B2B Customer Experience

4 Strategies For Improving Your B2B Customer Experience

Customer experience (CX), involves these three key elements: people, process and technology to understand, anticipate and deliver exceptional personalized experiences. The simple truth is that the core driver of consumer behavior isn’t product features or price, it’s perception.

Today, B2C, B2B, and customer experience are all blending together. Each is important for making your brand sell, but the experience has become one hot button in the last year. It even has its own summit this May in Denver.

Here are four key ways to improve your B2B customer experience.

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marketing senior living

4 Senior Living Video Marketing Ideas That Will Improve Engagement

When it comes to engaging with your audience on social media, you’ll want to consider implementing a video content strategy. This is because video is an excellent storytelling medium — and if it’s one thing that audiences can connect with, it’s good storytelling. Not to mention that roughly 72 percent of people would rather learn about a product or service from a video than from text. The following are four video marketing ideas that are particularly effective for senior living communities:

4 Effective Video Marketing Ideas For Senior Living

1. Share The Stories Of Your Staff

Getting your audience to engage with a video about a place is difficult, but if you highlight the people at that place, it becomes much easier. Putting a face to your senior living community will make it easier for potential residents and decision makers to relate to your video content (and therefore, your community) on a personal level.

Showcase the stories of some of the people that work at your senior living community and the relationships that they have built with the residents. You could also highlight the people that are in charge by showing why they decided to establish or run your senior living community.

2. Share The Stories Of Your Residents

As good as your reputation might be, you still have to work hard to build trust amongst your audience. Instead of shooting videos about how amazing your community is, consider allowing some of your residents to tell their stories instead. Make the resident or the decision maker a main character, explain what their needs or problems were and allow them to tell the audience why your community was the perfect solution. Not only can such storytelling be extremely effective at engaging the audience, but it works as a customer testimonial of sorts as well.

5 More Tips for Marketing to Senior Living Communities

3. Shoot Documentary Videos And Behind-the-scenes Footage

Provide your audience with a peek into what it’s like to live at your senior living community by shooting documentary videos and behind-the-scenes footage. Video content like this makes audiences feel like they are getting an unstaged glimpse or even a tour of everyday life at your senior living community, which can make your community much more appealing to them.

4. Tell Fictional Stories

While using video to showcase your residents, staff, and management can help make it easier for audiences to connect to your community, don’t be afraid to tell fictional stories as well. Creating a fictional video, such as an animation, for example, allows you to get a little more creative with your video marketing ideas, which in turn can make your videos much more entertaining and engaging as a result.


Storytelling plays an important part in getting audiences to engage with your senior living community on a more personal level, and one of the most effective ways to tell your story is through the use of video content on social media. These are four video marketing ideas that will allow you to employ visual storytelling to engage your audience more successfully.

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brand story

How To Build A Brand Story

Storytelling has been a part of human interaction for millennia. From the ancient time when families gathered around a fire for protection from predators, to the modern gathering of children around a preschool teacher, stories are a way for people to convey ideas and share experiences. The power of the story also works for building brands. Learning how to build a brand story begins with the past and moves forward.

Know Your Brand’s History

Every person who ever started a company had a reason for opening the doors. It could be to sell a product the founder invented. It could be to solve a known consumer problem. The reason could be to fill a particular niche. No matter the reason, the details of who founded the company and why is important for building the brand story.

Another aspect you need to record is why the brand took the direction it did. The founder may have started the company in one direction, but for one reason or another, the brand took its own path. Recording what happened and why is important for moving the brand story forward to the present.

Know Where Your Company Is Going

The next part of how to build a brand story is knowing where the company is going. Every brand needs a plan for future growth. That plan should be a natural outgrowth of the brand’s past and its present trajectory.

The future story is a vision of where the company’s owners want the brand to be in a given time frame. It needs to be well thought out, figuring in potential changes in the market and industry. It needs to integrate the brand’s vision, strategies, and goals.

