Tailoring The B2B Sales Funnel To Meet Your Needs

When it comes to the B2B sales funnel, there are three main stages: awareness, consideration and the decision stage. The funnel represents the journey that the customer takes from start to end. However, the B2B sales funnel isn’t necessarily set in stone. It can be modified to fit your business’s needs as long as it contains aspects of the three main stages. By customizing the sales funnel to meet your company’s specific needs, you’ll be able to identify what stage your customers are in more effectively, thereby making it easier to determine who they need to be in contact with and what actions need to take place.

With all this in mind, the following is an example of how the B2B sales funnel can be slightly modified. While still retaining aspects of the three main stages, the following B2B sales funnel consists of five stages.

Tailoring B2b Sales Funnel Stages

1. The Lead Generation Stage

The lead generation stage is a part of the awareness stage. It’s during this stage that leads who may not know who you are or what you do are introduced to your company. They may not even know what their exact pain point is at this time, which means presenting a solution during Lead Generation Stage stage of B2B Sales Funnel is premature. Instead, your goal should be to attract their attention and to establish your authority within your industry by producing high-quality content and establishing a presence online in the form of a website as well as social media pages.

2. The Lead Nurturing Stage

The lead nurturing stage is an extension of the awareness stage that ends up moving into the initial part of the consideration stage. It’s during this stage that you nurture your leads by continuing to educate them about your company and to inform them about the problem or pain point that they have. It’s during this stage that you will begin qualifying your leads.

Not all leads will be good prospects. Using lead scoring software, you can score leads based on actions they take during the lead generation and nurturing stages. For example, if they are spending a lot of time on your website, have returned multiple times, and have downloaded a free eBook and filled out a form, then you might want to qualify them as they have indicated a certain level of interest in your company.

When you qualify a lead, you need to make sure that they have expressed interest in one way or another, have a need for what you’re selling, have a budget to afford what you’re selling, and have the decision-making power within their company to actually make a purchase.

Read More: How Marketing Automation Can Improve Your Lead Nurturing Process

3. The Initial Meeting Stage

Once you have qualified a prospect, it’s time to engage directly with them. This is the initial meeting stage. Depending on how you structure your sales funnel, this initial meeting can come in a variety of different forms. For example, it could be a discovery call, a direct sales pitch, or a formal product or service demonstration. The idea is to establish the groundwork for a relationship and build trust with the prospect. They may not be ready to buy just yet. This B2B sales funnel stage is the second half of the consideration stage.

4. The Closing Stage

The closing stage is the stage in which you close the deal. It’s essentially the decision stage. At this point, the prospect should be making the decision to do business with your company. To ensure that you close, you want to align your priorities with theirs, secure their commitment, and continue to nurture the relationship with them until they make a decision.

5. The Retention Stage

Whereas standard sales funnels tend to end at the decision stage, your business with a new customer doesn’t end with the purchase. Remember, retaining the customer is of vital importance, which is why there should be a retention stage. Nurturing your relationship with your customers after the decision stage will help ensure that they continue doing business with them. Additionally, the stronger your relationship grows, the more likely they are to refer your company to other potential customers. This is a more cost-effective way to attract new leads since you’ll essentially be able to skip the first stage due to the referral.

This example shows how you can modify the standard sales funnel to create a funnel that better represents your B2B needs. As long as it retains some aspects of the standard three stages and the funnel is modified to help you better understand what part of the journey your customers are on and what their needs are, it should remain effective.

17 SEO Myths
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The Modern Logo Design Trends of 2024

When it comes to branding, the importance of a compelling logo cannot be overstated. A well-crafted logo isn’t just a passing marketing trend. It serves as the cornerstone of your brand’s identity, encapsulating your ethos and distinguishing you in a crowded marketplace. As we delve into the trends of 2024, it becomes increasingly clear that modern logo designs are pivotal in crafting a memorable brand image.

