analyze and assess the strength of their current digital marketing programs. Nicole will also teach attendees how to create a digital content program and web presence. With these strategies, attendees will be able to reach the right audience with the right message.


Tried and True Marketing Practices and Ways to Break Through the Noise will be presented on Tuesday, July 30th at 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM.

Perfecting the Media Mix: Balancing Online and Traditional Media to Drive the Best ROI will be presented on Tuesday, July 30th at 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM.

Digital Marketing Strategies to Build Traffic and Increase Lead Conversion will be presented on Wednesday, July 31st at 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM.

Register for the event here.

Learn more about LeadingAge Illinois here.

Read about Dan Gartlan and Nicole Wagner, or book them for speaking here.

Book a free consultation with Stevens & Tate here.

brand identity prism

The Brand Identity Prism

When you think of brands, there are probably a few that come to mind. Brands that you use and see every day are the most prominent; Coca-Cola, Tide, Apple. These multi-billion dollar companies have worked tirelessly to reach their consumer base, and build strong a strong brand identity, and that is a large part of why they’ve prospered. Brand Identity is one type of identity to portrays the right image to its consumers. Logo, color palette, typography, and packaging are some of the visual components of the brand identity. It can be a little harder to narrow down a B2B brand that is as recognizable as the one mentioned above. Simply put, B2B brands spent less time focusing on brand development, and more time building impressive service packs and data for clientele. That is a big mistake; even B2B companies can significantly benefit from better brand identity. After all, the B2B space can be a crowded one, and the best way to set one’s self apart from the pack is by offering a unique and easily recognizable brand.

What is Brand Identity Prism?

Brand identity prism is a strategic marketing model that helps businesses to define and communicate their brand identity.

Why is Brand Development Important in B2B Marketing?

Brand development is what will set you apart in an often crowded marketplace. B2B consumers are drowning in a sea of sameness. In short, most B2B companies lack personality, which is a driving force behind consumer sales, and what makes the companies mentioned above so successful. To set yourself apart from the crowd, you should build a brand with a personality, with identity, and with something just a little flashy to get a foothold in an over-saturated market.

How is a Brand Identity Developed?

Developing a brand identity takes time and thoughtful consideration. Branding Specialist, Jean-Noel Kapferer has suggested every brand should use the brand identity prism to improve and alter their image. This prism includes personality, physique, culture, relationship, reflection, and self-image.

  • Personality is the way in which the world sees your brand. A b2b brand might want to be seen as cutting-edge or high tech. This character can be portrayed through logos and writing styles.
  • Physique is the physical manifestation of a brand’s identity. Strong, stoic or hip are all physique aspects that can be portrayed. This is done through color schemes, graphics and packaging art.
  • Culture is the way the brand interacts internally and with the world around them. Social media interaction and engagement is a good way to develop a brand culture, and allow other businesses behind the curtain to see what makes your company tick. When businesses and consumers engage with a company via social media, their personal perception of the brand identity improves.
  • Relationship is developed through interactions with current and potential clients. Branding and endorsements can be used to highlight the collaborative relationship businesses build with one another.
  • Reflection and Self-image go hand-in-hand. As a brand, you’ll want to reflect the values and characteristics you clientele wants to see in themselves. With the self-image part of the prism, you’ll also want to reflect how you feel about your own business. A prideful company is one that can be trusted, according to recent research.

Branding and identity does not happen overnight. Companies like Apple, Intel, Mastercard, and Coca-Cola have spent decades honing their brand and building an identity.  Reaching a myriad of buyer personas, and identifying your needs as a business are the first steps in the construction of a branding strategy that will set you apart from the crowd. Utilizing the prism for development, however, will get you off to a good start.

Download Our White Paper Guide To Learn How To Perfect Buyer Personas For Your Business

74th Annual IHCA Convention & Expo

WHO: The Illinois Health Care Association (IHCA) was founded in 1950 and is governed by a 13-member board of directors. The nonprofit organization comprises more than 500 long-term care institutions for the developmentally disabled throughout the state. IHCA supports nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care services, providing members with resources, education, and training. Additionally, IHCA seeks to enhance the quality of care for long-term care residents by working with state and federal legislators. IHCA helps shape regulations, promote healthy practices, and maintain a high standard of care for older and disabled people.

