smart goal examples

5 SMART Goal Example For Business Development

A SMART goal is basically what the acronyms from the name suggest. It is specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant and time bound. The Smart Goal process provides a frame where you can create a long term goal. It also provides a time limit for you to work on the same goal. By doing this business’ are 70% more successful in achieving their goals thanks to regular check-ins, updates and group accountability. Below are a few smart goals examples for business development that will help you understand the system better and enhance your business.

Smart Goal Examples for Business

  • “I Want To Increase My Profits”
  • “I Want To Improve My Response Time to Customer Complaints”
  • “I Want To Improve My Employee Retention”
  • “I Want To Be More Efficient In My Business Operations”
  • “I Want To Grow My Business Operation”


“I Want To Increase My Profits”

smart goal examples
Specific: I will increase revenue while cutting down on expenditure. Moving to a more affordable premise that will cut my rent by 7% will reduce the operational costs.

Measurable: I will increase sales over the next 3 months by signing in 5 more potential clients.

Attainable: I will improve my current customer relationships and promote the business through referrals, networking and through social networks. This will help me find more leads and therefore see to an increase in revenue for the business.

Relevant: moving to a cheaper establishment will reduce the operational cost of my business and therefore give room to the growth of profits.

Time-bound: I will have increased my profit by the end of the coming three months.

Also Read: Maximizing Profitability: How to Calculate and Improve Customer Lifetime Value

“I Want To Improve My Response Time to Customer Complaints”

smart goal examples
Specific: I will improve the response time to customer complaints by increasing my customer service staff from 3 to 8 in the next one year.

Measurable: the increase in customer service staff is scheduled to take place within one year. It should bring the number to a total of 8.

Attainable: as I plan on moving to a new establishment I will ensure the place has enough room to accommodate the additional staff members I intend to have in the next one year.

Relevant: I will find ways to manage the complaints meanwhile in order to maintain the customer base I have and strive to grow the client base even further to match the additional customer service staff.

Time-bound: I will have hired the customer service staff by the end of one year.

Learn More about: Creating Measurable Social Media Goals


“I Want To Improve My Employee Retention”

smart goal examples
Specific: I will improve the employee turnover by 15% in 90 days by putting up training for the new employees to let them know what is expected of them and have a program for them to get used to the operation systems. I will also have one-on-one meetings with employees so that I get to know what challenges they could be facing.

Measurable: the improvement in employee turnover is scheduled to be by about 15% and should take place within 90 days.

Attainable: trainings and one-on-one meetings will ensure the employees are prepared for what is expected of them when they get into production. It also give me a hint of what’s on their mind concerning general operations of the business.

Relevant: outstanding employees will be put up for a reward system. For the ones that might be having a difficult time, there will be motivation trainings for encouragement.

Time-bound: employee turnover will have improved within 90 days


“I Want To Be More Efficient In My Business Operations”

smart goal examples
Specific: I will improve my efficiency in business operations by challenging my sales department to increase their closing ratio from its current 45% to at least 60%. They could also work on improving the delivery time from 72hours to at least 12hours maximum.

Measurable: the sales people are supposed to increase their closing ratio from 45% to 60% and the delivery time improved to 12 hours from the initial 72hours

Attainable: I will conduct a survey to find out what both the clients and the sales team think about the idea. I will implement it as soon as the idea passes as valid.

Relevant: increasing the number of motorbikes and pickups that will do courier services for us will help make the plan a success

Time-bound: this should happen in one year.


“I Want To Grow My Business Operation”

Specific: open three more branches countrywide within five years

Measurable: the objective is to increase operations and revenue for the business. This will, in turn, facilitate the growth to three more branches.

Attainable: increasing my current selling space by 25% will mean more production. This can help me save for the planned growth to 4 branches countrywide.

Relevant: increasing production, operations and revenue will mean a larger client base thus the need for more branches will not be a wasteful idea after all.

Time-bound: establishing the branches should be within the next five years.

Learn More About: How Smart Goals Should Align With Your Business Goals


As much as an organization will work to ensure that its business goals are smart, they will never be flawless. It is, however, essential to ensure they give their teams tasks within their capability and make decisions using accurate data from their past operations while setting new smart business goals. The rest will work out just fine.

Form CTA

What AI means To B2B Marketing Strategies

Artificial intelligence is no longer just a concept explored through pop culture; it’s a very real thing that has become increasingly prevalent throughout society, even in the creation of B2B marketing strategies. In fact, the use of AI is practically commonplace now. For example, the use of AI is what allows Amazon to recommend personalized products based on your buying and browsing habits. It also allows your GPS to provide you with the best possible route. For business owners and marketers, AI has also become essential to improving B2B marketing strategies.

The Benefits of AI in B2B Marketing Strategies

The following are just a few ways that the use of AI can help to improve B2B marketing strategies:

Improve the customer experience via personalization

Businesses no longer directly interact with brands when they are doing product or service research. This means it can be difficult to mine information from potential clients or business partners. The use of AI technology for B2B Marketing can help you collect data that provides insight into the behavioral patterns of both existing and potential clients or partners. This means that your marketing efforts no longer have to be limited to certain sectors, you’ll be able to target specific businesses with messages designed to provide solutions to their specific needs, thereby improving the customer experience as well.