The Evolution of Logo Design

The digital age has ushered in a wave of innovation in logo design, with modern aesthetics taking center stage. The shift towards simplicity and minimalism continues to dominate, as brands strive for clarity and instant recognition. Among the standout trends:

  • Minimalist Designs: The minimalist trend emphasizes simplicity, focusing on essential elements to create a strong impact. This approach removes any clutter, allowing the brand’s core message to shine through clearly, making a memorable impression on the audience.
  • Bold Typography: Modern logo designs are increasingly adopting bold typography to make a powerful statement. By utilizing unique and strong fonts, these logos capture attention and convey the brand’s personality effectively. This trend highlights the importance of typography in establishing a brand’s identity.
  • Handmade and Calligraphic Elements: Incorporating handmade and calligraphic elements into logo designs adds a distinct personal touch that differentiates a brand in the digital space. This trend celebrates the beauty of human touch and craftsmanship, offering a warm contrast to the often cold digital environment.
  • Dynamic and Adaptive Logos: The evolution of modern logo designs has led to the creation of dynamic and adaptive logos. These logos are designed to be versatile, easily adjusting to various platforms and devices without losing their essence. This flexibility ensures consistent brand representation across different media.

The Importance of a Distinctive Logo

A logo is not merely an image; it’s the first point of interaction with your audience. Modern logo designs serve as a powerful tool in conveying your brand’s values and mission at a glance. They foster brand loyalty and recognition, making your brand memorable in the vast digital landscape.

Why Handcrafted and Calligraphic Logos?

In an era where digitalization is ubiquitous, handmade and calligraphic logos offer a breath of fresh air. They bring a human touch to your brand, making it feel more approachable and authentic. These designs stand out for their uniqueness, ensuring your brand leaves a lasting impression.

Steering Clear of AI in Logo Design

While AI offers convenience and speed, it lacks the nuance and personalization that a professional designer brings to the table. AI-generated logos often miss the mark on originality and relevance, failing to capture the essence of your brand. Here’s why you should avoid AI for your logo design:

  • Lack of originality and uniqueness: Modern logo designs risk becoming indistinguishable when creativity is sidelined. A logo that lacks original elements fails to stand out, blending into a sea of competitors rather than carving out a unique identity in the market.
  • Limited understanding of your brand’s deeper narrative: A logo should be a reflection of your brand’s story and values. Without a deep understanding of what your brand stands for, a logo may fall short in communicating the essence and depth of your brand’s narrative to the audience.
  • Potential for generic and impersonal results: When logos are crafted without a personalized approach, they risk being perceived as generic and impersonal. Such designs do not resonate with the target audience, missing the opportunity to establish a meaningful connection and loyalty to the brand.

The Value of Professional Expertise

After exploring the latest trends in modern logo designs, it’s evident that professional input can elevate your brand’s visual identity significantly. A skilled designer can interpret your brand’s ethos and translate it into a logo that resonates with your target audience. They bring a strategic approach to design, ensuring your logo is not only trendy but also timeless and adaptable.

Crafting a Logo That Stands the Test of Time

As you consider refreshing your brand’s logo or creating a new one, remember the importance of aligning with modern logo designs while maintaining your unique brand identity. Here are a few tips to ensure your logo remains relevant and impactful:

  • Prioritize simplicity and clarity: In modern logo designs, simplicity is key. A clear, uncluttered logo not only captures attention but also ensures easy recognition. Striving for a design that communicates your brand’s essence, including your primary site colors, without unnecessary complexity can lead to a more memorable and effective logo that resonates with your audience.
  • Ensure versatility across various media: A versatile logo performs well across different platforms, from digital screens to print materials. When designing your logo, consider its appearance on various backgrounds, sizes, and formats. This adaptability ensures consistent brand representation, whether on a business card, website, or billboard.
  • Reflect your brand’s ethos and values: Your logo should be a visual embodiment of your brand’s principles and beliefs. It’s crucial that the design conveys your brand’s personality and core values, creating an emotional connection with your target audience. This alignment helps build trust and fosters brand loyalty among your customers.
  • Stay informed about emerging design trends: The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and so are design trends. Keeping abreast of these changes can inspire innovative logo designs that set your brand apart. However, while it’s important to be trendy, ensure your logo retains a timeless quality that won’t feel outdated as trends shift.

