How to Improve Your Email Open Rate and Click-Through Rate

An email’s open rate and click-through rate are two metrics that can tell you a lot about the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. Additionally, they can be indicators of a company’s overall success. Understanding these two metrics allows you to measure how effectively emails are driving engagement and resonating with your audience. If your company’s emails are suffering from low open rates or low click-through rates, read on to learn how to remedy the situation.

email envelope

Open Rate

An email’s open rate is the percentage of people who opened it out of the total number of people it was sent to. What is considered to be a good open rate varies from industry to industry. A high open rate typically means that your email’s subject line is relevant and compelling, therefore enticing its recipients to open the email. Conversely, a low open rate typically means that your subject line is not catching your audience’s attention. If your emails have a low open rate, there are a couple of actions you can take to increase it. 

1. Redo Your Subject Line:

An email’s subject line is often what makes a consumer decide whether or not they are going to open the email. Therefore, it needs to be descriptive, and draw your audience in. The email’s subject line needs to be short enough to be displayed in full. Do not let the end of it get cut off. You should personalize the subject line by including the recipient’s name. Additionally, you should utilize A/B testing to identify what resonates best with your audience.

2. Make Yourself Known:

Consumers don’t want to open an email if they don’t know who it is from. Ensure that your email clearly shows it was sent from you by setting the sender name to your company’s name, rather than your company’s email address. The sender name should appear the same way on every email you send so consumers can recognize it.

Click-Through Rate

An email’s click-through rate is the percentage of people who clicked on a link in the email out of the total number of people who opened the email. Although they sound similar, an email’s click-through rate is not the same thing as an email’s click rate. Do not confuse the two. An email’s click rate is the percentage of people who clicked a link in the email out of the total number of people the email was delivered to.

Similarly to an email’s open rate, what is considered to be a good click-through rate varies from industry to industry. A high click-through rate typically means that your email is successful in persuading readers to take the desired action. The desired action can be making a purchase, downloading an eBook, signing up to attend a webinar, etc. Conversely, a low click-through rate likely means that your email’s call-to-action isn’t compelling, or that the email itself is not engaging. If your email has a low click-through rate, here are some ways you can increase it:

1. Make Your Email Visually Appealing:

Consumers often find cluttered emails to be overwhelming. Keeping your emails simple makes them visually appealing. Additionally, it makes your email more readable, and makes your call-to-action easier to find. Another aspect of making sure that your emails are visually appealing is making sure that your emails are mobile-friendly, since more and more people are accessing their email accounts on their mobile devices in this day and age.

2. Make Your Call-To-Action Clear:

Your call-to-action’s existence and purpose should both be clear. Visually, your call-to-action should be easy to find in your email. You can achieve a prominent call-to-action by using bold fonts and contrasting colors. In addition to being easy to find, your call-to-action needs to tell readers what to do. It should use action words like “watch,” “subscribe,” “read,” or “download” to guide readers on what they should do next. Using this kind of language consequently creates a sense of importance and urgency that motivates the email’s recipients to immediately engage and click on the call-to-action.

email marketing

Tracking, reviewing, and analyzing your email’s open rate and click-through rate are all essential to the improvement of your email marketing campaigns and therefore your overall company success. Use the 4 tips given above to increase your emails’ open rates and click-through rates.

email engagement strategies

Up Your Email Engagement: Consumer-Oriented Strategies

Email marketing may be one of the oldest forms of online marketing, but it has not lost its relevance. Despite the fact that many businesses are focusing more on social media marketing and SEO, email marketing should still be a priority for any online marketing strategy. The use of email can help you deliver valuable resources and promotional offers to your audience. However, it’s vital that you keep your leads engaged in order for your email marketing strategy to be successful. Now first have a look at what is email engagement:

What is Email Engagement?

Email engagement means the interaction and responsiveness of recipients with email content. It is measured via metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. It indicates how effectively an email captures the audience’s interest and prompts them to take desired actions, like clicking on links, making purchases, or sharing content.

With that in mind, the following are a few tips to help increase email engagement.

