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lead generation content marketing

Different Types Of Content Marketing For Lead Generation

“CONTENT IS KING.” It’s a phrase we have all heard before. But today, especially, it couldn’t be more true. Content, at its core, is what is essentially going to draw prospects to your brand. It is what makes you valuable. What others want to share and recommend. And it is the essence of what Inbound….

5 Marketing Tactics You Should Be Using in 2021

Over the course of the year, businesses will implement various marketing tactics, some of which are hot, new marketing trends, others that have already been proven to be effective. However, Some marketing tactics that began in 2020 will still work in 2021. Here are new marketing trends that will a good idea for 2021.  1…..

creative marketing solutions

5 Creative Marketing Solutions That Will Work In 2021

Solutions come in every flavor. Every client has different pain, and it’s an agency’s job to seek out and offer solutions. Once the pain has been established, the solution is what will solve or compound the problem. Great agencies can put creative thoughts into a campaign and make it memorable. Here are 5 creative marketing….

Email Marketing

Tips To Make Your Email Marketing Program Most Effective

About 124.5 billion business emails are sent and received each day. With this high volume, it’s crucial to make your emails stand out. A smart email program provides opportunities to effectively communicate with your customers and prospects, leading to increased sales and revenue growth. Segmenting—by target audience, relevant message and place in the buying cycle—is….

brand packaging resources

Top 7 Packaging Design Resources

Today’s package designers have such a wide variety of tools, technologies, and materials available that they can create just about anything they envision. Add in digital printing and their amazing design options become available to everyone. If you are looking for packaging design resources, here are 7 to get you started. Packaging World The world….

marketing technology

Using Marketing Technology to Build a More Visible Brand

The success of some of the newest brands on the market is due to marketing technology. Brands like Uber, Air BnB, Lyft, Grub Hub and Seamless have managed to leverage marketing technology to paint the perfect picture of their ideal customer. All these brands are itching to reach the same costumer base. The companies mentioned….

Factors That Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions

Essential Website Optimization Techniques to Increase Visitors

SEO is a quick and easy way to drive visitors to your website. Here are some website optimization techniques that you can apply to your content.

video storytelling

Video Marketing Ideas: Using Storytelling In Social Media

Storytelling is one of the most important aspects when it comes of successfully conveying your message to your audience and giving them an idea of who your brand is and what you stand for. While storytelling is something that can be done via all types of content across all platforms, it’s particularly effective in video….

seven steps to launching a packaging brand

Seven Steps To Launching A Packaging Brand

Stevens & Tate Marketing is proud to announce the launch of a new product called Truly Supplements. It just landed on the shelves of Walgreens this week, and I am so proud of our team for launching the brand. We have launched countless brands for Aldi and Walgreens with our proven brand development process. Here are….

earned media vs paid media

Creative Marketing Solutions

There are many creative marketing strategies that you can implement in order to increase outreach to customers and improve your bottom line. While many businesses are going above and beyond in their search for creative marketing solutions, you can simply seek to be creative within the 4 basic components of an online marketing approach (i.e…..