Using Marketing Technology to Build a More Visible Brand 

Know Your Brand’s Values

What does your brand stand for? A brand’s values demonstrates what connects it to the world around it. Defining a brand’s values needs to be more than just stating an idealized version of what the brand should stand for. It should be an authentic statement of what the brand actually stands for.

Ask a customer what your brand stands for. You might be surprised at what you hear. The values that customers perceive may not be the values you want your brand to stand for. You have the power to redefine the perception, but it begins with knowing the values you want it to stand for.

Tell Your Story

Knowing your brand’s history, its future, and its values gives you the building blocks to tell your brand story. Your story needs to be authentic and honest. It should be a succinct statement of where your brand came from, where it is going and what it stands for. The story must demonstrate your company’s purpose. It should invite your audience to be part of the brand’s future.

Learning how to build a brand story is just the first step. You must align every aspect of your company with this story. Consistency demonstrates authenticity, which, in turn, builds trust with your target audience. The story should be an integral part of your website, your marketing, and your advertising. It needs to be part of your internal training for new hires. It needs to be a part of the fabric that makes up your brand.

Click here to learn all there is to know about telling your brand’s story.

Learn The StoryBranding Process

first party cookies

Effective Marketing Strategies for a Changing Economy

The economy is changing. We are in the midst of new frontiers in so many areas without effective marketing strategies in place. The way people shop, engage with brands and enjoy their time is markedly different than it was 15 years ago. Brands that don’t change, and use new marketing strategies are likely to falter and fail. The changing economy is the reason why 68 Macy’s stores are closing their doors, and The Limited is shuttering its doors. The evolution of the economy is forcing the scaling back of Sears and Kmart, and even luxury food retailer Whole Foods.

In this ever-changing World, stores, and companies that fail to adapt, also cease to exist. It seems the Borders and Blockbuster Videos just didn’t anticipate the climate was evolving. Think about this, the largest transportation provider in the United States doesn’t own a single car. Uber has shifted thoughts and succeeded. The newest largest hotel company in the World doesn’t own a single hotel. Airbnb has made it more convenient to book a stay. And lastly, Amazon just passed Wal-Mart as the nation’s biggest retailer, but they don’t own a single retail store.

Here are four effective marketing strategies to making your company bulletproof:

1) CEO has to be willing to change.

Modify the culture, the approach and forecast the possibilities. Employees then must relish in the change and execute. This thought can’t be on one person. It takes an army to change. When is the last time you stepped outside of your world and looked down at it? Employing marketing strategies for a changing economy can do just that.

Staying current on technology could give you an edge of coming up with something revolutionary. Your company just needs to be open for the opportunity when it becomes available. I guess, recognizing the shift when its in front of you, is equally important as implementing it. The strategies that worked two decades ago, simply don’t work now. The economy changed, and thus marketing strategies must change, too.

Search Engine Optimization Techniques

3) Emulate Shark Tank.

Strange one right? Individuals are always coming up with new ways to market or solve an issue. Your culture needs to be just that. Foster the growth of your employees by listening and having a forum for ideas like Shark Tank. Ideas can come from anyone, and today this needs to be embraced more than ever. Be ready to invest when the right opportunity presents itself. The execution comes later. Crowdsourcing has become a major marketing strategy in the changing economy because it works.

4) Never be complacent.

Once you stop pushing forward, your competition has the advantage. The drive will certainly win out in the long run. Did you know 72% of bosses would rather have passion over education or knowledge? Passion has more ability to make money. The problem-solving skills increase as intensity increases. Some individuals may call it enthusiasm. Our job market today has many dissatisfied individuals that don’t feel they are contributing to making a difference. Their interest seems to be low. Don’t believe me? Here are some facts that give you the state of employment.