1. Send Emails That Offer Value

The most important thing to remember when building an email marketing campaign is that your content matters. Poor content that offers little value to your recipients isn’t going to do anyone any good. Your emails have to provide value in order to engage your leads. There are two ways you can do this:

  • Provide Educational Content – Generally speaking, you should avoid sending too much promotional material through email. The more ads you send, the more likely your leads are to unsubscribe. As such, focus on creating content that is informative and helpful. Such content will help build your brand authority, thereby boosting brand trust. The more they trust you, the more attention they’ll pay to what you have to say.
  • Target Your Promotional Offers – Although you should focus more on educational content, that doesn’t mean you can’t ever promote your products or services. However, when you do email a lead a promotional offer, make sure that it’s relevant to their needs. Target your offers based on the data you have from them (such as purchase history) and the actions they take (such as the type of content they’ve downloaded in the past).

Email marketing continues to evolve with the times. Here is what to expect.

2. Segment Your Email Engagement List

It doesn’t matter how high-quality your email content is if it’s not relevant to the person you send it to. For instance, your email about what to look for in high-quality dog food isn’t going to be useful to a cat owner. Use the data you collect from your subscription forms to segment your email list. This will not only ensure that you send your emails to the relevant recipients, but also that you’re creating content that addresses every different part of your audience.

3. Personalize Your Emails

Personalizing your emails will make it easier for leads to relate and engage with your brand. Segmenting your email list will go a long way towards personalizing your emails. However, there’s more to do than just that. For instance, write in a more personal tone of voice using the second person. Use humor where appropriate. Also, send emails that are neither promotional nor educational every once in a while to celebrate a special occasion. For example, a personalized birthday email is always appreciated. You could also send out emails for specific holidays as long as they aren’t religious in tone.

4. Design Your Emails Effectively

The aesthetic of your email matters. You can’t just send a regular default text email to your leads and expect them to be intrigued by what you have to say. Use colors and images that are relevant to your brand and your content. Use CTA buttons that stick out. You can even add GIFs, which make your emails more visually dynamic and which will draw the eye. According to the results of a Dell email marketing campaign, the use of GIFs increased their click rate by 42 percent and their conversion rate by 103 percent.consumer email strategies

5. Send The Right Number Of Emails

This can be tricky to figure out. Send too many emails, and you may be marked as spam. Send too few, and your leads may forget about you. Generally speaking, it’s better to send too many than too few. Monitor your unsubscribe rate to get an idea of whether you’re sending too many. If you have a high unsubscribe rate, you may need to cut back on how often you’re sending out emails.

6. Track Performance And Optimize Your Email Engagement

Finally, analyze your email metrics to identify elements that are engaging and elements that are not. For instance, compare the performance of emails using images versus those that don’t. Compare the titles of your emails to see which results in a higher open rate. Use heat maps to figure out what parts of the email engage readers most. This information can be used to optimize future emails to boost customer engagement.


These are six effective methods for creating a more engaging email marketing campaign. The more engaged your email recipients are, the better your chances are of converting your leads into customers — and of converting those one-time customers into loyal long-term customers.

email marketing program
B2B Email Marketing

How to Incorporate Email Marketing into B2B Campaigns

Email marketing has been a popular strategy for decades, and there’s no sign of it slowing down as an effective marketing tactic. However, as a B2B business, successful B2B email marketing can be challenging. When it comes to B2C email marketing, many companies simply use it to promote new products or to advertise special promotions. This won’t work with B2B marketing. Additionally, because most companies do embrace email marketing, you’re going to have to work a little harder to stand out from the competition and engage your leads. With that in mind, the following are a few B2B email marketing tips:

Email Marking Strategies for B2B

1. Focus On Educational Content

Long-term relationships are much more important for B2B businesses than B2C businesses (although you can’t discount their importance to B2C companies either). As such, the bulk of your email content should focus on providing your leads with information that is useful to them. The more informed they are about the problems you solve or about the industry you’re in, the more comfortable they will be making a buying decision down the line. Not to mention that you’ll position yourself as a brand authority that they can trust.

B2B Email Marketing2. Personalize Your Emails

Don’t make the mistake of assuming email personalization starts and stops with addressing the lead by name. Personalization goes way beyond that. Use the information you have on your subscribers (gained from opt-in forms, questionnaires, purchase history, and more) to segment them into different lists. You can then target specific subscribers using content that is relevant to each list. Doing so will increase the chances of engagement and will make it easier to nurture your leads.

3. Use Automation

As mentioned, automation can be used to segment your email list to ensure that your email content is personalized. However, automation can be used in a variety of ways to further boost engagement. For instance, you can set up email triggers based on actions your subscribers take. When they download something from your site, make a purchase, or sign up for a webinar via one of your emails, it will trigger a relevant email to be sent right after the action was taken.

