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What’s Trending in Marketing of March 2024

Step right into our March 2024 of “What’s Trending,” your gateway to the latest in marketing trends and insights. Stay informed and ahead of the game with our collection of marketing trends and reports for the 2024 year.

Noteworthy Marketing Trends and News

Google’s Update and Latest Changes

In its ongoing quest to enhance user experience and maintain the integrity of its search platform, Google unveiled an important core update in March 2024. This update marks a significant shift in the way Google evaluates content quality and addresses spam across the vast expanse of the internet. In this update lies an effort to minimize the presence of “unhelpful” content in search results. By refining its criteria for assessing content relevance and usefulness, Google aims to ensure that users are presented with the most valuable information in responses. This not only enhances the overall quality of search results but also raises the bar for content creators, compelling them to produce more substantive and engaging material.

These changes mean marketers and SEO experts need to rethink how they do things online. As Google updates its algorithms, they have to update their methods to make sure their content gets seen. By keeping up with these changes and adjusting their strategies, marketers can stay successful in the fast-paced online world. Read more here.

AI in Online Shopping

To meet consumer expectations, AI has a huge impact in online shopping now. IBM’s research found that more shoppers want AI help when they’re shopping. They want it to help them find products, solve problems, and get deals. But, even though companies want to give them this kind of help, what they offer often isn’t good enough, which makes shoppers unhappy. Still, shoppers like the idea of using AI, especially things like virtual assistants and features that use augmented reality.

Making AI shopping help work well means using customer data responsibly to give people personalized help that matches what they like. Also, since shoppers want better online and in-store experiences, AI is becoming really important for stores. Brands need to focus on using AI to make shopping more fun for customers while also making sure their privacy is protected and that everything is easy to use, no matter where they’re shopping. Read more here.

Automated Pausing in Ad Groups

Google Ads has recently implemented a significant update that introduces automated pausing of ad groups exhibiting low activity. This move aims to streamline budget efficiency for advertisers by redirecting resources towards more productive campaigns and eliminating wasteful spending on underperforming ad groups. One of the key advantages of automated pausing is its ability to optimize budget allocation in real-time. By automatically identifying and pausing ad groups with minimal activity, advertisers can prevent unnecessary expenditure on campaigns that fail to yield desired results. This proactive approach to budget management enables advertisers to allocate resources more effectively, maximizing the return on investment (ROI) from their advertising efforts. Read more here.

Learning Marketing Trends and Ideas

Tailoring The B2B Sales Funnel To Meet Your Needs

The B2B sales funnel typically consists of three main stages: awareness, consideration, and decision. However, it’s not rigid and can be adjusted to fit specific business needs while still incorporating elements of these stages. By tailoring the sales funnel, businesses can more effectively identify where customers are in their journey and determine appropriate actions.

For instance, a modified B2B sales funnel may include five stages:

  1. Lead Generation: Introducing leads to the company and establishing authority through content and online presence.
  2. Lead Nurturing: Continuing to educate leads about the company and their pain points, while qualifying them based on their level of interest and need.
  3. Initial Meeting: Engaging directly with qualified prospects through various interactions like discovery calls or product demonstrations to build trust and establish a relationship.
  4. Closing: Finalizing the deal and securing commitment from the prospect to do business with the company.
  5. Retention: Nurturing the relationship with customers after the sale to ensure continued business and encourage referrals, thus enhancing customer retention and attracting new leads through referrals.

This modified funnel retains elements of the standard three stages while providing a more tailored approach to understanding customer needs and journey progression. Read more here.

Modern Logo Design Trends of 2024

In branding, a compelling logo is crucial for creating a lasting impression and distinguishing your brand. Modern logo designs are essential for crafting a memorable brand image in today’s digital age. Trends in logo design include minimalist designs, bold typography, handmade elements, and dynamic logos adaptable to different platforms. Handcrafted and calligraphic logos offer authenticity and uniqueness, standing out in a digital world. While AI-generated logos may lack originality and understanding of brand values, professional expertise ensures a logo reflects the brand’s ethos effectively. When designing a logo, prioritize simplicity, versatility, and alignment with brand values. Embracing modernity in branding with a well-designed logo enhances brand awareness and loyalty. Collaborating with a professional designer is a strategic investment in creating a logo that captures attention and resonates with your audience. Read more here.

Using Hashtags on LinkedIn

Using hashtags on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook helps users expand their audience beyond their followers. Hashtags categorize content with relevant keywords, making it visible to users searching for those terms. While hashtags are often seen as casual, they hold value on professional platforms like LinkedIn. Here are ten tips for using hashtags effectively on LinkedIn:

  1. Follow LinkedIn’s hashtag rules and limit the number of hashtags used.
  2. Follow relevant hashtags to monitor conversations and discover content ideas.
  3. Research industry trends and competitor content for hashtag inspiration.
  4. Create a company hashtag to strengthen brand identity.
  5. Utilize LinkedIn’s suggested hashtags feature.
  6. Use hashtags in comments as well as in posts to increase visibility.
  7. Balance niche and popular hashtags for broad and targeted reach.
  8. Incorporate location-based hashtags to target specific audiences.
  9. Utilize event hashtags to highlight involvement in industry events.
  10. Reuse effective hashtags from successful posts to maintain engagement.

Using hashtags on LinkedIn can attract more leads and engage clients and prospects effectively. Incorporating hashtags into posts can enhance visibility and encourage interaction, potentially leading to successful marketing campaigns. Read more here.

Recent Marketing Trends, Reports, and Updates

Blog Content Ideas

In March 2024, content marketers have a range of creative options beyond the typical themes of St. Patrick’s Day and college basketball. Instead, they can explore topics such as National Puppy Day, alternative “March Madness” activities, the transition to daylight saving time, spring fitness, and National Craft Month. These ideas offer opportunities to engage audiences with fun, informative, and helpful content related to various products and industries. For instance, content around National Puppy Day can appeal to pet lovers, while articles on adjusting to daylight saving time can provide practical tips relevant to different lifestyles. Similarly, focusing on spring fitness or National Craft Month allows marketers to offer valuable assistance and insights to their audience while promoting their products in a more organic and engaging way. Read more here.

