Tag Archive for: digital marketing strategies

The Power of Story Branding

The Power of Story Branding: What We Can Learn from Successful Brand Stories

In today’s competitive marketplace, establishing a strong brand identity is essential for businesses looking to stand out and connect with their target audience. One powerful tool that can help achieve this is story branding. By weaving narratives into their brand strategies, companies can create emotional connections, engage customers, and leave a lasting impression. In this article, we will explore inspiring examples of successful brand stories from renowned brands. Additionally, we will uncover valuable lessons you can apply to your own brand strategy.

The Elements of a Compelling Story Branding

Before diving into specific examples, let’s first understand the key elements that make up a compelling brand story. A well-crafted brand narrative typically includes a relatable protagonist, a clearly defined problem or challenge, and a resolution that showcases the brand as the hero. Successful brand stories also incorporate emotional appeals, authenticity, and a sense of purpose. These elements provide a framework for creating stories that resonate with audiences.

  1. Nike – Empowering Athletes around the World

Hidden meaning of 11 world's most famous logos - Nike | The Economic Times

The global sportswear giant, Nike has built its brand around empowering athletes. Through their “Just Do It” campaign, Nike taps into the universal human desire for personal achievement and overcoming obstacles. Their advertisements often feature real-life athletes, showcasing their struggles, determination, and triumphs. By positioning themselves as the supporter and ally of these athletes, Nike establishes a powerful emotional connection with their audience, inspiring them to push beyond their limits and embrace the spirit of victory.

Key Takeaway: By aligning your brand with a higher purpose and leveraging relatable stories of individuals who embody that purpose, you can inspire and motivate your audience.

  1. Coca-Cola – Spreading Happiness and Connection

Coca-Cola logo png

Coca-Cola is known for its ability to evoke emotions and create a sense of nostalgia. Their branding focuses on the idea of bringing people together, celebrating moments of joy, and fostering connections. Through heartwarming commercials, Coca-Cola tells stories that revolve around love, friendship, and shared experiences. These narratives tap into the universal desire for happiness and leave a lasting positive impression on consumers.

Key Takeaway: Highlighting shared values and emotions can forge a deep connection with your audience, making your brand memorable and relatable.

  1. Apple – Empowering Creativity and Thinking Differently

File:Apple logo black.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Apple’s brand story centers around innovation, creativity, and thinking differently. They have effectively established themselves as advocates for those who question conventional norms and surpass limits.

Apple’s advertisements frequently highlight artists, musicians, and visionaries who have used their products to forge extraordinary masterpieces. By associating their brand with groundbreaking individuals and their stories, Apple cultivates an image of cutting-edge technology that empowers people to unleash their creative potential.

Key Takeaway: Align your brand with a specific mindset or ideology to attract like-minded individuals and differentiate yourself in the market.

  1. Patagonia – Advocating for Environmental Conservation

How to Design a Mountain Logo that Reaches New Heights | by Kaejon Misuraca | UX Collective

Patagonia, an outdoor clothing and gear company, has built a brand story around environmental activism and sustainability. Their messaging highlights the importance of protecting the planet and living in harmony with nature.

Patagonia actively engages in social and environmental initiatives, and its campaigns often feature real stories of individuals fighting for conservation. By embodying its values and walking the talk, Patagonia has created a passionate community of environmentally conscious customers who align with its mission.

Key Takeaway: Authenticity and commitment to shared values can attract a loyal customer base and elevate your brand’s impact beyond just products or services.

  1. Airbnb – Building a Global Community of Hospitality

Airbnb logo in transparent PNG and vectorized SVG formats

Airbnb, the online marketplace for accommodations, has successfully leveraged the power of story branding to create a global community of hospitality. Their brand story revolves around the idea of belonging, cultural exchange and connecting people from different backgrounds.

Through their marketing campaigns and user-generated content, Airbnb showcases real stories of hosts and guests who have formed meaningful connections and shared transformative experiences. Airbnb highlights personal stories, tapping into the desire for authentic travel experiences. This creates a sense of trust and belonging within their community.

Key Takeaway: Shifting the spotlight onto the experiences and tales of your clientele can aid in cultivating a close-knit community around your story branding while nurturing a profound sense of belonging and confidence.

  1. Dove – Promoting Self-Acceptance and Beauty Diversity

Dove Logo transparent PNG - StickPNG

Dove, a personal care brand, has embraced a powerful brand story centered around promoting self-acceptance and embracing beauty diversity. Through their “Real Beauty” campaign, Dove challenges societal beauty standards and celebrates the uniqueness and individuality of women.

Their advertisements and initiatives aim to empower women by highlighting their natural beauty and encouraging self-confidence. Dove addresses a common struggle and champions a more inclusive definition of beauty. This approach has led to immense brand loyalty and sparked meaningful conversations.

Key Takeaway: By addressing societal issues and promoting values that resonate with your target audience, you can build a brand story that inspires and empowers, creating a lasting impact.