You can schedule emails using automation to be sent at specific times and on specific days. This allows you to reach your users based on when they are most active on their email accounts.

Find Out How Marketing Automation Can Help You

4. Embrace Drip Email Campaigns

Email drip campaigns consist of a chain of emails designed to follow one another in a specific order and on a scheduled timeline. Usually, a drip campaign will consist of around five emails sent at 3 to 5-day intervals. They are effective because they build on one another, thereby ensuring relevance and generating more engagement. Drip campaigns are designed to welcome new leads, educate them, and finally to encourage a purchase.

5. Don’t Spam Your Subscribers

Even if you’re not sending overly promotional emails, you don’t want to overdo it. Your emails may be chock-full of useful and informative content, but if your recipients are receiving it on a daily basis, they’re going to start ignoring you. When that happens, it will be more difficult to reach them with content that they would actually find helpful. Some subscribers may even unsubscribe, resulting in lost leads.

6. Re-Engage Inactive Subscribers

Every once in a while, take the time to identify subscribers who haven’t engaged with your emails for some time. Don’t just assume that they are a lost cause. While some may have lost interest, others may simply have forgotten about your brand. Send out re-engagement emails that give these subscribers a reason to re-engage with you. Such emails can include polls and surveys, which can help you identify why they became unengaged in the first place. You can also use special offers based on their purchase history to generate interest in your business again.

7. Market Your Email Subscriptions

For your B2B email marketing campaign to be successful, you need to have leads to actually email content to. Besides having email subscription forms on your website, you should actively promote your email subscriptions on your blog and on social media. You can even gate some of your long-form content (such as ebooks and whitepapers), requiring leads to sign up to your email list in return for access to your content.

Also Read: Differences Between B2C and B2B Email Marketing

B2B email marketing can be an incredibly effective way to engage and nurture leads. Make sure to keep these 7 tips in mind for a successful email marketing camp

25 Website Must Haves

Inbox Influence: Mastering Email Marketing for Brand Success

Getting your email marketing strategy right can be a game-changer for your business and your brand. Email stands as the cornerstone of direct marketing tactics, offering a personal touch that many other platforms struggle to emulate. The key to success lies in understanding the intricacies of email marketing and leveraging them to your advantage.

email marketing

The Foundation of a Strong Email Marketing Strategy

Before diving into the nuances, it’s crucial to establish a strong foundation for your email marketing strategy. This involves several pivotal steps:

  • Understanding Your Audience: Knowing who your emails are targeting is the first step. This involves segmenting your audience based on their preferences, behaviors, and past interactions with your brand.
  • Crafting a Compelling Subject Line: It’s their first impression. So make your subject line count by being clear, engaging, and intriguing without resorting to clickbait.
  • Personalization is Key: Tailoring the content of your emails to fit the interests and needs of your recipients can significantly increase engagement rates.

Content That Captivates

Once the foundation is set, the content of your emails is where you can truly shine and make an impact. Here’s how to ensure your content is captivating:

  • Value-Driven Content: Ensure every email you send packs a punch of value for your audience. This could be in the form of expert insights, exclusive discounts, or compelling narratives that resonate with their interests and needs. Aim to enrich their day or offer solutions to their problems with every interaction.
  • A Clear and Concise Message: Clarity is king in the realm of email communication. Your email should serve a distinct purpose, whether to enlighten, convince, or amuse your recipients. Craft your content to be straightforward and accessible, eliminating any potential confusion and making the key takeaway immediately apparent.
  • Interactive Elements: Elevate your emails from static messages to dynamic conversations by embedding interactive features. Polls, surveys, and clickable links not only make your emails more engaging but also serve as tools to gather insightful feedback and preferences directly from your audience, enhancing the personalization of future communications.

Design That Delivers

The design of your email is just as important as the content. A well-designed email can enhance your message and encourage readers to engage with your content.

  • Responsive Design: In today’s mobile-centric world, it’s crucial that your emails look flawless across all devices, especially smartphones. A significant number of your audience will be reading your messages on the go, so optimizing for mobile ensures a seamless and engaging experience. Responsive design adapts your email’s layout and content to fit various screen sizes, preventing formatting issues that could detract from your message’s impact.
  • Use of Images and Videos: Integrating images and videos can transform your emails from plain text to captivating narratives, but balance is key. High-quality visuals should complement and enhance your message, not distract or detract from it. Be mindful of file sizes to ensure your emails load quickly, maintaining a smooth user experience and keeping engagement high.
  • Whitespace and Layout: The strategic use of whitespace and a thoughtful layout can significantly improve the readability and overall appeal of your emails. Whitespace helps to break up text, making your content more digestible and less intimidating, while a well-organized layout guides the reader’s eye through your message, ensuring they focus on the most important elements. This thoughtful design approach can turn a potentially overwhelming email into an enjoyable read.

