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87 search results for: storytelling


Why You Should Consider Using YouTube Videos For Senior Living Marketing

When it comes to choosing what platforms to leverage in order to reach senior living audiences, you may have skipped over YouTube assuming that this particular platform is aimed at younger audiences. However, this is actually not true. You may want to give YouTube another look as it turns out YouTube videos are an excellent….


Defining Your True Brand Story and Bringing it to Life Online

Today’s most well-known brands share a powerful marketing secret—its about connecting with customers on an emotional level and in a way that addresses their challenges. But how can you do this without pushing your ideas on prospects? Taking a true storytelling approach is the answer. Sharing your brand’s core values and competitive advantages in meaningful, memorable….


5 Types Of Marketing Videos You Should Think About Using

Year after year, marketing videos grow in importance. Video has never been easier to consume for Americans, especially when considering the increasing quality of smartphones and tablets. Video is also the easiest way for people to absorb information. Additionally, according to a prediction by Zenith, the average person will spend around 100 minutes a day….


Types Of Marketing Videos You Should Use

Year after year, video marketing grows in importance. Video has never been easier to consume for Americans, especially when considering the increasing quality of smartphones and tablets. Video is also the easiest way for people to absorb information. Additionally, according to a prediction by Zenith Media, the average person will spend around 100 minutes a….


Integrating Story Branding With Your B2B Marketing Strategy

Marketers have realized that their audiences’ attention spans are getting shorter by the day. In an effort to get it back, they resort to anything to engage them: humor, sex, etc. However, it is one thing to get involved in a commercial and another to get involved in a brand. Successful brands market by forging….


Developing A Brand Marketing Strategy By Determining Your Company’s Make Or Break

In today’s improving business environment, company leaders need to focus on their big picture “make or break” to grow topline revenue. Marketing once again has emerged as an essential tool to distinguish a brand—staying top of mind with consumers is critical to success. And leaders who recognize the benefits of marketing are poised to grow….