  1. Kamik – Embracing Nature and Sustainability

Kamik Logo Vector Download - (.SVG + .PNG) - Logovectordl.Com

Kamik, a footwear brand specializing in outdoor and winter footwear, has crafted a brand story that embraces nature and sustainability. Their messaging revolves around enjoying the outdoors while protecting the environment.

Kamik showcases its commitment to sustainability through the use of recycled materials, eco-friendly production processes, and partnerships with environmental organizations. Kamik highlights efforts to minimize its ecological footprint, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers. This resonates with those who prioritize sustainable choices in their purchasing decisions.

Key Takeaway: By aligning your brand story with sustainability and showcasing tangible efforts to protect the environment, you can attract environmentally conscious consumers and differentiate your brand in the market.

  1. Usersnap – Simplifying Feedback and Collaboration

Usersnap Status

Usersnap, a feedback and bug-tracking tool, has developed a brand story centered around simplifying the feedback and collaboration process for businesses. Their messaging emphasizes the importance of effective communication and streamlined workflows.

Usersnap’s story branding example highlights how their software helps teams gather feedback, track bugs, and and enabling seamless collaboration. The emphasis is on improving productivity and delivering enhanced digital experiences. Usersnap addresses the pain points of its target audience. By providing a solution that simplifies complex processes, Usersnap positions itself as a trusted partner in feedback management.

Key Takeaway: Understanding the challenges your target audience faces positions your brand as a reliable and valuable resource. This fosters long-term customer relationships.

Bottom Line

Story branding is a powerful tool for creating a lasting impact in today’s competitive marketplace. By understanding these lessons and applying them to your own brand strategy, you can craft a compelling brand story that resonates with your audience, differentiates your brand, and fosters long-term connections.

Strategies and Trends for Effective Digital Advertising

Every business, regardless of its niche or size, relies on marketing to build brand awareness, reach a target audience, foster customer relationships, and increase sales. But marketing is broad and relies on several networks, platforms, and systems. Digital advertising, for instance, is a form of marketing that is constantly evolving and proving to be quite effective when combined with other forms of digital marketing.

What is Digital Advertising?

Before a customer purchases a product or service, they often go through three critical stages, namely: the awareness stage, the consideration stage, and the decision stage. During these stages, they take their time to understand the business, the team behind it, and how that product or service stands out from the competition.

If a prospective customer doesn’t know of your product or service, you can bet they won’t consider you for business. Therefore, digital advertising plays a critical role in the awareness stage. It ensures that your product or service has a name in the market.

Digital or online advertising relies on various platforms such as social media, search engines, mobile apps, and websites to build brand awareness, engage audiences, and drive desired actions or conversions.

Digital Advertising vs. Digital Marketing 

Many people use the phrases digital advertising and digital marketing interchangeably. And while the two are related, they mean two different things. Simply put, digital marketing is an umbrella term that encompasses all marketing efforts using digital platforms or channels. It involves various strategies and activities to promote business, build awareness, and drive conversations.

Digital marketing may include offline and online tactics such as Search engine optimization, email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, etc.

Digital advertising, however, is a subset of digital marketing, specifically focused on promoting products or services using online advertising channels. It often involves paid placements or ads designed to reach a specific target demographic.

If you are keen enough, you have probably seen a steady change in how businesses advertise their products and services. These changes or trends are no accidents or coincidences. Rather, they are a result of careful adaptation to the evolving digital landscape and the ever-changing consumer behaviors.

Today, for instance, you will find personalized, five-seconds video ads instead of random 5-minutes videos. Ads are also becoming more dynamic, with some incorporating variables such as the current weather, location, or time of day to enhance the user experience and increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Here are the other digital advertising trends to keep an eye on:

  • Interactive ad formats: This is a technique where you involve users or viewers in the ad experience. Standard procedures include incorporating polls, quizzes, interactive videos, or mini-games to encourage user engagement and participation. Another advantage of interactive ads is that you can collect critical data and insights into the audience’s behaviors and preferences.
  • Behavioral targeting: Random ads aren’t effective in engagement and conversion since they don’t speak to the interests and preferences of the target audience. By tracking online interactions and user actions, such as previous purchases, website visits, and search history, it’s possible to deliver personalized and more effective ads.
  • Mobile dominance: The number of mobile users in 2023 is estimated at 6.8 billion, representing an average annual increase of 4.2%. These figures are pushing marketers to rethink their ad campaigns with a specific focus on optimizing them for mobile screens and utilizing mobile apps.
  • Intelligent advertising: AI and automated algorithms are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in digital marketing. Today, AI in digital marketing enables cost-efficient ad placement across multiple channels and allows for precise user targeting.
  • AR and VR Integration: Several companies, such as IKEA, Adidas, and Volvo, increasingly embrace AR and VR technologies in their advertising campaigns to demonstrate products and provide virtual try-on experiences. These technologies increase engagement and boost conversion.