Testing and Optimization

An effective email marketing strategy is not static; it evolves. Regular testing and optimization are crucial for continued success.

  • A/B Testing: A/B testing, or split testing, is a critical tool in refining your email marketing strategy. By creating two versions of your email, each differing in one key aspect like the subject line, call-to-action (CTA), or layout, you can send these variants to a small segment of your audience and measure which performs better. This data-driven approach removes guesswork. It allows you to understand your audience’s preferences and optimize future communications for better engagement and results.
  • Analyze and Adapt: The power of email marketing lies in its measurability. Utilizing analytics tools to monitor the performance of your emails gives you insight into what captures your audience’s attention and prompts action. By examining metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, you can identify strengths and areas for improvement in your content and CTAs. This continuous cycle of analysis and adaptation ensures your email marketing strategy remains dynamic, responsive to audience needs, and aligned with your overall business goals.

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Leveraging Automation

Automation can take your email marketing strategy to the next level. It allows for timely and relevant engagement with your audience without requiring constant manual effort.

  • Welcome Emails: Crafting an automated series of welcome emails for new subscribers is a pivotal first step in nurturing a lasting relationship with your audience. These initial communications should warmly introduce your brand. They should also highlight the value of your offerings and set the tone for future interactions. Tailoring this series to gradually educate and engage your new subscribers can significantly enhance their connection with your brand. It will also encourage continued engagement.
  • Behavior-triggered Emails: Leveraging behavior-triggered emails allows you to send highly relevant and timely messages based on specific actions your users take. For instance, if a user abandons their shopping cart, an automated email can remind them of their incomplete purchase. This email could offer them a discount or answer potential questions related to the transaction. Similarly, showing interest in a particular product could trigger an email providing more detailed information or related items, thereby personalizing the user experience and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

The Art of Engagement

In the end, the goal of your email marketing strategy is to build and maintain a relationship with your audience. Engage them with stories, involve them with interactive content, and always provide value. Your emails should feel like a conversation, not a sales pitch.

Beyond the Inbox

To wrap up, perfecting your email marketing strategy is about much more than just sending out emails. It’s about creating a comprehensive experience that starts with a compelling subject line and ends with a satisfied customer. By focusing on your audience, crafting captivating content, designing for impact, testing and optimizing, leveraging automation, and prioritizing engagement, you can turn your email marketing efforts into a significant asset for your brand. Remember, in the vast sea of digital communication, your emails are your ambassadors. Make them count!


Factors That Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions

What Are Marketing Qualified Leads And Why Do They Matter?

How are you handling your marketing qualified leads (MQLs)? Once you have a lead at the top of the sales funnel, you can’t just stop marketing and hope that initial lead turns into a sales-qualified lead (SQL). You need to keep your eye on that in-between stage where your MQLs are. You should nurture and engage with them while they are in this stage.

marketing qualified leads sales qualified leads blocks

What is a Marketing Qualified Lead?

A Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) is a type of lead in which the potential customer will engage with your brand which you have provided to them through your marketing efforts.

Don’t Forget the Lead in the Middle

Prospects, also known as contacts and leads, are the consumers at the top of your sales funnel. They have an initial interest in your product or service and might provide an email address or first name, in exchange for a report or other premium offer. However, they are only at the browsing stage and are definitely not ready to make a purchase yet.

At the bottom of your sales funnel are your sales qualified leads, also known as SQLs. These leads are ready to make a purchase. This stage is when your sales people need to be in contact with them, ready to provide additional information and incentives to finalize the sale.

There is plenty of room between the prospect and the SQL. This stage of transition between browsing and making a purchase is where the marketing qualified lead (MQL) sits.