Embracing Modernity in Branding

The right logo can significantly contribute to your success by increasing brand awareness and brand loyalty. By embracing modern logo designs, you position your brand as forward-thinking and relevant. However, the true essence of a remarkable logo lies in its ability to tell your brand’s story compellingly and memorably. As we move forward, the collaboration with a professional designer becomes not just a choice but a strategic investment in your brand’s future, ensuring your logo not only captures attention but also encapsulates the very heart of your brand. Contact Us today to learn more or schedule a free consultation.

30 Greatest Lead Generation Tips

Revitalizing Your Digital Front Door: Key Strategies for a Winning Website Redesign in 2024

Redesigning your website can be a pivotal step in refreshing your brand’s online presence. As you plan your redesign in 2024, keep these best practices and trends in mind to ensure your website is both modern and effective.

1. Learn from Your Current Website

Before starting a website redesign, it’s crucial not to disregard the wealth of insights your current site holds. Analyzing existing user data and feedback serves as a foundational step that uncovers the strengths and weaknesses of your website, effectively informing your redesign strategy. Delving into analytics to examine user interactions and behaviors is key; metrics such as page views, bounce rates, and conversion paths shed light on what aspects of your site engage users and which areas need enhancement. Additionally, reflecting on past design decisions that may have fallen short is essential. Recognizing and learning from these mistakes ensures they are not repeated, setting the stage for a more informed and successful redesign. This approach not only preserves valuable elements but also transforms insights into actionable strategies for improvement.

2. Understand Your Audience’s Needs

  • Investigate the reasons people visit your site: Understanding why users come to your site is crucial. Are they looking for information, a specific product, or service? Tailoring your redesign to meet these needs can enhance user satisfaction and engagement.
  • Ensure your redesign meets visitor needs and removes obstacles: Your redesign should focus on streamlining the user experience. Identify any existing barriers to conversion and address them. A user-friendly design encourages longer visits and more interactions.
  • Use the LIFT model: This model helps refine your website’s value proposition by focusing on clarity, reducing user anxiety, minimizing distractions, and adding urgency where appropriate. Applying these principles can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your redesign.

3. Focus on Customer-Centric Design

When designing, it’s important to prioritize the needs and preferences of your target audience over the temptation to solely highlight product features or technological capabilities. An overly product-centric approach can lead to designs that don’t fully resonate with users. To avoid overlooking crucial elements that matter to your audience, actively engage with them through surveys, interviews, and other feedback mechanisms. This direct interaction uncovers what users genuinely value and expect from your site. Incorporating insights gained from these engagements into your redesign ensures that the outcome is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally in tune with what your audience seeks. This user-centered approach to design makes for a more effective and satisfying user experience.

4. Integrate Copy and Design from the Start

  • Avoid a design-first approach: Integrating copywriting and design from the outset ensures coherence between your message and visual elements. This collaboration can lead to a more cohesive and compelling user experience.
  • Engage copywriters early: Involve content creators early in the redesign process to ensure the textual content aligns with design elements, enhancing the overall narrative and user journey on your site.
  • Ensure the copy is persuasive and complements the design: The right words can elevate a good design to a great one. Ensure your copy is compelling, clear, and effectively guides users toward desired actions or conversions.

5. Be Cautious with Metrics

When considering metrics, it’s essential to select those that meaningfully signify success. Instead of relying on superficial indicators like bounce rates, it’s beneficial to delve into metrics that truly mirror user engagement and satisfaction. Metrics such as conversion rates, average session duration, and user feedback are more indicative of the overall user experience and can provide a clearer picture of how well a site meets its users’ needs. Prioritizing these metrics, which closely align with business objectives and user satisfaction, can offer valuable insights into the redesign’s effectiveness and its return on investment. This focused approach ensures that the metrics used are not just numbers but valuable tools in assessing and enhancing the website’s impact and performance.

6. Clean Up SEO and Enhance Accessibility

  • Use the redesign as an opportunity to improve SEO and website accessibility: A redesign is the perfect time to audit and enhance your site’s SEO and accessibility. This ensures your site is discoverable and usable by a wider audience, including those with disabilities.
  • Consolidate content and use clear, keyword-rich URLs: Streamlining your content and optimizing URLs can boost your SEO efforts. It makes your site more navigable for users and search engines alike.
  • Ensure the website is accessible to all users: Compliance with accessibility standards is not only ethical but also expands your audience reach. An accessible site provides a better experience for all users, including those using assistive technologies.