Ways of Advertising Online

Digital or online advertising comes in various forms. However, they are often categorized into two main groups: display ads and native ads. Display ads are the digital evolution of flyers and billboard ads. They feature an ad copy, images or graphics, and a CTA. Examples of display ads include:

  • Popup ads: These are often considered very annoying since they interrupt browsing and require the user to take the specified action or manually close them. Popup ads are still in use, but there are ways you can make them less disruptive.
  • Video ads: include video commercials, TV ads, and Facebook and YouTube ads. Modern video ads across social media channels are highly engaging, personalized, and interactive.
  • Banner ads: These are image-based ads often displayed to the side or above the web content.
  • Rich media ads: Rich media ads may feature text fields, scroll or swipe functionality, and even 360-degree rotatable images.

Native ads, on the other hand, are designed to blend seamlessly with the platform or content used. And as the name suggests, native ads should speak to the audience in a way that makes sense to them. Examples of native ads include:

  • Paid search ads: As a website owner, you pay Google to rank your web pages on the first pages of the Google Search Results Pages (SERPs).
  • Social media ads: You pay your favorite social media platforms, such as Facebook or Instagram, to get posts to rank higher in the platform’s algorithm and appear in the feeds of non-followers with similar browsing or shopping habits.
  • Promoted listings: You pay a listing site to rank your business at the top of the platform’s search results page.
  • Sponsored content: You sponsor a podcast or video, and the owner features your business or displays an ad letting the audience know about your business.
  • Influencer partnership: You pay or partner with a social media influencer who creates awareness for your brand. This technique is powerful, but you need a solid influencer marketing strategy to make this work for your business.

Bottom Line

Now that you know how online advertising works, its examples, and its benefits, it’s time to put everything into action. Typically, you want to have a plan or strategy for how you’ll drive your digital advertising campaign.

This involves understanding your goals and KPIs and knowing your target audience, distribution channels, content materials, and budget. If you are new to digital marketing and online advertising, seek expert help from an experienced and reputable digital marketing firm.

Free Marketing Consultation
Customer Journey vs Buyer Journey

Core Difference Between Buyer Journey vs. Customer Journey

You’ve probably heard a lot about consumer lifecycles and the different terms used to describe said lifecycles, such as buyer journey and sales funnel. They can be a little overwhelming and a little confusing. You might even wonder why some terms seem to describe the same thing, such as buyer journey and customer journey. Don’t be fooled–the buyer journey is very different from the customer journey and it’s important that you know what the difference is. The following is a breakdown of the buyer journey vs. the customer journey.

The Buyer Journey

As we’ve previously discussed, the buyer journey makes up the stages that a consumer goes through up to their decision to purchase a specific product or service from a specific company. This includes the awareness stage, during which they realize that they have a problem; the consideration stage, during which they identify the solution to their problem; and the decision stage, during which they decide what product or service is the best solution to their problem.

The Customer Journey

During the buyer journey, the consumer doesn’t become a customer until the end of the very last stage (the decision stage). However, your relationship with your customers doesn’t end the moment they’ve made a purchase. The real success of a business depends on return customers, after all. This is where the customer journey comes into play.

During the customer journey, you should focus on further developing relationships with your customers through regular engagement. Building relationships will help to increase trust in your brand, which, in turn, will improve customer retention.customer journey

Read about How to Use the Buyer’s Journey to Create Great Content

But getting customers to purchase your products and services again isn’t the only goal. You’ll want to establish customer loyalty, which means that they will only buy those products and services from you–and, eventually, will turn to your company for whatever needs you can offer solutions to.

Nurturing Customers into Brand Ambassadors

Once you’ve managed to build that loyalty, you’ll be able to nurture that customer into a brand ambassador. Consumers tend to trust other consumers much more easily than they trust companies, which is why brand ambassadors offer so much value. Keeping all of this in mind, the following are a few tips to help you nurture your customers through their customer journeys:

  • Initiate engagement following purchases – It’s important that you initiate contact with customers as soon as possible following a purchase. Many businesses use automation to send emails thanking customers for their purchase and even recommending similar products (in an attempt to cross-sell or upsell).
  • Send them relevant content – Continue nurturing your customers by sending them emails with content that is relevant to their engagement history (including their purchases and website behavior). The content you send should be informative and should help improve their brand experience. For example, tips on how to use the product that they purchased or general content relevant to their purchase.
  • Request and listen to feedback – Send your customers surveys or request that they leave reviews. Listen to what they have to say. Customer feedback is valuable to improving your business and can help you improve your relationship with your customers as well.
  • Reward referrals – You can encourage your customers to become brand ambassadors by implementing a referral program. For example, you can offer a discount for every customer that they refer to you.

Also Read How Businesses Use Brand Ambassador Programs To Increase Brand Awareness And Trust

The difference between the buyer journey and the customer journey is that the buyer journey leads up to the purchase whereas the customer journey continues following the purchase. It’s important that you have strategies in place to accommodate consumers during both journeys to help ensure the success of your business.


Inbound marketing will help you grow your business by attracting website visitors, converting them into leads and closing leads into customers


Digital Advertising Trends!

Regardless of its niche or size, every business must position itself in the market to become profitable. And with digital advertising trends coming up every now and then, it takes considerable effort, time, and resources to design an ideal marketing strategy that will work for your unique business.