Profitable E-Commerce Ideas

Several e-commerce business ideas cater to various niches and interests, offering opportunities for entrepreneurs. These include selling homemade pet treats, starting an educational platform, crafting handmade toys, and offering eco-friendly baby toiletries. Additionally, flipping thrifted goods, selling specialty foods, dessert boxes, brand-name fashion reselling, and online plant sales are popular options. Collectibles and natural cosmetic products present profitable ventures as well, along with home decor items like candles, rugs, and bedding. Each idea requires thorough research, compliance with regulations, and strategic marketing to ensure success in the competitive e-commerce landscape. Read more here. 

AI in Writing

AI-aided writing, editing, and research tools, including ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, Grammarly, and others, have significantly advanced, making them invaluable for copywriters in tasks like brainstorming, research, outlining, and proofreading. While fears of AI taking over copywriting jobs persist, it’s unlikely to replace human writers entirely, as AI still frequently provides misleading information, termed “AI hallucination.” Despite its advancements, double-checking AI-generated content remains crucial to avoid errors. Read more here.


The Top 10 Strategies for Mastering Inbound Marketing

The inbound marketing methodology stands as a cornerstone for businesses aiming to attract, engage, and delight customers online. The benefits of inbound marketing can be a game changer for your business. By focusing on creating valuable content and tailored experiences, you can draw potential customers to your brand organically. Here are ten efficient ways to leverage inbound marketing for your business’s advantage.

1. Content Creation and Blogging

Creating informative and engaging content is at the heart of the inbound marketing methodology. Blogs, articles, and white papers that address your audience’s challenges and questions not only attract traffic but also establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

  • Starting a blog is a strategic move that allows you to disseminate industry insights, current trends, and effective solutions. This platform serves as a beacon, drawing in those seeking knowledge and expertise in your field, thereby enhancing your brand’s visibility and authority.
  • Implementing SEO strategies is fundamental in ensuring your content reaches its intended audience through search engines. By carefully selecting keywords, optimizing meta tags, and crafting quality content, you can significantly improve your online visibility, making it easier for potential customers to discover your offerings.

2. SEO Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for enhancing your online visibility and must be included in your long term strategy. By optimizing your website and content for search engines, you can increase your chances of appearing in top search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

  • Conducting thorough keyword research is a pivotal step in understanding the search behavior of your target audience. By identifying the terms and phrases they frequently use, you can tailor your content to align with their inquiries and interests, thereby increasing your content’s relevance and visibility in search results.
  • Optimizing your website’s meta tags, headings, and content with relevant keywords is crucial for search engine visibility. This practice ensures that your site’s elements are aligned with what your audience is searching for, enhancing your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages and attracting more qualified traffic.

3. Social Media Engagement

Social media platforms are powerful tools for implementing the inbound marketing methodology. They allow you to engage directly with your audience, share valuable content, and build community around your brand.

  • Actively sharing your blog posts and insightful content on your social media profiles can significantly enhance your online presence. This approach not only boosts engagement but also directs a wider audience to your website, enriching their understanding of your brand and offerings.
  • Promptly engaging with your followers by responding to their comments and messages on social media reinforces your brand’s commitment to customer engagement. This timely interaction fosters a welcoming community atmosphere, encouraging ongoing dialogue and strengthening customer relationships.
  • Consider partnering with prominent social media influencers that can exponentially increase your brand’s reach. These influencers, with their vast and engaged followers, can effectively convey your message, driving awareness and potentially increasing your customer base through their trusted endorsements.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a highly effective tool for nurturing leads and keeping your audience engaged. By sending personalized and relevant content directly to your subscribers’ inboxes, you can build stronger relationships and encourage repeat business.

  • Develop a segmented email list to send more targeted and relevant content.
  • Use automation tools to send timely follow-ups or educational series to nurture your leads.

5. Lead Magnets and Landing Pages

Lead magnets, such as ebooks, webinars, and free trials, offer value to your audience in exchange for their contact information. Landing pages dedicated to these offers can significantly increase your conversion rates.

  • Create compelling lead magnets that address your target audience’s pain points.
  • Design landing pages that clearly communicate the value of your offer and include a straightforward call-to-action (CTA).

6. Customer Testimonials and Reviews

Leveraging customer testimonials and reviews is a powerful way to build trust and credibility. Positive feedback from satisfied customers can persuade potential buyers to choose your brand.

  • Feature customer testimonials prominently on your website and in your marketing materials.
  • Encourage happy customers to leave reviews on relevant platforms.

7. Video Marketing

Video content is highly engaging and can convey your message in a dynamic way. Whether it’s explainer videos, customer testimonials, or behind-the-scenes glimpses, video can enhance your inbound marketing efforts.

  • Create instructional or educational videos related to your products or services.
  • Share your videos on your website, social media channels, and YouTube to reach a wider audience.

8. Influencer Collaborations

Partnering with influencers who align with your brand can help you reach a larger, more engaged audience. Influencers can introduce your products or services to their followers in an authentic and trustworthy manner.

  • Identify influencers who share your target audience and brand values.
  • Collaborate on content creation, product reviews, or sponsored posts to tap into their audience.

9. Interactive Content

Interactive content, such as quizzes, surveys, and polls, can increase engagement and provide valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviors.

  • Use interactive content to gather data about your audience’s interests and challenges.
  • Tailor your marketing strategies based on the insights gained from interactive content.

10. Continuous Analysis and Optimization

The inbound marketing methodology thrives on continuous improvement. Regularly analyzing your strategies’ performance and making data-driven optimizations is key to maximizing your inbound marketing efforts.

  • Use analytics tools to track the performance of your content, campaigns, and website.
  • Adjust your strategies based on the data to improve your ROI and meet your marketing goals.

Want to know the difference between inbound and outbound marketing? Read here. 