WHERE: Peoria Civic Center, Peoria, IL

WHEN: September 9-12, 2024

DETAILS: IHCA hosts the state’s largest convention and exhibition for long-term health care professionals. The annual four-day event will feature hundreds of seminars and exhibitors on the latest tech and services available to care providers. It’s a chance for industry executives to network, attend professional workshops, and listen to presentations from experts. In addition, the event aims to equip healthcare providers with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance the quality of care for long-term care residents and navigate the industry’s evolving landscape. This year’s theme is “Playbook for Success,” and the event will incorporate as much football and tailgating theme as possible.


Maximize Your Digital Brand Through Strategic Marketing;  Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Internet Marketing Director, Nicole Wagner, will be presenting Maximize Your Digital Brand Through Strategic Marketing. The session will dive into how a digital brand must refine its content, understand marketing automation, and draw more website visitors. Collectively, these strategies will help drive engagement and conversion. The interactive component of the session will focus on strategic marketing and assessing current digital marketing strategies. Nicole will teach attendants how to craft tailored content programs for their audiences and objectives. Moreover, Nicole will equip attendees with critical tools to evaluate and enhance marketing programs, and offer a comprehensive roadmap to navigate the digital realm. It’s an opportunity to fine-tune your digital brand, connect with your audience on a deeper level, and thrive in the competitive senior marketplace.


Maximize Your Digital Brand Through Strategic Marketing will be presented on Wednesday, September 11th at 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

Register for the event here.

Learn more about IHCA here.

Read about Nicole Wagner, or book her for speaking here.

Book a free consultation with Stevens & Tate here.

visual metaphor

The Advantages of Using Visual Metaphors In Advertising

When it comes to advertising, most assume that the message should be direct and clear to ensure that your target audience understands what you’re trying to say. However, a message can be more powerful if something more creative or meaningful is behind it. It’s why many businesses use metaphors.

Using visual metaphors in advertising will help deliver a strong message and engage audiences on another level.

What is a Visual Metaphor?

In a nutshell, a visual metaphor uses an image or object that implies something else. It’s essentially a picture representing a different idea.

Visual metaphors work because they tap into the power of your inner mind. You might not process everything right away, but you will understand some aspects of what’s being communicated on a deeper level. With repeated exposure to a visual metaphor, you will figure out what is being said underneath the surface.

Examples of Visual Metaphorsvisual metaphor

There are many common visual metaphors that you may be familiar with. For example, a red rose is often used to represent romance. A picture of someone walking out of the darkness and into the light can represent enlightenment.

A great example of a visual metaphor is Apple’s famous logo, which depicts an apple with a bite taken out. This image represents the biblical story of Adam and Eve, which talks about knowledge gained by eating from the tree of good and evil.

The bite of the apple indicates that Apple (the company) has gained knowledge from taking a bite off the apple. They applied this “knowledge” to its innovative and cutting-edge products. The apple logo can also represent the computer, the modern-day tree of knowledge

buyer persona guide for business

Types Of Metaphors In Advertising

There are two types of metaphors used in advertising: the pure metaphor and the fused metaphor.

The Pure Metaphor

The pure metaphor is when two unrelated concepts are connected. For instance, a picture of a snail might represent the slow service of a competing company. The snail itself has nothing to do with the business, but the audience will understand that speed is vital in what that company is offering.

The Fused Metaphor

A fused metaphor is a bit different. Instead of using something visual to represent specific characteristics, you “fuse” your product with another image to depict the idea you’re trying to express.

For example, McDonald’s ran a fused ad for its Filet-O-Fish sandwich that showed a fishbowl in the shape of a hamburger. It also showed a fish swimming right in the middle (as if between the bun). The fishbowl and the sandwich were combined to create a fused metaphor.