As a marketer or business owner, digital advertising is crucial to the continuous growth of your products or business. But many do not know that keeping up with the most recent digital marketing trends often means spending your resources to update processes, upskill employees and acquire new systems and inventories. This explains why marketing takes a significant portion of the budget in most companies.

If you are considering updating or revamping your digital advertising strategy this holiday season, there’s a lot you stand to gain. Besides staying ahead of the competition, you also have the potential to reach new customers while building brand awareness. Here are some digital advertising trends you can implement in your business.

Personalization is Key

Before advertising any product or reserve, you must know who you target and why. Most businesses often run their digital advertising campaigns in silos without a keen understanding of their business, customers, and marketing goals.

For instance, if you advertise some digital products, you must first highlight the goals you want to accomplish. These goals should complement your overall marketing goals and be detailed enough to show who you want to target, when, and how often.

To streamline your digital advertising campaigns, you should have a personalization plan. Personalizing your digital ads means giving your prospects what they want when they want it. This helps optimize your campaigns and increase the chances that your prospects will take the desired action.

But how can you incorporate personalization into your digital advertising? Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Create in-depth customer profiles. Before you can target any of your prospects, you should group them accordingly. You can use AI technology to implement lead scoring and effectively segment your target market for proper personalization.
  • Leverage user data. A lot is nested in the user data collected in the various prospects’ touchpoints. A simple site visit, for example, can give many clues and insights into how the prospects interacted with the website and what needs improvement. You can then use these clues to create a winning video advertising campaign.
  • Use dynamic retargeting to re-engage your audience. Modern personalization techniques allow marketers to show certain ads to certain visitors, increasing the accuracy and effectiveness of digital advertising.

Video Ads are On the Rise

Video ads don’t particularly fall into the category of digital advertising trends since it’s been on the market for quite some time. However, this isn’t to say that video advertising is no longer relevant. In fact, recent statistics from Wyzowl show that 91% of businesses will use video as a marketing tool in 2023, up from 86% in 2022.

If you are wondering why the numbers favor video ads, you must first note that videos have a higher engagement than any other piece of content. Most people love visuals, and marketers are rethinking their digital advertising strategies to reflect this trend.

It’s worth noting that video advertising isn’t simple and often involves lots of creativity and expertise if it’s to make a huge impact. Here are some video advertising tips you can deploy to take your marketing to the next level.

  • Ensure the videos are relevant. You can have the best video ads in the world, but if they are irrelevant they will not convert. Relevancy in the digital advertising niche means different things to different people. But you can simply put it – the videos should speak to your prospects’ problems in a relatable, timely, and persuasive way.
  • Use user-generated video ads. Incorporating user-generated videos into your ads may seem impractical, but it’s easier than you think. All you need to do is ensure the video is edited for length and relevancy.
  • Use first-person experience videos. As the name suggests, first-person videos do away with voiceovers and spokespeople, centering the experience on the customers, business owners, founders, etc. The goal is to showcase some sense of presence, ownership, and authenticity of the brand.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization is one of the digital advertising trends of 2023 that’s proving quite effective in the content marketing niche. With more people using their smartphones to access the internet, it’s becoming increasingly necessary for marketers to adapt their techniques to reflect this trend.

The other reason why a mobile-first marketing strategy is crucial is that new technologies such as AR and VR are predominantly app-based, making smartphones and mobile experiences the absolute winner.

By optimizing content for mobile, marketers and business owners can increase the visibility of their products and brands, helping drive the conversation. Using video content as an example, here are a few mobile optimization techniques you can implement:

  • Use square and vertical videos. Most videos with an aspect ratio of 4:5 are ideal for smartphone users and would work best for social media channels like Facebook and Instagram. For YouTube videos, an aspect ratio of 16:9 is ideal.
  • Keep the videos short. The video ads should be short and engaging.
  • Feature the brand or product message early. Since the video is short, ensure you feature the brand early enough. This ensures prospects know what you are promoting as soon as the ad plays.

Make Digital Advertising a Breeze

Digital marketing is one of the highly dynamic fields, and as a digital marketer, you need to stay up to date with the latest digital advertising trends. The three tips we highlighted above are just a few of the many, so feel free to research and try different techniques before picking the best.

Besides being on the lookout for new digital marketing trends, it’s crucial to constantly review your digital marketing strategies to know whether they are effective. You can seek expert help when monitoring your digital marketing strategies to ensure you have the upper hand.


Dan Gartlan helps companies of all kinds drive their business initiatives and achieve their goals. He does this with strategic marketing programs that deliver results. As President of Stevens & Tate Marketing, he has over 20 years of experience across various industries. He continues to share and build brands nationwide.

Creating Creative Video Campaign

The Super Bowl is undoubtedly one of the most celebrated sporting events. It can draw millions of viewers across digital channels and traditional TV platforms. This one-day event with a history of high-profile commercials often means a lot to marketers and business owners. And while many wait a few weeks before the Super Bowl to begin working on their video campaign idea, it’s best to prepare early enough. To create the best video campaigns for the next Super Bowl, you’ll need to review and learn from previous events. That means exploring various video marketing campaigns, including the best and worst Super Bowl commercials.