Harnessing Inbound Marketing for Growth

Inbound marketing offers a holistic approach to attracting, engaging, and delighting customers in a way that feels personal and intuitive. By implementing these ten strategies, you can build a robust inbound marketing framework that not only draws potential customers to your brand but also nurtures them into loyal advocates. Remember, the key to successful inbound marketing is to provide consistent value and to remain adaptable, always fine-tuning your approach based on feedback and performance metrics.

What’s Trending in Marketing For February 2024

Welcome to our February 2024 edition of “What’s Trending,” where we bring you the most relevant marketing trends and insights. Stay informed and ahead of the game with our collection of marketing trends and reports for the start of the 2024 year.

2024’s Super Bowl

One of the nations traditions is sitting with loved ones and watching the yearly super bowl game. For this year, after a nerve wrecking game for both teams in the super bowl, the Kansas City Chiefs won against the San Francisco 49ers. The intensity of the competition, marked by strategic plays and jaw-dropping moments, truly embodied the spirit of the Super Bowl, leaving the score a very close one to a 25-22. With the amazing half time shows provided from the artists, Usher, Alicia Keys, H.E.R. and more, we can’t forget about the amazing super bowl commercials that everyone waited for. With it being $7 million for a 30-second commercial, some of these brands gave these 30 seconds their all. If you’ve missed any of these commercials and are interested in watching them, click here.

Influencer Marketing and TikTok Shop

Influencer marketing is still one of the top ways for brands to find a way to advertise their products to consumers. TikTok, one of the most famous platforms all around the globe, is not only for Gen Z’s anymore. TikTok creators of all ages, and brands have transformed into a way of marketing and advertising. By sending consistent PR packages to all the creators with higher reaching views, it allows the product to sell more, and the brand to be known. To make the consumers experience even easier, TikTok created something new called “TikTok shop.” This TikTok shop is a way for consumers to easily be able to access a link on the advertisement video they watch, and it’ll immediately direct them to purchase the product from TikTok, instead of having to go on another app and search for the brand and products. This has made it a lot more sufficient and easier for the consumer to make their purchase, as well as the attention is draws to the brand. So, it’s kind of a very clever kill two birds with one stone situation. Read more here.

CarMax’s New Ad Campaign

CarMax started this year off strong with their new ad campaign. Something different, new, and innovative. They took a different approach to empower their car advertisements. Taking the clever approach of keeping in mind the new advertisement trends going around in 2024, CarMax made sure to use those trends sufficiently. Some of these trends include, transparency in consumer experience, empowering car buyers, and most importantly humor in advertising. Read more about these trends here.


Click here to learn about 2024’s website colors to enhance your website!


BuildX Conference – Women in Construction 2024

The Madison Area Builders Association, Milwaukee Metropolitan Builders Association, and NARI of Madison are collaborating to organize the BuildX conference, a one-day event focused on empowering women in the construction industry. The session will explore fundamental principles of social media marketing, emphasizing the importance of understanding target demographics, creating compelling content, and building authentic connections with followers. Attendees will gain actionable insights and practical tips to enhance their social media presence, drive engagement, and increase leads. The presentation aims to equip both seasoned marketers and those new to social media for sales with the knowledge and tools to succeed in the competitive digital landscape. Read more here.

Empowering and Transforming Digital Marketing With AI

AI is transforming digital marketing by providing personalized experiences and offering cost-effective solutions. With this new innovative technology, the evolvement of digital marketing in the industry is becoming empowered. To explore with us AI’s impact on digital marketing which includes new tailored content, predictive analysis, automated customer service, enhanced lead generation, and a lot more, click here to read.

Six Cost Effective Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Brand

It is very common for new businesses to steer away from marketing tactics because they think it’s very costly. However, there are plenty cost-effective marketing strategies that will help with your businesses success. A few of these strategies include blogging, mailing lists, online marketing sites, calls to action, press releases, videos, and more. To learn more about these cost effective marketing strategies to help grow your brand further, click here.

If you have missed the top 5 marketing trends for this new year, don’t worry, here’s a summary. With the new Apple vision pro, that brings up many questions about virtual reality in marketing. VR in marketing is turning into a way of saving yourself a trip to go check new furniture for your home, when you can just have a walk through the place through the virtual reality. It is making things more efficient for everyone especially since the reality of our world is digital. Want to learn about more marketing trends you might’ve missed? Click here.

The Best Brands on TikTok

As we have already established, TikTok is becoming the new platform for social media marketing. Brands and businesses have realized that, and are moving their focus on TikTok. A few brands are killing it with their marketing strategies and advertisements on the platform, and here are a few examples to help you take away a few important things from them. Chipotle, The Washington Post, Duolingo, and more, have all found ways to reach the right audience with their tactics. To see what these brands did, click here.

If you’re looking for new b2b marketing trends for the new year, look no more. With everyone finding way to AI in marketing, b2b marketing has found one too. AI helps making b2b digital marketing more efficient and effective. Google came out with several new AI features for Google Ads. To learn more about other platforms helping b2b marketing with AI, click here. 

Maximizing Email Personalization

Black Friday is one of the largest shopping days, where consumers buy everything from electronics and household items to software, services, and subscription plans. Whatever product or service you sell, Black Friday allows you to market your business and reach as many prospects as possible. But how can you maximize Black Friday sales? One obvious answer is to tap into the power of email personalization.

For many years, many “marketing gurus” have predicted the end of email marketing, but despite the efforts to market its downsides, email marketing remains relevant and more effective than ever. The beauty of email marketing is that you get to reach a more targeted audience. Plus, if you personalize your emails well and sell a real solution to a real problem, converting prospects to customers is cheaper and faster than the other marketing techniques.

In the sections below, we’ve discussed some of the most effective email personalization techniques you can implement to increase Black Friday sales.

Embrace Email Segmentation 

Imagine creating one generic email and sending it to 500 business prospects, i.e., without adjusting anything from the subject line to the closing paragraph. Now, suppose you categorize your prospects into five groups and create an email list for each. And for each category or group, specify the key attributes, such as what sets that group apart.