7. Manage Tech Changes Carefully

If you’re thinking about making changes to both the design and underlying technology of your platform, proceed with caution. Undertaking changes in both areas simultaneously can result in user confusion or technical complications, potentially disrupting the user experience. To ensure a seamless transition, it’s important to maintain continuity in user-facing elements, such as login credentials and personal preferences, so they transition smoothly into the new environment. To further mitigate risks, you might want to separate the implementation of design updates from changes to the backend or platform technology. This staggered approach allows for the isolation of issues, making them easier to identify and resolve, thereby minimizing the impact on users and enhancing the overall update process.

8. Prioritize User Research

Grounding your redesign in thorough user research rather than merely chasing the latest trends ensures that your website aligns with the real needs and preferences of your target audience. By letting user feedback and research insights steer your redesign efforts, you can tailor your site to meet the specific requirements of your audience. This focus on what truly resonates with your users can lead to a significant boost in engagement and satisfaction, making your site not just aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional and user-centric.

9. Avoid Overhauling Everything at Once

  • Focus on the redesign without making drastic changes to other aspects of your digital presence: A focused approach allows you to monitor the impact of your redesign more accurately without the noise of other simultaneous changes.
  • Allow time to establish a new baseline: After implementing your redesign, give it time to settle. Monitor key metrics to establish a new performance baseline, which can then inform further optimization and updates.

Elevating Your Online Presence

As you embark on redesigning your website in 2024, remember the importance of building on past insights, prioritizing your audience’s needs, and integrating content and design harmoniously. By focusing on meaningful metrics and making informed changes, you can elevate your online presence and better serve your visitors.

lasting impressions

4 Tips on How to Leave Lasting Impressions on Customers

If you want to leave lasting impressions on your customers, you have to do more than sell them a service. Making their experience with your brand comfortable and enjoyable keeps them coming back over and over again. Giving customers individual attention and making them feel like you truly care about their needs will help them remember your business the next time they need your services. When it comes to leaving positive lasting impressions, the job does not end once they’re loyal to your business. You have to continue giving them positive experiences every time you’re in contact. Keep the following four tips in mind when interacting with your customers.

4 Tips to Leave Lasting Impressions on Customers

1. Don’t be afraid to get personal

While it’s important to focus on getting business done with customers, you should also take some time to personalize your conversations with them. Instead of jumping straight into the task at hand, first try to find out more about them as an individual. Ask them about their day and see if you can find a personal connection with them. Creating this bond with a customer will help them feel comfortable coming to you with their business needs, rather than going to a competitor.

Making personal connections with customers also shows them that your company is genuinely interested in them. Showing them your authenticity and desire to connect with them helps establish a strong level of trust. Remember, this relationship is a two way street. Let the customer get to know you and your business while you get to know them.

Simple Ways that Small Businesses Can Use Data to Build Better Customer Relationships.

2. Stay in touch

You want your customer to keep your business in mind long after your last interaction with them. This means regularly following up with them. Some ways you can keep up to date with them include weekly newsletters, customer appreciation emails and social media updates.

Making yourself available on social media is especially important. It reassures customers that they can easily reach you if they have any questions or concerns. Interacting with customers on social media is another way to convince them that your business values its customers.

The Power of Social Media Influencers: Why it works

3. Adapt to different styles of communication

Not every customer communicates in the same way. Some may be very straightforward and to the point, leaving little time for personal conversation or anything off topic. Other customers may prefer more casual conversation and want to chat on a personal level before addressing the business at hand. No matter how your customer prefers to communicate, you must be willing to adapt to accommodate them. If you talk to every customer in the same manner, they may struggle to connect with you and it might not leave the impression you’re aiming for.

4. Show customers you respect them

They say the customer is always right, but in some cases that simply is not true. When helping a customer, letting them know when they’re wrong in a respectful way shows you truly care about helping them get the best results. If you guide them to the solution, they’ll remember how helpful you were the next time they need your services. It’s crucial to be honest and direct with customers so they can trust your brand.

If it’s a matter of differing opinions, there may be no right or wrong answer. In this case, it’s important to respect the customer’s opinion, even if you disagree with it. Customers may not remember the exact topic you disagreed on, but they will remember if you treated them with kindness and respect. In the future, they may choose your brand because they know they can trust you to be authentic.

