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Inbound Marketing Strategies

Video Marketing Trends for 2018

Over the past few years, video has become essential to any successful content marketing strategy, which is why it’s important to pay attention to video marketing trends in 2018. The reasoning behind video’s importance? Video is easier for people to consume and to share than other types of content. Almost every device has HD video….


What’s Trending in Marketing

Keeping up with what’s trending in marketing is an important way to ensure that your marketing efforts remain up to date. Not to mention that they can provide insight into how you can adjust your marketing strategies in order to improve your results. The only problem is that keeping up with what’s trending in marketing….

Using a Website Redesign Checklist

When it comes to redesigning your website, there are a lot of different elements you’ll need to address, which is why you should use a website redesign checklist. The following website redesign checklist will help you gather all of the data you need as well as address the most important aspects of your website’s design:….

Are Keywords Still Required To Increase SEO Rankings?

Although the use of keywords no longer has the power to increase SEO rankings the way they once did, they continue to play an important part in online marketing strategies. SEO has evolved greatly over the years, to the point where it’s almost unrecognizable to what it was just a decade ago. Google has continuously….

How to Tell Your Brand Story and What It Means To Generation Z | Stevens Tate

When deciding on how to tell your brand story, your intended audiences are a key component in any decisions you make. A great deal of time and effort goes into developing your brand story, especially in relation to making it appealing to your core market segment. While many companies focus their efforts on attracting the….

What’s New With Google Analytics – How To Measure Your Audience

Google Analytics is one of the main tools that you should be using to track audience metrics because of the in-depth information it provides as well as the regular updates that Google makes to the continually improve the program. In fact, Google has already implemented several upgrades this year that will help provide you with….

package design

5 Package Design Trends for 2018

Change happens quickly, and if you are caught unawares, you could be left with packaging that is outdated and stale. Recognizing and incorporating the following package design trends into your packaging ensures that your packaging is modern and beneficial to your image. 1. Minimalism Minimalism, the use of elegant, streamlined, and visually simple packaging, never….

Top Graphic Design Trends for 2018

With a substantial number of companies turning to the internet to market their businesses, it is harder to stand out from the crowd than ever before. However, knowing the graphic design trends that are most likely to occur in 2018 can put you ahead of the game. 1. Color Is Key The key aspect of all….

Logo Design Trends For 2018

Your business logo encapsulates your business. In one simple graphic, your potential customers learn everything they need to know about you. Logo design done right embodies your brand, makes you instantly recognizable, and creates a timeless appeal. One of the critical mistakes that businesses of all sizes make when designing their logo is following the….

senior living marketing

Why Marketing Automation Is Important In Senior Living Today

Experienced industry marketers have pointed out that marketing automation is the next generation of senior living marketing strategy. Without automation, senior living sales teams are missing opportunities to reach potential clients and key decision-makers. And that affects your bottom line. Marketing automation offers insights into the behaviours, interests, and needs of individual leads. That kind of….