A perfect example would be categorizing prospects based on age, gender, personal preferences, location, etc. This will allow you to target each email list with a personal touch instead of using a generic email that addresses everyone.

Consider using some marketing automation tools to personalize communication with your customers. Here, you will gather data from your site visits and opt-in forms and use that input to segment your email list further or even feed more relevant information into the various relevant groups.

After successfully segmenting your email list, you can easily and conveniently target your market demographics and increase the odds that those prospects will respond to your email. From then, you can redesign your email campaigns and optimize your marketing to nurture those leads properly.

Use Personalized Content and Messaging 

Segmenting your emails and grouping prospects isn’t a silver bullet in the email marketing niche. You still need to personalize the content you’ll be sending these prospects, and that’s where the real email personalization comes in.

Creating personalized content for each group of prospects ensures you are engaging them at a deeper level. How you will target young prospects in their mid-20s will differ from how you’ll target the older prospects enjoying their retirement.

Effective email personalization lies in how the message is conveyed and the intent of that particular message. Still, personalized content doesn’t exist in silos. There’s a need to deploy other email marketing tactics, such as user-generated content, to enhance the personalization aspects of your email marketing campaigns.

Besides helping you connect easily with prospects, personalized content and messaging allow you to understand your customers better. During the research phase, you might discover that a particular group of prospects prefer certain products over others. This will save you a lot of time and money you could spend with generalized marketing tactics.

Instead, you’ll focus on giving them what they want, removing too many choices for them and replacing that with specific and tailored reasons to take action. And the best part of personalizing your content and messaging? Your prospects are ready to help you succeed – In fact, 83% of consumers are willing to share data to facilitate more personalized experiences, according to a recent Accenture Pulse Report.

Optimize with Mobile

Current statistics show that nearly 6.92 billion people use their smartphones to access the internet. That is a whopping 86.3% of the world population. If your email marketing strategies are to take shape and yield positive results, you should target prospects through their smartphones.But what does that mean when you send an email not optimized for mobile? Or, even worse, send a plain email without any design considerations? Well, the results won’t be impressive, no matter how consistent you are with your marketing.

People are becoming wary of random emails and are ready to dodge any direct notifications or messages in their inboxes. And that’s especially true for poorly-delivered emails. But as much as people don’t like to be sold, they still want to buy the products and services that resonate well with them.

One way to make your products and services more appealing to prospects is to deliver them using a well-designed email optimized for mobile. Check if the email has a subject line with the right number of characters, a pre-header text, some graphics, and a great CTA.

Once you incorporate mobile-friendly emails into your overall mobile marketing strategy, you will reach as many prospects as possible, increasing the chances that they will open the email and take the desired action.

Try Episodic Content 

The term episodic content means content published as a series of posts. An example would be content about a broad topic broken down into episodes or chapters. This marketing technique often helps avoid information overload and allows prospects to choose their adventure trail.

With email marketing, you can break down your personalized content into relevant chapters. You can then deliver these chapters to your customers regularly, allowing them to learn and build relationships with time.

The goal is to build on previous emails and focus on delivering value to your prospects. With time, you’ll have greatly impacted your prospects, and they will be open to doing business with you.

Final Thoughts 

Boosting sales on Black Friday takes a lot more than running some timely email campaigns and giving away insane discounts and offers. What you need to have is an email marketing strategy that’s robust enough to guarantee success.

Depending on your specific type of business, you may need to combine various email marketing techniques to guarantee success. Remember, not all strategies will work for your unique business, so try as many options as possible before picking the best.

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Choosing Your Advertising Agency Partnership: Key Considerations for Success

Selecting the right advertising agency can significantly influence the success of your marketing endeavors. These agencies possess exclusive proficiency, ensure cost-effectiveness, facilitate scalability, deliver industry insights, and produce quantifiable outcomes. Consequently, forging an advertising agency partnership can enable you to efficiently engage your intended audience, foster brand recognition, and generate sales. Nonetheless, with numerous agencies available, ensuring the most suitable agency partnerships for your business can be a daunting task.

In this article, we will delve into essential markers to consider when choosing an advertising agency that aligns seamlessly with your business objectives:

1. Location

When choosing an advertising agency, you should deliberate on its geographical location and relevance to your target market. While numerous agencies can operate remotely or cater to a global clientele, opting for an agency with a physical presence in your target market holds certain advantages. Firstly, a local agency exhibits an enhanced understanding of regional market dynamics, consumer behavior, and cultural subtleties. They can effectively utilize their local expertise to craft advertising campaigns that deeply resonate with your intended audience’s specific preferences and needs.

Additionally, a nearby agency allows for easier and more efficient collaboration. Engaging in in-person meetings and conducting on-site visits can foster a more profound comprehension of your business and cultivate robust collaborative partnerships. Such interactions allow the agency to immerse themselves in your brand’s ecosystem, acquiring firsthand familiarity with your offerings and effectively harmonizing their creative and strategic endeavors with your overarching goals.

Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that geographical proximity is not always a decisive factor, particularly in the current digital era. With advanced communication tools and technologies, agencies can effectively collaborate and deliver results regardless of their location. It ultimately depends on the nature of your business, target market, and the level of personal interaction and local knowledge you prioritize.

2. Expertise and Industry Knowledge

While evaluating prospective agency partnerships, thoroughly gauge their industry-specific experience and proficiency. Seek out agencies that possess a proven track record of accomplishments in collaborating with businesses like yours. Their expertise should extend to a comprehensive understanding of your target audience, prevailing market trends, and competitive landscape.

An agency equipped with extensive knowledge will contribute invaluable perspectives and aid in formulating customized advertising strategies that align with your unique objectives. Moreover, evaluate the agency’s proficiency across diverse advertising channels, encompassing digital, print, television, radio, and outdoor platforms.

3. Track Record and Portfolio

Review the agency’s track record and portfolio of past work. Reviewing the agency’s track record and portfolio allows you to assess their past performance and success. Request case studies or examples of campaigns they have executed for similar clients. Pay careful attention to the outcomes they have attained, including increased brand visibility, amplified conversions, or enhanced sales figures. By examining their portfolio, you can gain insights into their creativity, strategic acumen, and capacity to deliver results that harmonize with your objectives.