If you want to leave positive lasting impressions on customers, it’s essential to keep these 4 tips in mind. Personalizing your interactions and going above and beyond for each customer will help them remember you whenever they need your products or services. If you make your customer feel comfortable and respected, you can be sure you left them with the best possible impression of your brand.


buyer persona guide for business


what is an ad exchange

Types Of Advertisement Opportunities For Popular Streaming Services

For years, the only way to reach audiences was through traditional types of advertisement such as print, TV, and radio. While these types of advertisement methods are still available, new methods of reaching your audience have opened up online; for example, streaming platforms. If you haven’t looked into advertising on a streaming services/platform, then you should.

Advertising on Streaming Services/Platforms

Streaming services/platforms, such as Netflix or Spotify, are like the online versions of radio and TV. The only difference being everything is available on demand. Essentially, the programming is more customizable. Which allows users to create a more personal experience in regards to what they listen to and what they watch.

Therefore, streaming platforms have more data available when it comes to the individual user and their watching or listening behaviors. While traditional TV and radio is limited to the number of people watching or listening to any given program. It means that advertisers will be able to leverage their buyer persona information to more effectively reach their target audience with different types of advertisement methods using streaming services/platforms.

Because of the nature of streaming, advertisers often receive more exposure as well. For example, instead of running an ad on a show that airs once a week, you can run an ad on a show that can be streamed at any time. Since many consumers binge-watch their shows, you can gain massive amounts of exposure. All the while, staying at the top of mind by advertising throughout an entire season or series of a show. You’ll also be able to target more niche shows, podcasts or musicians that you know your specific target audience is more likely to be engaged with.

Learn More:3 Ways To Use Targeted Marketing To Reach Qualified Prospects

The following are some of the different types of advertisement options available on some of the more popular streaming channels:

YouTube TV

YouTube TV is YouTube’s attempt to develop their own content streaming platform/service. This stream provides viewers with 50 live TV channels for a monthly fee. They’ve also made some innovations in regards to their different types of advertising options. For example, you can now target your ads to viewers that watch most of theirTV online (also known as cord-cutters). You’ll also be able to use their DoubleClick Bid Manager. DoubleClick Bid Manager specifically targets viewers who are watching YouTube TV on their TV screens. This allows you to tailor different types of advertisements based on the environment in which they will be shown.


Hulu is a video streaming platform with over 17 million subscribers. It is unique as it offers multiple ways to target your audience, and has numerous customization options. For example, their Targeted Blitz ability allows you to target by demographics, geographic area, genre, content length and more. Whereas Splash allows you to intercept almost every unique viewer on a single day. Additionally, you can align your brand with episodes of specific shows. Hulu will even help hand-pick shows based on thematic relevance to your brand.


Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming services/platforms on the planet. As of January 2018, Spotify boasted 70 million paying subscribers. However, there are more than 157 million active users since the service is free with advertising. Besides running targeted audio-only ads, there are plenty of other advertising opportunities available on the platform. These include podcast partnerships, sponsored playlists, and more.


Pandora‘s streaming platform is based on being able to create personalized radio stations. Roughly 78 million people listen to Pandora every month. Pandora allows users to customize their listening experience, giving them access to extremely valuable data. This data can then become leverage to target your audience. Pandora also only serves one ad at a time, which means your ad won’t get buried under a sea of running advertisements.

Google Play Music

Google Play Music is another popular music streaming platform that boasts access to more than 30 million songs. Their advertising platform provides access to both Lightbox ads and TrueView video ads; both of which are mobile-optimized and easy to set up. You will be able to use keywords, remarketing, and affinity audiences in order to target your audience at the right time. Google Music Play allows the use of Google AdWords to set up marketing campaigns.

DirecTV Now

DirecTV is a streaming service that provides users access to more than 25,000 on demand shows and movies. They currently have slightly over 20 million subscribers. DirectTV allows you to run your ads on the most popular shows, and on demographically targeted networks. You can also, lock into marquee programmings (such as season premieres and finales), and reach your audience across multiple devices. You can even run ads that viewers can interact with directly on their screens.