Improve your marketing strategy

The use of behavioral analysis and machine learning can help you to better understand what the pain points of your target audience is. Behavioral analyses also allows you to craft a more effective marketing strategy to reach and convert that audience.

Save money by saving time

The use of AI technology means that you don’t have to spend hours analyzing data. This type of data can be collected and analyzed by AI programs for you. It will allow you to dedicate more time to other aspects of your business.

Improve results with lead scoring

Trying to chase down every lead is typically a waste of time since not all leads are equal. The use of AI for b2b marketing strategies can allow you to score your leads using all of the behavioral data that you’ve collected. This, in turn, allows you to pinpoint businesses that are much more likely to convert. It allows for a better use of your resources since you can identify the best prospects and prioritize your most promising accounts.

The use of artificial intelligence will help to improve your B2B marketing strategies in any number of ways, whether it’s by helping you to collect and organize more valuable data that can be used to more effectively target qualified leads using personalization, or simply being able to make better use of your resources. Be sure to visit us at Stevens & Tate to take advantage of our free downloadable marketing tools, which can be leveraged to help improve your B2B marketing efforts.

For more resources on Attraction Marketing, click here.

Download Our White Paper Guide To Learn How To Perfect Buyer Personas For Your Business

Want to Get Valuable Buyers? The Key is the “Ideal” Buyer Persona

As marketers, we all know that Buyer Persona provides valuable insights into our target audiences’ behaviors, motivations, and pain points. They help us shape messaging, refine our strategies, and create more personalized marketing campaigns. However, does that mean you should serve every buyer who fits your general profile?

The answer is NO! Not all buyers are equally valuable to your business. Some may engage with your brand but never convert. Others may make a one-time purchase without long-term commitment. This is why identifying your ideal buyer persona is crucial.

Rather than marketing to everyone, shift your focus to the RIGHT customers — those who are more likely to buy, stay loyal, and generate higher lifetime value. By prioritizing these high-value buyers, you can optimize your efforts, maximize ROI, and drive sustainable growth.

Buyer Persona vs. Ideal Buyer Persona:
Ideal Buyer Persona Win

ideal customer profile

Whenever we start to consider who our buyers are, we begin by giving them a name. We define their job, lifestyle, and buying behavior. These semi-fictional representations of a typical customer help guide our marketing strategies. They shape messaging, targeting, and outreach efforts. But general buyer personas don’t necessarily represent the most valuable customers.

An Ideal Buyer Persona, on the other hand, is a refined, data-driven version. It is based on high-value, high-converting customers. These individuals engage deeply, purchase repeatedly, and contribute to long-term profitability. By prioritizing the right buyers, you ensure smarter marketing investments. And further help you achieve stronger retention rates and higher ROI.

Buyer Persona IDEAL Buyer Persona
Focus Covers a broad audience, including low-value customers Targets customers with the highest lifetime value
  • General marketing 
  • Messaging personalization
  • Optimized targeting
  • Sales efficiency
  • Business growth
Business Impact Lead to generic marketing strategies Strategically focuses efforts on the most profitable customer segments

How to Find Your Ideal Customer Persona

Identifying your ideal customer persona goes beyond surface-level demographics — it requires a strategic, data-driven approach to understanding your highest-value customers. By leveraging real insights from sales data, CRM analytics, and customer behavior, you can accurately pinpoint the audience segments most likely to engage, convert, and drive long-term business growth.

If the process feels overwhelming, don’t worry. This step-by-step guide will break it down, making it easier to get started.

  1. Dive Into the Data and Analyze Your Best Existing Customers

    Your ideal customer already exists within your current customer base. Start by identifying your highest-value customers based on:

    • RFM Analysis – This measures how recently a customer purchased, how often they buy, and how much they spend on your company’s products or services. Customers with high RFM scores are not only highly engaged but also among your most profitable buyers.
    • Revenue Contribution – Understanding who drives the most revenue or makes repeat purchases is key. Are they high-ticket buyers or frequent shoppers? Identifying these customers helps you refine your acquisition strategy and attract more of the right buyers.
    • Other KPIs – Beyond RFM and revenue, what additional metrics matter to your company? Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)? Engagement metrics? Churn rate? Any data-driven insights that indicate customer retention, brand loyalty, or long-term profitability can help pinpoint your most valuable buyers.
      Learn More About: How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value
  2. Identify the key

    customer insights

    After distilling your most valuable buyers, the next step is to uncover the common attributes that define them. Start by examining both demographic and behavioral patterns to gain a clearer understanding of who they are. To go beyond surface-level insights, delve into their motivations, pain points, buying journey, and preferred communication channels. Think about what drives them to buy, which marketing messages resonate most, and how they interact with your brand across different touch points.
    Learn More About: Consumer Buying Journey

    In the next section, We’ll explore the key attributes you should consider when building your ideal buyer persona in the next section.