An MQL has moved beyond the browsing stage and is seriously evaluating whether your product or service meets certain criteria. The are looking for detailed information, like customer testimonials and product specifications, to aid them in making the best decision. MQLs are looking at your competition as well, assessing how you measure up. They are getting third-party opinions and reading product reviews to choose the option that best suits their needs. This is when your marketing needs to shift. Nurture your MQLs by following up with them regularly. Tailor content like whitepapers and case studies to them. This tailored content should show your MQLs how and why your product or service is best for them. MQLs need detailed information about your products and services. They also need to know how you differ from the competition. Having a strong brand identity can help set you apart. This information will help the MQL move towards the decision-making point.

Read More: How to nurture leads with email marketing

How Can You Tell if a Lead is Marketing Qualified?

To tell when a lead is moving from the prospect stage towards the MQL stage, you need to gather pertinent data from the lead and monitor his/her activity on your website. Then, compare this information to past sales opportunities to determine what direction the prospect is moving towards. Ideally, they are moving towards becoming an SQL.

  • Demographic data from the lead, such as location, industry, and business size, makes a difference. Also, how much money do they want to spend? Is your product or service within their budget needs? If it is, the lead is more likely to become an MQL.
  • What types of actions are they taking on your website? Frequent visits combined with downloading whitepapers, requesting demos, or other interactions with content is a good sign that the lead will become an MQL.
  • How similar are they to your past sales opportunities that have already transitioned from leads into MQLs? Similarities can help you predict the likelihood of the lead becoming an MQL. If your typical customers are established companies with a large budget, a start-up with a limited budget may not be a good fit. However, that doesn’t mean the start-up won’t make a purchase, it just means that it is less likely to happen.

marketing qualified leads notebook

The exact definition of what an MQL means to your company is something only you can define. But, no matter how you define MQLs, you cannot forget them in your marketing process. Forgetting them means less SQLs, which means less final sales. And that defeats the purpose of marketing in the first place. The next step is learning how to engage marketing qualified leads until they move to being an SQL.

Inbound marketing will help you grow your business by attracting website visitors, converting them into leads and closing leads into customers

content marketing agencies 1

The Importance of Lead Generation and Content Marketing Agencies

Your company is struggling to generate leads, and you’re looking for a quick and relatively simple solution. I have the solution, but you’ll probably groan because you’ve heard it before. “Content is king” might be an overused term, but that’s only because it’s proven to be true. A foolproof solution to your lack of leads as well as website foot traffic is lead generation content marketing.

The Importance of Lead Generation and Content Marketing Agencies

Nowadays, the quality of your company’s content is more important than ever before. Granted, there is more space to generate content and share it on the Internet, but with increased space comes tougher competition. We as marketing agencies feel pressure to stand out from the pack with remarkable content that converts our website’s visitors into potential leads. Consistent, quality content will attract the attention of readers, as well as encourage them to trust your company. Content marketing agencies can also help you create effective content marketing strategies and manage your content channels.


So what exactly is “quality” content?

Quality content has a specific purpose, format, and topic. The purpose should help the users find an answer to their questions or interests. The format you choose should fit your content well. In order to attract more leads, the content in the conversion stage should consist mainly of content offers.

Choose an appropriate formatContent_Marketing_Agencies 2

The format of the content offers can be a multitude of things; such as case studies, white papers, forms, calls-to-action, visuals, eBooks, emails, and landing pages. For example, if you want to demonstrate to users how a product works, you might use the template of a visual, such as a video or an image, rather than an eBook. On the other hand, if you wish to show your readers a how-to process that is also aesthetically pleasing, an eBook format would work better than a visual one.

In terms of topics, your content should be educational as well as specific. You should conduct market research and create content with your buyer personas in mind. Imagine you are your buyer persona: what problems do you need solutions for? How far are you in the buyer’s journey? What language would you use when typing keywords into the search engine? This can help you cater your content towards your target audience.

Similar Article: A Brief Guide to Sales Lead Generation

Be consistent

Another factor that makes content “quality” is frequent and consistent publication. If your readers know they can count on you to publish a semi-weekly blog in a specific time window, they are much more likely to see you as reliable. Webdam’s statistics show that blogging consistently has led to B2B marketers generating about 67% more leads marketers who do not, which is a huge advantage. After you’ve earned their trust, a number of your visitors will subscribe to you and convert to leads.

Lead generation content marketing is a proven way to get the word out about your company and have potential customers become interested in your business. Without good, consistent content, people will have little reason to visit your website or truly believe that you’re a leader in your field. Don’t let this happen to you.