These streaming services/platforms have enormous audiences and can provide you with a great chance to boost your brand awareness. Additionally, they offer a variety of different types of advertisement options to help fit your brand’s specific needs.

Website Redesign Checklist
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Factors That Influence Consumer Purchasing Decisions

What Are Marketing Qualified Leads And Why Do They Matter?

How are you handling your marketing qualified leads? Once you have a lead at the top of the sales funnel, you can’t just stop marketing and hope that initial lead turns into a sales-qualified lead (SQL). You need to keep your eye on your marketing qualified leads (MQLs) as well.

What is Marketing Qualified Leads?

A Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) is a type of lead in which potential customer will engage with your brand which you have provided to them through your marketing efforts.

Don’t Forget the Lead in the Middle

Prospects, also known as contacts and leads, are the consumers at the top of your sales funnel. They have an initial interest in your product or service and might provide an email address or first name, in exchange for a report or other premium offer. However, they are only at the browsing stage and are definitely not ready to make a purchase yet.

At the bottom of your sales funnel are your sales qualified leads, also known as SQLs. These leads are ready to make a purchase. This is when your sales people need to be in contact, ready to provide additional information and incentives to finalize the sale.

Now there is plenty of room between the prospect and the SQL. This is where the marketing qualified lead (MQL) sits.

An MQL has moved beyond the browsing stage and is seriously evaluating whether your product or service meets certain criteria. They are looking at your competition as well. This is when your marketing needs to shift. An MQL needs more detailed information on your products and services, and needs to know how you differ from the competition. This information will help the MQL move towards the decision-making point.

Read More: How to nurture leads with email marketing

How Can You Tell if a Lead is Marketing Qualified?

To tell when a lead is moving towards the MQL stage, you need to gather pertinent data from the lead and monitor his/her activity on your website. Then, compare this information to past sales opportunities to determine what direction the prospect is moving towards.

  • Demographic data from the lead, like location, industry, and business size makes a difference. Also, how much do they want to spend? Is your product within their budget needs?
  • What types of actions are they taking on your website? Frequent visits added with downloading whitepapers or other detailed information is a good sign they are in this stage.
  • How similar are they to your past sales opportunities? If your typical customers are established companies with a large budget, a start-up with a limited budget may not be a good fit. That doesn’t mean that start-up won’t make a purchase, it is just less likely to happen.

The exact definition of what an MQL means to your company is something only you can define. But, no matter how you define MQLs, you cannot forget them in your marketing process. Forgetting them means less SQLs which means less final sales. And that defeats the purpose of marketing in the first place. The next step is learning how to engage marketing qualified leads until they move to being an SQL.

Inbound marketing will help you grow your business by attracting website visitors, converting them into leads and closing leads into customers

What’s Trending in Marketing For February 2024

Welcome to our February 2024 edition of “What’s Trending,” where we bring you the most relevant marketing trends and insights. Stay informed and ahead of the game with our collection of marketing trends and reports for the start of the 2024 year.

2024’s Super Bowl

One of the nations traditions is sitting with loved ones and watching the yearly super bowl game. For this year, after a nerve wrecking game for both teams in the super bowl, the Kansas City Chiefs won against the San Francisco 49ers. The intensity of the competition, marked by strategic plays and jaw-dropping moments, truly embodied the spirit of the Super Bowl, leaving the score a very close one to a 25-22. With the amazing half time shows provided from the artists, Usher, Alicia Keys, H.E.R. and more, we can’t forget about the amazing super bowl commercials that everyone waited for. With it being $7 million for a 30-second commercial, some of these brands gave these 30 seconds their all. If you’ve missed any of these commercials and are interested in watching them, click here.

Influencer Marketing and TikTok Shop

Influencer marketing is still one of the top ways for brands to find a way to advertise their products to consumers. TikTok, one of the most famous platforms all around the globe, is not only for Gen Z’s anymore. TikTok creators of all ages, and brands have transformed into a way of marketing and advertising. By sending consistent PR packages to all the creators with higher reaching views, it allows the product to sell more, and the brand to be known. To make the consumers experience even easier, TikTok created something new called “TikTok shop.” This TikTok shop is a way for consumers to easily be able to access a link on the advertisement video they watch, and it’ll immediately direct them to purchase the product from TikTok, instead of having to go on another app and search for the brand and products. This has made it a lot more sufficient and easier for the consumer to make their purchase, as well as the attention is draws to the brand. So, it’s kind of a very clever kill two birds with one stone situation. Read more here.