  3. Validate and Continuously Update Your Ideal Buyer Persona

    You can shape your communication message and marketing strategy around the key characteristics of your high-value buyers. However, defining your ideal buyer persona isn’t a one-time task—it’s an ongoing process that requires constant validation and refinement to remain relevant.

    As market trends shift, customer behaviors evolve, and new data becomes available, your ideal persona must also adapt to reflect these changes. To stay ahead, make it a priority to regularly revisit your CRM data, sales reports, and customer insights. By doing so, you can identify emerging patterns and shifts in buyer behavior, allowing you to fine-tune your strategy accordingly.

Important Characteristics Should be Included in an Ideal Buyer Persona

Everyone has a different background and unique characteristics. However, certain commonalities drive them to purchase the same product or service. These shared traits help define an ideal buyer persona. Take a look at the following Ideal Buyer Persona template, which outlines the key characteristics that should be considered when defining your ideal customers.

Demographics Geographics Psychographics Buying Behavior Communication Habit
  • Age range
  • Gender
  • Income level
  • Education level
  • Job title and industry
    (for B2B businesses)
  • Location
  • Urban vs. rural preferences
  • Cultural influences
  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Values
  • Beliefs
  • Goals
  • Buying frequency
  • Research habits
  • Decision influencers
    (Price, Quality, Social proof)
  • Platforms
  • Content formats
  • Messaging tone
  • Messaging style

In short, identifying your ideal buyer persona is not just about understanding your customers—it’s about refining your marketing efforts to target the right audience. Instead of casting a wide net and hoping for conversions, focusing on high-value, high-converting customers allows you to optimize your budget, increase engagement, and drive long-term profitability.

What’s Next?

Ready to define and implement your ideal buyer persona?

Let’s connect and see how we can help you optimize your marketing strategy for better results today!


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brand development

How To Drive Brand Awareness

Awareness, as we alluded to in our first article Using The Right Media Mix During Each Stage Of The Buyer’s Journeys, is a two way street. On the one hand your potential buyers become aware they have a problem that needs a solution, and on the other you as a marketer must boost brand awareness in order for them to find you, your content, and consequentially your products or services.

Let’s explore what is brand awareness is?

What is Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which consumers are familiar with and recognize a brand. It measures how readily a brand comes to mind and how well consumers understand what the brand represents. In other words, how well do they identify with your brand name, its characteristics, your logo, or other things that strongly correlate to the products or services you offer. And while many major corporations have a significant hold on their respective markets with their branding, how can you as a marketer drive brand awareness? Let’s take a look.

How To Drive Brand Awareness?

Keywords and SEO

Your blog is the destination you want all prospective buyers to land on during their awareness stage, and keywords and SEO may as well be the road map to get them there. Getting found through search is the cornerstone of inbound.

As a matter of fact, the top 3 search results typically get 50% of the clicks which is exactly why you should strive to get your search results to the top of search engines. The search engine optimization game; however, is more of a marathon than a sprint and instant results likely won’t see your brand become the cream of the crop in the long run.

Correctly keywording your blog posts and your site as a whole will improve your company’s overall credibility which will in turn create trust between your brand and your site’s visitors. Additionally, SEO gives you a quantifiable, trackable avenue for your marketing by helping you see real data from your search results. For more on the nitty gritty of how SEO can boost your brand awareness, check out our blog post for how to optimize website for great results.

Keywords themselves will only get you so far, so let’s take a look at how to tie your target keywords into meaningful content via blogs.

Also Read: How Your SEO Benefits From A Long Term Strategy


brand awareness

For small and large businesses alike, driving brand awareness starts with a healthy group of focused, educational content pieces in the form of your brand’s blog. Any successful blog starts by finding a topic that people are interested in. Add in a few internal links, some CTAs, and you’re mostly good to go. Here are a few of expert tips to have a successful blog:

  • Proper Formatting – The meat of your blog is its content, so format it in a way that makes sense and helps your posts flow. Break the content up into short paragraphs for easier reading and intersperse some relevant offers and promotions throughout the body.
  • Attractive Titles – Titles should accurately and attractively reflect the body of the blog post. Keep your titles between 50 and 60 characters for search engines.
  • Pretty Pictures – Add some relevant pictures to your post to make it more eye-catching. Be sure to alt text the pictures in your blogs to help boost SEO.
  • Links and CTAs – Internal links help keep users on your page and help them take in more of your expertise. CTAs help convert visitors to leads through well-designed landing pages with offers as the end result for the user.
  • Consistency is Key – Regular blog posts with fresh content will keep your subscribers coming back to your brand. Start with one quality blog per week then expand as you feel comfortable.

While these tips are great foundational resources for your blog, tying them to your keywords is crucial to getting found organically via search engines. Once you’ve found a long tail keyword or group of keywords that work for your blog, it’s important to use those words naturally (generally 3-5 times) throughout the body of each blog post. Also, link similarly keyworded content to the keywords you use and connect the web of your websites SEO.