Maximizing Email Personalization

Black Friday is one of the largest shopping days, where consumers buy everything from electronics and household items to software, services, and subscription plans. Whatever product or service you sell, Black Friday allows you to market your business and reach as many prospects as possible. But how can you maximize Black Friday sales? One obvious answer is to tap into the power of email personalization.

For many years, many “marketing gurus” have predicted the end of email marketing, but despite the efforts to market its downsides, email marketing remains relevant and more effective than ever. The beauty of email marketing is that you get to reach a more targeted audience. Plus, if you personalize your emails well and sell a real solution to a real problem, converting prospects to customers is cheaper and faster than the other marketing techniques.

In the sections below, we’ve discussed some of the most effective email personalization techniques you can implement to increase Black Friday sales.

Embrace Email Segmentation 

Imagine creating one generic email and sending it to 500 business prospects, i.e., without adjusting anything from the subject line to the closing paragraph. Now, suppose you categorize your prospects into five groups and create an email list for each. And for each category or group, specify the key attributes, such as what sets that group apart.

A perfect example would be categorizing prospects based on age, gender, personal preferences, location, etc. This will allow you to target each email list with a personal touch instead of using a generic email that addresses everyone.

Consider using some marketing automation tools to personalize communication with your customers. Here, you will gather data from your site visits and opt-in forms and use that input to segment your email list further or even feed more relevant information into the various relevant groups.

After successfully segmenting your email list, you can easily and conveniently target your market demographics and increase the odds that those prospects will respond to your email. From then, you can redesign your email campaigns and optimize your marketing to nurture those leads properly.

Use Personalized Content and Messaging 

Segmenting your emails and grouping prospects isn’t a silver bullet in the email marketing niche. You still need to personalize the content you’ll be sending these prospects, and that’s where the real email personalization comes in.

Creating personalized content for each group of prospects ensures you are engaging them at a deeper level. How you will target young prospects in their mid-20s will differ from how you’ll target the older prospects enjoying their retirement.

Effective email personalization lies in how the message is conveyed and the intent of that particular message. Still, personalized content doesn’t exist in silos. There’s a need to deploy other email marketing tactics, such as user-generated content, to enhance the personalization aspects of your email marketing campaigns.

Besides helping you connect easily with prospects, personalized content and messaging allow you to understand your customers better. During the research phase, you might discover that a particular group of prospects prefer certain products over others. This will save you a lot of time and money you could spend with generalized marketing tactics.

Instead, you’ll focus on giving them what they want, removing too many choices for them and replacing that with specific and tailored reasons to take action. And the best part of personalizing your content and messaging? Your prospects are ready to help you succeed – In fact, 83% of consumers are willing to share data to facilitate more personalized experiences, according to a recent Accenture Pulse Report.

Optimize with Mobile

Current statistics show that nearly 6.92 billion people use their smartphones to access the internet. That is a whopping 86.3% of the world population. If your email marketing strategies are to take shape and yield positive results, you should target prospects through their smartphones.But what does that mean when you send an email not optimized for mobile? Or, even worse, send a plain email without any design considerations? Well, the results won’t be impressive, no matter how consistent you are with your marketing.

People are becoming wary of random emails and are ready to dodge any direct notifications or messages in their inboxes. And that’s especially true for poorly-delivered emails. But as much as people don’t like to be sold, they still want to buy the products and services that resonate well with them.

One way to make your products and services more appealing to prospects is to deliver them using a well-designed email optimized for mobile. Check if the email has a subject line with the right number of characters, a pre-header text, some graphics, and a great CTA.

Once you incorporate mobile-friendly emails into your overall mobile marketing strategy, you will reach as many prospects as possible, increasing the chances that they will open the email and take the desired action.

Try Episodic Content 

The term episodic content means content published as a series of posts. An example would be content about a broad topic broken down into episodes or chapters. This marketing technique often helps avoid information overload and allows prospects to choose their adventure trail.

With email marketing, you can break down your personalized content into relevant chapters. You can then deliver these chapters to your customers regularly, allowing them to learn and build relationships with time.

The goal is to build on previous emails and focus on delivering value to your prospects. With time, you’ll have greatly impacted your prospects, and they will be open to doing business with you.

Final Thoughts 

Boosting sales on Black Friday takes a lot more than running some timely email campaigns and giving away insane discounts and offers. What you need to have is an email marketing strategy that’s robust enough to guarantee success.