4. Range of Services

Take into account the breadth of services provided by the advertising agency and assess their compatibility with your marketing requirements. Certain agencies specialize in distinct domains, such as digital advertising, social media marketing, content creation, or traditional media buying. Evaluate your specific needs and ascertain that the agency can deliver a comprehensive range of services to fulfill your objectives. Opting for a full-service agency can guarantee a holistic approach to your marketing endeavors and maintain consistency across diverse channels.

5. Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are key to a successful agency partnerships. Evaluate their communication style and responsiveness during the evaluation process. Are they attentive to your ideas and concerns? Do they actively seek your input and provide feedback? Clear and open lines of communication will facilitate a productive working relationship and ensure that your objectives and feedback are understood and incorporated into the campaigns.

6. Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and innovation are crucial elements in successful advertising campaigns. Look for agencies that demonstrate a track record of creativity and innovative thinking in their work. Review their previous campaigns to gauge their ability to come up with original and impactful ideas. A creative agency will bring fresh perspectives and unique concepts to your campaigns, helping your brand stand out and capture the attention of your target audience.

7. Budget and Costs

Consider your budget and the agency’s pricing structure. Different agencies may have various fee structures, such as hourly rates, retainer fees, or project-based pricing. Have an open discussion about your budget constraints and ensure that the agency can deliver the desired results within your financial parameters. While it’s important to find a cost-effective solution, remember that quality and expertise should not be compromised solely based on cost.

8. Client References and Reviews

Gather client references or seek out reviews and testimonials from previous clients. By doing so, you can obtain invaluable insights into the agency’s standing, level of professionalism, and client contentment. Connect with present or past clients to gather firsthand insights into their experiences collaborating with the agency. Inquire about their satisfaction levels, the agency’s adherence to deadlines, and their overall impression of the agency’s performance. Client feedback serves as a valuable resource for obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the agency’s capabilities, strengths, and areas for improvement.

9. Cultural Fit

Consider the cultural fit between your company and the advertising agency. Evaluate their values, work ethics, and company culture to ensure compatibility. A strong cultural fit will foster a harmonious and collaborative working environment. Establishing a shared understanding and synergy between the agency and your brand’s vision, values, and target audience facilitates the creation of campaigns that authentically embody your brand’s identity and strike a chord with your audience.

Bottom Line

Partnering with the right advertising agency carries immense weight in determining the success of your marketing efforts. By meticulously assessing these pivotal elements, you can make a well-informed decision when selecting the advertising agency that best aligns with your business.

Remember to consider the agency’s expertise, track record, range of services, communication style, creativity, budget, client references, and cultural fit to ensure a successful and productive partnership.



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How to Develop an Outstanding Business Development Plan

Developing a great business development plan requires a strategic mindset, comprehensive analysis, and meticulous execution. This may involve pursuing new market opportunities, diversifying products or services, expanding into untapped regions, forging strategic alliances or partnerships, or enhancing customer engagement. The strategies should be realistic, measurable, and time-bound to ensure effective execution.

The business development plan should include a well-defined implementation process with clear responsibilities and timelines. It is essential to allocate sufficient financial and human resources to execute the plan effectively. Regularly monitoring and evaluating progress against the set targets is critical, allowing for timely adjustments and corrective actions when necessary. By creating a well-structured plan that aligns with the organization’s goals, identifying growth opportunities, and implementing effective strategies, businesses can position themselves for long-term success and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving marketplace.

Here are 8 proven steps to developing a winning business development plan:

1. Conduct a Comprehensive Business Analysis

Conduct a thorough analysis of various aspects of the business, such as market trends, customer demands, competition, and internal capabilities. This will provide you with invaluable insights to inform the development plan.

Through a comprehensive analysis, you can identify your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) and capitalize on your advantages while mitigating risks. It helps in understanding the market landscape, target audience, and emerging trends, enabling you to effectively align your development plan with market demands and customer expectations. Additionally, analyzing competitors’ strategies and industry benchmarks allows you to differentiate yourself from the crowd and gain a significant competitive edge.

2. Define Clear Goals and Objectives

Clearly defined goals and objectives provide a sense of direction and purpose, guiding the entire development process toward success. By setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, you can effectively chart your path to growth and expansion.

Furthermore, clear goals and objectives provide a basis for evaluating the plan’s progress and success. They enable your organization to track key performance indicators (KPIs), measure performance against targets, and make data-driven adjustments if necessary. Regularly reviewing and assessing the progress towards these goals allows for continuous improvement and ensures that your plan remains aligned with the evolving business landscape.

3. Identify Target Markets and Ideal Customers

Identifying target markets and ideal customers enables you to concentrate your efforts, align your strategies with customer needs, and seize lucrative opportunities for sustainable growth and success.

Pinpointing ideal customers also empowers you to discover untapped opportunities and niche markets that align with your strengths and capabilities. This knowledge allows you to position yourself effectively, stand out from competitors, and tailor your offerings to meet the unique demands of your ideal customers.

4. Craft a Compelling Value Proposition

A compelling value proposition serves as the foundation that defines the distinct value your business offers to its target customers, setting it apart from competitors. By presenting a clear and engaging message, the value proposition becomes the linchpin of the plan, resonating with the intended audience.

Additionally, a compelling value proposition guides the strategic decisions and actions outlined in the business development plan. It assists in identifying target markets, shaping marketing strategies, and determining pricing and positioning approaches. The value proposition ensures that all activities and initiatives align with your business’s unique value, creating a unified and consistent customer experience.

5. Create Lead Generation Strategies

Lead generation strategies play a critical role in attracting potential customers and nurturing them into loyal patrons.

By implementing robust lead generation strategies, you can generate a consistent flow of qualified leads, nurturing them through the sales funnel and converting them into loyal customers. This drives revenue growth, enhances customer relationships, and fuels the overall success of the business development plan.