  • 88% of employees don’t have passion for their work
  • 80% of senior managers are not passionate about their work
  • Employees working in government reported the lowest rate of engagement
  • 86% of businesses and HR leaders believe they don’t have a good leadership development path
  • 79% feel they have a significant retention and engagement problem
  • 75% are struggling to attract and recruit the top people they need
  • 83% feel they don’t have a compelling and engaging brand
  • Only 6% believe their current process for managing performance is worth the time
  • 2/3 of today’s employees feel overwhelmed

Giving access to the decision makers for your staff could truly change these stats by leaps and bounds. But typically, our model in America is to push leadership down. Today, it should be reversed. Can you imagine Netflix today, if they didn’t think of ways to deliver movies without a disc? What if the Nest had a bunch of guys that only believed that the thermostat was and always will be the same tool for turning on your air conditioning and heat? What if Dyson didn’t believe a vacuum could suck dirt up any better? And if Peapod believed everyone would get their groceries? I am a believer that everything can keep getting better. It does not matter what you sell or how you sell it; it can be improved upon. Be in a position to win, be in a position to be open and throw out your old thought process of “that’s how it’s always been.” This is the reason agencies and marketing firms exist. They should help propel you to new thoughts, and serve as a vehicle to get those thoughts out into the world.

Make yourself bulletproof and take on the change. Rework your marketing strategies to include new and innovative ideas. You’d be surprised just how much a different approach can surpass the field of fierce competition, and help you shine, even in a changing economy.

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advertising approach

5 Tips To Improve Your Advertising Approach

When you have a tight marketing budget, you don’t have room to play with different advertising campaigns. You have to spend every bit of the budget where you know it will be most effective. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can improve your advertising approach without breaking the budget.

Top 5 Tips to Improve Advertising


Well over 75% of consumers use Google and other search engines to find businesses of all sorts. If you want your business to show up on their search, your website needs to rank as high as possible. Search engine optimization (SEO) can help pull your website ranking up. You can do this by creating rich content built around certain keywords and adding them to your website.

Read 3 Key Benefits of SEO

Track and Leverage Your Data

When a consumer provides data, use it to your advantage. Send out promotions and offers. You can do this by email or direct mail.

Take it to the next step. Analyze the data you have. Do you see any indicators such as age, gender, economic status, etc.? That information allows you to do targeted marketing to a particular indicator.

Change Your Media Mix

If you have been using the same media for advertising for a significant period of time, it is time to shake things up by changing the mix. Now, that is not to say you should abandon what is working. What you need to do is find out what is not working. Then, shift that effort/cost into a new media and see what happens. You might try a new social media channel or see if a PPC ad can generate some interest.

Stay Relevant and Consistent

Your advertising must jump out from everything else going on. That means it must be meaningful and relevant to the audience viewing it. Without relevance, the ad fades into the background.

It is also critical for advertising to be consistent. Customers love consistency. It builds trust and makes them more interested in what a company is doing and saying. Consistent content creation, advertising approach, logo/color presentation, and even customer service has a significant impact on building the all-important client trust.

Keep Your Buyer Personas Current and Focused

Just as your business evolves, so does your clients. Technology, product development and consumer attention move at frightening speed. If your buyer personas don’t keep up with what your target audience is looking for, you will be wasting your advertising budget on ads that don’t connect with your target audience. Refresh your buyer personas at least a couple times of year to keep them relevant.

Focus your advertising approach to the buyer’s journey. Some of your mix should attract prospects, while other parts nurture existing leads. Still more should bring qualified leads towards making a decision.

Each of these options will help you improve your advertising efforts, without spending a lot of money. You can adopt all of them or pick the ones that would work best for your company. Which one will you use first?

This article can also be found on Data Captive.

Inbound marketing will help you grow your business by attracting website visitors, converting them into leads and closing leads into customers

video marketing strategy

How First Person Experience Videos Can Make an Impact on Your Video Marketing Strategy

Also published on Top Digital Agency August 8, 2018. 

A popular and recent trend in video ads, particularly for many technical products, is the effective use of camera angle from a first person perspective, allowing viewers to engage in a more immersive experience. Most styles of these video ads often do away with spokespeople and voiceovers, letting the experience talk. From the perspective of a video marketing strategy, first-person video marketing is very effective as they deliver a more personalized user experience

The strategy of using a first-person angle in videos is to offer viewers a first-hand and personalized view of what’s it like to experience the products. Moreover, these videos cut past the fluff and buzzwords, showing the viewers precisely what they will get. The other important part of this video marketing strategy is to make the user experience more memorable, motivating them to use the products.