Depending on your specific type of business, you may need to combine various email marketing techniques to guarantee success. Remember, not all strategies will work for your unique business, so try as many options as possible before picking the best.

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5 Ways to Revamp Your Email Marketing Strategy and Increase ROI

Email marketing is an affordable and effective tool to help your rand stay in touch with customers to ensure more revenue. In fact, studies show that robust email marketing strategies have an ROI of about 4400%.

If your email marketing performance is subpar, there are several strategies you can implement to ensure better results. The following tips can help improve your email marketing results and grow your business.

  1. Plan Your Emails

Your emails may contain helpful and resourceful content, but you may not get optimum results if they’re not well-planned.

The email subject line is the first aspect your recipient sees before opening the message. Ideally, the brief statement should grab your recipients’ attention and compel them to open and read your email.

Similarly, no one wants to read a disorganized email with a cluttered layout. This overwhelms your recipients, increasing the chances of abandonment.

Instead, plan and organize your layout to maximize user experience. This means you should incorporate white space and strategically place the visuals and text to make the email easy to navigate and digest.

  1. Build a Quality Email List

Building a quality email list is one of the most complex parts of email marketing strategies. However, you can simplify the task by determining your business’s best subscriber acquisition method.

If your website attracts many visitors, you can use it to convert the traffic to subscribers. Most importantly, even a slight increase in subscribers can impact the number of people that become your customers.

You can start by improving the exposure of your lead magnets by including them in relevant content across different channels. Alternatively, depending on your brand offers, you can develop quality lead magnets focused on the type of subscribers you want to attract.

The goal is to optimize the available opportunities for visitors to opt into your email list by ensuring your most popular content has valuable downloadable resources for your audience.

  1. Segment and Personalize Your Emails

When you send a similar message to your email list, you forego the opportunity to get optimum returns in your campaigns. Instead, break down the subscribers into different segments depending on their engagement levels and stages in the buyer journey.

Ideally, you can use the purchase frequency or other significant customer data to group your subscribers based on your goals.

Your subscribers want different content depending on their needs, so you should customize the messaging to serve their needs. However, this doesn’t happen in a day. Start with two segments –frequent customers and non-customers and proceed from there.

Personalization works in tandem with segmentation to ensure optimum email marketing performance. And since open and CTRs are the top KPIs in email marketing campaigns, personalization is critical to enhancing engagement rates. Typically, custom emails have a 26% higher open rate and generate more transactions.

For instance, addressing your audience by name can boost engagement due to higher open rates. Most importantly, using various data sets, like customer interests, demographics, and engagement behaviors, can enhance your personalization strategy. This helps establish and nurture a relationship with your audience, essential for higher conversions.

  1. A/B Test Your Emails

People often get comfortable once they establish a routine. While routines are critical in email marketing, tweaking the approach can be beneficial. It helps you gain the invaluable insight necessary for improvement.

You can pick an element in your email marketing strategies and adjust it to determine the performance. For instance, you can start with email length and format to see which version performs better. If your emails are concise, but some of your customers want more content, you can add more sections and observe the performance of your newsletters.

Regardless of the size, ensure the content is resourceful and awesome to ensure high customer engagement levels.

Also, you can test different subject lines for specific groups and analyze the performance. After some experiments, you can determine the best variation for different groups in your email list segments.

For instance, you can test different CTAs, like buttons and links. You divide the subscribers into two groups and send a different CTA for each group. After collecting and analyzing the data, you can quickly determine the most effective option since the two groups share specific characteristics.

The insights can inform your present and future decisions when adjusting or deploying your next email campaign. The idea is to pick the best format based on your results.

  1. Mobile Optimization

Most subscribers open and read emails on smartphones, accounting for 41% of email views. Therefore, mobile optimization is critical to maximizing your email marketing ROI.

Maximize your use of plain text and break content into scannable sections that fit into smaller screens. In addition, keep them brief to enhance engagement. Quantity doesn’t always win when it comes to mobile users.

High-resolution images may look stunning on a desktop, but they may work against you when targeting mobile users. Therefore, make sure to use lower resolution for mobile content.

However, you can still use high-resolution images with the right tools to compress the images based on the user’s device. It’s always a good practice to consider the resolution capability of most device users to ensure the images are crisp across all devices.

Bottom Line

The email marketing process consists of multiple parts that require careful planning. While the process can be overwhelming, you can make the project manageable by developing a robust strategy to implement and track your campaigns.