6. Establish Sales and Conversion Processes

Establishing effective sales and conversion processes can help streamline your operations and maximize the conversion of leads into paying customers. Having well-defined sales processes enables businesses to effectively manage leads and guide them through each stage of the sales funnel. This includes activities such as lead qualification, nurturing, and closing.

By implementing standardized processes, you can ensure consistency, efficiency, and effectiveness in your sales efforts. This helps identify bottlenecks, optimize the customer journey, and improve conversion rates.

7. Monitor, Evaluate, and Adapt

Monitoring involves tracking and evaluating the implementation of the plan’s strategies and goals to ensure effective and efficient execution. By monitoring progress, you can identify areas of success and areas that may require adjustment, enabling you to stay on track and achieve desired outcomes.

Regular monitoring allows you to assess key performance indicators (KPIs) and measure progress against set targets. This data-driven approach provides valuable insights into the plan’s effectiveness, enabling timely adjustments and corrective actions when necessary. Monitoring progress ensures you allocate resources appropriately and align activities with the plan’s objectives.

8. Build Strategic Partnerships

Strategic partnerships allow you to access new markets or customer segments that may have been difficult to penetrate independently. By leveraging the partner’s existing customer base or distribution channels, you can significantly accelerate growth and expand your customer reach more effectively. Moreover, strategic partnerships help in fostering knowledge sharing and innovation.

Bottom Line

Developing a successful business development plan requires a strategic and systematic approach. By following the steps outlined above, B2B organizations can drive customer base expansion, lead generation, and sales growth. Regularly monitor, evaluate, and adapt your plan to ensure sustainable growth and profitability.

Fostering a culture of innovation, adaptability, and continuous improvement is crucial for developing sustainable business growth. It encourages collaboration across different departments, facilitates knowledge sharing, and promotes a customer-centric approach.


The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Press Release

In today’s dynamic media landscape, establishing brand trust has become increasingly critical. The 2021 Edelman report highlights the growing significance of consumer trust in making purchasing decisions. A well-crafted press release plays a vital role in conveying information to the public and building that crucial trust. It holds immense value for businesses, organizations, and individuals alike. By generating substantial media attention, a meticulously crafted press release not only amplifies brand presence but also expands outreach to a wider audience. However, creating an impactful press release necessitates thoughtful planning and flawless execution.

This guide aims to equip you with the essential elements, structure, and writing techniques necessary to create an effective press release that captures attention and delivers your message with impact.

Understanding the Purpose and Audience

Before embarking on creating a press release, it is vital to grasp its intended objective and target readership. A press release functions as a concise and informative announcement regarding noteworthy events, product launches, or organizational advancements. It encompasses customized content to captivate journalists, editors, and media establishments. Identify your specific target audience and contemplate the angles that would most effectively pique their interest. By doing so, you can craft a press release that is both engaging and pertinent, resonating with your intended readership.

Essential Elements of a Press Release

Attention-Grabbing Headline: Craft a compelling headline that concisely summarizes the main message of your press release and piques the interest of the reader.

Dateline: Incorporate the date and location of the press release’s origination, accompanied by a compelling lead sentence that succinctly captures the essence of the news.

Introduction Paragraph: Expand upon the lead sentence to provide a concise overview, addressing the who, what, when, where, why, and how aspects.

Body Paragraphs: Elaborate on the main points, offering supporting details, statistics, and quotes from relevant sources. Utilize clear and succinct language, avoiding technical terms or jargon that may confuse readers.

Boilerplate: Wrap up the press release by including a concise description of your company or organization, incorporating vital information such as contact details, website address, and links to social media platforms.

Media Contact Information: Share the name, job title, phone number, and email address of the designated contact person for additional inquiries or interview requests.

Structuring a Press Release

Inverted Pyramid Structure: Arrange the information in order of importance, with the most critical details at the beginning, followed by supporting details and background information.

Concise and Focused Writing: Keep the press release concise, typically between 400-600 words. Use clear, simple language and avoid excessive promotional language or industry jargon.

Use Quotes: Incorporate quotes from key individuals involved in the news, such as executives or experts. Quotes add credibility and provide a human element to the story.

Supporting Facts and Data: Include relevant facts, figures, and statistics to reinforce the significance and newsworthiness of the information presented.

Visual Elements: Incorporate high-resolution images, videos, or infographics to enhance the visual appeal and engagement of your press release.

Hyperlinks: Include hyperlinks to relevant websites, landing pages, or supporting documents to provide additional information or resources for the readers.
Writing Techniques for an Effective Press Release

Develop a Compelling Headline

The headline is the first impression your press release makes, so it must be attention-grabbing. It should succinctly summarize the key message of your release and entice readers to delve deeper. Aim for a concise, catchy headline that piques curiosity and highlights the newsworthy aspect of your story. Incorporating strong action verbs or posing thought-provoking questions can also increase its impact. Remember to keep it within 60-80 characters for optimal readability and easy distribution on digital platforms.

Craft a Strong Opening Paragraph

Following the headline, the opening paragraph is critical for hooking readers and capturing their attention. Within this segment, address the fundamental inquiries of journalism: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Employ precise and succinct language to effectively communicate the key details while ensuring the content remains engaging to captivate readers and encourage further exploration. Avoid overly promotional language and focus on presenting the news objectively. Journalists prefer to receive factual information that they can use to develop their own stories.

Provide Newsworthy and Relevant Information

The body of your press release should expand on the information introduced in the opening paragraph. Offer additional details, relevant facts, statistics, quotes, or testimonials that support the main message. Ensure the information provided is concise, pertinent, and tailored to resonate with your intended audience. Capture the attention of journalists by offering a distinctive perspective, connecting to ongoing trends, or providing valuable insights to their readers. Moreover, carefully consider the timing of your press release to maximize its impact. Additionally, consider the timing of your release. If possible, try to tie it to a larger event or news cycle to increase its relevance.

Use Quotes Effectively

Including quotes from key individuals involved in the story can add credibility and provide a human element to your press release. Quotes should be concise, impactful, and provide valuable insights or perspectives. Ensure the quotes enhance the narrative and are attributed to the appropriate individuals. If possible, obtain quotes from recognized experts or authorities within your industry, as this can increase the chances of media attention.

