5 Reasons Why You Need A Mobile Marketing Strategy
Has your marketing campaign lost its edge? Maybe it’s because you haven’t introduced mobile. Mobile Marketing is proving to be the fastest, easiest, and most accessible form of marketing today. Seniors, adults, and even teenagers have had experience dealing with mobile marketing in some shape or form. As a result, nearly every company can benefit from a mobile marketing strategy—here are just five reasons why.
1) Text Messages See Results
When you have a call to action that needs to drive results and drive them fast, text messages are a great option to have. That’s because 99% of text messages are read and responded to within 90 seconds of receiving them. This puts text messaging at a higher end of the spectrum in regards to reading and response rates.
Time was a crucial element when the Sierra Club wished to inform supporters of last-minute rallies. With less than a day to act, Sierra Club used text messaging to organize its supporters. Over 2,500 people texted in within a matter of hours! These kinds of instantaneous results are a hallmark of mobile marketing. Text messaging’s high open rates help ensure that your mobile campaign will be a more efficient communication channel.
2) Shoppers Rely on Mobile-Based Searches
These days, 40% of consumers utilize their mobile devices in order to make decisions about who to buy from. Most look at a cluster of review websites before making final choices about which supplier to purchase goods or services from. Reviews are so easy to find online and they help consumers decide between a plethora of suppliers and providers.
The smartest way to put your best foot forward is to register your business website with an array of consumer promotion websites. Also, encourage your loyal clients to leave reviews of your business on these websites. The more positive the online review, the more likely you are to get sales from customers. Specifically, those who shop around online via their smartphones, tablets, notebooks and iPads.
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3) Virtual and Augmented Reality Offers New Possibilities
Virtual and augmented reality are two of the newest opportunities in digital marketing, and in some cases, all a user needs is a smartphone to enjoy it. Besides emerging as a key resource for both mobile ads and shopping on social platforms, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are a preserve of native apps in terms of performance and functionality.
According to statistics, virtual and augmented reality will be an $83 billion dollar industry by 2021. Whereas virtual reality simulates entire environments through a smartphone; augmented reality literally “augments” the appearance of what’s in front of a user when they look through their mobile screen. Numerous companies have already taken advantage of this technology to offer branded experiences to their customers and even help them make better purchase decisions.
4) Apps Are Incredibly Popular
Statistics demonstrate that adults in America spend an average of 91 hours a month using apps on their mobile devices. So creating your own app will be a great way to connect with new and loyal customers. With just a few engineering resources, you can attract your audience through app marketplaces native to various smartphones. You can also customize the app, depending on the goals your company is trying to achieve.
Apps can be informative, entertaining, or both. There are app creation software packages available, which are pretty affordable and easy to use. While you spend more on custom app design, doing so should be an option as an app has the power to strengthen your brand in a powerful and long-lasting way.
5) Mobile-Friendly Email Gets Results
While texting offers the fastest and the best response times, it’s safe to say that email still gets results. This is why sending out promotional emails that are mobile-friendly will add tons of value to mobile marketing campaigns.
Effective and responsive email design is all about creating messages with shorter line lengths, pre-header text, concise copy, few or no images, and calls-to-action, which appear early on in emails. Something to keep in mind is that mobile is responsible for at least 50 % of all email open rates. So, make sure the email newsletters you deliver to your subscribers are on most mobile email platforms.