Most importantly, you should create email marketing strategies you can use to simplify things depending on your business goals. Regardless of your approach, it would be best if you implemented a measurable strategy that streamlines your efforts when creating targeted campaigns.


email marketing program


Inbound marketing

How can you keep up with the future of inbound marketing?

Running a business is difficult, no matter how big or small it is. To successfully maintain and grow a business, you need to retain existing customers as well as reach new ones. As such, a good marketing strategy is essential to the success of any business. Marketing helps you communicate with your target audience, build relationships, and generate leads. But how you market your business will make all the difference in the world. learning the future of inbound marketing is important for a good marketing strategy.

In this day and age, almost every business has an inbound marketing strategy. Inbound marketing is extremely cost-effective, making it an ideal strategy for startups and smaller businesses. However, inbound marketing is constantly evolving. What worked today may not work tomorrow.

As such, to ensure that your inbound marketing strategy remains effective, it’s wise to stay on top of the latest trends. This way, you can adjust your marketing efforts as needed.

What is Inbound Marketing?

When it comes to marketing, there are two primary methodologies: outbound marketing and inbound marketing. Outbound marketing is the more traditional approach that involves actively reaching out to customers. Common outbound strategies include TV and radio advertising, cold calling, and email blasts.

In contrast, inbound marketing is a methodology that focuses on attracting visitors or customers to your company through organic channels. Basically, instead of finding new customers, you’re putting your business in a position to be found by them instead.

The Future of Inbound Marketing

The landscape of inbound marketing is always changing. As new platforms and technologies emerge, new ways of reaching and engaging with customers have to be developed. With that in mind, the following are some of the current inbound marketing trends you should know about:

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing involves building relationships with people who have a large following on social media. These influencers can help you reach a much bigger audience. Although new social media platforms are constantly popping up, there will always be influencers on every channel.

To be successful with influencer marketing, you need to choose the right influencers to work with. Look for influencers who have a genuine interest in your brand and who have an engaged following. If your business focuses on a niche industry, consider building relationships with micro-influencers. Micro-influencers are individuals with smaller followings who typically have more engaged audiences.

Customer data

Data is essential in the world of marketing. The more data you have, the better insights you can gain into your target audience. This, in turn, allows you to create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

To collect data, you need to have some sort of tracking system in place. This could be something as simple as using Google Analytics to track website visitors. Or it could be using a CRM system to track leads.

Analyze your data regularly and look for patterns and trends that can help you better understand your customers. Additionally, the insights you gain from your data can help you make more informed marketing decisions.

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A more personalized buyer journey

Customers expect a personalized experience from businesses. As such, you need to focus on creating a smooth buyer journey. It should be a seamless experience from the moment they learn about your company to the moment they make a purchase.

One way to improve the customer experience is to create more targeted content. Segment your audience and create content that appeals to their specific needs. Doing so can make the buyer journey more relevant and enjoyable for them.

Another way to improve the customer experience is to make sure your website is easy to use and navigate. Build a well-designed website that is mobile-friendly and user-friendly. You should also consider implementing chatbots or live chat features so customers can easily get in touch with you.

Content clusters

Content is the backbone of any successful inbound marketing strategy. However, simply producing great content is not enough. You also need to make sure that your content is properly structured and organized by using content clusters.

A content cluster is a group of related pieces of content focused around a specific topic. Content clusters are designed to help improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). They also make it easier for your audience to find the information they’re looking for.

To create a content cluster, start by identifying a topic that you want to write about. Then, create your pillar content (such as an article or blog post) that covers this topic in depth. Once you have your pillar content, develop supporting content that all relate back to the pillar content.

Content clusters will improve your SEO and make it easier for your audience to read or view your content. Not to mention, it will make it easier for your audience to understand your message.

Interactive content

This is a type of content that requires the audience to participate in some way. Interactive content can include anything from quizzes and polls to games and augmented reality (AR) experiences.

There are two main benefits to creating interactive content. First, it helps keep your audience engaged and interested in your content. Second, it allows you to collect data about your audience’s preferences and interests. This data can be extremely valuable in helping you better understand your audience. Not to mention that this data can be used to create even more targeted content.

Stay Informed About The Future of Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a constantly changing field. With that in mind, these are some of the trends that are shaping the future of inbound marketing. By keeping up with the latest trends, you can stay one step ahead of the competition.

Inbound marketing will help you grow your business by attracting website visitors, converting them into leads and closing leads into customers