The use of a first-person perspective in marketing videos utilizes an emotional appeal, making it easier to forge a bond between you and viewers. Here are some reasons why first-person content is helpful:


Using the first-person angle in your videos anchors them in the moment. It can benefit you as the viewer feels like he or she is participating in an active experience, rather than feeling distant or remotely connected. This sense of presence makes your content more relatable.



It is more difficult to be passive and wishy-washy in your video statements when you make claims using the word “I” or “we.” As a result, imbuing the content with ownership through the first-person perspective can make it more authoritative and develops trust with your viewers.

Check out this similar article about the Top Trends in Social Media


Presence and ownership often lend themselves to a unique sense of authenticity. The implied ownership makes your content more credible and believable compared to “source-less” content, even when there is no name associated with the audio or voice.


People often think before speaking. Therefore, when your audience views video ads made from the first-person angle, usually it confers a tacit implication of recollection and reflection. Using the first-person perspective conveys that you have put some consideration and personal thought into your words, which can lend it more credence.

A number of leading brands such as Google, Apple and Samsung use this video marketing strategy. Apple, like its main competitor Samsung, uses the first-person perspective in nearly all its product advertisements. Especially as many of its products are handheld devices, the viewers get a first-hand experience via the videos.

Flashy and over-the-top video ads do not get the same traction anymore. Customers want to know what they will get when they open the box. This is one reason why product unboxing videos have become so popular. They are posted by customers on YouTube for almost any product you could think of. As this is exactly what consumers are seeking, you could let your new video advertisement unbox a product for them.

Integrating Social Media & SEO Efforts For Enhanced Search Engine Results

visual storytelling

Visual Storytelling Trends That Will Shape The Future For Marketers

Storytelling has existed for centuries and is a great way to not only market your brand, but also connect with your audience on a deeper level. Storytelling can be done in a variety of ways, and today, visual storytelling is one of the most impactful forms of persuading and communicating your message with audiences. Thanks to technological advances, we now have the power to captivate people by immersing them in stories, while blending fiction and reality. Here are some visual storytelling trends that will shape the future for marketers and everyone alike:

Never-Ending Stories

Have you ever had an experience that you didn’t want to end? Ever wonder why movie studios continue to reboot classic TV shows and movies? Well, never-ending stories are becoming increasingly in demand as people expect content, specifically stories in real-time 24 hours a day, 7 times a week. This trend has slowly taken shape on social media platforms where characters like Homer Simpson are tweeting to their millions of followers. This also explains why live-streaming apps that allow users to interact with personalities in real time like Meerkat and Periscope, are becoming more popular.


Let’s face it—given the current digital landscape, traditional advertising does not hold the same appeal it did a decade ago. Because of this, it’s no surprise that companies have considered new, innovative ways like mini-ads to connect with customers. Facebook plans to launch six-second ads that will give businesses and brands the opportunity to show a condensed version of their story to their target audience. This interesting format is a smart way to capture the audience’s attention given our short attention spans, which will drive a higher level of engagement.

Connective Storytelling/ Immersive Experience

Even though it seems like most people would prefer technology to human interaction given the amount of time we spend on our devices, they also want to connect and interact with others online, fictitious or real. The future of storytelling will go beyond solely connecting emotionally with characters—we now can put ourselves in their shoes. Different virtual reality experiences, like “Nerve” now allow people to experience what the movie character does in a movie like climb a high-rise or ride a skateboard.

Augmented Reality

AR is present everywhere whether its Facebook or Instagram and is fairly easy to program thanks to software like AR Kit for iOS 11. Given Pokémon Go’s success, this is no longer a trend we can put aside. Since people are constantly on their phones and are interested in experiences that go beyond 2D, the implementation of AR visual storytelling will increase and go beyond gaming, entering the magazine and news space.

social media marketing

What is CPM Advertising and Should You Use It?