Include Relevant Contact Information

As you conclude your press release, incorporate a segment containing pertinent contact details for media inquiries. This section should encompass the name, role, email address, and telephone number of an appointed representative capable of furnishing additional information or coordinating interviews. By providing easily accessible contact details, journalists can reach out for additional information or clarifications, increasing the likelihood of coverage.

Bottom Line

Creating a press release effectively requires a strategic approach and attention to detail. Remember to craft a strong opening paragraph, utilize quotes effectively, and include relevant contact information to facilitate communication with journalists. It is advisable to meticulously review your press release to guarantee its flawlessness and effective communication of your intended message. By meticulously strategizing and implementing your press release, you can harness its potential as a powerful tool for generating awareness, bolstering your brand’s standing, and driving media attention.

The Strategic Difference Between Branding and Marketing and How They Work Together

People often use branding and marketing interchangeably, but the two are distinctly different. Knowing how they differ is crucial to executing specific campaigns with branding or marketing goals.

Neil Patel says that “where marketing ends, branding begins.” The implication is that branding and marketing are crucial to your business’ success. So, don’t emphasize one at the expense of the other. This guide explores how they are distinct and how to leverage both to gain a competitive edge.

What is Branding?

Branding entails shaping your business identity. It gives your business character and provides a complete narrative of what you offer your customers, why you do it, and where it leads. It also entails defining your target audience, how you communicate to them, and the meaning it adds to their experience with your business.

While you can visually represent your brand through visual elements like your color palette, logo, and fonts, your brand is generally the overall experience you deliver to your customers. Think of it this way:

  • Coca-Cola is more than just soda
  • Starbucks is more than just coffee
  • Nike is more than just sportswear
  • Apple is more than just computers

These brands deliver experiences in addition to the products you buy. The brands know the experience their customers want to have when they consider a purchase. So, they continually invest in brand marketing to cultivate their brands.

How to Determine Your Business Brand?

The practice of shaping your brand identity requires that you clearly define the following:

  • Your business’s core values and principles: What matters most to your company? What are you committed to, such as saving the world with eco-friendly strategies or equality for all customers?
  • Your mission statement: Apart from making money, what else do you want to accomplish with your business?
  • Customer experience: What feelings do you want to inspire in your customers when they interact with your business?
  • Your unique selling proposition: How can you deliver something different from your competitors?
  • Your brand personality: What language do you use with your customers? Is the tone fun, intelligent, creative, or casual?
  • How do you highlight the right ideas: What comes to mind when customers hear your business name, and what do they associate it with?

Your brand tells your customers what they can expect from your business. It gives them a glimpse into what to expect when interacting with your services and products. With a clearly defined brand, you gain more clarity and direction for your marketing activities.

What is Marketing?

Marketing is a mix of activities and tactics you undertake to promote your brand, products, or services. The actions communicate your company’s benefits and what it offers, different from your competitors. The primary goal of the activities is to generate interest and influence the audience to buy from you instead of the competition.

The greater focus of marketing is sales rather than branding. The activities have a shorter timeframe, also known as marketing campaigns. Marketing strategies have a call to action to buy or take a step towards a purchase.

Examples of marketing activities include the following:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Social advertising
  • Content promotion
  • Promotional emails
  • Pay-per-click advertising
  • Print campaigns and direct mail

The Difference Between Branding and Marketing

Your brand is your business culture, the message you send to your audience about your business. It also entails the rules that govern your business. On the other hand, marketing is a set of processes and tools to promote your brand. It uses social media, SEO, mobile, traditional marketing, and local search marketing tools. If branding is the author, marketing is the publisher.

Your business needs a brand to differentiate itself from the competition. However, even the strongest brand can only succeed by constantly marketing itself, demonstrating its unique selling proposition to its target audience.

Other highlights of the differences between marketing and branding are:

  • Branding comes before marketing
  • Marketing boosts sales, while branding enhances customer loyalty
  • Marketing is the bait that attracts your audience’s attention, while branding is the glue that keeps it intact
  • Marketing strategies are dynamic and keep changing, but your branding is there to stay
  • Branding impacts your business internally and externally, but marketing is more of an external factor

How Branding and Marketing Work Together

In recent years, there has been an emphasis on the importance of customer experience in branding. It shifts the focus from design elements associated with the brand, such as the company logo, color palette, or messaging.

Once your target audience sees your logo, they may be intrigued or feel a connection to your brand. However, you must do more to generate interest in the customer for them to purchase. That’s where marketing comes in.

While marketing and branding are two distinct components of your business, they rely on each other. Depending on how you apply them together, they can contribute to the success of your business.

Your brand marketing strategies will benefit from having a solid brand at the beginning. The marketing efforts can focus on highlighting what makes your brand unique. As people become familiar with your brand and what it stands for, they can identify with your brand marketing message. A good branding strategy sets up your marketing campaign for success.

Blending Your Branding and Marketing Strategies

Both branding and marketing need your attention to help your business succeed. Creating a solid brand early in business life is beneficial in creating clear and consistent brand characteristics. Then, it becomes less stressful to develop brand marketing strategies to take the business to the next level.

Both branding and marketing are more than one-off events and require ongoing effort. A professional brand marketing agency can work with you to fine-tune your strategies. Steven & Tate is a branding and marketing company that can help you blend your branding and marketing for overall business success. Talk to our experts to learn more.


Illinois Healthcare Association’s Annual Convention & Expo

WHO: The Illinois Health Care Association, founded in 1950 and governed by a 13-member board of directors, is a non-profit organization comprising of more than 500 registered and certified long-term care institutions and homes/programs for the developmentally handicapped across the state.

WHERE: BOS Center, Springfield, IL

WHEN: September 11-14, 2023


Each year, IHCA hosts the state’s largest convention and exhibition for long-term care professionals. This annual four-day event has over 100 instructional seminars on a variety of themes, as well as a thorough expo with exhibitors on the latest technology and services available to long-term care providers. Attendees are also encouraged to participate in a variety of engaging, peer-to-peer networking events.