Social Media

The final piece to brand awareness as it pertains to your buyer’s journey is social media. While social media is the last piece of the awareness puzzle we’re mentioning, it may very well be the first place your buyers land when seeking information to solve their problem.

Social media sites are some of the most indexed by search engines on the entire world wide web. With hundreds of millions of posts daily by businesses and individuals alike, social media is a crucial hub of activity for your content and your buyers. In all likelihood, ceteris paribus, your brand’s social media sites will be scrolled and indexed before your brand’s blog or website which makes brand awareness through social media all the more critical.

Posting on social media is an art and a skill that can be honed by knowing your buyer personas, what social media platforms they use, and what your goals for social media are especially as it relates to driving B2B sales. Tailoring your messages within those confines will make sure that the things you’re publishing are on point, relevant, and capable of converting interested parties into leads. Lead conversion in social media means attaching a meaningful CTA or offer to each of your posts to give your potential buyers the chance of becoming more aware of your brand through offers.

Also Read: When Are the Best Times to Post On Social Media?

Next: Lead Nurturing During the Consideration Stage

In our next article we’ll move further down your sales funnel as we examine what happens during the consideration stage of your buyer’s journey including leveraging drip emails, marketing automation, and remarketing to move your buyers into the decision making stage.

Integrating Social Media & SEO Efforts For Enhanced Search Engine Results

Multi-Touch Attribution image

How Multi-Touch Attribution Can Boost Your Marketing Strategy and ROI

Let’s imagine someone first discovered your company’s offer on Instagram, then joined your email list, and finally made a purchase on Amazon. It’s tempting to give all the credit to Amazon just because that’s where the sale happened. But that overlooks how Instagram sparked the initial interest and how your emails kept them engaged. If you only focus on that last touchpoint, you miss out on the bigger picture of how each platform contributed. A multi-touch attribution model uncovers the value of each channel. It helps you make smarter decisions about your omnichannel strategy and where to invest your time and budget.

What is Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA) Model

Multi-touch attribution is a marketing effectiveness measurement technique that factors in every touchpoint along the customer journey that contributes to a conversion. This includes channels, campaigns, and any interactions, ensuring that each one receives credit for its role.

As mentioned earlier, only focusing on the last touchpoint and ignoring earlier interactions means you risk misjudging which channels truly drive awareness, engagement, and trust. Not to mention, modern customers often have much longer buying journeys. Research shows that over 70% of consumers take a month or more from initial brand engagement to making a purchase. MTA offers a way to see how each channel works together so you can make more accurate, precise decisions about budget allocation, strategy, and communication tactics.

What Are Common Multi-Touch Attribution Models

1. Linear or Even-Weighted Model:

It is assigns equal credit to every touchpoint in the customer journey, ensuring that all marketing efforts are recognized. This is a simple and straightforward model while doesn’t account for the varying levels of impact that different touch points may have on the buyer’s decision-making process.

2. Time Decay Model:

It is gives more credit to touch points that occur closer to the moment of conversion. This approach assumes that interactions nearer to the purchase decision are more influential in driving the sale. While it effectively highlights recent, impactful activities, it may undervalue earlier touch points that are crucial for building awareness and interest.

3. Position-Based (aka U-Shaped or W-Shaped) Model:

It is distributes most of the credit to the first and last touchpoints, with the remaining credit allocated to key interactions in the middle of the journey. In a U-Shaped model, the first and last interactions receive significant credit. The W-Shaped model adds extra weight to important mid-funnel touch points, such as email sign-ups or white paper downloads. This balanced approach provides a comprehensive evaluation of marketing efforts.

4. Data-Driven Model:

Unlike the first three models, which rely on predefined rules, this model uses machine learning to determine the precise impact of each touchpoint on conversions. It assigns credit based on the actual influence each interaction has on driving sales or leads. This method offers the most accurate insights but requires robust data infrastructure and advanced analytical tools, making it more complex and resource-intensive to implement.

How to Get Started with Multi-Touch Attribution Model

team members sit around to discuss the marketing data analytic process

There are ton of benefits to adopting MTA to evaluate your marketing efforts and budgets. Don’t let this new concept intimidate you. Getting started with Multi-Touch Attribution doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By following a step-by-step approach, you can start small, implement the model effectively, and gradually gain more accurate and insightful marketing measurements.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Define Your Goals and KPIs:
    Are you measuring lead generation, online sales, or customer retention? Establishing clear goals and KPIs will help guide your attribution efforts and ensure alignment with your business objectives.
  • Map the Customer Journey:
    Identify all the touch points your customers interact with, from awareness to conversion. It is will help you track the right data and ensure no key interaction is overlooked.
    You May Also Want to Read: Core Difference Between Buyer Journey vs. Customer Journey
  • Choose the Right Attribution Model:
    Select an attribution model that fits your current needs and data capabilities. If you’re new to MTA, start with a simpler model like Linear model. For more advanced insights, consider Position-Based or Data-Driven models as your data infrastructure matures.
  • Invest in Your Marketing Performance Tracking Tools:
    Platform like google Analytics 4, HubSpot, Semrush or specialized attribution software are excellent options for you to collect necessary data using for MTA analysis.
    You May Also Want to Read: What’s New With Google Analytics – How To Measure Your Audience
  • Test, Monitor, and Optimize Your Model:
    Implementing an MTA model is just the beginning. Regularly test your attribution model by comparing its insights with actual performance data to ensure it aligns with your business goals. And make sure continually monitor key metrics to identify trends and pinpoint areas for further improvement and optimization.