There are many KPIs that you can track in order to judge the performance of your ads. One of these metrics is CPM, or cost per mille, which translates into cost per thousand impressions. CPM indicates how much you’re paying for every thousand impressions the ad is earning. However, there are other KPIs that you can use as well, such as CPC and CPA. These KPIs indicate how much you’re paying for your ads. When implementing a new ad campaign, you’ll have to choose which KPI to use, meaning you’ll have to bid in either CPM or CPC. The question is, when should you be using CPM advertising? CPM Advertising

CPM Advertising vs CPC Advertising

If you’re running an ad campaign with the intention of driving brand awareness and brand engagement, then CPM is a good option to go with when bidding on ad space. This means that you will set a specific amount that you’ll pay for every thousand impressions that your ad receives. If you’re running your ad on Facebook, then using CPM makes more sense because your goal is to get your ad shown to as many people as possible. Of course, you’ll want to make sure that you target a specific audience when you do this. You don’t want to pay to have your ad shown to people who are not a part of your target audience as this will result in a waste of money. It’s also worth noting that CPM provides value in that consumers may be shown your ad more than once. Multiple impressions can help keep your brand at the top of a consumer’s mind.

Similar Article: Inside Adwords: Exploring The Differences Between Smart Display Campaigns & Custom Intent Campaigns

If you’re running search ads with the intention of driving conversions, then CPC is the way to go. This is because a search ad, such as a Google AdWords ad, is going to be shown to potentially millions of people. Using CPM, this could end up costing you a significant amount. If you’re trying to drive conversions, impressions won’t matter nearly as much as clicks. You want people who see the ad to click it — only then do you get value out of your ad. It’s why you should use CPC for search ads instead of CPM.

Using CPM Advertising

When it comes down to it, CPC or even CPA is the better option if the goal of your ad campaign is to increase conversions or acquisitions. However, that doesn’t mean CPM doesn’t have its place. If your goal is to increase brand awareness, then clicks don’t necessarily matter as much as impressions. If this is the case, then you’ll want to consider using CPM advertising.

Inbound marketing will help you grow your business by attracting website visitors, converting them into leads and closing leads into customers


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How to Use Personal Selling During the Decision Making Stage

The final article in this series, focuses on the final stage of the buyer’s journey: the decision making stage. Previously our view of inbound marketing was from a marketing heavy stance. Here, we’ll shift to sales and how to use personal selling during the decision making stage. Your prospective buyers have finally made it to the bottom of the funnel. All of your hard work with content, landing pages, social media and marketing has paid off.  Your leads are now ready for sales.

At the decision making stage, your buyer is already 60% of the way towards their decision and you can attribute that virtually all to marketing. You’ve heard the adage, “You can bring a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink,” and this couldn’t be any more true in inbound marketing. And in all likelihood, despite some cleverly crafted and personalized lead nurturing campaigns, the personal aspect of your buyer’s journey with your company’s sales team is just beginning.

Deliverable Content

A more traditional approach to getting buyers to make a decision was to draft bottom of the funnel content. This used a “Speak to Sales” or “Request a Consultation” button to get sales involved in the buying process. Many buyers roll their eyes at the prospect of speaking to a sales person, so the new approach deals more with deliverable, downloadable content.

While marketing does close to 60% of the work in getting your leads sales ready, content’s job isn’t quite done. Your buyers are looking for the final piece of your content puzzle to help them know that going with your brand is the best thing for them. Offering deliverable content with personal selling is an excellent way to optimize your brand’s efforts during the decision making stage.

Content at this stage of the buyer’s journey is generally geared towards giving the buyer added value. Offers can include case studies, free assessments, service comparison, or product literature. Of course, the content you tailor to your buyer all goes back to your buyer personas.

Personal Selling in the Decision Making Stage 

Once marketing has done their job, qualified their leads for sales, and your leads have shown the behaviors associated with sales readiness it’s time to bring in the sales team.