Perfecting the Media Mix: Balancing Online And Traditional To Drive The Best ROI

President Dan Gartlan will speak on Perfecting the Media Mix: Balancing Online and Traditional to Drive the Best ROI. In this session, attendees will explore various media options, learn how each outlet meets a different need, and discover how multiple media channels can work together to drive brand awareness, understanding and generate leads. After this session, attendees understand how the media mix differs based on your objectives, target audiences and types of services and levels of care your community offers.

Click here to learn more about Dan Gartlan.

Digital Strategies to Online Lead Generation: How to Drive Demand:

Internet Marketing Director, Nicole Wagner will be presenting Digital Strategies to Online Lead Generation: How to Drive Demand. The session will discuss how to use online media, your website and content development to build an online presence that attracts the right audience and converts them into quality leads. Attendees will analyze their current online marketing programs and assess the strength of these programs. They will learn how to create a content program and web presence that helps them reach the right audience with the right message.

Click here to learn more about Nicole Wagner.

To learn more about IHCA’s Annual Convention and Expo, click here

For more information on scheduling Dan or Nicole for speaking, click here.

Media Mix Marketing: What Is It and What Are the Benefits?

The marketing world is dynamic. New marketing tactics and trends constantly change how businesses market themselves. Consequently, marketers have embraced media mix marketing. Statistics show a 14% growth rate in digital marketing budget spending between 2020 and 2021 across industries. Besides, forecasts show a digital marketing annual growth rate of 9% from 2020 to 2026.

These figures encompass a mix of media marketing strategies available today. Businesses no longer rely on a single media marketing tactic to achieve their objectives. They can leverage a media mix marketing strategy for more versatility and visibility than traditional marketing methods.

Understanding Media Mix Marketing

Media mix marketing is a crucial part of business marketing and advertising. It combines all the channels a company can use to achieve its marketing goals and boost the branding message. It entails both online and offline media, such as the following:

  • The business’ website and social media channels
  • Email marketing
  • TV ads
  • Radio ads
  • Newspapers
  • Billboards
  • Direct mail

Leveraging a marketing media mix is a practical and effective way of reaching a wider audience. Besides, a media mix enables a brand to try new things confidently. For example, you may have tried to promote your brand through digital displays and seen results.

However, you may be interested in trying TV ads to test the response while keeping a safety net. Digital advertising isn’t static, so you must evolve your strategy to keep up with the competition.

Benefits of a Media Mix Marketing

One benefit of media mix marketing is enabling you to deliver the right marketing message to your audience. For example, if you want to target a broad market across the country, a media mix of national newspapers, television, and radio may be the right fit.

To reach a specific group of decision-makers, a mix of media marketing might include specialists’ magazines or exhibitions specifically for that target audience. Direct mail or a briefing session could be more effective for a smaller target audience of decision-makers.

Better Returns on Investment (ROI)

A compelling media mix can improve your business ROI while enabling you to test new campaigns. It prevents you from putting all your marketing or advertising budget in one place or relying on one method to reach a broad audience.

You can determine the best-performing method and invest more to balance out the underperforming ones for a better ROI. You can decide whether to optimize or eliminate ineffective marketing methods depending on the outcome.

Creates a Strong Brand Message

When you consistently use a combination of media channels to promote your company, you enhance your chances of creating a consistent brand. Sharing your brand logo, colors, message, and tone across different media platforms makes it easier for people to recognize it.

Better Understanding of Market Trends

As you try to mix different marketing techniques, you gain a better understanding of what other brands are doing in the market. You also learn how different channels affect your business and how trends keep changing with time. Creating new marketing strategies that work best for your brand is easy with this knowledge.

Improved Planning Through Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics provides more insights into what the future of an organization’s marketing efforts looks like. Combined with artificial intelligence and machine learning, you can account for many variables, such as seasonality, industry trends, and the impact of advertising.

The data enables you to predict the effectiveness of campaigns for a clearer view of what to expect from your mixed media marketing strategy. It becomes easier to anticipate customers’ needs and desires for more personalized campaigns.

How to Choose the Best Media Mix?

When choosing a media mix, remember that the goal is to establish suitable communication channels to improve your customer base and sales. That is only achievable by paying attention to the following components of a marketing media mix:

  • People: Carefully consider the audience you want to reach with your messaging through your media mix. Do you want to reinforce a specific message to your existing customers or test a new market segment? Your marketing objectives can largely influence your decision.
  • Product: What do you intend to sell or market through your chosen channels? How effectively can you demonstrate what it offers through your preferred medium to fill a market gap?
  • Place: Place is the location where customers can purchase your product or service. While this may be a physical store, your mix of media marketing may comprise your social media platforms and website as the place where customers can buy.
  • Price: As you mix your media marketing channels, you can quickly determine the price in several ways, including factoring in the cost of the media mix. Remember to include other expenses like labor and distribution.

Ultimately, getting your media mix right requires carefully thinking through the strategies based on your budget, brand, product, audience, unique selling proposition, and in-house skills. Some tips to help you along the way are the following:

  • Consider your primary marketing goals
  • Think through the marketing funnel as different channels are effective at various points of the buyer persona journey.
  • Invest heavily in tracking and analytics to gauge the impact of each marketing channel.
  • Ensure you monitor the same metrics across the various marketing channels.
  • Validate the lessons you pick along the way by optimizing your media mix.
  • Analyze your target audience based on their pain points, location, demographics, and preferences.
  • Harmonize your mixed media marketing channels to boost your ROI.

Getting Started with Your Media Mix Marketing Strategy

With 84% of media planners already leveraging a media mix marketing and getting positive results, there’s no reason you shouldn’t do the same to boost your brand. Determining the best mix may be an uphill task, but not impossible. Analytics tools are available to help you improve and fine-tune the mix. Once you establish how changes in the blend affect the results, you can reallocate your budget to enhance the mix for better marketing performance.