Multi-Touch Attribution is a game-changer for marketers looking to understand the full value of their marketing and communication efforts across channels. By accounting for every interaction in the customer journey, it provides a more accurate, insightful view of what drives conversions, helping you allocate budgets effectively and optimize strategies. Don’t hesitate to explore this model—it could be the key to transforming your marketing success.

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Creating Advertising Strategies That Work

Advertising is an integral ingredient in marketing for building a successful business. It’s how you make your business, products, or services known to your target audience. You must devise creative advertising strategies if you want your customers to choose your products or services over the competitors’.

While there are many ways to advertise, your chosen strategy must fit your brand objectives. This post looks at some advertising strategies in marketing and guides you on creating one that works for your business.

Defining an Advertising Strategy

An advertising strategy is an action plan that aims at the following:

Your advertising strategy is part of your comprehensive marketing plan. They must align with your company goals and objectives and can be a mix of digital and traditional marketing channels. These are the two broad categories of advertising strategies. Traditional marketing entails using media like:

  • Television ads
  • Billboards
  • Prints ads
  • Direct mail
  • Street teams

Digital advertising tactics include the following:

  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Content marketing
  • Search engine optimization
  • Pay-per-click advertising
  • Social media marketing
  • Influencer marketing

Steps to Creating Effective Advertising Strategies in Marketing

Having the most effective advertising strategy in marketing takes time to achieve. You must continually fine-tune your approach to determine the advertising methods that best engage your customers.

If you’re starting or want to overhaul your current advertising strategy, here’s a template you can use:

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Your advertising strategy should be about reaching out to the people interested in purchasing your products or services. Consider the specific demographics of this target group, including the following:

  • Their gender
  • Age
  • Attitudes
  • Personal values and attitudes
  • Income levels
  • Occupation.

With this information, you can create a buyer person or a fictional representative of the target customer base that your business wants to reach. The consumer profile of your target audience can give you an abstract idea of what your customers want. You can use this to shape your advertising message.

2. Determine Your Advertising Objectives

Once you identify your target audience, ask yourself why you want to advertise. There could be different goals to achieve through advertising, such as boosting sales, promoting newly launched products, or increasing website traffic. It could also be to create awareness about a product’s benefits.

Having clarity of purpose is a crucial step forward in the direction of creating an effective advertising strategy. Your marketing objectives can also inform your choice of advertising platforms, as different channels have varying outcomes.

3. Create Your Advertising Content

Once you determine what you want to achieve through your advertising strategy, it’s time to create content that helps you achieve this goal. Some factors to help in your content creation strategy are the following:

  • Having an SEO strategy such as voice or video search for local and mobile SEO
  • Keyword research for more insights into what your customers want to see
  • Having a blog or website that you regularly update with relevant, educating, and engaging content
  • Creating attractive landing pages that trigger a sales funnel for your business.

Influencers and content marketing agencies can help you craft relevant content that enables you to put your brand message out there. Forging partnerships with these professionals can help you reach your target audience in ways that automated content advertising strategies cannot.

4. Choose Your Advertising Platforms

In choosing your advertising platforms, consider those most helpful in reaching your target audience. In this digital era, only a tiny percentage of businesses will consider traditional marketing channels as their primary platforms. Digital advertising platforms are more likely to reach a broader audience and have a greater return on investment.

Consider incorporating a mix of advertising channels to test their viability for your business. Online marketing provides an array of advertising strategies, as previously mentioned. However, if you’re new to advertising, you’d rather stick to a few channels first.

Once you accumulate enough analytics and data from the channels, you can determine their effectiveness and consider branching out to other platforms. After testing the results, you can create a vibrant mix of responsive media for an effective advertising strategy.

5. Audit the Results and Keep Improving

Launching an advertising strategy is only the beginning of your business promotion strategy. You must also analyze and refine the various advertising methods you use. A/B testing is one of the approaches you can use. It entails showing different types of ads to similar customers. Then, you can gauge the messages with better click-through rates. Investing more in ad messages with higher click-through rates can yield better returns for your business.

Your marketing team should constantly be on its toes to review marketing campaign metrics. Consequently, it should engage in relevant targeting to reach a broad audience. Assessing and refining advertising strategies is an ongoing process as long as your business operates.

Effective Advertising Strategies in Marketing Are Crucial to Your Business Success

A business without a well-structured advertising strategy in marketing will fail because it lacks a systematic method of reaching its customers. An advertising plan creates brand awareness and tells your customers why they should choose your products or services, not your competitors’.