CarMax’s New Ad Campaign

CarMax started this year off strong with their new ad campaign. Something different, new, and innovative. They took a different approach to empower their car advertisements. Taking the clever approach of keeping in mind the new advertisement trends going around in 2024, CarMax made sure to use those trends sufficiently. Some of these trends include, transparency in consumer experience, empowering car buyers, and most importantly humor in advertising. Read more about these trends here.


Click here to learn about 2024’s website colors to enhance your website!


BuildX Conference – Women in Construction 2024

The Madison Area Builders Association, Milwaukee Metropolitan Builders Association, and NARI of Madison are collaborating to organize the BuildX conference, a one-day event focused on empowering women in the construction industry. The session will explore fundamental principles of social media marketing, emphasizing the importance of understanding target demographics, creating compelling content, and building authentic connections with followers. Attendees will gain actionable insights and practical tips to enhance their social media presence, drive engagement, and increase leads. The presentation aims to equip both seasoned marketers and those new to social media for sales with the knowledge and tools to succeed in the competitive digital landscape. Read more here.

Empowering and Transforming Digital Marketing With AI

AI is transforming digital marketing by providing personalized experiences and offering cost-effective solutions. With this new innovative technology, the evolvement of digital marketing in the industry is becoming empowered. To explore with us AI’s impact on digital marketing which includes new tailored content, predictive analysis, automated customer service, enhanced lead generation, and a lot more, click here to read.

Six Cost Effective Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Brand

It is very common for new businesses to steer away from marketing tactics because they think it’s very costly. However, there are plenty cost-effective marketing strategies that will help with your businesses success. A few of these strategies include blogging, mailing lists, online marketing sites, calls to action, press releases, videos, and more. To learn more about these cost effective marketing strategies to help grow your brand further, click here.

If you have missed the top 5 marketing trends for this new year, don’t worry, here’s a summary. With the new Apple vision pro, that brings up many questions about virtual reality in marketing. VR in marketing is turning into a way of saving yourself a trip to go check new furniture for your home, when you can just have a walk through the place through the virtual reality. It is making things more efficient for everyone especially since the reality of our world is digital. Want to learn about more marketing trends you might’ve missed? Click here.

The Best Brands on TikTok

As we have already established, TikTok is becoming the new platform for social media marketing. Brands and businesses have realized that, and are moving their focus on TikTok. A few brands are killing it with their marketing strategies and advertisements on the platform, and here are a few examples to help you take away a few important things from them. Chipotle, The Washington Post, Duolingo, and more, have all found ways to reach the right audience with their tactics. To see what these brands did, click here.

If you’re looking for new b2b marketing trends for the new year, look no more. With everyone finding way to AI in marketing, b2b marketing has found one too. AI helps making b2b digital marketing more efficient and effective. Google came out with several new AI features for Google Ads. To learn more about other platforms helping b2b marketing with AI, click here. 

advertising agency

4 Tips For Creating a Successful Visual Identity

Your visual identity is different than your brand identity. But your visual identity, however, does play a part in helping to create your overall brand identity. The visual branding elements help to create the specific feeling and experience you’re trying to invoke from your brand. This includes everything from your logo to the images you use, the font of your text, the colors of your website, and more. The following are a few tips to help you create an effective visual identity:

4 Tips For Creating a Successful Visual Identity

1. Keep Your Audience In Mindattraction marketing

The focus of your visuals should be to engage your audience and to connect with them. If you’re representing a funeral service, then a loud logo with bright colors is probably not going to do a good job of connecting with your audience. To ensure that the visual content you use is in line with who your audience is, make sure that you create your buyer personas first before you begin implementing a strategy for creating a visual identity.

2. Create A Logo That Supports Your Brand’s Core

The logo you create to represent your brand needs to represent its identity, its mission, and its business. You might have a really cool logo, but if it doesn’t do any of those things, then it’s a useless visual and a poor representation of your company. Take, for example, Amazon. Their logo is very simple–it’s just the letters “amazon.com.” However, there’s an orange arrow underneath pointing from the letter “A” to the letter “Z.” It visually shows that they have everything from A to Z on their site.