In the sections below, we’ll discuss a few Super Bowl video marketing ideas and how you can use them to improve your overall video marketing campaigns.

Create a Memorable Pre-game Teaser

You’ve probably watched those super bowl ads that went on to feature in every article for the rest of the year and attracted lots of social media attention. And perhaps you know of some big-time super bowl advertisement fails. The difference between these two sets of video commercials may not be so pronounced and could lie in the finer details.

Making a thirty-seconds pre-game teaser memorable takes a lot of expertise and some trial and error. It also requires understanding emotional advertising, creativity, and proper timing. Sometimes the best ads turn out to be a complete flop, so only after testing them can you confirm the ads will work for your specific audience.

Before consolidating your resources to create a pre-game teaser, you want to focus on delivering the right message in the shortest possible time. A rule of thumb is to be unique while driving the point home. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Ensure your video is relevant to the event. Super-bowl is highly anticipated; you want to capture the thrill and excitement. Everything about your video, from the visuals to the sound, should be engaging, dynamic and compelling.
  • Use suspense. There’s a lot to fit in a 30-second pre-game teaser, and your video should convey just the relevant information without being deemed boring. You can use the various elements of suspense, such as conflict, empathy, and anticipation, to drive the point home.
  • Make the video shareable. Your pre-game teaser won’t be as impactful if it’s not optimized for sharing. Consider promoting your Super Bowl teaser across various social media channels. You can leverage influencers to share your teaser and invite your audience to share their thoughts.

Utilize Humor to Make an Impact

There’s something about humor that makes it irresistibly powerful, especially in the video marketing niche. People anticipating the super bowl want to share in the fun and excitement of their favorite team engaging in a competitive sporting event that’s deeply rooted in their culture. What you don’t want to do is bring in some dull vibes and spoil their uplifted spirit.

Besides making your brand and message more memorable, humor also connects with the audience personally, making them laugh and feel good and relaxed. It also keeps viewers wanting more, it makes your super bowl commercial more sharable across social media and other platforms.

And while everyone knows that humor is critical to a successful viral marketing campaign, most marketers are yet to leverage this low-hanging fruit. But the problem isn’t using humor for video marketing, but how well to integrate humor into a 30-second commercial.

The common mistake many people make when incorporating humor into their marketing is being insensitive to their audience. A good old joke you often circulate in your department can be offensive to certain groups of people. This often comes with a hefty price and could quickly damage your brand’s reputation. Many marketers try to copy past commercials or successful Super Bowl ads, and they end up hurting their image. As much as you want to add humor to your commercial, try not to overdo it.

Leverage Social Media

Not so long ago, Super Bowl ads were meant for the big screens. Large media houses had the monopoly of showcasing whatever ads were lined up during the commercial breaks. This, however, is no longer the case. Nowadays, millions of people watch the Super Bowl from the comfort of their smartphones.

For video marketers, this means a lot as far as video marketing ideas are concerned. Instead of designing Super Bowl ads just for the big screens, you want to design them for social media platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Before creating a Super Bowl ad or teaser, you must carefully plan the delivery. You must also ensure the audience can easily share the video across all social media channels. Most Super Bowl commercials that go viral are well-optimized for social media. They are short and visually stunning and appear on various social media platforms, encouraging people to share the videos and discuss what they think about the game and the video commercials.

The other video marketing ideas you can implement are: posting some sneak previews and behind the scene-videos of the ads on social media. You can also source user-generated content by developing a social media challenge relating to your ad where you invite users to edit the videos for sound and graphics, with the best editor earning some prize, e.g., branded merchandise, the next super bowl ticket, etc.

Make Video Marketing Work for You

Creating an effective video marketing campaign takes a lot of practice and expertise. Unless you can create an informative, visually appealing video that speaks to your audience, you’ll have difficulty selling your products or services. Whether you are a marketer, a business executive, or a business owner, it’s crucial to understand the basics of video marketing. Combining several video marketing ideas and seeking expert advice could mark the difference between failed branding and a golden opportunity to create a memorable ad that steals the show and gets the attention you’ve been longing for.

Caring Communities Webinar 2023

Caring Communities Webinar 2023


Caring Communities is a full-service insurance management company committed to the non-profit senior housing and care industry. They serve over 800 communities in more than 40 states and also have a centralized goal of connecting, sharing, and enriching those around them.

WHERE: Online Webinar

WHEN: June 20th, 2023


The Caring Communities Webinar on Risk management is a great way for you to learn ways to protect and manage your organization. With already over 200+ registered attendees all across the U.S., there will be many opportunities to meet new people in the industry and get real-life perspectives on a very important topic.

Topic: 5 Strategies to Take a WOE Marketing Program to WOW.