Creating a strategy that works and withstands the test of time can be complex, but the steps above can help you get started. With time, you can fine-tune the plan to add more steps depending on what works best for your business. You should eventually be able to automate your advertising strategy for marketing and reap from the investment.

smart goal examples for marketing

SMART Goal Examples That Will Make You a Better Marketer

When creating your inbound marketing strategy, it’s important that you set smart goals for marketing as part of your planning process. Without smart goals, you won’t be able to judge the performance of your inbound marketing tactics. This means you’ll have no idea whether your money is being put to good use. When you have goals in place, you can make adjustments to underperforming tactics. However, one of the mistakes many brands make is to set goals that are vague or too broad, such as “increasing brand awareness” or “building brand authority.” This article will talk about good smart and examples that are helpful in marketing. 

What Are Smart Goals?

SMART goals are goals that are (S)pecific, (M)easureable, (A)ttainable, (R)elevant, and (T)ime-bound. They are clearly defined goals that are realistic, quantifiable, and focused. By implementing these goals, you’ll know exactly what kind of results you’re aiming for and how to accomplish them. The following is a more detailed breakdown of SMART goals:

  • Specific goals – Specific goals are metrics that you want to improve, such as leads or visitors.
  • Measurable goals – To track the progress you’re making, you need to quantify your goals. For example, a type of event increased the number of visitors to your site by 20 percent.
  • Attainable goals – It’s important that your goal is something that’s actually possible. For example, doubling the number of visitors to your site in one month is probably unrealistic. Increasing your visitors by 10 percent may not be, especially if you managed to increase your visitors by 5 percent the previous month.
  • Relevant goals – Make sure that reaching the goals you’ve set will actually have an impact. For example, hitting your goal to increase your website traffic by 10 percent may not mean much if you have a high bounce rate or if none of these visitors are converting.
  • Time-bound goals – Set a deadline to meet your goals so that there’s some pressure to actually accomplish them.

Examples Of How Smart Goals Should Align With Your Business Goals

SMART Goal Examples

The following are a few SMART goal examples for marketing to give you an idea of how you can implement SMART goals in your marketing strategy:

  • Bring in more web traffic – Increasing web traffic is a very general goal. The SMART goal version of this might be to increase web traffic by 10 percent within one month. This includes the use of SEO, social engagement and content marketing to increase lead generation.SMART goals for email marketing
  • Increase email subscribers Email marketing is an excellent way to nurture leads. A SMART goal version could be to increase your email subscribers by 20 percent within one month using your Facebook ad budget on blog posts that have previously captured the most email subscribers.
  • Gather a webinar audience – If you are planning a webinar, then you can use a SMART goal to help measure its success. Let’s say you’ve already collected 100 signups within two weeks. The seminar is scheduled in one month. Your SMART goal might be to double your signups for your webinar by the webinar date through social, email, and blog promotion in order to close more sales.

These are a few SMART goal examples in marketing. These SMART goal examples take some very basic marketing goals and make them more actionable and measurable. The use of SMART goals in marketing can really help you get the most out of your marketing dollars. This is because you can use the results (whether you end up meeting your goals or not) to set future goals that may be more realistic and impactful.

lead generation tips

High Quality Backlink2

The Importance of Earning High Quality Backlinks

One of the major goals of an inbound marketing campaign is to be found online. There are many tactics that you can implement in order to achieve this. One such tactic is through link building, especially high-quality backlinks. Link building refers to getting other websites to link to your content.

The more high quality backlinks that you earn to your website, the more traffic you’ll receive. Because of the nature of high-quality backlinks, there’s a good chance that this traffic will consist of high-quality leads. Because of this, you should try to earn as many high-quality backlinks as possible.

High-Quality Backlinks Benefits

There are two major benefits of high-quality backlinks. The first is that a website that links to your content is doing so to provide its audience with a quality source that they think will benefit them. This means that your content will be exposed to an audience that is likely going to be relevant to your brand. Backlinks from websites with particularly big audiences are going to result in a lot of web traffic to your site as well, which can result in more potential leads.

The second benefit of earning high-quality backlinks is that they indicate to Google that your content is of high quality. After all, a reputable website wouldn’t send its audience to your page if the content wasn’t helpful or relevant. As such, Google factors the number of high-quality backlinks that your content earns into its page rankings. This means that the more high-quality backlinks you earn, the higher your page is probably going to appear on their SERP. As a result, you’ll gain more exposure and more organic web traffic.