For your sales team, personal selling will deal  with getting inside your buyer’s head and asking questions they’re asking themselves. Some of the fundamental questions a buyer will likely be asking as they vet potential sellers are:

  1. What specifics of your product or service do the buyers typically evaluate?
  2. How do buyers evaluate those products or services?
  3. What sets your brand apart for buyers?
  4. Who is involved in the decision and how to their perspectives differ when making the decision?

By answering those basic questions for your buyer before a sales call is even made will make a huge difference for how well prepared your sales team is. Also, it’s critical for marketing to communicate with sales and pinpoint exactly what your buyer’s journey look like. This way, sales and marketing are on the same page and your buyer isn’t left with redundancy during their personal interactions.

How do you  drive website conversions throughout the buyer’s journey? Find out by clicking here. 

Tailoring Sales to the Buyer

Finally, let’s focus on tailoring a sales presentation to your buyer. Inbound salespeople are tasked with advising a prospective buyer on how your brand’s unique position fits the context of the buyer’s need, but that is the bottom of the four step inbound sales process. The four step inbound sales process includes identifying the buyers problem, connecting with prospective buyers, and exploring solutions. Smarketing helps align those stages of the buyer’s journey to the inbound sales processes.

The presentation your sales team give to a sales-ready lead should be 100% tailored to your buyer. Hopefully, you’re already leveraging every possible avenue to identify your buyer on a personal level and create a sales presentation that hits home. Those types of presentations may include consultations, demos, or guided case studies where sales takes a buyer through the information.

Just the Beginning of Smarketing

The decision making stage is only the beginning of your sales and marketing efforts for your brand and personal selling is the cornerstone to your sales-marketing marriage. Hopefully through this series of articles, you’ve been able to see with your own eyes the value of smarketing. Inbound is only the beginning of how your sales and marketing come together. The fruits sales and marketing produce will be immeasurable over time.

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digital marketing tactics

What is Digital Storytelling: How To Improve Your Efforts

When you’re marketing your brand, you’re telling consumers a story. In that story, they are the protagonists. Their problem or need is the inciting incident of that story, and the solution you present is the climax to that story. Effective storytelling is important in not only helping consumers identify what their problems and needs are and presenting your products or services as a solution, but in helping them to relate to your business on a personal level.

What is digital storytelling? It’s the use of strategies across all online platforms to help convey your message to your audience, whether it’s through videos, blog posts, images or tweets, to name a few methods. The following are a few tips that will help make your digital storytelling efforts more effective:

Align Yourself With Your Audience long form video1

Your audience doesn’t want to have their views or opinions challenged or changed. That’s not what your goal should be. The most effective stories are those that agree with the values of your audience. Here it allows them to feel smart and secure, thereby making it easier for them to see themselves as the protagonist of the story you’re telling, which, in turn, makes it easier for them to relate to the narrative overall. This means that you need to know who your audience is in order to be an effective storyteller.

Use Real Stories

The one thing consumers relate to the most is other consumers. Use your previous customers to tell your story. For example, banks often produce video content focusing on small business owners who became successful as a result of their small business loans, which makes their brand more relatable and empathetic.

More Tips On Digital Marketing? Free Digital Marketing Tools To Cope With COVID-19

Tell Smaller Stories

You don’t want your digital storytelling to become too complicated or the message will get lost. Keep it simple and to the point. One way to do this is to focus on smaller stories. For example, instead of showing how one of your products has dozens of benefits or uses, showcase how one customer was able to solve one specific issue using your product.

Smaller stories take less time to tell, which means your audience is more likely to read through your content or watch your videos all the way through — and it also makes your content more shareable.

Avoid Being Too Promotional

Telling your audience to buy your product because it’s cheap and it works well isn’t storytelling. There’s no way that a consumer can connect with that message on a personal level, considering that the average consumer is attacked with extra promotional advertisements daily, it’s the last thing they’re going to want to see. The trick to avoiding being excessively promotional is to focus on your audience, what they want, and not on you and what you want.

Storytelling is the most effective strategy for relaying your message to your audience. These tips will strengthen your digital storytelling efforts to help build stronger relationships with your audience.