President, Dan Gartlan will speak on the 5 Strategies to Take a WOE Marketing Program to WOW. During this session, those in attendance will have an opportunity to create measurable and attainable marketing objectives to clearly define elements that can affect their own organization. Moreover, this engaging session will explore interdependent strategies that focus on brand storytelling, SEO, and social media. You’ll learn cohesive and integrated strategies that work in combination to create the ideal platform for enhanced success, specifically focused on inbound-driven techniques.

Click here to learn more about Dan Gartlan.

Also in attendance will be Nicole Wagner. Nicole holds a Bachelor of Marketing with an Advertising focus from Western Michigan. She is an online marketing expert with extensive experience in all things internet related. She has worked extensively in the aging services industry. Nicole continues to share her knowledge through engaging presentations, seminars, and webinars on a variety of topics nationwide. She has received excellent feedback for her passion, insight, and motivational speaking. She has spoken at numerous conferences, such as AHCA/NCAL and LeadingAge. Although she will not have a presentation, she will be able to answer any question that arises during Dan Garlan’s presentation.

Click here to learn more about Nicole Wagner

To learn more about Caring Communities, click here.

The Buyer's Journey

What is The Buyer’s Journey?

The general goal of every business is to attract consumers and turn them into customers. The process that a consumer goes through before they make a purchase is known as the buyer’s journey. The buyer’s journey has become a lot more complex over the years, especially since the advent of Internet. This is because consumers no longer rely on businesses to hold their hands and to guide them through their buyer’s journey. As a result of digital media, consumers can now navigate much of their buyer’s journey on their own. This also means that everyone’s buyer’s journey is different.

As a business, you will need to meet the needs of the consumer as they move through their buyer’s journey. You’ll need to be able to do this at every stage of their journey in a passive manner until they are ready to be engaged. This may seem like a challenge, but it’s what the entire concept of inbound marketing is built around.

We will be going over the different stages of the buyer’s journey, but before we do, it’s important to understand exactly what the buyer’s journey is and why it’s so important.

What is the Buyer’s Journey?

The buyer’s journey is the process a consumer goes through to research a product and to come to a decision to make a purchase. The buyer’s journey typically begins when a consumer realizes that they have a problem but don’t know what the solution to that problem is. For example, maybe they’ve stained their white carpeting with wine. They don’t know what the best solution is for getting wine stains out of their carpeting, so they will begin doing research online.

This research usually begins with a simple search on Google or other search engines. They will read up on possible solutions through articles and blog posts or view videos on the subject. Through this research, they will learn what products can help solve their problem. They will read up on the different products offered by different brands. The buyer will look into those brands to determine how reputable they are based on a variety of factors. They may contact that brand directly, download a free offer, or sign up to an email list through the course of their research.

The Buyers Journey Explained Stage By Stage

At this point, you would begin building a relationship with them by nurturing them through the sales funnel. At the end of the sales funnel, once they’ve reached the end of the buyer’s journey, they will make their decision and choose a product to buy. This process is split into three main stages:

  • Awareness stage – During this stage, the buyer realizes that they have a problem. They will begin doing research to figure out exactly what their problem is and what the cause of their problem is.
  • Consideration stage – At this point, the buyer has defined their problem and its cause and are doing research into the possible solutions to their problem.
  • Decision stage – The buyer now knows what the solution to their problem is and are comparing products or services as well as different companies to identify the best solution.

The Importance of the Buyer’s Journey

The buyer’s journey may seem long, but the fact is, you’re meeting them halfway through it. The idea of inbound marketing is that you make available a wealth of valuable information (through different forms of content) allowing the consumer to do the majority of their initial research on their own.

However, this means that it’s extremely important that you understand every stage of the buyer’s journey. This is because you’ll want to make sure that you have content available that will be helpful and informative to the consumer no matter what stage of the buyer’s journey they’re in or what channel they’re on. You will also need to be able to identify the stage of the buyer’s journey a consumer happens to be in so that you know when to engage with them.

The buyer’s journey consists of numerous stages that make up the research and decision-making process of a consumer. It is the process that the entire strategy of inbound marketing revolves around, which is why it’s so important that you understand what it is and why it’s important.

Facebook Ads

How Facebook Advertising Helps You

Facebook has had its share of controversy over the past few years, yet it remains as popular as ever. As of this year, there are roughly 190 million Facebook users in the U.S. alone. Worldwide, the monthly user base is approaching three billion. As such, Facebook advertising continues to be an effective way to reach your target audience and to generate leads for your business. If you’re not using Facebook Ads as a part of your social media marketing strategy, then you should consider changing that, immediately.

The Benefits Of Using Facebook Ads

There are plenty of PPC (Pay-per-click) advertising options available across the Internet, including Google Ads. However, there are a number of reasons why you should use Facebook Ads in particular.