Also Read: Content Marketing Misconceptions

How to Earn High-Quality BacklinksHigh Quality Backlink2

Earning high-quality backlinks might seem like a matter of luck. After all, you have no control over whether another website decides to link to your content. However, this isn’t necessarily true. There are several ways that you can increase the chances of being linked to. The following are a few tips on how you can earn more high-quality backlinks:

  • Create high-quality content – The first thing that’s required to earn backlinks is to have content worth linking to. This means that you should focus on creating high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience and that is helpful or informative in some way. Be sure to get your content out there too by promoting it. For example, link your content to your social channels and add social share buttons so your readers can help expose it to more people. The more exposure the content is, the more likely it is that another website will stumble onto it and link to it.
  • Optimize your content for SEO – The higher your content ranks on Google’s SERP, the more likely it is that another website will find your content when doing research for their own blog content. If they end up referencing your content, they will link back to it.
  • Build your brand authority – The more brand authority you have, the more you’ll be trusted as an expert in your field. As a result, websites will be more willing to link to your content as a valid source that they can use to strengthen whatever argument they’re making or information they’re providing in their own content.
  • Build relationships with influencers – Find the influencers within your industry on social media and begin building relationships with them. Once they know you exist, they may link to your content. Not only can you earn backlinks this way, but the additional exposure can result in more backlinks in the near future.

Also Read: The Power of an Influencer Marketing Strategy: How and Why It Works

  • Write guest blog posts – When you write a guest blog post on another website, that website will link your guest post back to your own blog. This means that you’re automatically earning backlinks for every guest post your write.

Also read: Blog Vs. Vlog: Why Your Business Should Begin Vlogging

  • Link to other websites – Link your content to other high-quality websites. Doing this can result in them returning the favor.

How Businesses Can Use a Blog To Strengthen Their Online Marketing Efforts

The thing about backlinks is that they only help in SEO if they come from a reputable website. A low-quality website isn’t going to send you a whole lot of traffic, after all. Additionally, Google will evaluate where your backlinks are coming from to ensure that they are from a reputable source. The reason they do this is because websites would try to trick Google into providing high page rankings. They did this by buying backlinks from websites that sold them, known as link farms. This was a common blackhat tactic that is now very difficult to get away with. If you buy backlinks, Google will penalize you by either lowering your page ranking. Or they’ll kick your page off of their SERP.

Understanding why backlinks are important, the importance of earning them should be a key tactic in SEO that everyone invests in. Doing so can help to increase the exposure of your brand and your content. Help bring in traffic from other websites, and help boost your SEO rankings, thereby attracting more organic traffic from Google.

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Brand Reputation

Emotional Advertising: How Brands Use Feelings to Get People to Buy

What is Emotional Marketing?

Emotional advertising uses emotions to connect with consumers and encourage them to buy a product or service. This type of advertising appeals to the heart rather than the head, and it can be quite effective in leaving a lasting impact on customers. Informing your audience is important. You want potential buyers to understand what their problem is, and how your products or services can solve that problem. Unfortunately, people don’t generally make purchases based on information alone. It turns out that people are more prone to making emotional purchases than informed purchases. It’s why commercials consist of much more than an explanation of a product’s use. Instead they use emotional advertising to target the viewer.

It’s effective, and it’s why connecting with your audience on an emotional level will benefit your marketing strategy.

The Benefits of Emotional Advertising

emotional advertising

Targeting your audience’s emotions through your advertising efforts makes it easier for your audience to connect with your brand on a personal level. Purely informational advertising can be difficult for people to connect with. One of the issues with that kind of advertising is that the audience might remember the information you’ve provided, but not the brand itself.

Connecting to your audience using emotional appeal in advertising is important. Whether you’re pulling at their heartstrings or making them laugh, this makes your brand more memorable. Your audience is more likely to trust you if you appeal to their emotions because it makes your brand more relatable. It means that they’re more likely to engage with your brand, resulting in stronger customer loyalty even after you’ve closed the sale.

Not only does emotional advertising make more of an impact on audiences, but it also makes your content more shareable. Nobody is going to share a video or a blog post that is purely informational. However, they will share something they find funny or uplifting. It makes it easier to increase brand awareness.

Examples of Emotional Advertising

The following are just a few examples of how different emotions can be used to connect with your audience:

  • Happiness
    Making an audience feel happy is a good way to develop brand association. It also makes them more likely to share your content. They will want to share that happiness with their friends and family. Coca-Cola has been running campaigns that make audiences feel happy for decades. From their iconic “I’d like to buy the world a coke“ to their “open happiness” tagline, Coca-Cola is a great example of this type of marketing.
  • Pride
    Appealing to your audience’s sense of pride makes them feel good about themselves as well as about your brand. A great recent example is of Nike’s Kaepernick ad, the tagline of which read “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”
  • Fear
    You don’t always have to appeal to the emotions people like. In some cases, fear can be a very effective emotion, especially if you’re trying to drive audiences to take immediate action. The WWF created a campaign using fear to drive the importance of stopping climate change. The ad read “Stop Climate Change Before It Changes You” and showed a man with the head of a fish–a terrifying image.
  • Anger
    Anger is an emotion that brands can use to get their audience to side with them over an issue. You’ll notice many political campaigns focus on generating anger for emotional advertising. They highlight aspects of their opponents their audience should be angry about, thereby aligning their audience with them.
  • Greed
    We live in a consumer society. As such, people tend to want the newest and latest of everything. Although greed tends to have a negative connotation, it’s an emotion commonly leveraged by businesses by advertising limited editions and collectible items as well as using short-term promotions and sales. Such a strategy incorporates both greed and fear since people will make a purchase based on both desire and fear of missing out.