The Benefits Of Using Visual Metaphors In Advertising

The following are a few reasons why you should consider implementing visual metaphors in your advertising efforts:visual metaphor

  • Visual metaphors get your point across quickly: Using visual metaphors in advertising can save you the trouble of spending time describing something. It will result in less effort on your part while still attracting more attention from your audience.
  • Visual metaphors generate curiosity: They encourage audiences to pay closer attention to what you’re showing them to figure out the meaning of the metaphor. Once you’ve made your audience curious about your ad, they’ll become more curious about your brand.
  • Visual metaphors are memorable: Your target audience will remember ads that use visual metaphors because they are unique and creative. As a result, it makes it even more likely that they’ll remember your brand.
  • Visual metaphors help your brand stand out: It can be challenging to differentiate yourself in the market. Fortunately, visual metaphors can help you stand out from your competition.
  • Visual metaphors add a sense of creativity to your ads: By using visual metaphors, you’re not only getting your audience’s attention but also their admiration for how inventive and unique you are.

Use Visual Metaphors In Advertising

Although being clear and direct is useful in conveying a message, visual metaphors can help you be succinct. Being succinct is just as important. Additionally, using visual metaphors in your advertising allows you to showcase your brand’s creativity and personality. As a result, your ads will be more memorable, and your audience will be more engaged. With that in mind, be sure to incorporate visual metaphors in your marketing strategy.

17 SEO Myths
New call-to-action
marketing dashboard

The Importance of Implementing a Marketing Dashboard

At this point in time, most businesses realize how important data is and how analyzing the data that they collect can provide valuable insight into the performance of their marketing tactics as well as into how their audience behaves. The challenge lies in making those metrics easy to access and easy to read for everyone in your company. Fortunately, tracking data is easier than ever with the use of dashboards.

What Is Marketing Dashboard?

Marketing Dashboard is an app or platform that collect all of your KPIs (key performance indicators) and critical metrics onto one easy-to-read display. The information is pulled from multiple data sources, often both internal and external. The data displayed on a dashboard can be viewed at any time and in real time. Essentially, they act as real-time reports, eliminating the need to wait until the end of the month to receive an analytics report from your marketing department.


marketing dashboard for social media

There are tons of different tactics dashboards out there that you can integrate into your system. This can range from email dashboards and website dashboards to search dashboards and social media metric dashboards. While these types of dashboards are often effective in displaying certain metrics, they don’t typically paint a whole picture. They may show you how your tactics are performing individually, but they don’t show you how they are impacting your company’s revenue cycle. It’s why you should implement a marketing dashboard.

The Benefits Of Implementing Marketing Dashboard

Tactics dashboards can be useful in that they showcase soft metrics (engagement, awareness, interactions, etc.). However, you’ll want a dashboard that can also display hard metrics (such as the internal rate of return and the net present value of your current campaigns) along with online marketing metrics (such as bounce rate, total visits, click-through rates, etc.). It’s why you’ll want to use a marketing dashboard. The following are just a few more reasons why integrating a marketing dashboard will be hugely beneficial for your business:

The Power of an Influencer Marketing Strategy: How and Why It Works

Customize your dashboard to your needs

Instead of being limited by tactics dashboards, a marketing dashboard allows you to customize which metrics are displayed. You can then pull what you deem to be the most important of your social media, email, and search metrics so that they are visually represented on one single display.

Track the performance of your marketing efforts

A properly optimized marketing dashboard will make it easy to see how your marketing efforts are performing in real time. This can be from engagement on social media to lead generation on your website. Not only can you identify how individual tactics are faring based on your KPIs and metrics, but you’ll get an idea of how well your overall strategies are performing as well.

Keep your team on the same page

One of the challenges of running a business is that many of your employees aren’t always on the same page. If everyone has access to your marketing dashboard, everyone can see what’s working and what isn’t. This makes it easy for company-wide communication to take place. This can result in more effective adjustments to marketing and sales strategies to improve performance.

Allow for more informed decision making

Being able to see how your marketing campaign is performing in real time allows you to make adjustments to your strategies and tactics on the fly. In theMarketing Dashboardpast, simple reporting would only tell you how you’ve done. The use of marketing dashboards gives you the chance to make more informed decisions on a daily basis. In turn, this can reduce the cost of your marketing efforts and improve their impact on your revenue cycle.

While a marketing dashboard can be considered a real-time report of your marketing activities, it’s much more than that–it’s a decision-making tool. The potential success of future marketing campaigns depends heavily on your ability to collect and analyze your company’s most important metrics and KPIs and determine how your marketing efforts are affecting your revenue cycle. The best way to do this is by integrating, customizing, and optimizing a marketing dashboard.

Integrating Social Media & SEO Efforts For Enhanced Search Engine Results