  • Reach Facebook users with greater success – There’s no guarantee that the content you post on your page is seen by your audience. Followers may not be online when you post and even if they are, there’s no guarantee your posts show up on their feed. Facebook Ads lets you target specific followers to whom your ads will be relevant so that they will be sure to see them.
  • Remarket to users who engaged with you previously – Facebook users who may have visited your Facebook page or website previously won’t always re-engage. Facebook Ads allows you to target such users to re-engage with them, thereby helping ensure that you don’t miss out on potentially high-quality leads.
  • Facebook Ads are very cost-effective – Like all PPC ads, you can set your bids per click and you will only pay for the actual clicks the ads get. This makes it much easier to control how much of your budget you spend on your ads — and also ensures that you’re only paying for results.
  • Generate new leads on Facebook – Besides being able to target specific users from your follower list, you can also use the “Lookalike Audiences” feature to find and target users that are similar to your followers, thereby allowing you to identify and reach new potential leads.
  • You can scale your Facebook Ads to build on any success – You can scale your ads. This means that if an ad is doing particularly well, you can put more money into it in order to build on its success. Once it’s no longer performing the way you want it to, you can simply stop them. You can also take an ad that’s been successful and duplicate it. This allows you to target a different audience with the same content.
  • Facebook Ads Manager offers in-depth analytics – The analytics tool makes it easy to track and compare ad performance, allowing you to make adjustments to your strategy on the fly.
  • Facebook Ads Manager makes ad creation easy – Facebook Ads Manager makes it incredibly easy to create content for your ads, tailor your ads to your needs, and target specific audiences.

Ready to read more about the benefits of Facebook Advertising ?

How To Use Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager is the feature that will let you create and run your Facebook Ad campaigns. Follow these easy steps to find Facebook Ads Manager:

Ad Center > All Ads > Ads Manager

Once you select Ads Manager, you’ll be directed to the Facebook Ads Accounts page. Here, you can add users to your account and choose roles for each user. These roles can be Ad account admin, advertiser, or analyst.Facebook Advertising

Creating Ads In Facebook Ads Manager

Once you’re on the Ads Manager page, you shouldn’t have much trouble figuring out how to create ads. There’s a Create Ad button at the top right corner. Once you click on it, you’ll be provided with 15 different ad objectives to choose from. You’ll then be presented with a variety of options for customizing your ads. Options include choosing CTA buttons, images, and more. On top of that, you’ll be able to set the budget, the schedule, and your targeted audience, which can include:

  • Users who visited your page
  • Users who engaged with your content
  • Users who clicked on a CTA
  • Users who sent you a message
  • … and more

Once you create your ads and your campaign, you can edit your campaigns, ad sets, or ads. One at a time or in groups. For instance, you can:

  • Edit the campaign, ad set, or ad names
  • Edit your budget
  • Switch on and off
  • Edit the target audience
  • Edit the schedule
  • Edit the ad placement
  • Edit the individual elements of the ad

Leverage Facebook Advertising This Year

Facebook Ads are a great way to engage your followers as well as generate new leads. The customization options and reporting features provided by Facebook Ads Manager make advertising on Facebook a user-friendly experience. As such, be sure to implement the use of Facebook Ads into your social media marketing strategy if you haven’t done so already.

Integrating Social Media & SEO Efforts For Enhanced Search Engine Results
Inbound Marketing Strategies

Effective Inbound Marketing Strategies

Successful inbound marketing depends on your ability to engage your leads and to nurture them through their buyer’s journeys. However, you’re going to have to attract leads first. Because technology keeps evolving and the way that people use the Internet keeps changing, it’s vital that you continuously update your inbound marketing strategies so that you can continue to attract high-quality leads. With that in mind, the following are a few inbound marketing strategies you should consider implementing this year:

1. Focus On Optimizing Your Content For Featured Snippets

Although you can still attract a lot of high-quality leads by ranking first through third on Google’s SERP, it’s no longer the first thing that users see. Instead, the first thing that appears on Google’s SERP is their featured snippets. Websites listed in featured snippets tend to get a boost in organic traffic since searches often click on the website links listed on the snippets.

Learn More about Google’s SERPs

2. Develop Relationships With Micro-Influencers

Social media influencers have massive followings. This means that if they highlight your brand on their channels, it could significantly increase your company’s exposure. However, such social media influencers tend to have broad audiences, which means many of their followers may not fall within your target audience. On top of that, it can be difficult for a small to a mid-sized company to get the attention of such an influencer, much less to convince them to promote your business.

Instead, you should consider finding micro-influencers. These are influencers with smaller audiences that focus on more niche subjects. You’ll have a better chance of building a relationship with a micro-influencer — and their audience will probably have greater overlap with your target audience as well.

3. Create Short Video Content

Although long-form video content is certainly effective, it tends to work better as an engagement tool rather than an attraction tool. Short-form video content does really well on social media especially. People are more likely to watch through the entire video and share it with others on their social channels if it’s on the shorter side. Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok also focus on short video content, and those sites have skyrocketed in popularity over the years.Inbound Marketing Strategies

4. Consider Using Progressive Forms

Potential leads are often discouraged from converting through opt-in forms if there are too many questions.  If they feel like the offer isn’t worth the information they have to give up, they’ll just leave your site without converting. You can solve this issue by using progressive forms. Progressive forms require that leads fill out a new form every time they download a new resource instead of asking for one form to be filled out upfront. The advantage of doing this is that you can just ask for a couple of details each time so that it doesn’t feel like they’re providing that much information to you.