How To Implement Emotional Advertising

Getting your audience to feel a certain way can be an effective way to engage customer or audience. However, eliciting specific emotions can be more challenging than you realize. First of all, just because you’re targeting a certain emotion doesn’t mean that your audience will feel the way you want them to.

Secondly, if you go too far (especially when it comes to anger, fear, and sadness), it can backfire. Your audience could end up becoming upset with you as a result. Take for example Pepsi’s infamous commercial with  Kendall Jenner. The idea was to elicit feelings of hope and happiness in the audience. Instead, it resulted in controversy and outrage towards Pepsi.

With that in mind, if you plan to use emotional advertising, you should keep the following tips in mind:

1. Understand Who Your Audience Is

You can’t elicit real emotion from someone unless you know who they are. For example, you can’t just go up to a stranger on the street, tell them a joke, and expect them to laugh. You don’t know what their sense of humor is like, after all. The same goes for advertising. You need to understand who your target audience is. It’s why you should develop buyer personas.

Buyer personas help you pinpoint the fears, needs, desires, and demographics of the various segments of your audience. If you know what their specific fears are, it becomes easier to create ads that leverage those fears. Knowing who your audience is will also make it easier to identify what makes them happy, angry, and sad.

2. Use Storytelling To Create Emotional Engagement

For an audience to feel a lasting emotion, they need context. For example, a picture of a baby might make people feel happy, but they won’t know what they’re happy about. As such, that feeling will be fleeting. However, if you tell a story that provides context, it will make a bigger impact.

For instance, maybe the baby was adopted by a couple who have been trying to have a baby for over a decade. Within that story, you present two main characters (the couple), a conflict (inability to have a baby), and a solution (they adopt). Audiences will relate to those characters and their conflict. As a result, they’ll feel an emotion that they understand and that will last.

3. Make Sure You’re Being Authentic

Nobody likes it when someone is trying to manipulate the way they feel. Audiences are smart and they can see through companies that are inauthentic.

Again, consider the previously mentioned Pepsi ad. Audiences immediately felt that the ad’s message of “can’t we all get along” was inauthentic and tone-deaf, especially at the time it ran. If you want to elicit authentic emotions from your audience, you need to be authentic yourself.

As you can see, emotional advertising can be extremely effective when done right. This means using attraction marketing and story branding ensures your audience will emotionally connect with your brand.

emotional advertising
B2B vs B2C Marketing Automation

Difference Between B2B and B2C Marketing Automation

Marketing automation offers a company the chance to centralize most of its marketing activities into a single software platform and to automate it to an extent. This centralization appeals to both B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer) companies. However, there is a difference between B2B and B2C marketing automation due to fundamental differences between the two groups.

Why Is Marketing Automation Between B2B and B2C Different?

Effective marketing addresses each customer’s individual goals and needs. This remains true whether the customer is B2B or B2C. Because these groups have differing goals and needs, the way you market to them has to be different. As a result, the following differences remain when you use marketing automation:

  • The marketing focus differs:

    • With B2B, the focus is on generating leads and keeping their subscribers engaged throughout the longer sales cycle.
    • With B2C the focus is on building the brand.
  • The tactics used are different:

    • B2B marketing delivers content that positions the company as an industry leader, while nurturing the lead in the sales process.
    • B2C marketing is about the customer journey and making data-driven recommendations for products or services.
  • The tone of the messages is different:

    • B2B messages are to targeted groups at different stages of the sales cycle.
    • B2C messages are more personal and highly relevant to the individual.

Also Read: Top 5 Benefits Of Marketing Automation

Difference Between B2B vs B2C Marketing Automation

With all the differences between B2B vs B2C Marketing Automation, it’s easy to see why their marketing automation needs differ as well.

  • Communication channels. While both B2B and B2C businesses rely on email for marketing, the B2C use other channels as well. Text messaging, push notifications and retargeting are just a few examples. The B2C marketing automation solution needs to handle these additional channels.
  • Data used. B2B consumers are businesses that have specific needs. Marketing data for this group would include approximate company size, industry, point of contact and specific needs. B2C consumers are individuals with specific tastes. Marketing data for this group includes age, gender, purchase history and frequently visited product categories.
  • Features needed. B2B companies need help with nurturing their leads through the sales cycle. They want features like lead scoring and integration with their CRM system. B2C companies want to retain the customers they get, so they want features like reputation management, retargeting and retention marketing.
  • Marketing focus. B2B marketing focuses building the one-on-one relationship. B2C is more about building the brand and building mass appeal.
  • Pricing. B2B automation is priced based on the number of contacts managed within the system. B2C automation is priced based on the volume of data. It is not uncommon for B2B automation to have only 100 contacts in the system while B2C has thousands.

Also Read: Differences Between B2C and B2B Email Marketing

The differing approaches of B2B and B2C marketing lead to their different marketing automation solutions. Trying to substitute one strategy for the other is difficult, due to different features and pricing structures. If you need help finding the right solution for your business, contact us at Stevens-Tate.

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