3. Make Sure Your Visuals Are Consistent

To create a strong and sucessful visual identity, your visuals need to be consistent throughout. For example, if you use yellows and blues in your logo, it’s going to be confusing if your website’s design elements focus mostly on shades of red. It may look good, but consumers won’t be able to tie these visual elements to your brand because they are too different from one another. This goes for other elements as well, such as text. If you are using different fonts throughout your website, it will weaken your visual identity. Pick one or two fonts that best represents your brand and stick with them.

4. Make Sure Your Visuals Are High Quality

It doesn’t matter how thought out your visuals are, how relevant they are to your audience, and how consistent they are if they aren’t of high quality. Poor quality images or visual content of low aesthetic value will leave a negative impression on your audience. If your visuals aren’t aesthetically pleasing, consumers are likely going to assume your products and/or services aren’t of much higher quality either.

These are a few tips that should help you create a visual identity that properly represents your brand and that connects with your target audience. A strong visual identity will help you to create a stronger brand identity, which will only help to increase your brand awareness and trust.

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hiring a full service advertising agency

Five Reasons To Hire An Advertising Agency Versus Staffing In-House

Marketing and advertising are essential for the success of any business. As your company grows, you will eventually be faced with the difficult decision of whether to build your own marketing group or to outsource to an advertising agency. Here are five benefits to hiring a full-service advertising agency. Read more

brand awareness

Six Cost Effective Marketing Strategies To Grow Your Brand

Most companies, from business start-ups to established brands, recognize the importance of marketing. However, some may stray away from marketing tactics because they view them as costly. In reality, many cost-effective marketing strategies require little investment. Here are six of them:

Six Cost Effective Marketing Strategies

1. Blogging

Blogging is among the simplest yet most effective ways you can market. Google’s ranking mechanisms highly rate blogs that are frequently updated with relevant, quality content. According to HubSpot, there is a positive correlation between blogging frequency and visitor traffic. If you can manage I6 or more blog posts a month, you will get you 3.5 times more traffic as compared to blogs that publish 0-4 times in a month. Blogging is inexpensive because you can have your own staff create the content, and hire freelancers if you need extra help.

Read About: How Businesses Can Use a Blog To Strengthen Their Online Marketing Efforts

2. Mailing lists

Mailing lists are also an effective and inexpensive way to generate leads. Email lists can be used to remarket to customers you have already interacted with, as well as market to new contacts. Target your audience effectively by mailing content that offers solutions to the problems they may be facing. Remember to regularly update your contact lists.

3. Online marketing sites

Today, online platforms such as social media and websites are a crucial part of marketing. Depending on your business, different sites can be more effective than others. A site like Yelp allows you to create a profile for visibility and reviews, while TripAdvisor does the same for hotels, restaurants, etc. Mogul is a marketing site specifically designed for female business owners. A safe marketing strategy is to start by using less expensive websites, and then expand to others once you learn the ropes.

4. Calls to action

Once you know what kind of content your target audience is looking for, use calls to action to generate leads and position your company as the solution to their problems. Call To Action Phrases are so important. You can Create CTAs through HubSpot and use action words like “contact us”, “subscribe”, and “download” to get potential clients to click on your CTAs.

5. Press releases

It may take time to obtain the right press contacts, but once you do, press releases can be powerful marketing tools. Press releases are a cheap and reliable way to update your target audience on your successes with clients, and can be written by staff members or clients. Press releases can also be used to announce awards/accolades you have received, launch new products, announce company changes, launch promotions, etc. Overall, press releases will improve your image in the eyes of potential clients.

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Press Release

6. Videos

By 2024, it is estimated that video traffic will drive 82% of of IP traffic this year. Video production can be outsourced to qualified creators with high quality equipment, or you can develop them in-house at a lower cost. Video marketing is well worth the price because videos will increase your brand’s visibility, help you retain existing customers, and engage your target market while driving lead generation.

With these cost-effective marketing strategies, you can attract and convert your target audience without breaking the bank. Employing these tactics should increase your revenue in the long run, so the sooner you get started, the better. We wish you the best of luck!