Voice assistants, such as Siri and Alexa, have drastically increased the number of voice searches performed over the past few years. While text-based searches are still the most popular way to perform a search online, voice searches continue to increase. In 2019, a third of the U.S. population used voice search. As such, you may want to begin optimizing for voice search. You can do this by adding a voice search snippet to your blog posts. You can also begin writing content in a more direct and conversational way.

6. Optimize Your Website For Mobile Use

There are now billions of smartphone users in the world today. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile use, it’s going to hurt your search rankings. Additionally, mobile users who do stumble onto your site are going to have all kinds of trouble navigating it. This is because a site not optimized for mobile use won’t display correctly on smaller screen sizes.

7. Adjust Your Content Strategy Around The Use Of Clusters

Topic clusters are a more organized way to create content. Essentially, you create a pillar page on a certain topic, then create separate pages (such as blog posts) that cover related subtopics. These pages are then all linked to your pillar page, creating a cluster of content. The reason this is so effective is that it leads to a higher number of internal links. As such, visitors have an easier time navigating through relevant content, while search engines have an easier time identifying context, which can lead to boosted rankings and more organic traffic.

Finding new ways to attract your target audience is critical to your inbound marketing efforts. Because people change the ways that they use the web as they adapt to new technology, it’s important that you continually revisit your inbound strategies. As such, consider implementing some of these inbound marketing strategies to attract new leads in 2021.

lead generation tips
Social Media Channels

New Social Media Channels and Clubhouse

Social media marketing is an essential way to expand your reach, increase your brand authority, build relationships with your audience, and drive traffic to your website. This is no secret to anyone, which is why businesses of all sizes have established a social media presence on some of the more popular social platforms, including Facebook and Twitter. However, as important as it is to market on the biggest social media platforms, you should always keep an eye out for newer social media channels. Ignoring new platforms in favor of focusing on the most popular social media sites can cause you to fall behind quickly. After all, platforms such as TikTok can gain massive traction over as little as a year. With that in mind, we recommend that you consider the Clubhouse app.

What Is The Clubhouse App?

The Clubhouse is unique in that it combines the social aspects of an online forum with the conversational aspects of a podcast. If you’re confused by this description, don’t be. To break it down further, it’s basically an audio-only social media network. The way it works is simple — there are different Rooms that you can join. In each Room, a live audio conversation is going on. You can listen to this conversation as well as join in.

Social Media Channels

The Clubhouse is a little over a year old, but it’s already gaining notice after both Bill Gates and Elon Musk appeared in Clubhouse rooms. One of the things that makes the Clubhouse app attractive to many users at the moment is its exclusivity. While there are over 10 million users, the app is currently only available on iOS. Additionally, you can only gain access to the social media platform through an invitation by a user.

How To Use The Clubhouse App

Users build their profiles based on their interests. They can then search the app for Rooms that focus on their interests, follow individuals on Clubhouse, and send messages. The Clubhouse homepage displays Rooms that are live at the time and that are related to the user’s interests (or that are being run by people the user is following). There’s also an Explore feature that let’s users scroll through suggested people, Rooms, or Clubs to follow.

Each Room is basically a live conversation that you can listen to or participate in. As you might imagine, it could get quite hectic if there are hundreds of people trying to talk over each other in any given room. To avoid this, users who join the room are muted automatically. The people who are running the room essentially have the floor. Users can then click on the Raise Hand button if they want to contribute to the conversation (such as by asking a question). One of the people running the room can then unmute that user if they want to hear what they have to say. Attendees can only see the profiles of the moderators and speakers, unless another user is invited to speak after raising their hand, in which case their profile can also be seen.

Starting a Room is easy. There’s a Start a Room button on the app’s homepage. You can start a closed chat (open to specific users), a social chat (open to followers), or an open chat (open to anyone).

How Can Clubhouse Help Your Marketing Strategy?

In the beginning, Clubhouse was meant as a social media platform for industry elites, such as CEOs, social media influencers, and celebrities. This is no longer the case, although general users are attracted to rooms being run by such members. The question is, how can joining Clubhouse be of benefit to your business? Essentially, Clubhouse could help you to connect with your target audience and expand your reach. More importantly, you could use Clubhouse to boost your brand authority.

For example, a small group of accountants might hold a discussion about taking deductions on your tax return. Such a discussion is going to be very informative for people who are looking to save money on their taxes, especially if it’s tax season. Not only will listeners be able to learn about the subject by joining the room (and listening as well as asking questions), but the accountants will get some exposure for their business as well. If their discussion proves informative, listeners who weren’t familiar with them might check out their website and connect with them further off of the app.

Read More About Posting on Social Media

Taking Advantage Of New Social Media Channels Like Clubhouse

Paying attention to new social media platforms over the years is vital to keeping your social media marketing strategyrelevant and fresh. Not only can you continue to reach a larger audience by expanding your presence to new channels, but new social media platforms like Clubhouse often provide new and innovative ways to connect with your audience.Integrating Social Media & SEO Efforts For Enhanced Search Engine Results