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media mix

Beacon Marketing: Bringing Personalized Marketing To Retail Outlets

One of your customers is browsing your store and gets an alert on her phone. She glances at the screen and her face lights up. She looks up at the nearest employee with a huge smile on her face. The customer just received a customized alert on her phone offering a 20% discount, if she….

facebook advertising strategy

8 Tips on Social Media Best Practices For Your Business

Why are social media best practices important? Social media has become a staple in our lives and popularity rules in this environment. It has become such an addiction that teens spend over 9 hours a day going through their social media pages. Social media is a tool that both individuals and businesses can manipulate to….

https google

Why HTTPS Google?

The world is settling in the digital age, privacy and security are the growing concern to most of us. Businesses and individuals are questioning the web on the security of the websites we use to send sensitive information like bank details and credit card information. We have been using different methods of informing the users….

Senior Living Tips for Facebook Advertising

Senior Living Marketing Tips for Facebook Advertising

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world today with over 1 billion active users. The platform is ideal advertising space for all types of businesses and organizations and senior living is no exception. The following are useful tips on how to create strong Facebook advertising for Senior Living Marketing. 1. Develop Your….

Four Things You Can Learn About Real Estate Marketing From Bon Jovi

Being an exec in an advertising agency can sometimes be a curse. When you go home at night you can’t just “shut it off”… you see marketing and branding everywhere. But on the positive side, that means inspiration can come from just about anywhere at any time. I’m an avid music lover and concertgoer and….

benefits of seo

Benefits of SEO: How Optimizing Your Website Will Lead To Greater Results in 2017

By now, most marketers recognize that SEO is an important part of doing business online. To put it simply, if your website isn’t properly optimized, you are missing out. There are many reasons why you should start an SEO program if you haven’t already. SEO is a part of attraction marketing. Here are six of the….

generate more leads

Learn To Generate More Leads With Hubspot’s State of Inbound 2016 Report

Converting visitors into leads is the biggest challenge for marketers, according to HubSpot’s State of Inbound 2016 report. With 78 percent of marketers saying generating leads is their top challenge, the competition is Here are a few key lead generation strategies based on the data found in HubSpot’s State of Inbound 2016 report.

Creating A Brand To Become President

Whether you are a fan of politics or prefer to stay on the side lines, the race for the presidency has always been about strategy and timing. This election has broken many barriers, but one thing for certain is that both candidates have established a presidential brand.

email unsubscribers

Why People Unsubscribe From Your Emails, And What To Do About It

Emails are an important part of any b2b marketing program, and are still one of the best ways to get your content in front of prospects and leads. In fact, according to HubSpot’s State of Inbound 2016 report, 29 percent of salespeople said that email is their most effective channel for connecting with prospects. One….

food packaging design

FDA Nutrition Label Changes Impact Food Packaging Design

On May 20th, 2016 the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued new rules for nutrition labels and packaged foods. So how does this affect private label packaging or food packaging design in general? It’s been 20 years since any major revision has been made and to my assessment, a much needed one. The purpose of….